Our Journey Living In Nature

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part 10

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part Ten

“Erase all expectations when going into Nature, and just allow Nature to guide you into her world. She will open up to you in ways you could not have ever dreamed of.”

– Rick Theile

The Yaquina Bay Bridge

March 19, 2018 – Monday – South Beach State Park, Newport, Oregon

The day started out well with welcoming clear skies, and 38 deg.

We got up for our morning walk to greet the new day. Back at camp, I fed the boys and I began breaking camp.

It took less than 2 hours to pack up, and we were on the road at 10:30 am. Of course I was hoping to leave at 10:00 am, but we got a late start getting out of bed.

Our drive is longer then most, probably the longest so far, about 4 hours to get to our next destination, South Beach State Park in the city of Newport. I was looking at another campground a bit closer than South Beach, but discovered it was closed for the winter.

The long drive was beautiful, but tiring, and uncomfortable having to sit on my broken down cushion of my drivers seat. Driving through Coos Bay brought back memories of Mike and my bike trip to Canada. This is where our friend dropped us off to continue our bike trip. He gave us a ride in his car from Eureka to Coos Bay. We camped there one night, then set off again, heading north. The sand dunes were incredible there.

We made it to South Beach State Park at 2:30 pm. The weather was perfect the whole trip.

It took me a little bit to get oriented to the large campground. It was the largest campground we have been to so far. We did our typical drive through in search of the perfect campsite. We found one on our first go around and grabbed it. I unhitched the trailer then headed for the Visitor Center to double checked if it was available. They charged $21.00/night. I paid for 6 nights. We then went back to our new home to unpack, and begin to set up camp. As always, Takota and Nanook were excited to be out of the truck and in our new camp. The first thing I do in camp is to get the boys tied up, so I can get to work getting the camp set up. And the boys would do their sniffing and marking, then they would find a comfortable spot to relax and to watch and supervise me, making sure I was doing everything correctly. The first thing was finding where I was going to put the tent. I wanted to put it in towards the rear of the campsite, and away from the road, but the ground was uneven enough that would effect having a comfortable night sleep. Our campsite is in a large area, and provided us pretty good privacy overall. Our site backed up close to a wooded area for good privacy. With no luck finding a suitable site where I wanted to put the tent, I put it in a flat grassy area next to the truck and trailer. Not the best place because it was close to the road, but it was really my only choice. We had slept enough on uneven ground, and it does not make for a comfortable night sleep. I was also thinking the truck and trailer might act as a wind block. We also have a lot of vegetation around the camp for a good wind block. Most of this area consists of Lodgepole Pine, and Sitka Spruce, Shore Pine with different species of plants. Our camp feels like we are camping in the forest, and in a way, we are.

Our new campsite

I was thinking about needing to go to the store for food, but because the wind was kicking up a bit, my focus was getting the tent up.

After getting the tent up, and a few things unloaded, we headed for the store. We went to the city of Newport to do our shopping that was just across the beautiful historic Yaquina Bay Bridge, about 10 minutes from the campground. At the end of town there was a Fred Meyers and a Safeway for our shopping needs. I bought some roasted chicken and salad for myself, and the boys had their kibble with a little cooked ham as a topping.

After dinner and waiting about a half hour, we went on a half mile trail walk to the beach. It was a nice trail with the exception that much of it was blacktop (paved). The beach was not that spectacular like other beaches are in Oregon, but the boys like the sand. For them, that was what was important. We did have a great view of the historic bridge from the beach.

On our return to our camp, I got a campfire going and wrote in the journal a little bit, then we went to bed. I was pretty tired.

Although the campground is not right next to the highway, we still got road noise in the distance. We were also close to an airport where planes would be flying over the campground. But overall it was pretty peaceful here.

March 20, 2018 – Tuesday

We woke up to a beautiful morning with blue skies, and 36 deg.

We went for our morning walk to check out some of the area. We discovered the campground (tents only) that was closed for the winter, and explored this nice campground. It had a nice feeling of being in the pine woods, and was pretty good size as for the amount of campsites.

