Our Journey Living In Nature - Part 1

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part 4

Our Journey Living In Nature – continues

Part Four

The Journey Begins at Del Valle Campground

December 1, 2017 – Friday

The first day in December. Stepping out of the tent to 48 deg., a chilly, and breezy morning. The breeze quickly stopped while writing in the journal. Once the sun rose above the foothills it began to warm up my chilled bones. It is a clear sunny day, 55 deg. at 9:30 am. It was hard getting up for some reason this morning.

The boys, and the magpies are waiting for breakfast. I am waiting for coffee to be ready.

After breakfast, I took a nice warm shower then began doing some organizing in camp.

Two campers came in yesterday, and headed for the lower campground, none so far at our campground yet. And everyone was out today, the magpies, crows, doves, and ground squirrels.

Evening Entry

I did a little cleaning up camp, and did some organizing. Simple things to get done, always seems to take longer than expected while camping.

Two campers came in today in our campground area. One renting a cabin, a woman, and two small children. By the time the mother was getting everything unpacked, one of the girls fell off her scooter and chipped a tooth. They weren’t here longer than a half hour before the accident happened. She had to pack the kids up, and headed for the dentist. They were gone for most of the day.

The moon is getting near to becoming a full moon, maybe tomorrow. The boys were both crying in the darkness, and looking across the lawn area towards a new camper. The camper has a dog. The boys have never done this with a new dog they don’t know. We may have to check them out later.

The contractor that is working on the bathrooms came by our camp, and dropped of a bunch of wood trimmings for fire that makes great firewood, and kindling. He said he would bring more later.

We did walk by the trailer with the dog, but they were inside already.

It is a nice night, but once the wind blows, it can be chilly.

We plan to have breakfast at the Cafe in the morning.

December 2, 2017 – Saturday

We left from camp at around 7:30 am to have breakfast at the Cafe in Danville. We returned to camp around 12:00 pm. It is pretty quiet here for a Saturday, and very pleasant.

I also get great pleasure coming back to camp, driving through the countryside, and through the foothills. It is a very peaceful place when few people come to visit. There is endless beauty in the landscape, and wildlife here at the park, even with the lake being so low. I feel this beauty deep within.

December 3, 2017 – Sunday

Everyday waking up with the boys to the country side, and the sounds of Nature never gets old, and is always magical. This new day was clear skies, and 41 deg. when we got up at 7:45 am.

Most of the campers are packing up to leave, or getting ready to pack up.

It is 55 deg. at 9:15 am, and is very warm next to our campfire. We have enjoyed campfires both in the morning, and during the evening, as long as the weather was suitable for a fire. It is nice having a good source for good burning firewood.

We got a surprise rain that came in early morning, and I had to get up to close all the openings in the tent, with the exception of my large window opening next to my bed. Little rain was coming in on my end of the tent, so I got to enjoying my view to the outside. We experienced a very light rain shower with some wind gusts. It can be a pleasant surprise at times with what mother nature brings to us as far a weather goes. Overall the weather hasn’t been bad.

It has been a pure joy having this experience with the boys camping, with many more weeks, months, and years to come. Each morning I am greeted by the boys with their loving attention. Usually Takota is sleeping next to me, and he wakes me first. I then tell him to wake up his brother, and he is always obliging in doing so. Nanook doesn’t always appreciate being bothered by his brother, and I will hear a growl coming from Nanook to Takota of his disapproval. Then they both come to visit me for some loving attention before we get up. Before leaving the tent, I will say to the boys, “Good morning kids,” while I am giving them a good rubbing. At night I always give them a nightly rub, with kisses. Takota always gives me a growl, or a cry. Nanook usually just quietly enjoys it. But one night, Nanook began growling at me when I was giving him his nightly attention of loving. I thought he was just copying Takota, which he tends to do. And from that point on, he would growl at me each night. I then realized, I was doing a growling sound every time I gave them loving. And with Takota, it would be a growl or a cry depending on the sounds I would make. What they were doing was imitating me, growling at me, when I growled at them. My other dog, Shiloh use to do this as well, and I thought he was telling me, “stop bugging me.” But he was probably just imitating my growl. With Nanook, if I increase my volume in growling, he will try and match my intensity in his growl. It sounds like he is going to bite my noise off, but he is just talking to me.

Last night I used the wood scraps the contractor gave me for a fire base to protect the logs from touching the wet ground, then placed the oak logs on top of the wood base. It worked well getting the fire going, and it seemed I was using less wood. I will be doing the same for this mornings fire.

The boys were acting up, with the little terrier across the way from us.

Four quail have come into our camp just now, and Takota chased them up a tree. It is the first time quail have visited us in camp. And Takota left them with a bad first impression.

Back to the boys, and their little terrier friend. The boys were crying, and howling for their little friend. Surprisingly they have never done this with a dog they have never met. When the dog’s owners took him for a walk, and walked the by our camp, I stopped them and asked if the boys could come visit their camp tomorrow, and they said yes.

This morning the owner of the terrier was walking his dog, and dropped by our camp. The boys were so excited to see their new friend. At first the little guy was not sure about these two big dogs, but he soon realized they were harmless, and quickly ran around in playful gestures. When the terrier finally stopped, and the boys both gave him a sniff, they sealed their friendship with an approved sniff.

I was really surprised how my dogs, and that little terrier connected so easily. Maybe they did know each other, maybe at the kennel I would take the boys to. Who knows?

I got my solar panels working, charging my iPad, and my Yeti 150 battery. They worked well. It is nice using the Sun’s free energy for one’s electrical, and charging power.

It seems strange that my dreams, and thoughts at night still disturb me, but not as bad as when I was not camping. I will try to just let it go. I am fine once I get up and out into the wilds of Nature.

At 11:00 am, all campers but one are gone in our area, but the one, is loading up and leaving soon.

December 4, 2017 – Monday

Thirty-two degrees, it feels like winter is here, but technically, not until December 21, the winter Solstice.

I am living in a three seasons tent. I wonder how long it will last? I hope for a while, because I really like it, except for trying to get it back in it’s bag. They always make the carrying bags to damn small.

There is cold in the air, frost on the ground, a chill in my bones, and cold feet. And I am always excited to be out in Nature, being part of her.

Every source of warmth is welcome, the warmth of the campfire, the warmth of my clothing I wear, the warmth from the stove, the warmth of a hot cup of coffee, and the warmth of the morning Sun as it rises above the tops of the foothill ridge.

Since I had no paper or coals from last nights fire, to get a flame going, I had to start a small fire by using thin pine sticks, and building the fire up slowly, with gentle care. I get impatient sometimes in starting a fire, especially when it is cold, and I do start larger fires as quickly as I can, but I have found for me, starting a fire slowly, thoughtfully, and respectfully, gives me greater awareness and appreciation for the gift of fire. In today’s world, we have lost that respect for fire, and light it carelessly, and thoughtlessly. We have that need to always have big fires, unnecessarily big fires. I see people pile large logs onto a very small fire, and wonder why they are having trouble getting a fire started, or they commonly use gasoline, or lighter fluid to get the fire started, or simply give up. I have spent a lot of time learning the proper ways, and techniques in starting fires in all conditions. But for most, the want the quickest way.

I think it is time to get the winter clothing out. Now where did I put them?

I stayed warm all night at temperatures ranging in the low 30’s and maybe lower. I had my 20 deg. rated sleeping bag (Cabelas), and a fleece blanket over the that. And the blanket rarely stayed on the bag.

Last night I was watching a movie outside next to the fire and didn’t notice the drop in temperature. It was a bad movie and decided I had, had enough of it, so I turned it off. Once I moved away from the fire, I realized it was getting a bit nippy. It was 34 deg. reading in the tent, which means it is about the same outside. We get no insulation from the tent, that is for sure. When we step out in the morning from a cold interior tent, the outside always feels warmer as long as no wind is blowing. And the outside, and inside air temperatures are usually very close to being the same. It feels colder inside due to moisture in the tent. The sleeping bag had a chill inside, but quickly warmed up once I was zipped up. I was sleeping on an air mattress as well.

I enjoy the cold weather. It reminds me of Colorado, but obviously Colorado gets much colder. I stayed at Winter Park, Colorado for a year, and the winter’s coldest was -30 deg. that year. I thought I would have issues with the cold there, but because it had much dryer winters, I loved the cold.

I have been wearing cotton socks all of the time, but I will be switching to wool socks to see how they perform vs. cotton. They should keep me warmer and dryer.

The nice thing about camping, you are always outside in the elements, and among the critters. I have a sense of freedom being out in the natural environment. It is rejuvenating, it awakens the spirit inside of us. It brings us back to the natural, and away from the synthetic world. I find it truly magical.

A breeze is coming through camp. Feeling it and listening to it has a calming effect on me, reminding me of the sounds of the ocean’s waves in the distance softly crashing against the shoreline. Magical!

We really have not experience any real extreme weather so far which makes this experience much more pleasant, and relaxing.

It is 9:30 am and the temperature is up to 53 deg. with occasional wind gusts.

I think it is time for breakfast.

My usual schedule for the mornings once we get up is to take the boys for a walk, then get the coffee perking, and writing in the journal. After my journal entry, I cook breakfast for me and the boys.

In my journal writing, I never know what I will be writing, Sometimes I write continuously, other times there seems to be nothing worthy of writing, but I still write. Then beginning with just a few lines, and ready to close the journal, I end up writing for an hour or more. I just let things happen while journaling. I have no expectations.

The campground is empty. Just me, and the boys, and the magpies squawking, waiting for some dog kibble. The magpies here are the California Yellow-billed magpie. They are beautiful birds. We always enjoy them when they come visit.

Last night I heard Canadian geese all night. They may have stopped for a layover.

With the exception of getting a few things done outside of camp, the plan is to stay in this area for the rest of our stay here.

I have noticed the ants have gone underground with the cold temps.

Evening Post

Most of the day it has been cold and windy. I did a little work on the internet, a short writing on Facebook, and took the boys for a walk.

The wind starts, and then stops, and then starts again. I was thinking of spending the evening in the tent after dinner, and then the wind just stopped. We spend the evening outside, enjoying the pleasant night.

We hear a drunk at the lower campground. I believe I know who it is.

Tonight I will be using my sleeping bag liner to give it another try. I haven’t used it for sometime. I really didn’t like it. If you don’t know what it is, it is a light weight liner that you sleep in. It can be a silk or other material that provides warmth, and provides protection to the sleeping bag by keeping it clean. Some of the reasons I didn’t care for it was because it felt a bit confining, and difficult getting in and out of. A nice benefit for the liner is, if it gets to warm in the sleeping bag, you can use the liner for some warmth while sleeping above the sleeping bag.

We decided to turn in early, and I watched a movie. It is a clear night, but the forecast predicts rain. Last night I heard some rustling outside at my picnic table. It was the masked robbers. I knew I had nothing they could get, and they soon left empty handed.

December 5, 2017 – Tuesday

This morning I had found out from the gal at the main gate, that we could not stay a full month in December, so I have to rethink the things in my head on what I needed to get done before we have to leave mid-month.

I wanted to schedule my truck and trailer for my mechanic to look at the braking system, between the truck and trailer, get shots for the boys, get organized for our departure for our new camp, and make sure everything is secure in the trailer.

I was told about a nice campground in Ripon, only about an hour and a half away. So this is where we are heading, and then to my sisters place up north near Paradise. Depending on how the campground is in Ripon, we may stay a week or two.

Evening Entry

This evening is cold out, but not bad when the wind is not blowing. The wind has been blowing off and on today.

Many people have different reasons to camp, and some could be potentially dangerous to the public. The one drunk I had mentioned who was singing yesterday, I had noticed him driving into the campground and he would pass by our camp. I would observe him going by, and he would be looking back at me. He looked like a loner to me with my first impressions. He was camping alone. He has been around for two, or three days if I recall right.

While walking the dogs last night at around 7:30 pm We stopped to talk with the contractor. I thought I heard what sounded like yelling down at the lower campground. After my conversation with the contractor, we walked closer to where I thought the yelling was coming from. Earlier, I noticed a woman that came into the campground alone, and I wasn’t sure who she was visiting, or if she was looking for a campsite, or maybe she already had a campsite. When I was getting closer to the lower campground, getting my hearing focused on the yelling, and of what might be going on, I once again heard a woman crying out of control, and in hysterics. I also heard a lot of yelling from the guy, and the woman, and things being thrown around, creating a big disturbance. This sounded like it could be potentially serious, so I called the park police to report it.

I have wanted to call the police many times on people at this campground, but it would mean getting up, and getting dressed, then determining what campsite it was, then walking to the phone to make the call. Or going to the campsite and talking to the people. This ladder option usually doesn’t have a good response, especially if people are intoxicated. I was told, the park police do not like responding at this park, because they have to drive so far to get her.

