Miscellaneous Writings, and Thoughts of The Day



When I have a thought or feeling that is awakened in my consciousness before my mind is fully awake, I seem to be embraced by it at times, thinking I would like to write about this or that. More thoughts, and feelings arise, flowing freely in my conscious universe. They then leave my mind as quickly as they come, with more thoughts, replacing the last thought space. Like they are being dictated to me, and then quickly disappears for more thoughts to come. And then they are gone. If only I had a net to capture them, and hold onto them in my memory.

I then may decide to write about it on my smart phone, a pad of paper, or my laptop. But first I have to take care of the morning rituals, like giving Takota, and Nanook some morning loving. relieving myself of unwanted fluids, and getting the coffee brewing. And hoping I can remember those thoughts that came earlier, on what I wanted to write about. Then I begin to write for a bit before I have to stop and take the boys for a walk. On our walk my mind begins working again on thoughts I may want to put into the writing. But these too will be forgotten if I don’t write them down (which I usually don’t do). Then after the walk, I meditate, fix breakfast, give medicine to Takota, and then finally get back to writing. And I hope these thoughts are still fresh in my mind with the deepest of feelings they deserve.

Once I start writing, I am not sure what is going to come out in my journal or on the pad of paper, Sometimes I have a starting point, and sometimes I must start from scratch, searching for a starting point. I search for those perfect words that strikes a chord with my inner feeling of what I want to write. Unfortunately many times I don’t seem to find them. And at times, it becomes more mechanical, rather than free flowing as it was when it first came to me.

If I write from my smart phone in bed immediately after receiving these thoughts, it tends to be more of a free flowing process most of the time. But trying to capture those original thoughts becomes very fleeting, like a flock of birds suddenly exploding into flight, and suddenly gone from sight.

You may be asking, what the heck does this have to do with beauty? It is just one of the processes I go through in writing.

The words beauty, or beautiful came to me this morning. I find these words to be the perfect description in the form of a single word, in describing the amazing, the awe inspiring – it is like the word love that can be expressed, and experienced in this single word. I use these words often in my writings. It looks good in the spelling, it sounds good, we feels good when we use them, and in it’s interpretations in how we see things. Although we all have different interpretations of what beauty is, yet we all understand it in our own ways.

God or the Creator must have come up with these words, love, and beauty. They seem to be fused with each other, with similar feelings, and sensations, and experiences. A joining together as One.

I use beauty, or beautiful in many descriptions, as in music, in paintings, photographs, and in real life experiences. And since I have spent a lot of time living in Nature – to me, everything in Nature, that I experience and feel, is beautiful, as with the feeling of deep love that arises to join the word beautiful. It can be as simple as observing a flower, a drop of dew on a leaf, or flower petal, a plant, a tree, or a sapling, a leaf, or a butterfly. In all the animals that inhabit our planet, or as grand as the mountains, the forests, the deserts, the plains, the grasslands, or the oceans, the rivers and streams, or the waterfalls, and rainbows. Or observing the miraculous beginnings of a new life, whether it be a plant, tree, or animal. Beauty is all around us in the natural world, if we are willing to go deep within, in quiet awareness. And then, Nature will open up to us to the beauty, and Truth few will ever experience.

We can feel this beauty, through our senses, in seeing, listening, touching, smelling, and tasting. Beauty is all around us. It is everywhere, and we can tap into this rich experience in every moment, by being present with our hearts, and minds.

We have been given this beautiful gift of the magnificent, and endless beauty on this tiny blue, green, brown, and white colored sphere we call our home, hurling alone in the darkness of space. Within this vast universe with the trillions of planets, and stars filling the blackness of the night sky, going deep into the ever expansive universe.

As far as we know, there is no other place like planet Earth.

What will happen when it disappears due to our lack of caring? Lack of appreciating, loving, and respecting? Of forgetting the beauty?

When I use the words, beautiful, or beauty, I see, and feel the sacredness in all of life, and how much our planet gives to us.


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