When we got back to camp, I pulled out the stove for cooking and of course for my coffee. Yesterday I just put up the tent. I got a fire going this morning, and using pine it was popping embers all over the place. I couldn’t sit too close to the fire so as not to get hit by the embers.

I thought this area might be good for bird watching, so I put some seed around camp this morning to see what we attract. I noticed crows here, of course, and robins.

With the doubt and uncertainty I am experiencing at night, comes the endless beauty nature provides to us, I am glad I made this choice to be in nature with the boys. There is nothing like waking up each morning, being consumed with natures beauty, in sights, sounds, and smells, that awaken ones senses.

South Beach State Park is one of the most popular state parks in Oregon.

I recognized one of the campers here, that was at Humbug Mountain. They were leaving this morning. Not sure if they were heading out, or just going for resupplies, or sight seeing. When they past our camp, I waved to them in a gesture of “Hello fellow campers, good to see you again.” I never did talk with them, but I still felt a connection there.

Because the tent only campground is closed for the winter, tent campers used the more expensive campsites that has an electrical hookup which is typically more expensive. But if the electrical hookup isn’t used by the tent campers that additional charge is waived. Some campgrounds don’t give campers that choice, and charge them for it whether they use this service or not. We do have a water faucet in our site which is nice, but does not have the drainage rock most campgrounds have. They also don’t have trash cans spread out in different locations, but rather have large dumpsters next to the Visitor Center which is a bit more inconvenient. But then, we don’t have to hear garbage trucks going through the campground for garbage pickup every week. I did locate two dog poop trash container that are helpful so I don’t have to carry around poop bags so far. As for the restrooms, they are nice, with free showers, but there is no parking at the restrooms, and are a distance away. So if you have dogs that can be a problem. Typical rules for dogs are that they are not allowed to be left alone in camp. What this campground did put in that I thought was ingenious, was doggie hitching posts at the restrooms. If you look at it, it usually is not a problem with most campers on some of these things I have mentioned who are here and gone after one or two nights, but as a full timer with two big dogs it can be an inconvenient. But we full timers are a minority for the most part. I tend to get a little bit irritated at times when campgrounds make it more difficult, especially for tent campers. I guess I get picking at times that the parks don’t think through making it more convenient for campers. Especially me, a full time camper? But we are few, and it is what it is, and I just have to deal with it. They also have low profile fire rings I don’t care for. I tend to like the taller ones for safety reasons. Originally I did not like the taller ones because they blocked out a good portion of the fire. If it has a higher base inside the fire ring it is not so bad, and it is easier to start a fire not having to hang over the fire ring. But, I can’t complain too much, it is a very nice campground, and we always seem to make each campsite and campground work for us.

Today I will put up the canopy because we may get some rain coming tonight or tomorrow. We will also go into town for food for the week and to explore a bit of the City of Newport.

Evening Entry

I dropped by the Visitor Center, and found out they have WiFi. I also found a place in South Beach, just outside of the campground where they sell firewood on a honor system. One takes the wood bundles and leaves the money in a box. Each bundle of firewood (six logs in a bundle) sells for $5.00, and $20.00 for five bundles. Not a bad deal. The bundles are held together with rubber strips that makes good fire starting material. South Beach is a small unincorporated community that lies between the campground and Newport. We also checked out the Newport Historical area, and it was jamb packed with people and traffic, so we didn’t stop. Then we headed to Walmart for good prices on propane canisters, and then to Safeway for our food shopping. Newport pretty much had everything we needed.

Back at camp, I put the food away, did some reading, and took a short nap with the boys. After the nap, the boys and I took a walk to the beach. I then fixed the boys and I some fresh frozen Sockeye Salmon for dinner.

We are suppose to get rain all this week, up to Sunday. We may only stay here for a week. The weather forecast indicated nicer weather the following week. Until then, I will have to button up the tent for the rain and possible winds. We will have to see how the weather materializes.

I tied the boys up at the rear of the camp so they have a little more room to run around, and Takota can stand watch for any intruders, human or critters, and Nanook for critters to observe.