After calling the police dispatch, We walked down to the lower campground to determine what campsite it might be. On the way there the woman drove past us leaving the campground. Once we got down to the campground, there was only the drunk guy, and a motor home. I determined it must have been the drunk guy.

I gave the dispatch another call to give them more information, and they relaid it to a police unit. The dispatcher told me the officer was almost there and for me to stay at the campground entrance to wait for him. It took a while for a unit to come. After meeting the officer and telling him the situation, he then drove down to the campsite, passing a car leaving the park. I realized it was the woman leaving the site. Now the officer could not question her. I followed the officer on foot to make sure he had the right campsite. About an hour and a half later, after the first police officer arrived, another police unit arrived. Another unit came in soon after that second one.

The boys, and I went back to bed, and at around 12:30 am we saw two of the police units leave. Then we saw a tow truck come in that towed the guys truck away. I knew then, the guy was arrested and taken to Santa Rita Jail. One officer remained at the campsite for some time.

I felt sorry for the guy, and the woman, that they had to experience this due to their behaviors from their past experiences growing up. Many of our struggles in life always stems from, and are the root causes of the beginnings of our childhood. Most people never learn how to deal with these issues, many have buried them deep in their subconscious, and we continue to relive these false beliefs we have been telling ourselves over, and over again. We live our lives unconsciously in these lies, not even realizing they control our lives in a very profound way, thus preventing us from fully living in joy, love, and in the freedom of who we truly are.

December 6, 2017 – Wednesday

37 deg. at 7:30 am.

We only have enough time to fix breakfast, then off to the Vets at 11:00 am for shots. Before we got to the Vets, the boys started crying. They really like the Vet, and they feel very calm around him. Then after the Vets, we stopped at the store for a few thing, then back to camp, arriving back at 1:30 pm. Back in camp, I checked emails, and did a little reading. The weather for the rest of the week, and weekend is suppose to be pretty good. No rain insight, and warming on Friday.

Evening Entry

Tonight, a cold one. Turned in early.

December 7, 2017 – Thursday

The skies are clear this morning, and 33 deg. in the tent at 7:45 am.

I have been very comfortable and warm in my sleeping bag, and with the liner, which is adding at least 5 deg. to the warmth, if not more.

Today we will organize camp. Excuse me, I will organize, the boys will supervise.

Evening Entry

We got back to camp from shopping at 3:45 pm. It was a beautiful late afternoon at Del Valle. Soon the temperature dropped, turning COLD!

I bought some bird seed for our bird friends. We will see if the magpies like it. I am sure the other birds will appreciate it.

Kevin, and Joy from the campground store dropped by camp to say, Hi to the boys. The boys really like them, especially Joy. Joy would always howl to them, even howling from the truck going down the road, and would get the boys howling back to her. Anyone giving the boys a little attention, the boys would become instant friends with them. Although they weren’t great with new dogs on the block, until they got to know them, they loved people.

I also communicated with my sister that we will be coming up to her place soon.

The boys and I are really enjoying this life in Nature. Being with, and experiencing the plants, the trees, the wildlife, and the magnificent beauty Nature provides to us in every moment. It is a dream come true. I wish I could have done it much sooner, but things just got in the way. I guess it was meant to be this way. And if it was much sooner, it wouldn’t have been Nanook, and Takota by my side. This journey would not have been without them.

December 8, 2017 – Friday

It was windy all night, and it is windy this morning. Cold and windy.

My stove is acting up this morning. I am not getting much pressure. The valve might be clogged up. Might be time for a new stove.

Took a shower today, and feel clean and refreshed once again.

I saw a lot of acorn woodpeckers this morning, the most I have seen. Then at a distance, I heard some crows making a lot of racket at a dead pine tree. I soon found out why when a big hawk flew out from the branches of the tree. The crows may have been protecting their nests near by, or their young.

I put some bird seed in one of the dogs bowls, and the magpies choice the boys kibble instead. But soon the bird seed was tasting pretty good to them. The dark-eye Juncos were enjoying it as well.

Once the wind had calmed down, it warmed up quickly.

Evening Entry

Takota, Nanook, and I took a long walk among the woodlands of this magical place. Returning to camp, we had about a half hour before we had to leave for a short visit to see our friend Tammy. So I sat in my chair, and quietly observed the beauty in Nature. I feel fortunate in learning to be still in Nature. It is a peaceful place one can experience fully the beauty, and wonders in Nature. To become the story that Nature can only provide, and the watcher to observe in total silence that brings us deeper into the amazing magic, and beautiful relationship we have with all life – in the grasses, in the trees, and among the wild creatures we meet – to embrace all life Nature provides to us. It is a place that is hard to describe, that really does not need any explanation, just being in a place of Being within to all that is.

After dropping by to see Tammy at her house, we stopped by the grocery store to pick up some things for dinner, then Dom’s, the outfitter store for some tent stakes, then back to camp.

Once in camp, I noticed a guy, and girl, setting up a camp in an undesignated area, not for camping. I walked over to them to let them know they couldn’t camp there, and before I could say anything the girl said they were doing a photo shoot for a new canned wine produced by Wente Vinyards. They were setting up for a camping scene. I suggested to them that Takota, and Nanook would be great in the ads, they would really give it a wild look in Nature to the ads. I asked if they would like to borrow the boys for a few shots? I pointed to the boys at our camp while they were looking at us intently. They like the idea, so I brought the boys over to their make believe camp for a photo shoot. Of course the boys, did great posing for the camera, but Takota quickly got bored with this whole thing, and walked off the set and wanted to return to our camp. He was done with this foolishness. Nanook on the other hand was just happy to hang out. I was thinking the boys may become famous as models for other products. They would be known worldwide. My mind was going wild with all the possibilities. They said, they would let me know if any of the photos were used. I never heard anything back from them. I was so sure the boys would make the Big Times in dog modeling.

Once Shiloh, my other dog, was in a photo shoot contest for a dog food, and I surely knew he would win, but it wasn’t to be.

I did not get any organizing done for the day.

Kevin, our camping friend said he was coming up to camp on the same day we were suppose to be leaving. I told him I will try to extend our stay till Monday. Me and the boys would like to see him before we are off, heading north for unknown lands.

December 9, 2017 – Saturday

We went to the Cafe for breakfast and to hang out with our friends. We received a nice Journal from a couple we know from the cafe. We then went to Concord to pick up mail. We then headed back to camp. At the front gate of the park entrance at Del Valle, we talked to the gal at the gate about staying a few more days. She talked with the supervisor, and she will give us a few more days.

Kevin will be here on Thursday, then leave on Sunday, so the timing is perfect to spend a little time with him.

Before reaching the main gate. I saw a young boy around 4 years old, and his grandfather sitting together on the top of the hillside just off the road, enjoying the view of the rolling hills of the valley that led down to the lake. I stopped to talk with them. The granddad was teaching his grandson about Nature. That gave me hope, but unfortunately, I don’t think this is happening enough.

Joy from the store dropped by to howl with the boys for a bit.

December 10, 2017 – Sunday

7:30 am, it was a bit nippy at 34 deg. with sunny skies. It will be a nice day today.

The magpies, doves, juncos and the scrub jays are having breakfast at our camp with the feed I left them. And of course, the magpies are waiting for the boys kibble. Usually the magpies are waiting for us to get up in the morning.

It was cold this morning, but the cold doesn’t seem to bother me much as long as the wind isn’t blowing. I enjoy the crispness of the cold air filling my lungs, and against my skin.

I am enjoying my coffee next to a warming fire while writing in my journal, and listening to the sounds of Nature talking to me. The boys relaxing on the grass. There is nothing like the peacefulness Nature brings to us.

I am seeing many more of the acorn woodpeckers around our camp, working hard building up their supply of acorns for the winter cache.

Tomorrow, I will take the truck and trailer in for minor repairs.

With all the work camping takes, and with my age of 65 y.o., I am not yet feeling the aches and pains, and the stiffness of the body too much. I am also sleeping better, and feeling better. The tent camping suits us, and suits Nature. We don’t use noisy, and toxic generators that pollutes the environment as does the RV’s, and motor homes, and tents are not an eye sore like the RV’s and motor homes are that are getting bigger and bigger – becoming more insulated, and closed off from Nature. I don’t call that camping. It is anything but camping.

Each time I drive up the road taking us to our campsite, I feel drawn to the complete beauty, and wonder of the landscape of the rolling hillsides, and the scattered oaks. I experience a deep connection in all that Nature provides to us.

Back at camp, I took the boys for a walk, while writing in my head.

I got the truck aligned with the trailer hitch for a quick connection in the morning. I am writing in my journal, enjoying a pleasant fire, and enjoying John Denver on my cd player. Tomorrow we will be gone all day while the truck and trailer are in the shop.

While feeling the present moment with life itself, thoughts of Shiloh came to me, and our times we had spent together in Nature. I doubt I would be doing this without those special times spent with Shiloh. Shiloh would have loved being out here, and he will always be with me.

December 12, 2017 – Tuesday

Woke up to another beautiful day in Nature. Clear skies, 45 deg., windy. The morning Sun cresting over the top of the foothills, telling me it is 8:00 am, and time to get up. There is something special when one can watch the rising Sun awakening a new day. To experience this gift of life gives with full awareness to the surroundings of the natural world in the sights, sounds, and smells, In feeling the chill of cold on the skin, and the warmth the Sun brings to comfort us, or of the warming fire with the scent of wood unfolding into the air. And then, there are the boys, giving their endless presence, and companionship, their unconditional love lying beside me.

It was windy all night, and continues to give a brisk chill in the air, this morning, although the temperature reads 45 deg.

As always the magpies are squawking for breakfast with the boys.

The wind suddenly stopped at 9:00 am, with only an occasional breeze showing it’s presence.

While I do my morning routines, the boys do theirs by laying on the soft grasses, waiting for breakfast with the magpies, who perch on the branches of trees near by for any signs that breakfast is ready.

A lone turkey with a broken foot cross near our camp.

It is quiet and peaceful this morning. A nice way to start a new day. There are only two other campers here today.

My main focus when camping is to stay in one place as long as we can, and the reasons are to get to know the area we are in. To learn about the flora and fauna, and just Be in the awareness of the area, to truly and deeply experience the area. Other reasons, are to minimize constantly moving, the work it takes taking down a camp, and setting up camp, the availability of campgrounds. And if we are constantly jumping around from campground to campground, how can we ever relax? To truly enjoy the beauty Nature offers? I use to be the type of person who wanted to try to get as much stuff done in a day, or on a vacation. I am now completely opposite, I have learned to take my time to smell the roses.

It has been a busy time here in getting things done, in closing a long story in my life, and being able to settle down to a new story. Especially one that is completely different from my old story in so many ways. In a new direction I could not have even conceived me doing twenty years ago.

Evening Entry

I was thinking we would turn in early because it was getting cold. A half hour after we had our dinner, we went for a walk. When we were getting close to camp from our walk, both the boys and I discovered a pair of glowing eyes at our camp. I was wondering if it was the critter that was keeping the boys on alert all night, and the same critter that allowed me to get fairly close to it one night? Was it a feral cat? A raccoon or skunk?

This creature of the night was getting a drink from the boys water bowl. The closer we got, the critter would slowly move away. It was hard seeing it in the dark, and I wanted to know who this critter was. So I tied the boys up, grabbed a powerful flashlight. The boys were pointing me in the direction of where it was going. I got a glimpse of the glowing eyes, and proceeded to follow this elusive creature of the night. I finally caught up to it and allowed me to get close to it. At first I thought, it looked like a cat with a thick tail, then thinking, maybe a raccoon? What little I could see of the body, it didn’t fit a raccoon’s body profile, nor did it walk like a raccoon. I kept slowly creeping towards it until I was about 15 feet from it, and discovered it was a gray fox. I also saw a fox the day before. It showed little fear of me., and went on nibbling on tidbits it would find. I probably could have gotten closer to it, but I wanted to give it space, as well as showing it respect. It may have also had it’s den close by. I then spotted another pair of eyes a short distance ways, another fox. They could have been it’s mates. It is always exciting seeing new critters in the area.

Another discovery that I really did not think much about was to use binoculars to view stars. I would glass a single visible star that seemed alone in the vast darkness of the night sky, and thousands of stars would appear around that single star viewed through the binoculars. It would have been nice having a telescope, but it wasn’t in our budget.

Kevin, and Joy dropped by camp in the afternoon to say Hi to the boys.

I did get some short writings done that I posted on Facebook, and received some nice comments, and a lot of likes.

It is 7:30 pm, and time for bed.

Just a note: I could stay a bit warmer in the tent if I closed the window flaps, but I stay warm enough, and the boys like the cold, so I partly do it for them. I also like waking up with a view of Nature just outside our tent, and seeing the light of the rising Sun coming through the tent.

