Miscellaneous Writings, and Thoughts of The Day

All Life Is A Gift, And A Miracle

In all that we experiences with our five senses:

Touch, Sight, Hearing, Smell, and Taste. This includes the sense of space, and the breath of life.

All life is a gift, it is a miracle in all of creation. Everything in Nature are miracles that fills our sense with wonder, if we just be still and experience the beauty of creation. I was watching the creation of human life from fertilization to birth. This was truly a magical, and miraculous experience.
All life, all life, in the beginning unfolds into a miracle of life. We can see this in a blade of grass, in a flower, in an insect, or animal. We can see in the the mountains, rivers, lakes, and oceans. We can experience it in the clouds floating by, or in a rain drop, or snow flake, or in the moon, sun, or in the billions, trillions of glistening stars that give us awe, and wonder.

Just be silent, and look, listen, and experience the miraculous in all life forms. Then say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

All life is Sacred.


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