We had a busy day today.

March 21, 2018 – Wednesday

While lying in bed in comfort, in my sleeping bag, and over two air mattresses, I was thinking, “stop worrying about the small stuff, and just enjoy the experiences we are having on this wonderful journey we get to experience in nature, day after day, with no end in sight.” I felt a refreshed attitude within.

We got up at 9:00 am with overcast skies, and occasionally feeling a few drops of light rain fall. It was a beautiful morning.

We went on our morning walk, and as always Takota gets tangled up in his leash. I then have to untangle him, over and over again. Nanook learned how to untangle himself at a very young age, just by lifting his leg. It was no big deal. But No, Takota made if difficult. Nanook learned to sit, and shake hands very quickly. Takota’s attitude was, “I don’t do that.”

Back at camp I was getting irritated with little things, like constantly having to untangle the coiled wire cables I used to keep the boys retrained in camp. Being tied up has never bothered them, and I provide a long enough cable for them to move around. The down side of using a long cable is the dogs getting tangled up, as with the coiled cable. The culprit is usually Takota. Takota always has to move around knocking their water bowl over, or getting tangled up. He is a restless bugger, where Nanook usually finds a nice comfortable spot and stays put. He will move to different spots on occasion, but nothing like his brother, Takota.

The rules in most campgrounds is leashes or tie downs cannot be any longer than 6 ft. In length. I stretch that a bit. I have a 30 ft cable, but I make sure it does not extend beyond our campsite boundaries. Few campgrounds enforce these rules, and many campers usually don’t adhere to these rules. Many campers will use the retractable leashes which I think are bad, because the owners will allow their dogs to go into other people’s camps, and from my observations, the owners never keep a close eye on their pets or the control of their pets. These type of leashes provide little control over their pets compared to the 6 foot length. When we are outside our campsite, the boys are always on a 6 ft. leash, and they have their leashes on in the truck, so I have complete control over them when I put them in and take them out of the truck. I then attach them to the cable immediately.

I can understand why campers let their dogs loose in camp. One is because of them getting tangled up. And another reason is, that they think it is okay to let them run around in camp which is not okay, because most dogs will wander outside of camp, or approach other dogs passing by. Another issue is dogs chasing after wildlife. Dogs need to be restrained at all time in a campsite, campground or areas where they are required to be on leash. But there are those who feel they do not need to follow these rules. They do not think about other campers they may impact. As best we can, we have to be considerate campers with all other campers.

We are getting a little sprinkle of rain in camp, so I retreated under the canopy. I prefer being outside in nature as much as I can, even with it raining, so I can experience nature. That is why a canopy is so nice to have. Unless it is a down pour or the winds are blowing. I will use natural wind breaks when I can to protect us from the wind. The boys have learned to use the vegetation, and trees for protection from the wind or rain. They also use the picnic table for cover from the rain.

A Steller’s jay came to visit us this morning. He was squawking a bit, and looking around, then flew off. So far that I know, no birds have been attracted by the bird seed in our camp yet. I did spot the elusive bird with the rust colored underside, flying from tree to tree.

This morning I started a campfire and wanted to see how that rubber strip from the wood bundles worked as a fire starter. And it worked well as expected. A good fire starter for emergencies. I will put some in my fire starter bag.

I have a nice fire going to start the cool morning out. Since I am under the canopy, I can’t enjoy the fire for warmth, only for the crackling of the wood and the ambience it provides.

The boys are starting to howl when a dog or dogs walk by our camp. Takota will first start barking, then prances around, showing he means business, then he starts howling, and Nanook will follow with howls. Takota typically starts to howl first, and then Nanook starts in most of their howling situations. I think they were telling the dogs passing to stay away from our camp. When they howl, I feel I am experiencing the call of the wild. They started howling at an early age, and I always encouraged them to howl. I thought I could use that as a communication with them and me.

I am not sure what our plans will be today.

Evening Entry

Most of the morning were light showers, it then got progressively more consistent and heavier in the afternoon. In the evening we were getting a mix of light to heavy rain.