December 13, 2017 – Wednesday

38 deg., blue skies, and windy.

It was blowing pretty good all night, and this morning.

I find it hardto get up when it is cold, and windy. It feels much better being nice, and comfortable in a warm sleeping bag. It is much nicer in the tent watching the cold, and wind. But once outside, I feel the cold chill in the air, and it reminds me of the high country of the Colorado Rockies, or the Sierra Nevada Mountains that gives me a feeling of being rejuvenated, and refreshed.

We got up around 7:45 am, and the wind stopped blowing at around 8:15 am. The sunrise was at 8:00 am. I begin shedding layers of upper clothing, with a slight breeze coming, and going.

I relax, and enjoy Nature next to a nice fire, and a hot cup of coffee. And breathing in the cool fresh air. Being with the boys, and experiencing the animals, trees, and plants, there is nothing like it. Our little piece of paradise.

I saw our first shooting star the night before. There are always magical moments in Nature, if we pay attention.

I see one king size motor home, and two RV’s here, and no one is outside to experience the beauty, and wonders in Nature. Except for one guy walking, and puffing on a cancer stick.

A bird I spotted maybe a finch of some kind.

December 14, 2017 – Thursday.

It was a windless night. I tried to stay up for the meteor showers event, but had a hard time staying awake. I was viewing the night sky through my large picture window, From what I could remember I saw about five shooting stars.

Our camping friend Kevin will be coming in today. He usually stays for four days. It is always nice seeing him, and the boys always enjoys his company. This will be the last time we see him.

I have been watching the finches, and they are funny little guys. There are usually a bunch of them feeding from the ground, but then with no apparent reason they all at once fly off, and then they are back again. Similar to sparrows. It is amazing that they know to do this exactly at the same time.

It is a quiet morning spending time with our bird friends.

I was thinking about spending time in the wilderness, and how it is so different then a campground. The boys have never been in the wilderness. I wonder how they will do? I miss practicing bushcraft skills that one should not be doing in a campground, and may be illegal. My focus going up north for now is getting through to Canada, then to Alaska. And focus on observing Nature, and working on going deep in that experience within, through being silent. Also getting writing done in the journal, and doing short writings through reflections.

Last night the fox were staring at the boys from a distance. I tried to get closer to them, but with no luck.

At night during sleep, I question if I am doing the right thing going on this journey. But once I wake up, and step out in Nature, I know this is where we should be.

Evening Entry

We got some laundry done in town, then returned to camp around 2:30 pm. Kevin arrived around 3:00 pm. He was camping at the lower campground. We gave Kevin a few to get his camp set up, then the boys and I went down to his camp for a visit. I chatted with Kevin for a bit, while the boys relaxed, then headed back to camp to fix dinner.

We have a lot to do for our departure on Monday.

December 15, 2017 – Friday

The weather is overcast, cold, and 38 deg.

In this special, and magical place, this landscape of wildness, and beauty, I feel I am part of this Oneness of this masterful painting of Nature. Nature becomes a true gift to all of one’s senses, to feel and experience within the silence, and pure awareness within and without of the true essence of all life.

Evening Entry

We only got a few errands done to day. I hope to get most of them finished on Saturday. I noticed a headlight out in my truck, so I will get that fixed tomorrow as well. I got my bookcase in the trailer more secure so my books won’t end up being all over the floor of the trailer. I used bungee cords, and adjustable tension bars to hopefully secure the books. Saturday, and Sunday are unreserved for my campsite, so I will pay for those days to secure my site. I am lucky my site has not been reserved.

I was planning on leaving on Sunday, but I need one additional day to get the trailer organized.

A family of campers came in today with two dogs that were off leash. A little girl from that camp was riding her bicycle with the two dogs following her on the road, and I was yelling at the little girl to get her dogs on leash. She was not listening, and did not know better. One of the dogs went into our camp, got too close to the boys, and both boys went after him. Nanook bit him in the neck. I was yelling at the owner’s of the dogs to get them restrained.

The guy, with the dogs came over a little bit later to apologize, and he said his dog was okay. This would be an ongoing problem for us. There are those who feel they do not have to follow the leash laws in campgrounds making it more difficult for those who do comply with the lease laws. When people bring their pets camping, they have to be aware of the impact they will have on other campers, as well as their own behavior in the campground. Having a thoughtful consideration for all campers, and to the wildlife should be a given, but for many, it is not. It will be an added responsibility for me as well to keep a close eye on my dogs, as with other dogs that we may encounter in the campground or anywhere else for that matter. It is a learning lesson for me having very protective dogs. Luckily they love people. They do bond quickly with other dogs, but there has to be that period of accepting them in their pack first. As you follow our story, you will discover our friendships along the way.

I have been getting a nice following, and support from my Facebook friends both in my writing, and in general. I feels they are following us along our journey into Nature that in someway gives me comfort.

It has been overcast most of the day with a pleasant evening.

In our time in Nature, I am finding that the simplest things are giving me the greatest pleasure, appreciation, understanding for life.

Although I have not been documenting it in the journal, or in this writing, the boys and I have been spending some nice talks with our friend Kevin. Kevin first met me, and Shiloh back in 2009 here in Del Valle, while camping when we began our camping experiences (In the blog, Our Journey Into the Wilderness). Then when I lost Shiloh, in his passing, in 2011, Tokota, and Nanook, took Shiloh’s place, quickly bonding with Kevin in their first introduction to Kevin. We have become close in a very indirect way through our camping experiences, and occasional chats on the phone. The boys and I will miss those times with our friend.

December 16, 2017 – Saturday

I checked in for two more days, and not one. We were planning on leaving on Sunday, but I needed one more day to get everything ready for departure. At the front gate where we check-in, the park employee, hesitantly gave me one additional day.

It was 32 deg. this morning with no wind, and clear skies.

I will go to my mechanic today, to replace a headlight. Do some shopping, and maybe meet our friend Tammy.

The camper family that are across from us with the two dogs were playing a game that was loud, and they were loud. I was thinking they were being disrespectful to other campers who enjoy the silence in Nature, and disrespectful to Nature. It is how most people behave in Nature unfortunately. This will always be the situation, unless we learn how to respect others, and to the natural world. These games can be played in City Parks, backyards, not in places within wild places. I am probably only about 2% who feels this way about Nature. The 98% go into Nature to use Nature, to take from Nature. Nature is here for recreation, to play in, and nothing about learning from her, respecting her, and in giving reverence to her.

I am here in Nature to think, to reflect, to be silent, to observe, to listen, to write, and to read – and to experience Being in Nature. Most have lost this ability to just Be in Nature. A big part of this is our culture, and how we have been taught.

I have to admit, I get this for most of the week, peace, and quiet, with the exceptions of the weekends. It is when the Zombies come to play.

The calm winds ended shortly after we got up, to become stronger winds. Making breakfast, and brewing my coffee took two to three times longer to cook than usual.

Evening Entry

The winds blew all day, and suddenly ended at 4:30 pm.

I did not cook dinner due to the winds. I just had a salad. After dinner we went over to Kevin’s camp to disrupt his dinner.

It seemed weird for some reason coming back to camp in the dark, with the camp in total darkness. Not even the glow from a small fire. The whole area seemed different, even the night sky. The night was pleasant, even with an occasional breeze coming through camp.

I will focus on packing up as much as possible tomorrow, so we can get an early start on Monday to our new campground.

December 17, 2017 – Sunday

A beautiful Sunday Morning. Slept pretty well.

Kevin left early this morning, so we didn’t get to say good bye.

The small masked birds we have been seeing in camp, I was told were Rocky mountain chickadees.

Afternoon Entry

The day is closing as with our stay at beautiful Del Valle. We met some friends to say our good byes, picked up a good supply of dog food, trailer pretty much loaded up. Tomorrow the tent comes down and loaded as with the rest of our gear. And then we are off. It will be a short drive to our next campground.

Everyone in the campground is gone but me and the boys, and the contractors working on the restrooms.

December 18, 2017 – Monday

We got to our possible new campground, and doing a drive through, I was not impressed. The campground was not kept up, and was overgrown with vegetation. I found a possible campsite next to the river. So I got out to walk around for a look see, and I saw a lot of big yellow jackets flying around the site, and all around the campground. I quickly made a decision this was not a good campground to be in. I had no other options for camping. So I called my sister, and her husband answered. I ask if it was okay to come up today, and they said come on up. It was about a three hour drive up north to their place. It felt like much further a drive. When we got into the town of Magalia, it was dark and hard to see the street names, hard to see in the dark with dealing with a cataract in one eye, and just hard to figure out where we were. We finally found their house.

I was pretty tired from the drive, and just wanted to get settled in, talk a little, then go to bed. I really did not know how long we would stay, because I wanted to get on the road as soon as we could. But my sister had other plans. She wanted me to stay at least for my birthday on January 9th. I told her I would, but planned to leave on the 10th. Of course she wanted me and the boys to stay longer.

I hadn’t seen my sister for over 20 years, and spent time catching up, and she would tell me about our family history. I really enjoyed our short stay with my dear oldest sister. On my birthday, I talked with my other sister in Michigan who came with my friend Tammy to pick up the new puppies, Takota, and Nanook from the Breeder. This was a time I was thinking a lot about my family, and how grateful I was to have my brothers, and sister growing up.

My sister loved the boys and was so excited in having the boys staying with them. She treated them as part of the family. Each morning before my sister was up, the boys would be in the kitchen waiting for her, and greeted her with loving howls.

While at my sister’s I had my trailer checked out. I had to figure out where we were going for our next camp. My niece was giving me some ideas, but finally decided to back-tract a bit heading south, then west, then back north to Clear Lake. I wanted to head to Mount Shasta, but I thought I would hit bad winter conditions for driving and camping, so that was off the list. We did a little exploring of the areas of Paradise, and Magalia, during our stay. It was a nice area, and had a lot of Native American history, but you couldn’t tell if you didn’t read the plaques along the roadside. This is what is left of the indigenous peoples of California – plaques, markers, and casinos. And small Rancherias, what basically the rest of the Federal Government or the BIA (bureau of Indian affairs) calls Indian Reservations but much smaller. I personally don’t care for either the federal government or the BIA for what they had done to the Indian people, the land they stole, and the genocide committed against these first peoples of this land, we call America.

Miscellaneous Writings, and Thoughts of The Day

Last Evening Walk

Takota and Nanook in camp at South Beach State Park Campground, Oregon

Last Evenings Walk

March 28, 2018

My two canine companions, Takota, and Nanook and I were camping at South Beach State Park, Oregon, where we would take our morning and evening walks everyday. Last evening we were taking our nightly walk along the road that weaves through the campground. A guy stopped in his pickup truck next to us, rolled down his window, and asked, “What kind of dogs are they?” “Are they Malamute?” I responded to him, that they were Native American Indians Dogs. He said, “beautiful dogs,” and I replied, “thanks,” and we continued on our walk.

For some reason that I was not expecting, I heard a silent voice in my head telling me to turn around to see if I could determine what campsite he was staying at. Only a few campsites away from where we were, I noticed this guy was setting up camp and decided to see if he wanted to meet the dogs (I refer to them as the kids, or boys). This is something I rarely do, but felt different about this guy for some reason. So we turned around, and headed back towards his camp, and our camp. Stopping at his camp I asked if he would like to meet the dogs? The guy was overjoyed with the offer and I brought the dogs over to greet this stranger. The guy slowly, and calmly walked over to them, greeting them, then sat down on the ground next to them in respect, as a friend. Nanook felt comfortable with him immediately, and went right up to him, and began licking his face. Takota was being a bit shy, and unsure. Takota took the energy from Nanook that is guy is okay, and Takota began to relax around their new friend.

We talked for a little bit while he was enjoying the dogs company, and he told me he had lost his dog (a Malamute), and I could tell there was still a lot of hurt and pain in his voice of his loss of this very close friend. During this time Nanook was still licking his face. I asked him when his dog died assuming it was not too long ago. He told me 8 years ago. At this point his emotions he was experiencing began to surface, and he broke down in an uncontrollable flow of tears. Again, Nanook continued to give him loving kisses. Nanook stayed by him, comforting him. It was hard for me to hold back my emotions, thinking about the loss of my dog, Shiloh back in 2011.

He tried to tell me his story, but it was difficult for him in getting the words out. He was in the hospital for shoulder surgery and when he returned home, his dog was on the porch as he always was, waiting for his owner to return. But on this day, his best friend, and companion had died on the porch waiting for him. There was no happy greeting between these two best friends. He was totally consumed in tears. I could totally feel, and understand what he was going through, because I had been there when I lost Shiloh, and I began to feel tears coming down my cheeks uncontrollably.

