Miscellaneous Writings, and Thoughts of The Day

We Did Know This At One Time.

We have been conditioned in the modern world to believe in a very limited way. We have been taught that the human species is the supreme intelligence. Our minds have been closed off in this way of thought. In this human arrogance and conditioning, we have closed the door to the vast intelligence that is all around us – in every life form. In the plants, in the trees, among all the animals, in all the inanimate life forms we perceive has no intelligence at all. Do we truly know this? Do we truly know and understand the world and all it’s life forms we share our planet with? We maybe good at knowing these things on the surface, by being able to label them. But how many of us experience them deeply? We gloss over the deep beauty in all life. It becomes just a snap shot in our minds, and from that we think we know it, and understand it. But we don’t. By only going deep into our connection and relationship with all life can we begin to understand. The indigenous peoples of the world have known this for tens of thousands of years. We did know this once, but have forgotten. We have forgotten that we cannot live on an unhealthy planet. And that is what we have done to her. But there are so many who still do not understand this. We continue to take from her without giving back. Giving back to the very thing that gives life to all life. But many of us have been blinded in a false dream that we are not willing to wake up from. Because we are consumed with the false hope that having more stuff can make our lives fulfilling, and end all suffering. It won’t, and will only causes more suffering, not just to us, but for all life.


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