This morning I was going over the Washington State map for options to camp in the mid to eastern part of the state. Not many options that I could see. I didn’t want to drive the coast line of Washington and deal with more rain and wind. I figured it would be dryer to the east. I wanted to cut through the Columbia Gorge, to camp and see the gorge, and also to get to the Washington side. There was only one State Park Campground on the Oregon side in the gorge. And they require reservations after the first night, and I don’t do reservations. I wanted to stay at this campground for just a week with the schedule I am trying to keep, but I do like this campground, and our campsite a lot. I think it will get harder getting campsites when the weather begins getting better, and more people getting out into the great outdoors. And of course, many campgrounds will require reservations.

Shoreline at South Beach State Park

I will go to Walmart at some point to try and get a pad for my driver seat. It is really getting uncomfortable to drive long distances.

I would like to cross the Canadian border by the beginning of May. The thoughts of driving through Canada brings some uncertainty, but also a lot of excitement in the beauty we will see, in the remoteness that we will experience in the Boreal forest, and the wildness that will be all around us, and in the smells, and freshness of the forest filling the air.

On our way to the store for some food, I stopped by the Big 5, to check out the good sale they were having on air mattresses. I never know how long the air mattress I just bought would last, and it would be nice to have a backup. It is always nice to have backups. I also dropped by the GMC dealership to take care of a recall I have on my truck for an air bag replacement. The guy in the service department would check on the part to be replaced. He then told me the recall was put on hold for my truck.

March 22, 2018 – Thursday

It rained all night with a light rain and little occasional wind.

When we got up to go for our walk, it was mostly overcast, broken. A light shower fell during our walk that felt refreshing touching my skin, and the air smelling fresh. We found a nice trail through the woods that took us around the closed campground, then we finished our walk through the closed campground.

It is always hard telling what the weather will be from moment to moment. By experiencing these changes, they can be filled with wonder, or filled with dread. I try to focus just on the beauty and wonders nature brings to us. We were getting blue skies and Sun, then in a flash, it was clouding up again. I did start a fire when we had that brief moment of clearing skies. An occasional breeze would come through our camp.

Our tent did well with the rain we had during the night, although it was just a light rain.

The Steller’s jay came into camp enjoying the bird seed. I also saw juncos in another campsite this morning. Occasionally ground squirrels can be seen scampering around looking for food. One was running through the bushes in our camps.

The rain has begun once again with the wind being the indicator. This will probably go on all day, through Friday, and maybe Saturday. Any blue skies that was here is now darkened by the gray rain clouds. Once I mention blue skies, the rain stopped and the blue skies reappeared like magic.

The burning of the firewood smells good in the morning air. Being in nature are truly magical experiences to behold when we can let go of out thoughts and just be in the moment.

This is the second time I burned a slug that was on the firewood. I have to stop doing that. This very act with a creature of the Earth, no matter how insignificant we may think it is, shows no respect for nature itself. All life has a role on our planet, that is part of the web of life. All life should be respected. It is the small things and large things that we do that can impact the whole scheme of life. By showing respect for all life, nature smiles upon us. When we don’t, nature cries for the loss. Asking, “why am I doing this to my relations?” I am always learning with nature being my home.

A robin that I saw foraging on the ground, brought back a memory I had when I was young. We had some kind of a red berry bush the robins loved to eat. We saw them on the grass in my front yard listening to the earth, then pulling out a worm for a meal. My friend and I were sitting on the porch one day, and my friend said, “They are listening for worms.” I had never thought about that until my friend made that comment. And I still remember that to this day. One evening not long ago, I heard a robin perched high on the tip of a tree, singing a beautiful song, and it gave me a greater appreciation for this beautiful bird for what they share to those who are listening, and in the beauty they bring to the world. Then one day, the robins and hawks began to disappear from our area. Was it the DDT that was being sprayed or something else? And if it was DDT, how did it effect us, the human? At that time, we thought DDT was a miracle solution for ridding us of insects. We were not aware, or even thinking about the impact it was having.