After we finished talking, he shook my hand tightly, and seemingly not wanting to let go, thanked me for being graced with some time with Takota and Nanook. He told me his tears were happy tears being able to spend a little time with my boys. And Nanook continued his kisses on the man’s face. We never saw the boys new friend again.

My dogs get a lot of attention on our journey that we are on from other people, but this time they were able to help someone who still felt the painful loss of their best friend and companion. Especially with Nanook who smothered him with kisses. I think Nanook knew this man’s heart was still in deep sadness. Maybe his dog was with us, and maybe even Shiloh.

Just a few days earlier I was messaging a friend, and she had mentioned how many interesting people we must have been meeting in our travels. I told her, I was not interested in meeting people. I was only focused on being in Nature, being with the boys, and writing. Maybe my friend was right about people having many interesting stories I should open up to. This experience did open my mind, and to include people in the narrative of my story telling. Maybe the guiding spirits brought this person to us.

Although I still focus on Nature, the boys, and writing, I make a point in talking with many more people.

Our campsite at South Beach State Park Campground, Oregon
Miscellaneous Writings, and Thoughts of The Day



When I have a thought or feeling that is awakened in my consciousness before my mind is fully awake, I seem to be embraced by it at times, thinking I would like to write about this or that. More thoughts, and feelings arise, flowing freely in my conscious universe. They then leave my mind as quickly as they come, with more thoughts, replacing the last thought space. Like they are being dictated to me, and then quickly disappears for more thoughts to come. And then they are gone. If only I had a net to capture them, and hold onto them in my memory.

I then may decide to write about it on my smart phone, a pad of paper, or my laptop. But first I have to take care of the morning rituals, like giving Takota, and Nanook some morning loving. relieving myself of unwanted fluids, and getting the coffee brewing. And hoping I can remember those thoughts that came earlier, on what I wanted to write about. Then I begin to write for a bit before I have to stop and take the boys for a walk. On our walk my mind begins working again on thoughts I may want to put into the writing. But these too will be forgotten if I don’t write them down (which I usually don’t do). Then after the walk, I meditate, fix breakfast, give medicine to Takota, and then finally get back to writing. And I hope these thoughts are still fresh in my mind with the deepest of feelings they deserve.

Once I start writing, I am not sure what is going to come out in my journal or on the pad of paper, Sometimes I have a starting point, and sometimes I must start from scratch, searching for a starting point. I search for those perfect words that strikes a chord with my inner feeling of what I want to write. Unfortunately many times I don’t seem to find them. And at times, it becomes more mechanical, rather than free flowing as it was when it first came to me.

If I write from my smart phone in bed immediately after receiving these thoughts, it tends to be more of a free flowing process most of the time. But trying to capture those original thoughts becomes very fleeting, like a flock of birds suddenly exploding into flight, and suddenly gone from sight.

You may be asking, what the heck does this have to do with beauty? It is just one of the processes I go through in writing.

The words beauty, or beautiful came to me this morning. I find these words to be the perfect description in the form of a single word, in describing the amazing, the awe inspiring – it is like the word love that can be expressed, and experienced in this single word. I use these words often in my writings. It looks good in the spelling, it sounds good, we feels good when we use them, and in it’s interpretations in how we see things. Although we all have different interpretations of what beauty is, yet we all understand it in our own ways.

God or the Creator must have come up with these words, love, and beauty. They seem to be fused with each other, with similar feelings, and sensations, and experiences. A joining together as One.

I use beauty, or beautiful in many descriptions, as in music, in paintings, photographs, and in real life experiences. And since I have spent a lot of time living in Nature – to me, everything in Nature, that I experience and feel, is beautiful, as with the feeling of deep love that arises to join the word beautiful. It can be as simple as observing a flower, a drop of dew on a leaf, or flower petal, a plant, a tree, or a sapling, a leaf, or a butterfly. In all the animals that inhabit our planet, or as grand as the mountains, the forests, the deserts, the plains, the grasslands, or the oceans, the rivers and streams, or the waterfalls, and rainbows. Or observing the miraculous beginnings of a new life, whether it be a plant, tree, or animal. Beauty is all around us in the natural world, if we are willing to go deep within, in quiet awareness. And then, Nature will open up to us to the beauty, and Truth few will ever experience.

We can feel this beauty, through our senses, in seeing, listening, touching, smelling, and tasting. Beauty is all around us. It is everywhere, and we can tap into this rich experience in every moment, by being present with our hearts, and minds.

We have been given this beautiful gift of the magnificent, and endless beauty on this tiny blue, green, brown, and white colored sphere we call our home, hurling alone in the darkness of space. Within this vast universe with the trillions of planets, and stars filling the blackness of the night sky, going deep into the ever expansive universe.

As far as we know, there is no other place like planet Earth.

What will happen when it disappears due to our lack of caring? Lack of appreciating, loving, and respecting? Of forgetting the beauty?

When I use the words, beautiful, or beauty, I see, and feel the sacredness in all of life, and how much our planet gives to us.

Our Journey Living In Nature - Part 1

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part 3

Our Journey Living In Nature – continues

Part Three

The Journey Begins at Del Valle Campground

November 8, 2017 – Wednesday

We woke to another beautiful morning in Nature – Awe, what a grand, and magnificent place to wake up to each and every morning.

It is warmer than usual this morning, and got me motivated to get up and take a shower. It is well needed.

This morning the turkeys came out sounding like a bunch of drunken sailors, making a racket, and commotion, that woke up the whole campground. These sounds of Nature awakens us to a different world, that most of us have forgotten, and have turn off from our consciousness. They want peace and quiet, dang it! Not a bunch of turkeys gobbling away. Those people may have forgotten that is part of being in Nature. It is what makes Nature what it is. Yet when we are in Nature, do we care of the noise we bring to her.

During this time, a woman was walking her dog across the grassy field in the middle of the campground, and the boys focus was on the dog, while the flock of turkeys walked right by the boys. It was interesting they seemed not to care much about the turkeys. It was about 6:15 am and they came into the campground from all directions. They could be heard throughout the valley, gobbling away. Some of the group of gobblers perches in some trees close to camp.

While I was still in bed, looking up to the roof of the tent, I noticed these little specks moving about. My first thought was an ant invasion. We had these tiny invaders (actually large size ants) back when we were here for our three month stay during the same time of year. We had no problem with them staying out of the tent. I hope these critters this time are respectful to us by staying out of our tent.

When I set up my tent, I look for any scorpion, or spider burrows, or under ground ant colonies, or yellow jacket ground nests. I never place the tent over these holes in the ground, unless I want to take a chance of having uninvited visitors in the tent. This is a very important consideration while setting up a tent, as with not setting up under a tree that has dead branches, known as widow makers.

The reason I have chosen living in a tent vs. an aluminum box, referring to RV’s, motorhomes, campers, and recreational trailers, where this essential equipment is now becoming very popular for many campers wanting a camping experience these days. They are bringing a home like environment, a home away from home, for ease, convenience, and comfort into the natural environment. I have notice many prefer these comforts over being outside in the outdoors, reducing their exposure to the outside world. These two completely opposite environments pulls us even further away from the very reason, I would think, we go to experience Nature. And that is being fully immersed in the natural world, vs. being in a synthetic environment. But this is not so. Most do not know what truly experiencing Nature is, because of our disconnect with the natural world. I should clarify, Campers, and small trailers have a minimal impact in Nature then do the motorhomes, and large trailers, and are far less obtrusive in a natural environment.

As for using a tent, we are outside in Nature most of the time. It is the only place to be, to truly experience and hear all the sounds of Nature. To learn from Nature. I knew when I preferred a tent to live in for our journey we would experience the pureness of the natural world, like in a flower in bloom, like the birds singing their morning, and evening songs, or the turkeys gobbling, the calls of the hawks, the sounds of the wind blowing through the trees, or the cracking of a twig, the hooting of the owl, or the blood curdling cries of death, that suddenly wake you in the middle of the night, from a quiet sleep. Or the smells, and scents that permeates through the tent, and throughout the outside air. Or one is awakened to these many wondrous sounds, sights, and smells of this amazing natural world we live in, and one feels a part of this living organism, called planet Earth. Those who choose the So-called method of camping in a RV, or motorhome, or recreational trailer, becomes insulated from Nature, and is disconnected to Nature even more. It doesn’t allow one to go into Nature on a deeper level of beauty, and magic, and wonder. I have seen campers that never take a foot out of the synthetic world they call camping.

The five senses of the human species, sight, hearing, touch, smell, and tasting, only one, sight, is used mostly, but even sight, we see, but not see, as with the other senses, we hear, but not hear, touch, but not touch, smell, but not smell, and taste, but not taste. For most of us, our senses have become numb in our synthetic world, and have become numb to the natural world. We only see things on the surface, through judging, and labeling, it prevents us from going deep into what we are perceiving only on the surface. There is a deeper reality, and beauty, that goes beyond the surface. It is experiencing a pure awareness so few experience.

I try to heighten my awareness in the natural world, to take in as much as I can, through silence, and living in the present moment, and having the knowing that all living things are connected. That we are all One with all life.

A friend dropped by while I was writing, and I was distracted talking with him, and lost track of my line of thought, and of what I wanted to write. This is one reason why I like to be alone, especially while I am writing, and observing Nature.

It is almost noon time, and just felt a drop from the heavens. Rain could be near.

For someone to do a journey such as we have taken on, weather can be your friend, or your worst enemy. Being prepared for weather is a big factor, such as having the right clothing, the right equipment, and the right skills. One’s safety is always an important factor as well. Living in Nature full time is quite different then, a weekend camping trip. Especially when one has a responsibility for others. For me, it is my two canine companions. One has to have a different mind set. Although I am still learning through experiencing, I did have experience in the back country, and experience camping in general which does help. But for the most part, I too, was only meeting Nature on the surface, and missing out on the magic we can achieve, and in the knowledge we can gain by going deeper into the very soul of Nature. You can read my experiences in the wilderness alone, with my best friend Shiloh, in my Blog, “Our Journey Into The Wilderness.” It may help you understand why we chose to do this journey, and in doing it alone.

I gave up my business in Architecture, gave up a modern lifestyle, to live in a tent, and wander around the country to seek a better, and deeper understanding – my understanding of our relationship with the planet, Earth (Gaia). A relationship I feel most of civilization has sadly forgotten. But a relationship we all have deep within us all. And of course, experiencing this with Takota, and Nanook, which without them. I would not have taken such an endeavor.

Evening Entry

The thoughts that I had forgotten this morning, came back to me this evening. I was thinking while laying in bed this morning, looking out onto the green grassy meadow, and just experiencing the Beingness, the simplicity of being aware of ones surroundings, and being fulfilled just by the sheer beauty Nature provides to us. We don’t have to do stuff, always staying busy in Nature. Being in silent awareness is enough. More than enough.

We have been taught to always be productive, to always be busy, even in watching television, or on the computer, or being in the mind with many thoughts filling your head, and world. If we don’t do anything, we become bored very easily. We have been taught to always be thinking, always be doing, never simply beings still in silence, in pure awareness.

I am not saying, doing things one enjoys is wrong, just try to experience it in pure consciousness, and in stillness when you can. Be the experience, be the watcher. Also minimize thoughts, and shift those thoughts into just feeling the energy within, or through the cleansing breath of life. This helps silence the mind, and brings you into the Beingness of who you truly are.

Tom Brown Jr., a long time survival instructor, talks about improving one’s observation skill in Nature or anywhere for that matter, by focusing on one spot, and just noticing the subtle changes that are occurring. Do it in silence, avoiding any thoughts, judgments or labeling – beginning in short time spurts, because it can be difficult at first. and slowly increasing that time. It is like a meditation. While silently focusing on something, thoughts will arise, and when they do, just allow them to be, and return to what you were focusing on. At first, thoughts will want to control you, which is the ego. But once you begin finding that pure awareness, your experiences will shift to the miraculous in Nature. Feel the aliveness in what you are focusing on. I spend a lot of my time just sitting in my chair, watching, listening, smelling, and feeling Nature, and never experienced boredom.

I did not get much done today due to having a nice conversation with Joy.

But did get a load of trash dumped, and got a bit more emptied in the storage unit. It has been a long process. Much longer than I had hoped.

When we got back to camp, the wind was blowing, with the sky mixed with blue skies, and clouds. It was hard to tell if we would get any rain. The breezes were warm, changing directions from an easterly direction to a westerly direction. It reminded me of the warm Hawaiian tropical breezes.

I prepared the camp for the wind, and hope things will stay in place.

Yesterday I heard gun shots, and may have been focused on the coyotes. Nanook, and Takota did not like the gun shots. And with more gun shots today. They were from a further distance away, but still freaked the dogs out. Takota headed for the tent to hide. I opened up the tent and both Takota, and Nanook took refuge there. I joined them in the tent, and we took a little siesta. The boys felt much safer in the tent.

