Miscellaneous Writings, and Thoughts of The Day

How May I Serve?

Revised: November 13, 2022
I often go over this question in my mind, and in my heart everyday, when I am searching for answers on how I can contribute to the world. Unfortunately, I seldom find the answers that I am seeking when asking this question.
I read a book a while ago, and in this book a phrase resonated with me. The phrase is “being in service to the planet.” How may I serve the planet? What a beautiful mantra to create a new relationship with our home, our plant, and to all life that we share with on our home, planet Earth. I believe by doing this we will shift our relationship with the planet, with a greater appreciation, and gratitude for all that she provides to us – the beautiful, and wondrous gift of life itself. We can bring a healing to the planet and to ourselves, and for that matter, too all life.
Chief Oren Lyons said in an interview, “we have learned to see the land as a right to use as we see fit, rather than seeing her with reverence and respect.” (very loosely quoted). The “Land,” refers to all life forms in the seen, and unseen.
Having a relationship with our planet gives us a strong, and deep spiritual connection with her and with all life. It will give us a greater purpose in life and the importance in all life. If we destroy our planet with our continued  total disconnectedness with her, we will destroy much of the human race, and much of all life that exists today. All because we refused to see, and listen to the voices of Nature. And through our endless and addictive consumption of taking, and taking some more, without seeing the impacts we have on our plant, and to All Life.
We cannot survive without a healthy planet. We all know this, and maybe it is time, right now, to do something about it. If not for us, then for our children and their children.
Many of the traditional people of the world have been trying hard to keep and maintain their strong traditions, and relationship with the natural world, but with the powerful resistance against them by the greed machine, driven by the mighty dollar, always pushing against them. This useless piece of paper for the few, has more power than life itself. They have become lost in their own delusion of what is truly important.
This is my prayer to the Planet and to all of Creation.
How may I be of service to the Creator?
How may I be of service to the Universe?
How may I be of service to the Planet?
How may I be of service to the Human Species?
How may I be of service to the Animal Beings?
How may I be of service to the Trees Beings?
How may I be of service to the Plant Beings?
How may I be of service to All Life?
How may I be of service through unconditional Love, for All Things?
(This is the answer I finally received)

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