If it wasn’t for Rachel Carson’s brave warnings about poisoning our planet with insecticides, much more harm would have been done to all life. She opened our eyes to these toxins that impacted all life, even human life.

The rear portion of our campsite

Evening Entry

I talked with a volunteer at the Visitor Center, and we were discussing the high nightly rates where the campgrounds had electrical hookups at all the campsite. This campground did not charge tent campers if they did not use the electrical hookup. But there are some campgrounds that do. Why is that? It does not seem fair, and it is not fair, or right. I pay $21.00 per night here. It would be $31.00 per night if they charged for having the electrical hookup, whether you used it or not. I was referring to the Oregon State Parks. But I found this to vary from State Parks in other states as well.

The gal I was talking with also mentioned Spring Break starts this weekend, and I should stay here because it will be very busy at the campgrounds. Especially the more popular campgrounds like this one.

We are suppose to get some rain through Saturday, and Sunny weather starting on Sunday through to next Saturday. I also confirmed with the nice Park Ranger if I can keep my campsite for another week? He checked the reservations and said, “I was good for another week.” So I paid to hold my campsite. We will be staying for another seven days from this Sunday. The ranger also told me directions on how to bypass most of Portland, and cutting my drive about an hour in getting to the Columbia Gorge. Things are looking better with some of my concerns I had about the Spring Break rush, and the weather. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us for our departure day.

In the afternoon we went to shop for dinner, got some gasoline in the truck, got a new air mattress, and a butt cushion at Walmart. I also found a guy selling firewood in Newport, and bought about a weeks worth of fir firewood.

Going across the high bridge to get to Newport we hit very strong wind gusts, shifting my canoe from side to side, that was also effecting my truck. I saw a tarp I had in the bed of the truck fly out and hoping it wouldn’t cause an accident on the bridge. Luckily a police officer wasn’t around. I am sure I would have gotten a ticket, for sure.

On our way back from Newport and before crossing the bridge, I tightened the lines, and straps from the truck to the canoe. But I still got some front movement of the canoe going back and forth over the bridge. Pretty scary going over the bridge in those high winds.

I was getting concerned if the canopy and tent was still up with these winds. When we got back to the campground the winds didn’t seem so bad. I then saw a new camper with a canopy and tent flapping all over the place. When we reached our camp, the wind wasn’t effecting our camp much, but it did begin to blow a bit more in our camp, so I secured the guy lines on the tent. I would always recommend completely closing up and securing the tent, just to be prepared for unexpected weather, and especially when leaving camp. The weather looked like we could get a down pour any time. The rain never came, and the clouds were replaced with blue skies.

The new firewood we got didn’t want to start up to well. It felt a little wet. Once I got some hot coals under the wood, the fire got going. I got a good price for about a weeks worth of wood and figuring I would have a fire in the mornings and evenings, weather permitting.

Today, we had a productive day getting things done in town. Especially getting a good load of firewood. It is always nice having a good stack of firewood in camp.

If we do get nicer weather all next week, it will be the first since being in Oregon.

Before going to bed, I wanted to see if there was good access to the internet at the Visitor

Center. There was, so I checked Facebook, deleted emails, and checked weather. The forecast now says rain on Sunday. I am glad I extended our stay here. It is suppose to be nice up to the following Wednesday after our departure day on the following Monday. But maybe not. The weather always changes as does the winds blow.

March 23, 2018 – Friday

It rained off and on all through the night. We got up at 8:45 am. My mind was still foggy from the dream I was having. I was also doing some writing in my head last night, thinking I will write it down in the morning, and as always when I think about putting on paper, it becomes a blank sheet. For me to remember these occurrences, I have to write them down when they come to me. Sometimes I do, and most of the time I don’t. I knew a nice walk in nature would clear this fog in my head, and it did. Once this head fog had lifted, I began remembering what thoughts were running through my head in the middle of the night. I also find in my writing, if I write it down, it doesn’t mean when I rewrite it down, that it will be the same. Sometimes I don’t even look at what I wrote down in my notes. Funny thing how that happens.