We had experienced a short 10 minute break in the wind that was a nice calming, and peaceful break. When winds are continuous, they can be wearing on one’s soul.

November 9, 2017 – Thursday

We spent most of the day away from camp. Met my friend Tammy, first thing in the morning, so she could help me set up my Ipad. We then went to Concord one last time to do a few things.

Got back to camp at 2:30 pm, took a bit of a rest, then the boys, and I had dinner.

It did rain off and on at camp. When we got back to camp, it was hard telling which way the weather would go. The weather turned out to be very nice, and no wind.

November 10, 2017 – Friday

Last night the winds picked up around 11:30 pm, and finally pulled myself out of bed to lower the canopy. Then about an hour later I heard some clanking. The clanking got louder, and could only mean the masked bandits had returned to the neighborhood. We have not seen them since we have been here. Yesterday evening while I was doing some reading, I had a sense that they were scoping things out for a planned night heist. I did not want to get up again, but remembered I had some protein bars outside, and I did not want those robbers to get them. When I unzipped the tent door, I heard the scampering of tiny feet making a run for it up the nearest trees.

Outside, I saw three glowing pairs of eyes up a near by tree, and staring down at me. The forth culprit was on the ground next to the tree. I am always amused seeing the raccoon’s looking down at us with their glowing eyes in the trees at night.

This morning it was overcast at 8:00 am, and 10:00 am, it was sunny, and warm.

Evening Entry

During our time away from camp, it rained a little bit at the park. And when we got back to camp, we got just a few drops of rain. Overall the afternoon was very pleasant. This evening I feel a little dampness in the air, but it is nice out.

The campground is full tonight. Lots of people here, but overall pretty quiet with the exception of some loud guys camping across from me in a cabin. They were going at it until about 12:00 am.

The raccoons should be pretty busy tonight with all the campers. It must be like a smorgasbord of goodies all weekend for them to look forward to. Even for the crows, magpies, jays, and squirrels. Some campers know, and are aware of these camp robbers, some are forgetful in leaving any temptations out, and there are those that don’t know.

When the boys and I were camping for our three month stay here during the fall, and part of the winter back in 2014/2015, I noticed all these cavities in the trunk, and branches of a pine tree that stood tall in our camp. These cavities were on the whole circumference of the trunk. All the times I have been in the woods I have not noticed these cavities, or never had seen them before. I was one of many who did not pay much attention to details in Nature. I did not ask questions about things I had seen, or heard on a deeper level. As I got older, the interest I did have became very blurred and non-existent. I had brushed the wonders of Nature to the side over for more important things, though I thought. But little did I know, Nature would always be there, behind the curtains, waiting for me to open them up to be reawaken back to Nature.

I did not know who made those many holes in the bark, or why, until I began observing. I would hear this tapping of a woodpecker throughout the woodland areas of my surroundings, and against the bark exterior of the pine tree next to us. I saw glimpses of the woodpecker, but did not know of the species. So I pulled my bird book out, and determined it was an acorn woodpecker. And with my continued observations, I had noticed the acorn woodpecker would fly to an oak tree to gather acorns one at a time, then bringing them back to the pine tree, and place the acorns in the cavities it had made. It was it’s winter cache in a pine tree in our camp. The pine tree would be dotted with these cavities, with more cavities always needed.

The acorn woodpecker would be busily filling these empty cavities with one acorn per cavities. But then, a squirrel who was watching, being aware of this abundant cache of acorns, would sneak the acorns out of the holes, dropping them to the ground, and placing them in their own hiding places while the woodpecker was gone. Sometimes the squirrel would get caught, and a scuffle between the two would ensue. The woodpecker making the most noise of it’s displeasure with the theft of his acorns. The squirrel really didn’t care much, and would be back taking more of the cache the woodpecker work so hard to get.

Acorn Woodpecker

November 11, 2017 – Saturday

Another awakening to a beautiful day. Sunshine, and a cool breeze kick starts the morning. I love camping in the Fall season of the year. Everyday stepping outside into the world of Nature, entering a different reality. What I had become in my past, and, I am no longer. I am part of Nature now.

With the guys camping across the way from us, thinking about nothing but themselves, it is hard to let go of them being loud, and disrespectful of other campers until 12:00 am, and since the quiet time is at 10:00 pm. This is an on going thing with this campground, as with most other camprounds. And alcohol is a big factor of being loud, and stupid. I could have yelled at them, I could have gotten up, gotten dressed, and walked over to talk with them, but I never want to get out of bed for that. Why should I have to? And always hoping, soon they will be quiet. Sometimes that soon, turns into 3:00 am. Unfortunately, there is no sound proofing in tents

After things quieted down last night, I was finally able to fall asleep. I was able to sleep through the night.

When the mind is silent and at peace, it is a good state to be in, in these situations. You can deal with these situations, with finding solutions for the problem, but being detached from the outcome, or just letting go, the best you can, or just being pissed off. I unfortunately tend to do the latter.

A good question is, is it better to be right, or be at peace? It is as simple as how we look at those things. It all depends on the story you tell yourself.

The boys got to meet the kids camping next to us, but were a bit hesitant by the kids high energy.

I was listening to the conversation of the campers next to us, talking about their everyday lives, about eating bagels, getting caught up in their stories, when instead, they can experience the present moment being in Nature. Unfortunately, this is what most people do, they tell their stories, instead of allowing Nature to heal them. Having this experience being with Nature, does not mean you need to have a vast knowledge of Nature, or knowing very little. It is about just being aware of Nature in silence. Being aware of the sights, sounds, smells, touches, and tastes (if appropriate), in Nature. By doing this, you will probably know more than most who think they know Nature in their minds.

Evening Entry

Today was somewhat productive. I got most of my books back on the book shelves I have in the trailer. Cleaned my truck of the bit of clutter, found some things in the trailer I was looking for, and found some adjustable bars at Home Depot to prevent my books from falling of the book selves.

The guys across from us are actually quiet this evening.

Tonight is pleasant with the wind coming up on occasion. It is not that cold, except when the wind picks up.

Two of the campers to the right of us left, packed up camp, and we have two campers to our left that are still here.

Last night I felt really drained of energy for some reason, tonight I feel much better.

Yesterday I bought a couple of strands of Christmas lights to be a bit festive during this holiday season, but also for practicality reasons. One strand will go on my canopy so I won’t walk into the support polls at night. And one strand on the tent.

November 12, 2017 – Sunday

Today, Sunday, is always a good day, because most campers leave the campground. This afternoon it will be once again, peaceful, and quiet, and we will be able to hear only the sounds of Nature.

Last night the clowns across the way continued their partying, though a bit quieter, they partied all night. I mean, all night!

There was an Eastern Indian family in a cabin, two cabins way from the clowns. I heard a beautiful voice coming from there, a voice of an Angle, singing, “Hallelujah,” Her singing was being masked by the surrounding noise from other campers. I had to listen intently to hear her singing over the noise. No others seem to care about this lovely voice, but Nature, and me. After the young teenage girl finished singing, her younger brother, was whistling the song, “Amazing Grace,” to perfection. I think he was about 10 years old.

I slept pretty well during the night. Those beautiful songs must have put me in a restful state of mind. In the early morning I had a collage of dreams, none I could remember.

The Arts, music, paintings, drawings, sculptures, and other art forms can connect us to the sacred, as does Nature. When they connect with each other it can be magical. I felt I was connected to both last evening. One good example of this is when I saw a video of a man who was playing classical music on the piano for an elder elephant, and one could tell the elephant thoroughly was enjoying it with the flapping of his large ears. And even extended his or her long trunk to tap the keys of the piano in joy with the man. Another video, a man was playing the drums for an elephant, and the elephant began tapping the drums with his, or her trunk. It is something that is much more than just something cute. It goes much deeper. These two examples were in the future span of time, and did not take place during our journey at this time.

I believe there is a parallel dimension to ours, where some, are able to connect into, and communicate with the spirit world of that dimension, and for the spirits to communicate with us.

I am experiencing some tendinitis in my right, and left elbows, and it could be from pounding stakes, chopping wood, lifting heavy things, or from the boys on our walks with them stretching me in every direction. Hopefully this is not an on going problem.

Today I will continue in my quest to organize the trailer, and camp. I want to spend my time in writing, reading, observing Nature, and in reflection. Not organizing, although that is important as well.

I think from my observations, most people want to spend time in Nature, are being drawn to Nature, but do not know how to truly experience Nature on a much deeper level, because they do not know how to. We were never taught this in my generation, nor the many generations past. To do this, it is up to each individual to learn from within. It is in all of us, we just have to be able to bring it out. And to be able to do it in silence, in alone time. Going into Nature with friends, or family, this alone time can be difficult, as with experiencing silence, but it can be done.

For most, we bring the city ‘us’ into the Nature ‘us,’ and the city ‘us’ consumes most, or all of our time. We can’t break lose from the familiar, and awaken to Nature’s wonders. There needs to be times where we can experience Nature in silence – to truly be aware of the here and now – and in all of creation.

Evening Entry

Didn’t get much done today, and not much needed to get done, really. So I guess I got everything done.

I did drop by the Eastern Indian’s cabin this morning. I noticed they were leaving today, and wanted to tell the young girl, and boy, that I enjoyed their singing, and whistling. The girl was still in bed, so I talked to the mother, and told her if she would, how much I enjoyed her daughters singing. The boy was up, so I mentioned to him how much I liked his whistling. They were truly gifts to Nature, and to me and the boys.

We should be able to stay in camp most of the week. Chance of rain / showers in the afternoon on Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday, so the weather forecast says. On Sunday, we move camp back to Site #60.

Our evening was pleasant, and quiet, with a near empty campground. Peace at last.

November 13, 2017 – Monday – Takotas, and Nanook’s Birthday

We tried to get up early this morning, but did not quite make it. The boys wanted to sleep in a bit more, from an exhausted weekend. And it was their birthday today. They are 4 years old. I gave them both birthday hugs, and kisses. We finally got up around 7:30 am to a beautiful sunny day.

First thing on the list of things to do today was to go the entrance kiosk to pay for two nights of camping. The gal that was working at the kiosk, our friend Kevin did not care much for. He said she was a mean one. So when I got there, I greeted her nicely, and she did the same. I asked her if she liked Jane Goodall, and she did, then I asked if she was interested in reading her current book? She was delighted to say, “Yes.” So I gave her the book, “Seeds Of Hope,” by Jane Goodall. And told her to feel free to give the book to anyone who wants to read it. From that time on, she was always nice to me.

We have had campfires in the morning, and evening, to keep the chill off, and the simple enjoyment of having a fire. I always keep my fires small, and manageable. Fires can be irritable though with the smoke always following you.

The turkeys have returned after all the campers had left. We only had a small flock of turkeys in the campground this morning. More bird activity come around with less campers, and less noise by the campers. It is such a great, and peaceful place when the people are gone. If people only knew the impact we have on Nature, with our noise, and presence.

I have not been writing about taking the boys for walks, but we do take morning walks, and evening walks everyday around the campground. No lake walks for the boys, because they can get aggressive with any dogs approaching them that are off leash, and I don’t want to take any chances. It was a great loss we couldn’t take walks along the lake. It is a beautiful Nature walk.

I went to get my work gloves for when I pick up my firewood. It is always exciting picking up a new supply. Our wood supplier is requiring a minimum purchase of a quarter cord now. I was usually only getting an eighth of a cord before. His wood is not cheap, but we get good burning firewood. An eighth of a cord usually lasts a week with small morning, and evening fires. The wood we usually get is oak, or almond. Burning these woods gives off a wonderful smell which adds to the pleasures of having campfires.

Nothing like a good supply of firewood

Well, I couldn’t find my gloves anywhere. I seem to be misplacing everything. I do have extra pairs of gloves hidden somewhere in my trailer, but where? And can I even find them? Unlikely! I tried to organize the trailer to have easy access to my stuff, and unfortunately that idea didn’t work out too well. I have too much stuff. But stuff I anticipated I might need or would need for this journey. I wanted to be prepared since we will be living outside in Nature.

When we go camping at campgrounds, I tend to use the typical things for each campground, and it makes it easy for the most part to keep track of things, and in planning what I need. Very seldom does that change much if at all. While going into the backcountry I have to readjust in what I will bring, and for the length we stay, requiring much more planning, and much more stuff needed. This also has a lot to do with what I want to try and accomplish in the backcountry.

I have been having a hard time staying up until 7:30 or 8:00 pm, unless I have a good book to read. Takota usually likes going to bed when it gets dark, or when I am ready for bed. Nanook prefers staying up later to watch for the critters that come out during the darkness of night. But Nanook has to come in with us when it is time for bed, although unwillingly.

