Miscellaneous Writings, and Thoughts of The Day

Getting Old

It is getting harder and harder getting out of the tent with stiffness in the joints and in the muscles, not yet awakened from the darkened dreams of the night, that comes uninvited ever so often. Night after night.

Us old folk with bodies aging and tired, moving slower in time. Like an old piece of dried wood.

This body of mine has been good to me, and I am grateful for that. I should not complain.

Having a morning cup of hot coffee, sitting in my writing chair, looking at a large piece of dried pine, I will soon burn. And enjoying its warmth and the comfort it brings to me. I am truly blessed.

I sit, feeling the warmth of the morning Sun, and thinking, there are good things about getting old, it should be a time to enjoy the simple thing in life that we miss in our younger busy days. It is a time to cherish, to reflect upon, to embrace the simplicity and beauty of life in all things – in the beauty of Nature.

The aging of wood soon to be turned into ashes

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