It was a nice walk, the rain had stopped while we were strolling through the park. This park has nice trails, short, but nice. Especially when we walk them alone.

Back at camp from our walk, the temperature reading says 47 deg. It feels much colder with the dampness in the air, and with the wind blowing.

The first thought I had was having a fire. And 15 minutes before that it was hailing.

Overall the sky was overcast with some blue sky peaking out between the gray sky.

Because of the wind, I don’t think I will be going into Newport today for food. I have food for the boys, and I will order a take out at the Crab Shack in South Beach just a few minutes from camp, for my dinner. I haven’t had a good sea food meal for a long time. I have salad in camp I can have, if I am still hungry.

I was thinking how nice the good weather will be for a full week, and maybe longer.

I may have mentioned this on this series of blogs already, but one of the reasons I wanted to do this journey with my canine companions was because I had a real concern about the impacts climate change will have on our planet, and to the natural world. For a long time I have observed how most of the modern day world had very little or no respect for our “living” planet. We used her for our own selfish reasons, benefits, and thrills. And never had the gratitude of giving back to her, or in a simple prayer of thanks, for all she has giving us – in the many life sustaining benefits she provides to us. We take, and give nothing back in return, but destruction of this sacred life force. We pollute and poison the air we breathed, the water we drink, and the land we grow our food from. We have lost that connection with nature that has given so much.

I wanted to experience that deep personal relationship with the natural world before it was too late. Jumping forward about 4 years, I made the decision to get out of nature, in the lifestyle we were living, because it was getting too dangerous, and as for other reasons. The devastating impacts of Climate Change was upon us. We did not have to wait until 2050. And the continuing devastating changes on our planet can be seen all around the world, impacting all life forms. And it will continue to worsen.

I did not come close to all the things I wanted to accomplish on this journey, but I was lucky enough to experience a small piece of it, and our relationship and connection, and the oneness to all life.

The dream I had was about a woman I met back in the 90s. She was a beautiful soul. She lived in South Dakota, and I in California. We talked on the phone everyday. We talked about books we had read, and the stories that brought meaning to both of us. With those talks I began experiencing a shift in awareness towards a spiritual direction. A place I thought I would never go or even had any interest in moving towards. She did not consider herself religious or spiritual, but I felt she was a spiritual guide that was there to guide me on my spiritual path. She send me a book by the late Dr. Wayne W. Dyer titled, “Your Sacred Self – Making the Decision to Be Free.” We talked a lot about Wayne Dyer. She would see him when he was in town on lectures. I had read his first couple of book years before, but knew little about his transformation he had experienced. I read this book she sent me, this book was “Your Sacred Self,” and I began experiencing a major transformation to the spiritual. Was this woman that came into my life an angel, a spirit guide, unknowingly showing me to the sacred? To a place I never knew existed.

On this spiritual path I found myself on, it wasn’t like I was looking for it, or I needed it, or it was pushed upon me – it was like experiencing a welcoming gentle breeze running through me and deep within me.

In the morning I wrote in the journal, and did some writing in a note book afterwards.

Evening Entry

I went to the Visitor Center and asked if they would let me charge my laptop there? And they were obliging to do so. I checked the weather and of course it changed once again. More rain is expected tomorrow. Today it sprinkled or rained most of the day today, as with being a cold day.

I did a little reading today, and sat by the fire to get warm in between the rain showers.

I picked up my laptop from the Visitor Center, then went to South Beach to pick up some dinner at the Crab Shack, then brought it back to camp. After dinner the boys and I went on our evening walk. We had a light rain during our walk, and came back to camp, wet.

The campground was filling up quickly for the weekend. I am glad we reserved another week here.

After our walk I just wanted to get out of the rain and cold. I was wet and the boys were very wet. We slipped into the dry tent at about 6:30 pm. Also the new weather forecast was for more rain for next week. I really wonder if the weather forecasters really know what they are forecasting. Maybe they should say, “Nice weather is expected, but it can always change, so don’t count on it.”