Last night I saw a creature scurrying along the road, and I believe it may have been a bobcat. When darkness falls upon daylight, it is always fun trying to figure out what creatures that might be prowling, and the sounds they made. Darkness brings out many of the creatures.

November 14, 2017 – Tuesday

We woke to mostly clear skies this morning, with the freshness in the air that the rained left behind.

I talked with Dan, the park maintenance boss this morning, and it seemed, me and the boys were getting talked about at the park office. Probably for our three month stay at the park, about three years prior. I don’t remember seeing Dan back then, maybe because we left early in the morning, and got back after dark at night. It seemed everyone at the park knew about us. And of course they would. Who wouldn’t notice a guy, with two beautiful dogs staying two months longer than we should have. Maybe they had bets on how long we would try to stay this time. Dan also told me the park staff were talking about us in an afternoon meeting. Supposedly me, and the boys were well praised. They also knew I was related to my second cousin who works for the Park Service. It may have been a good thing, because it may have allowed us to stay longer than we should have. Dan was a really nice guy, and everyone else who we met at the Park was very nice to us. Unfortunately, I never got to see my second cousin at the park. I did find out that my favorite camp site at the park was hers too. And now there is a cabin there.

It is a beautiful day in Nature. Today we will be picking up my cooking grill, solar panels, dropping off stuff at our storage unit, and picking up more firewood.

We are suppose to be getting a good rain on Wednesday. Today in the afternoon, it looked like we may get some rain.

Evening Entry

We got everything done that I wanted to get done. It was a good day, including a good load of firewood (a ¼ cord of almond). We got back to camp at 2:00 pm.

There were a lot of small flies buzzing around after getting back to camp. I was carrying some firewood to stack, and felt and heard the buzzing of a fly go right into my right ear, and I thought it would just buzz right back out. It didn’t! It kept crawling deeper into my ear canal with a creepy, and weird sensation. This never has happened to me before. I couldn’t get the sucker out, and I could tell it was back in there just buzzing around, causing me a great degree of annoyance. I thought the only way to get the bugger out was to flush him out with peroxide. Putting the solution in my ear I immediately heard the peroxide fizzing, and crackling in my ear. I thought that would do the trick with a few flushes of water. But no sign of the fly coming out. I had thoughts of a rotting fly stuck in my ear. It completely threw my balance off, and it caused me to lean, and walk towards the right. I was getting disturbed with the idea of how I was going to sleep at night, knowing this dead, and decaying corpse was in my ear. I would flush it out again with water tomorrow.

It was a nice cool evening, with a small chance of rain tonight. Rain on Wednesday evening through Thursday.

November 15, 2017 – Wednesday

I slept okay last night.

It began raining lightly in the early morning.This morning the skies seems like a big storm is about to hit us. Yet the beauty of this creation is mysterious, and beautiful.

The turkeys came to our meadow at 6:30 am, with a mighty force from all directions, and when landing, setting off a torrent of gobbles filling the air. They can be a loud bunch.

It is suppose to be windy, and wet tonight. I need to get our camp ready for what comes in.

It is nice to have a warming fire on morning like this. I usually don’t try to have any campfires when it rains. I don’t want to waste good firewood.

While cooking breakfast, I saw six acorn woodpeckers fly to a nearby oak tree, while squawking away. I miss them being around, and observing their behavior.

Last week a lone turkey was pecking at a bumper of an RV, and I was wondering what got him so interesting in that bumper? There is a camping trailer across from us, and again I heard pecking against the metal of the bumper. I got a closer look to observe what this turkey found so interesting. It could have been the sound of the pecking, or the reflection of the turkey on the bumper. If I had a mirror handy, I could have hung it on a tree to see what a turkey would do.

I am currently reading Eckhart Tolle’s book, “The Power Of Now.” It is a good book on the teaching of spiritual awakening. In most modern day cultures we have been brainwashed into thinking, the mind shows us truth, yet it only shows us an illusion of what we perceive as being the truth, or a false reality of the truth. Real Truth can only be tapped into through silent awakening, and discovering this within each one of us. We can discover this anywhere, but the best place is in Nature.

For most, they would become easily bored, or frustrated or having a misunderstanding of this power we all have, but few use, or by this idea because they don’t understand the concept of silence, and how important it is. Silence is an experience, a Beingness, or pure consciousness of the present, of what is here, and now. Once one experiences this awakened Truth, it is hard to go back to the untruth of the reality we have been living through the ego self (the false self).

Evening Entry

The evening was a beautiful time to be. To be in Nature.

To ‘be’ is simply to experience an experience deeply within.

November 16, 2017 – Thursday

In the middle of the night a light wet mist was coming inside the large screened opening in the tent, next to where I have my bed. But nothing was getting wet inside that I could tell. This fine mist felt refreshing on my face. Looking out into the night sky, it was as clear as can be. The winds that were kicking up during the night must have been blowing moisture our way, and with more wind, more rain came, transforming from a mist to a light rain. And then, I felt the wetness on me and my sleeping bag, and I knew it was time to button up the tent.

The rain became progressively louder on the tent fabric, and the wind more intense. I would listen to the wind going through the valley, and through the trees, telling me if it will be coming our way. I enjoyed the roar of the wind, moving through the trees, that is just another being of Nature we should respect with it’s many personalities. As for the sounds of the rain falling on the tent, it can sound like it is pouring, but is only a light rain falling, or the more power of the rain falling, telling of a heaviness in the rain. And if one is set up under a tree, it could still sound like rain, but is only the drops falling from the tree’s branches. It is the simple things that can tell us so much about our surroundings.

With the rain falling hard, and the winds blowing through our camp, the tent performed well both with the rain, and wind. I also lowered the canopy to it’s lowest profile, and it stayed in place without any damage.

There is a mist of clouds laying over the foothills this morning. A beautiful wet experience Nature provides. Weather can be a very unpleasant, and uncomfortable experience while camping, but it is also a beautiful time to be out in Nature, as long as one can stay warm, and dry.

Our camping friend gave us a canopy a few years ago. I had it in storage all this time. I was not a canopy kind of guy. But I soon learned, it can be a nice addition to ones camp with good benefits. It provides shade from the hot sunlight, cooking can be done while it is raining, or sitting under the canopy, enjoying being outside when it is raining, as long as there is no wind. Screens, and side walls can be added as well for bug protection. The bad thing about canopies, is the wind. It is wise to always stake the poles, and the guy lines from the canopy to the ground. One never knows when a good wind will come through camp. I do dislike using guy lines on the tent, and canopy, because I always run into them, or get tripped up. And for that reason I don’t always have them staked. When the weather is nice, I like the openness of not having a canopy blocking my view of my surroundings. Another thing with canopies, don’t place them to close to fire rings, unless you want burned holes in the canopy from embers.

I don’t know how long the rain will last. Hopefully I can start packing up for our move to another campsite tomorrow. We will be staying at our new campsite for two days, then back to this one.

Nanook was scratching his muzzle with a muddy paw, and covered the muzzle with mud. Now he looks like a wolf.

It began pouring down rain, and Nanook finally got under the canopy next to me, a muddy mess. Takota decided he still wanted to play in the rain, and was soaking wet.

Afternoon Entry

It is 2:30 pm and the rain is finally lifting. We spent a little time in the tent to stay dry. When the rain did stop, I opened the large window rain flap and enjoyed the beautiful view of the low lying clouds beginning to lift. The turkeys came out from their cover, and on to the grassy area to feed.

Evening Entry

We got a small break in the rain, and then light rain showers began falling. It has become a very pleasant for the rest of the day. We may get more rain showers tomorrow on our moving day. I am hoping there will be a cancellation, so we won’t have to move.

November 17, 2017 – Friday

Today is moving day. We are only moving two sites over, then returning to the site we are just leaving from, on Sunday. It is a pain having to move camp in the same campground, especially having to do it alone. The site isn’t the best campsite, but it is close to this one when we have to move again. Our new site is a pretty good size to fit our large tent, The site does have a nice oak tree on it. There is no place to tie the dogs up to, and it is a corner site with a lot of traffic, both foot, and automobile that can be a problem for me and the boys. Good thing it is only for two nights.

We have nice sunny weather for our move. The tent is still wet from the rain on Thursday. The sunshine will help dry it out.

I prefer campsites with trees, for some protection from the sun, and rain, as with a place to tie the boys. It also provides a little more privacy. But one has to be aware of possible widow makers being under, or around trees. Trees, and vegetation also provides good wind blocks. It can be also be hard to find the perfect campsite, as with level campsites for the tents. In the fall, winter, and spring months, it is also good to have good access to sunlight for drying, and warmth.

After getting most of my gear moved to the new campsite, We went to the main gate to get checked in. They told me the site we just moved to was only available for one night, so we had to take the less desirable campsite, which meant moving all your gear across the street to the site I originally reserved.

This is one reason I dislike having to make reservations, especially when one is doing this full time, and even in the winter months for some campgrounds that have reservations for the full year. Most campgrounds have peak season reservations, then switch to first come first serve (no reservations) in the off season. Constantly having to jump around from campsite to campsite is a big pain in the rear. I will go into others reasons later on why reservations are a bad idea for the part time traveler, and the full timer.

The nice thing about camping in less desirable weather, in the late fall, winter, and early spring are far less people, typically no reservations required, and more campsite selections. And the campgrounds are usually quiet, and peaceful. But for some campgrounds, the popular ones, the weekends can be busy. We learned this lesson in Oregon.

Now, even though I am in the worst campsite in the campground, in my opinion, I get a whole different perspective of the whole campground which makes it interesting. I am seeing the good, even being in a not so great campsite.

Evening Entry

The move to our new campsite took twice as long since we had to move twice. But it could have been worse, it could have been raining, and/or windy.

It is 6:00 pm, and the campground is filling up quickly for the weekend campers. My site overlooks the lower campground, which tends to be pretty noisy. Hopefully it is not bad.

Our camp for two nights

While I was moving our stuff to Site 11, from Site 57, I left the boys alone at Site 57, and they did not have any problem of being alone. They could always see me, so that probably gave them some comfort. The boys are such great camping companions. If I had my choice between people or dogs, to go camping with, it would be the dogs.

I always seem to think a bigger camps are better, but this one is very small, but works well. Everything is close and easily accessible to get things. It will be much easier packing up for our next move in two days.

This site feels very remote, and very dark, though it isn’t get cars drive by. It has a feeling of being totally different from the other camps I have been in here.

While I was moving camp, and the boys supervising, I talked with a park employee, and he was telling me they were trying to keep us at Site 60, so we would not have to move. We have been treated incredibly well here, and watched over. That is a good feeling.

While I was loading up, I had problems with the canopy while taking it down, and bent one of the leg support poles. It was a cheap canopy. and now it is time for the garbage.

Because our tent is a large tent (ten person tent), and being high, it can be a challenge putting the rain fly on. And if there is wind, forget it. With any size tent, a four person or more, the rain fly can be a challenge putting on, especially doing it alone, and on a windy day. With my ten person tent, it has two settings on the support poles while setting it up. The first setting is clicked into place at mid point once the tent is balanced. Then it secures the tent pretty well. Then this is when the rain fly is draped over the tent, with the tent height low enough making it fairly easy to put on. That is as long as there is no wind, or if one has help. Once the rain fly is in place, the support poles are extended to full height, and everything else is clipped into place. That tent is definitely a balancing act putting it up with only one person doing it. On this particular day, we were getting wind gusts making it difficult putting up the tent. Once I got things in place and balanced, here comes the wind, and the tent would collapse. Then it would calm, and hope the tent goes up before the next gust of wind. Could you imagine doing this on a windy, and rainy day, and much worse, doing it alone?

At our new camp it gets very dark once the sun sets, and a great place to look into the night sky for stars.

Evening view

Tomorrow we are going to go to a Cafe we had spent every morning for breakfast, and became part of the regulars there, to visit with our human friends, and dog friends. The boys take their friendships very seriously, whether human or canine, and it gives me great joy when they see their friends, and how excited they get.

November 18, 2017 – Saturday.

Last night it has been the coldest it has been at 40 degrees F. It was 43 deg. at 6:45 am when we got up. I didn’t sleep well last night, but at least the campground was pretty quiet.

I was a bit chilled last night, my 20 deg. rated sleeping bag wasn’t making the grade.

We went to the Cafe for breakfast, and most of our friends were there. It was just like the olden days. Afterwards we stopped to do some shopping for food, then returned to camp at 12:30 pm.

We have no shade in camp, and the boys found shade under the picnic table or next to the tent. I also got my battery charging with the solar panels with the good solar access we have in camp.

I did find a tick embedded in Takota today.

I haven’t heard from a friend who was going make reservations for me for another two weeks here at Del Valle. Hope she makes them soon for the campsite we like.

