Miscellaneous Writings, and Thoughts of The Day

What Is Really Important?

What is Really Important?

What was valued since man’s existence and not too long ago for primitive people (a little more then 400 years ago) like the Native Indians was simple. And still applies for what is remaining of primitive cultures today. These resources are the essence of life for all of creation – water, air, earth, fire, animal life, tree life, and plant life. Without any of these, life as we know it could not exist. And the amazing thing is how close each works with and supports one another.

In today’s modern cultures these resources are just a second thought for many. We don’t even think about the air we breathe unless there is a fowl smell to it; the water seems plentiful and we see no reason to stop wasting it and polluting it. Our land to is being built over and polluted with little respect for what foods it provides for us and all living things. We see plants as something on occasion to appreciate, poison or destroy. The animal life we have relied on for food for thousands of years is just an attraction for us to see when we do see some form of wildlife. In the city, they are typically ignored or seen as a nuisance.

All of these resources are being threatened by man’s lack of respect and greed mentality for what is essential for life to exist. We have put value on a piece of worthless paper; metals, stones, oil, coal and forests that provide for us the comforts we are accustom to with devastating cost to our planet. Precious metals such as gold and silver as with precious stones have destroyed our environment and have cause death and misery to many people. For what? So we can look good?

Our survival and the survival of all living things does not depend on how much we have, but how we take care of our Mother Earth.


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