March 24, 2028 – Saturday

We rose from our slumber and greeted each other with a good morning to a new day with hugs and kisses. I love my boys and I am very grateful to have them with me. We got up at 8:30 am, the temperature was 36 deg. The rain took a break. Half the night we had no rain, then half the night til morning a light rain fell.

We took our morning walk, the rain didn’t start until mid point on our walk with a light rain. It was on and off, but mostly on. Back at camp I wanted to start a fire to warm up, but it was pointless with it raining. We did have a nice walk and discovered a new trail.

The campground got pretty busy last night with people coming in. Both campsites next to us were occupied. On one side they had an elaborate tarp set up over the picnic table, but nothing else, as far as a tent goes. I suspect more people will come in today.

My air mattress is getting flatter and flatter. I think it is time to replace it with the new one I just bought.

Right now I am having my coffee, and writing in the journal. The boys had their breakfast and are now relaxing. There are dogs that are always doers, mine are relaxers. They enjoy their walks, and exploring, but they also like just being in camp with me.

A towhee dropped by camp yesterday to check out the bird seed situation, but stayed in the shrubs. This morning he returned and was enjoying the bird seed. Another bird came in and I am guessing it was the female. Also a junco joined in on the feast. I guess the word is finally getting around that there is food at this camp. We will see who comes tomorrow. The crows are dropping by, but I think they are after the dog food more than the bird seed. Why not go for the big stuff rather than the small stuff?

Afternoon Entry

We went shopping for food in Newport, checked weather, and checked Facebook. I have been on Facebook since 2007, and many Facebook friends are following us, so I like to check in with them and let them know our updates, and share any short writings I have done.

When we returned to camp, a recreation trailer moved in next to us, the people were already gone doing something when we got into camp.

A stream of trailers were coming into the campground for a one day camping experience. I could not really see the point of camping just for one or two days. But most people do. And at one time, I was one of them. Unfortunately many come into nature I believe for the wrong reason. And it is not to commune with nature for the most part on a deeper level. To connect deeply with the natural world, away from our busy non-stop lives in our modern world. We have become machines, always grinding away for a better life that usually never comes. We only have the present moment, and nature can teach us that there is much more to life then the life we have chosen in the material world, then our culture has chosen for us. We live in a matrix where the powerful controls us, but gives the illusion that we are in control.

It amazes me how the word gets out among the bird community everywhere we go when they found a good source of food. There were about 20 juncos in camp and a few towhee. I bet there will be more tomorrow coming to feed.

It was raining oh so lightly, so I decided to get a fire going for the evening. It was a beautiful night, with no rain, and very pleasant out. The campground was quiet overall for being so crowded.

March 25, 2018 – Sunday

I was looking forward to a nice non-rain day today, and it started out with off and on showers.

We went for our walk I notice a lot of rain puddles, and my parking area is getting partially flooded. It was a nice walk although we were getting a bit wet. When we returned from our walk, I didn’t see any birds around. I spread some more bird seed around camp, while the birds were waiting in the bushes. They still remained in their hiding place – then all at once they came out to feed. The Steller’s jay also arrived. It is such a pure joy to see our bird friends visit us in camp. And now we have two jays visiting.

The campground is pretty much full with mostly people bringing their homes away from home. There maybe only about 10 tent campers here, including me.

So far in the Oregon State Parks, I have seen nothing about the history of the native peoples here before the white settlers had arrived, and during recent times. In our modern world, they have become the forgotten people, like so many indigenous peoples in the world. California State Parks seemed to do much better than Oregon in that respect. A lot better.

The family camping on the other side of us, came back to their camp after crabbing. They caught two crabs. A bit later one of the guys dropped by our camp and offered us some crab. It was hard to refuse this kind offer, but I think they had five in their family, and I didn’t want to take what little they had. I thanked him for the kind offering anyway.

March 26, 2018 – Monday

Yesterday turned out to be a pretty nice day as far as very little rain. This morning was another story. It began raining lightly in the morning around 6:00 am. We stayed in bed until it stopped at about 9:00 am. On our morning walk, it started out with no rain, then a light rain, then steady rain showers getting me and the boys soaking wet. But as always, it was a nice walk in the rain.