Evening Entry

The campers at Site 60 left a day early, so that will make our moving back much easier by not having to wait for them to pack up camp. So the plan is for Sunday, is having my coffee, ponder, feed the boys, and ponder some more.

The firewood I have in the bed of my truck will limit how much I can load in the back, I will first unload the wood at Site 60, then start packing up my truck at Site 11. I will have about two trips packing and unpacking to and from the two sites. I will leave the trailer until the last which would be my third trip, with a total of 4 trips. Sounds like a good plan.

It is down to 49 deg. at 5:30 pm. It will be a cold night.

One of the biggest hurdles I am dealing with is anger – anger with people who are disrespectful towards other campers, and disrespectful towards Nature. I find letting go of this anger is difficult. But the reality is, the only one that it is hurting is me.

November 19, 1017 – Sunday

It is a tad cold this morning, but warming up.

Moving day today, once again.

We had more bird activity here at this camp than the camp we will be moving to. Maybe because there are more pine trees here, the birds have more of a preference for them. Just a guess.

Nanook is taking a snooze after a good breakfast, Takota is keeping guard at the camp, and I am doing the rest of the work. It would be nice if they could help out once in a while, but that isn’t a dogs role. This is what dogs do best, just being a dog.

I stayed pretty warm last night with a few modifications, by keeping the window coverings mostly closed, and wearing a hoodie to cover my head. We also did not have as much wind.

It is a beautiful moving day, and back to our favorite campsite.

On this particular campsite, I wake up to the sight of this elder oak tree standing alone. This 100 plus year old oak tree, with almost a skeletal look to it’s frame, frail like in comparison to the other oaks around. But I am sure can share stories, and much wisdom for those willing to listen. It is a tree I have become close to, and respect, as with the magpies, dark – eyed juncos, the acorn woodpeckers, the gobbling turkeys, and the other creatures of Nature who have enlightened our experiences here. We consider them friends, and teachers.

100 year old Oak Tree

Evening Entry

The move went well, and much faster than our last move on Friday. I think the boys and I are much happier at this site. It has a better feel to it. We have the campsite for eleven days, then hopefully, another thirty days in December. The crowds should lessen with winter coming.

I asked Joy from the store if she would help me with the set up of the tent, and she obliged, saving me about 15 minutes in possible frustration trying to do it by myself. She was much more thorough in the minor details than I was, in setting up the tent. I thanked her for the help. I did not mention, the tent is an Easy pop-up tent. It makes it easier, and faster to set up, and take down. Once the tent was set up, and organized with bedding and such, we headed into town to get a new canopy.

Our favorite campsite

Around 4:00 pm, I saw Joy walking to a dead fallen oak tree a short distance from our camp, and to the rear of the camp store. While watching her standing next to that dead oak, I had a sense, a feeling, I was looking at a human spirit having a spiritual connection with this once living oak tree, now dead. And yet still feeling the life force that once existed in this mighty oak. I had never experienced this type of observation before in a person’s connection to a dead fall tree, and showing this tree a deep respect for all that it had done in it’s life, and all that it still gives.

I felt a this connection between this person and the tree, this energy, that came through me, that welcomed me over to these to beings, to learn a deeper connection to all life forms.

While walking over towards her, thinking, “should I disturb her?” My curiosity continued pulling me in that direction. Once I reach her, I ask, “Joy, what are you looking at?” And before she could answer, I told her what I had observed, and sensed when I saw her walking slowly towards the tree with upmost respect. We then talked about the life the tree once had, and it’s story. And the spirit world that is all around us, that is in Nature, and that we human’s can experience when we listen, and see with an open heart in silence, and respect to the seen, and unseen.

Returning to camp I was thinking, if I didn’t talk with Joy by the oak tree, I never would have had that experience, and feeling a deeper sense of connection with Nature. That observation of Joy, and the tree, and our conversation, brought me into that experience with a greater appreciation for all life, and how sacred all life is.

In camp I checked emails, and read some comments on Facebook. One email I received was from my oldest Sister. She said, how what I was doing reminded her of Dad, who I had little memory of, since he died when I was only 4 years old. She also mentioned how much she is looking forward to seeing us when we come visit. I hadn’t seen her for over 20 years.

I had been thinking about my family a lot lately, and how grateful I was to have my two sisters, and two brothers with the many good memories I had growing up. I wanted to talk more about our family, and our Mom, and Dad with my Sis. She was a very big part of our family. As mentioned, I knew very little of our Dad. At this point in time I was not sure when I would get up to Magalia, next to Paradise.

November 20, 2017 – Monday

I had a restless first part of the night, but eventually fell sound to sleep.

We got up at 8:00 am, 55 deg. out, but feels warmer. It is cloudy out with a forecast of rain.

The turkeys didn’t fly in this morning.

There are five campers here, not counting me. One has a pumpkin out. Surprisingly the campground gets pretty full during Thanksgiving. I could see this place being great for the holiday as long as the weather is good, and not too cold. We are suppose to have nice weather for Thanksgiving. I stopped celebrating this holiday because of the lies it represents in our history books, and what we have done to the Native Americans.

The magpies are back, looking for breakfast, and visiting the boys food bowls for any leftovers.

Afternoon Entry

We were heading for the store, in Livermore, and checking on my friend Tammy’s progress on making us a reservation to extend our stay here. Before we headed down the hill, we dropped by to talk with Kevin, and Joy’s. They told me the park won’t allow people to make reservations for those who want to extend their stay longer then allowed, meaning, what I was having my friend do was not allowed. We will have to see what happens. Considering we stayed here for 3 months, surprisingly back in 2014 without an issue, we may have a chance. I hope!

So, I thought I should talk to our friend at the main gate on our way back to camp to get a feel of if we are going to run into any problems extending our stay. I did not want to push it so I told her we wanted to stay another two weeks vs. a month. She told me she will let me in, and not report it to reservations. It seems most of the park employees have our back. I had my friend make reservations for only 15 days. The gal at the front gate checked with her boss who is strictly by the book with rules, who would say, no to this scheme, and she said, she really didn’t care. So we have 15 days more in December. It is nice being liked.

It has been cloudy all day, and no rain.

I did one more ear flush, and I think I got that rotting fly carcass out of my ear canal finally.

Today, I was experiencing being in the present, in pure awareness. This was a big step from where I was yesterday, not being in the Now.

In the familiar, and unfamiliar in the dark blackened night sky, there is silence, not a sound to be heard. It can be eerie for some, peaceful for others.

Then a cry sounds out through the crisp chill of the darkness of the night air. This gives me pause, thinking about the life forms that are hunting, and being hunted. These different sounds this creature makes is unfamiliar to me. It begins with one sounding cry, then repeating it over, and over again, then changes to a different sound, and then a third that differs from the second. Could it be a bird, or raptor, or a mammal? I do not know, but my curiosity is heightened for the need to know more about these sounds in the night. Then there is silence once again in the darkness of night. It begins once again when a hawk cries out, then the faint sound of the hoot, of a Great horned owl in the distance. Then, the quiet silence again falls upon us.

The night life few ever see, but is still quite awake, and active in this blackness. Many times I wish I had sound equipment to record these sounds. There would be times I would be awakened from a deep sound sleep to a blood curdling scream. I never knew what it was from until I was told that it could have been a rabbit’s death cry.

Many of the stars are washed out, hidden, by the city lights, but the main constellations shines bright like beacons in the night sky.

November 21, 2017 – Tuesday

Slept pretty well during the night. It is 54 deg. when we got up at 8:30 am. Foggy out this morning.

I got a fire going, and the smells of the fragrant aromas of pine, and oak burning enhances the experience of camping, and being part of the woodlands. The coffee is almost ready. It will be a nice day.

This morning at around 6:30 am, I was looking out my large window at ground level, out to the meadow, with a back drop of pine, and oak trees. It was a beautiful setting in Nature to wake up too. Then a diesel truck drove by our camp filling the air with noxious exhaust fumes, ruining that pristine moment.

I have my solar panels, and battery pack out, and charging my laptop, and iPad. We have scattered clouds for charging. The battery and solar panels are working well. I use the next door campsite picnic table when the site isn’t being used for charging when it has good solar access.

I met a nice lady from Alaska, and will be talking with her tomorrow some time about good places to go.

A beautiful night at 57 deg. at 5:45 pm.

November 22, 2017 – Wednesday

We got up at 7:00 am, for a shower. Clear skies. A beautiful starry night last night. Didn’t sleep well with too many thoughts on if we can make it to Alaska.

We meet our friend Tammy this morning.

We haven’t seen the turkeys in the mornings lately.

Evening Entry

We went to bed early around 7:00 pm. It was one of those low energy days.

The campground we are in is pretty much full.

November 23, 2017 – Thursday – Thanksgiving day

I woke up at 5:30 am, then fell back to sleep. We woke again to a beautiful sunrise, and got up at 8:00 am. The morning sky was partly cloudy. The moist morning air, and the smell, reminded me of the Hawaiian Islands.

The group of campers that came in last night, across from us were a bit obnoxiously loud, but did eventually quiet down.

The birds were active this morning in song, and feeding. They are always welcome in, and around our camp.

I am still experiencing the pain of tendinitis in my right arm, but slowly it is hopefully getting better. With our new life style living in Nature, I hope this is not an on going problem. I will be constantly using my arms in the daily rituals required in camping, as with setting up, and taking down camps, and not giving the arms much time to heal. But for the past two months I have been doing a lot of lifting, and this will lessen a bit. And of course, age comes into play on how quickly the healing process occurs. At times, taking the boys for walks, can irritate the tendons, in the shoulders, and elbows, with their pulling me back and forth, and stretching me like a rubber band with them going in the opposite directions. They are very strong boys. They are getting better walking, but they have their moments. I am no longer a spring chicken, and at 65, soon to be 66 years old in January. In my past I have dealt with sciatica that could be a problem if it decides to flare up.

The weather began clouding up, and looked like a chance of rain.

Evening Entry

Not much to say. I got my laptop charged at the store, I set up the canopy, fixed breakfast for me and the boys, and I got a little reading done.

The rain never came today. The clouds remained this evening, but is very pleasant out.

November 24, 2017 – Friday

The leaves are beginning to fall off the oak trees for the winter.

It is a nice sunny morning with a temperature of 58 deg.

at 8:15 am. T-shirt weather. A very thin layer of clouds are above us.

I got the fire lit, and going, and the coffee perking.

I slept well last night, and felt very relaxed in bed in the morning, not wanting to disturb this peaceful state of Being. But Nanook seemed very restless, and I knew he was telling me he had to go out. So I rushed to get out of bed and dressed to take them out. He quickly took care of business relieving himself once we were out of the tent. For both Takota, and Nanook, they are really good at not having accidents in the tent, and doing their best in letting me know that they need to go out, though it can be a subtle gesture that I don’t always pick up on. Sometimes, I don’t get it as quickly as they want it to with me. And they will wait for me to get with it and let it sink in. I think it is a good idea if we go for a walk before bedtime.

Before we got up, at around 6:00 am, I heard some unfamiliar bird sounds, then the clanking of pots on the picnic table. I knew what was making the clanking noise. I shined my flashlight at the table, hoping they would scoot away, but it didn’t work. So I opened up the tent screen, and made some noise, and shined the light at them on the table and that got them to run off. I had to laugh when I saw their little glowing eyes bobbing up and down, and looking at me. The little critter’s were raccoons. I wasn’t too concerned since I had nothing on the table in the form of food that they could get at. So I went back to sleep, and the clanking had ended.

The group of campers across from us I was hoping they were going to leave today, but no such luck, and why would they, the weekend is coming up. Wishful thinking on my part.

The campers at our campground is pretty quiet with the exception of the group across from us. We are going to just hang out in camp. The rest of the park I am sure will be busy with lots of people.

I was observing a teenager, maybe 13 or 14 years of age, across the way, lighting a fire in the fire pit. He grabbed a plastic container from the bed of their truck, then filled a cup full of gasoline into a plastic cup to use to ignite the fire in the fire ring. He began pouring the gasoline into the fire, and began ignited the fluid he was pouring out of the cup. The boy flung the cup away from him, with no regard for the two younger children on each side of him. He is lucking none of the gasoline came near the other children, but easily could have. Or if it happened during a dryer season, could have started a grass fire. This is why one should never, ever use gasoline to start a fire. It is extremely dangerous. I did not see any adult supervision when the boy was doing that. A bit later, I heard his dad yelling at him for being so stupid. I wonder where the boy had learned this trick of using gasoline to start a fire? As well as teaching the other younger children in using gasoline to start a fire as well. The Dad rips into his son for being stupid when he learned it from his Dad. Who is the stupid, and irresponsible one here? Many people use lighter fluid for lighting campfires, and though it is less flammable than gasoline, it is still dangerous, and toxic. There are many safe, and sure fire ways to light a campfire, but they do not want to take the time to learn or properly prepare for a good light. Using gasoline, or lighter fluid is a lazy man’s way of doing it, as well as not being responsible in fire starting skills, and management of the fire. When one learns to start a fire safely, and responsibly, it becomes more enjoyable. And one shows respect to fire. This can be taught to children, and teaching them fire skills, and the responsibility of fire makes it more enjoy for the child as well.

The raccoons hit the group across the way. Thumbs up for the raccoons.

November 26, 2017 – Saturday

We left early to have breakfast at the Cafe, get gas, and clean the storage unit I was renting. Once we got back to camp, the campground we were in was pretty much empty of campers, and quiet. The lower campground was still pretty busy.

November 27, 2017 – Sunday

This morning I was expecting a wet morning, instead, the sun rise was spectacular. It had began with clouds hugging the tops of the foothills, becoming a bright red, turning to yellow, then beige. We are getting occasional showers, with mostly gusty winds.

I didn’t really want to go to storage today, and leave this beautiful experience in Nature on this stormy looking day. A perfect time to be outside in Nature, and to experience this peacefulness a stormy day can bring.

I remember enjoying listening to Beethoven’s 6th, and 7th symphonies where he was able to paint the perfect motions, and emotions of weather in his music.

The sounds in Nature can be magical, and mysteries, if we take the time to listen, like the sounds of the wind blowing through the valley, and trees. While I am listening to these sounds, the boys are napping after a good breakfast.

Afternoon Entry

I decided we would stay in camp today. We did leave for some quick shopping in town, and when returning to camp, it was raining, but of a light refreshing rain. I thought about going in the tent, but it was just to nice to be inside on a day like this.

Nanook is laying in his hole that he dug for himself, becoming mud that is sticking all over his coat. Both Takota and Nanook dig holes for a nice comfortable bed to lay. Sometimes at the base of a tree, next to, or under brush, or under the picnic table.

The turkeys too are enjoying this day, not being bothered by the little rain we are getting.

Driving to the store I had a sudden urge that we should move on up north. We will stay for two more weeks, then begin our travels north. I am starting to feel a bit stagnate here, when we have so much traveling we need to do. This is only the very beginning of our travel.

The nice people camping across from us are staying one more night, and had extra food, so they dropped off some steaks for us for dinner tonight.

Shortly after I started writing my afternoon entry, it began raining enough, we all headed for the tent for shelter. Once we got into the tent, the two, cooped up boys, started rough housing inside the tent. I thought their playfulness could do some damage to the tent, so our short stay in the tent quickly ended.

I always think about better tent designs, or improvements on tents, but they wouldbe based on my preferences in tents, and maybe not for others. One big gripe I have, even with supposedly good quality tents are the poor quality stakes they have for most tents.

Although I dislike Coleman tents, they did come up with a great idea of having a swing door for the entry. I wasn’t sure how I would like it, but I got to try it in one of my tents, and it was much better than the typical designed used in tents.

I was thinking the 10 person tent we were using, I would have enough room to put my chair in the front portion of the tent where the entry is, and where I slept. But is was just to tight in space. So I would have to put the chair in the back room where the boys sleep, which would be fine I guess.

Being outside again, after the boys playful outbursts in the tent, it stopped raining, and I fed the boys their dinner. I then decided it would be a good idea to stake the guy lines to secure the tent better with the winds we were getting. So far the tent is doing well, with the exceptions of better awnings for the large size windows they use.

I took the boys out for a walk, the rain was falling ever so lightly. It was very pleasant out. The light rain had a pleasant warmth to it.

Back at camp, it was 59 deg. The rain continues to come down, but still lightly, though with a breeze kicking up, the temperature instantly dropped.

With the exception of dealing with wet dogs, camping can be very pleasurable with a good tent, and canopy, in a fairly light rain. Anything more, with hard or steady rains, and even worse with winds, it can be unpleasant, and even just plain miserable. Once everything is wet, it doesn’t dry out. The benefit with where we are at, is that if it got bad with wet clothing. If a laundromat is available near to camp, that would be a good option for getting clothing dry, but one would still have a wet tent, specially with two big fury dogs.

I thought we were going to spend the evening in the tent with the weather being so uncertain, but it turned out to be very nice, and hated to waste such a fine night in the tent. This is one thing about living in Nature, one gets to experience everything it gives, and many of these times can be so amazing. It is the simple things that can make us so grateful for this experience.

At 6:30 pm, it was nice enough to spend an evening outside for the boys to look for the critters roaming at night, and for me, some reading.

We are getting a little dripping through the canopy, otherwise it is working pretty well. The flies are finding protection under the canopy to their liking, and luckily not in the tent.

November 27, 2017 – Monday

The rain seemed like it poured hard most of the night, pounding on the surface of the tent, like rocks pounding on a metal surface. It was hard to sleep with the continuous noise of the rain. I must have dosed off between the breaks in the rain, then to be awakened when the rain started up again. The boys did not seem to be bothered by this.

I would have to get use to the sounds of the rain to determine the intensity of the rain. A light rain can be deceiving for a heavier rain. There would be times I delayed getting up because of the rain, hoping it would stop, so we would avoid getting soaked on our morning walk. Rain or shine, we would take our walks. There would be times I thought the rain was pouring down, and once stepping out from the tent, it was just a nice drizzle falling, which I found to be pleasant to walk in – seeing Nature in her different moods.

But on this day, we awoke to a chilly, and sunny morning, with not a cloud in sight. Another beautiful day in Nature, and so peaceful.

The tent held up well with no leaks. That is always good to know.

At 7:00 am the chorus of birds began filling the air. The hawks, turkeys, magpies, crows, jays, woodpeckers, and the many other songs birds that find this place home. There was one bird that was a new voice in the area. It would continue it’s call about four or five times, but I could not place it to the species of bird. It would be nice to record them, and with the technologies now for App’s for Smartphone on plant, tree, and bird identifications it would make it much easier. But I don’t have a Smartphone.

I heard we are not suppose to get any rain until maybe Sunday.

Evening Entry

There are only two campers left in our campground. It should be a quiet week. Although I am happy when most or everyone leaves, I have an eerie feeling at times when the campground empties of campers. A feeling that I have when left here alone. An unsettling feeling. But it doesn’t last long when the campground is suddenly empty.

It is 46 deg. but with all the moisture in the air it feels much cooler.

The deer are starting to come back into the meadow. Like me, most animals don’t like human noise, and crowds of people in their area. If we only showed more respect for the natural world, and our impact we have on it. The only critters that don’t mind humans, are the ones who benefit by food left behind, or left out in campsites.

We got a late start in the morning, because our friends across from us wanted to say goodbye to the boys. After that we went directly to storage to clean up, and to the store for a few things, then back to camp. We arrived back to camp at 2:30 pm. I started a fire, and made a salad. I was pretty hungry due to not having dinner last night, or breakfast this morning.

Before our friends left, that were across from us, the husband gave me a tour of their travel trailer, and it was nice, although I don’t see this as camping. And I wanted to experience Nature in a tent, so I can be closer to Nature, and not be insulated from Nature. But for many, they like being comfortable with all the amenities trailers can offer, and the protection from bad weather.

Last night, I heard two owls hooting away. They were hooting to one another. One was close to us, and the other was a further distance away. The one close to us was in a tree near our camp.

November 28, 2017 – Tuesday

It is a chilly 42 deg. this morning when we got up. I decided to make a small fire to take some of the chill off the old bones. The warmth of the fire is greatly appreciated, and feels very comforting.

It is a nice sunny day.

I talked with one of the construction guys at the campground who are building the new bathrooms here, about the weather in Oregon, and he told me it gets pretty wet during February, March, and April. We just have to hope for the best. We will try to hit the drier parts of eastern Oregon. This was one of my concerns heading north through northern California, Oregon, and Washington – chances of a lot of rain.

We have been here a full month. How the time flies by. I have been spending a lot of time moving, and clearing out my storage unit. In a couple of days, I will be free from my old life, and stepping completely into my new life, with the boys, and Nature. I have no clue what the future will bring or where we will end up. This is just the beginning for us, and looking forward to our adventures heading north.

Who could not love this place (minus the people) with the magpies all around us, keeping us amused, a couple of ring-necked doves near by feeding. And the many birds, and critters that occasionally come to visit. I am writing, enjoying Nature, and having special times with the boys. A long time dream coming true. Although I never could have conceived in developing such a deep connection, and relationship with Nature. Nature comes alive in very unexpected ways when we allow ourselves to go deep within Nature’s beauty, and wonder.

We can find simple, and yet amazing beauty in Nature. I found a dead fallen oak leaf on the ground in camp, that was next to a dead leaf of a

Sycamore. Beauty in Nature can be found anywhere if we look close enough, and deep enough.

Oak, and Sycamore Leaves

Things are becoming greener here after the rains. I am even beginning to see the changing colors, patches of green on the otherwise brown hillsides.

I saw a small old oak scared by the cutting, and chopping of it’s branches. At the lowest part of the trunk, a branch snapped off creating a divot from scaring where water can collect. I had noticed it when I saw a scrub jay drinking from it last week. A fresh water reservoir created by this tiny notch in the tree for animals to drink when the rain fills it’s empty space. I had just seen a magpie take advantage of this water source, as I am sure many birds do. There are so many stories Nature can tell.

Evening Entry

We got on the road at 10:00 am, called my firewood supplier, and he said coming by Wednesday morning would be better.

So I spent the day at the storage unit getting a lot done, and getting a big load to the dumps. I will get my storage cleaned out by Thursday, and that will be it, no more cleaning, and dumping stuff I have been collecting for years, and most of it will be dumped, or given away. I will only keep the things I really need, while living in Nature.

I grabbed an extra blanket because it is suppose to be cold tonight, and I we will see how the fleece blanket works putting over my sleeping bag.

I was thinking about staying a full month in December, but we should really start heading up north. I don’t want Del Valle to be a safe place for us. It is time to move on after our two week more at Del Valle.

November 29, 2017 – Wednesday

Evening Entry

We left camp around 6:40 am, and made it to the Cafe at 7:30 am. On our way to the Cafe, I saw two crows side by side on a power line, looking down at the traffic going by. It looked like they were amused at watching these crazy people trapped in their automobiles, in traffic, on a two lane road in their meaningless modern lifestyle. I was very amused in seeing this.

We had breakfast, then headed to pick up a load of firewood. Once we got the firewood, we headed back to camp to check-in for another 15 days camping, and to unload the wood at camp. Once the firewood was unloaded, we headed for the storage unit. I didn’t get much done, I was running on low energy.

November 30, 2017 – Thursday

This morning was cold, with clear skies, and a breeze. The temperature was 43 deg.

Today is to complete the cleaning at the storage unit.

Afternoon Entry

I got the storage unit finished up. Finally!

I have a pickup bed full of stuff I have to organize, and find a place for. We arrived back at camp at 1:45 pm, and we are the only ones in the campground with the exception of the contractors working on the new bathrooms. Since it is Thursday, we may start getting campers slowly coming in for the weekend. But for now, it is very quiet, and peaceful. Just the way we like it.

The woodpecker I saw a day, or two ago, I believe was the ladder-backed woodpecker. The first of this kind I have seen here. It is always exciting to see new species of birds, and animals in nature.

The other day I was thinking about how early we go to bed now, at 7:30 pm. It now seems normal. It is definitely a different lifestyle adjustment. I suppose if I had another person with me I would stay up a bit more, but the weather plays a fact in when it is time to head inside the tent. We have to abide by Nature’s rules now.


As I was driving back to our camping site through the golden brown rolling hills of the Livermore countryside, I was being drawn to the presence of Nature.

Becoming lost in the landscape I see before me,

All I can feel within my Being is the magical essence and grace you bring to me.

Your silence and stillness opens my heart to you, feeling a deep connection to the wonders in all life.

The gratitude never ends with your silent voice, songs, beauty and wisdom you share with all who can see, and simply listen to with a silent mind.

Never asking, never asking, but Nature always giving.

For many people, their eyes, and hearts are blind and empty to your love, to your beauty and to your magic – they have become disconnected from your presence.

As the birds soar in their ballet of flight beneath the blue sky, as the branches of the majestic Oak tree sways in the gentle fall breeze, as the brown grasses of summers end, weave back and forth creating patterns on the land.

As the changing colors of the leaves of the Sycamore tree turns from green to red, to orange, to yellow and finally to brown, rustling with their songs in the gentle breezes, indicating the near closing of another year.

While the animals quietly notice as she sings her gentle songs to our very soul.

And she only asks, be with me, and I will be with you now, and forever in time.

~ Rick Theile

The road to the campground and the inspiration for the writing above.