I seemed to be sleeping pretty well in a half deflated air mattress as long as I don’t move much. If I move around it feels like being in a water bed half full.

It seemed quite a few campers left yesterday with others coming to take their place.

Some college students set up camp next to the right of us. At least 6 of them, both girls and guys. They left after setting up their camp for a hike probably to the beach. It was quiet with our new neighbors gone, and even the whole campground seemed peaceful. I was expecting the teenagers next door to be noisy when they returned. I reflected on all the times I was disrespectful to others. It is just part of being young with a sense of freedom and independence. But during these times though with this freedom, we tend to get out of control.

When they got back to camp they were a bit loud and with a lot of laughter, but they were not out of control. Probably because they were not drinking alcohol. They kept the noise down during the evening, and I was able to have a peaceful night sleep.

While I was at the Hospitality Office (I was calling it the Visitor Center), I was checking on the weather , and asking the employees (volunteers) why there wasn’t anything in their pamphlets about Native Americans in this region? They didn’t have an answer to my question. This tells me that few people think about the very people who once lived here, and who still lives here, but who are invisible to us.

The gal I was talking with said that one of the Camp Hosts here is a Native American elder, and he is fully involved with his tribe. He might be able to give me some insight on the native people here. I remember seeing him and I knew where his trailer was. So I immediately drove over to his trailer to talk with him. I was excited about having a conversation with the elder. I knocked on his door, when he answered I introduced myself and asked him if he would mind talking with me about his people. He immediately responded with, “I don’t know anything.” I knew he just didn’t want to talk with me. I mentioned that the gal at the Hospitality Office told me you might be able to help me? He replied once again, “I don’t know anything.” I knew he did, but just didn’t want to talk with me. So I ran over to the Hospitality Office, and told the gal, “He wouldn’t talk with me!” She was surprised, because he openly told them stories about his people. I was hoping maybe she would talk to him, telling him I had good intentions, but nothing ever transpired. I was a bit disappointing, I was hoping to connect with him on a very personal level. But I also know, few Native Americans trust white people. I should have given him some tobacco as an offering. Maybe he would have reconsidered having a chat. I was sorry that I did not have the opportunity to talk with him. From that point on I gave up on trying to talk with, or connect with the Native people. If it happens it will happen.

Our bird friends, the juncos, towhees, and jays were filling up on the bird seed this morning. It amazes me how well birds do in cold, wet, and windy weather. I am sure the bird seed helps in their fat stores.

I would like to get a fire going this morning, but not sure if the rains are going to come back. The rains started again with a light rain for about a half hour. After the rain stopped, the birds returned for a second helping. A chipmunk partook in the bird seed buffet as well. Nanook has an eye on him. Takota couldn’t care less.

Yesterday Nanook was lying down next to a huckleberry bush where a chipmunk usually came out in the open to feed. He came from another area and ran right by Nanook’s nose. Nanook was relaxing when this little critter disturbed his rest time. Nanook realized what had happened and spent about a half hour sniffing out that critter. I wish I could have gotten on video of this. The thing with photographing or video taping wildlife, one always has to be ready for it. Professional photographers or videographers usually finds a good spot where there is wildlife activity and they wait, and hopefully being able to capture something special. I didn’t think about trying to photograph or film wildlife with two big dogs around. I can do it with birds, in camp but they are quick and most of my shots end up blurred on Automatic mode. I haven’t figured out how to set the shutter speed on my camera.

We had a late breakfast in between the rain showers. I didn’t do much, did a little reading and checked the internet. And just enjoying being out in nature. This lifestyle seems to be suiting us just fine.

It is almost 1:00 pm and still raining and cold. We are watching that chipmunk for entertainment.

Evening Entry

The one chipmunk turned out being two. For being such small creatures, they are awfully brave around people. I was walking back from my peeing spot, and a chipmunk was about two feet away from my feet. It seemed not to be bothered by me being so close. Then about 30 seconds later it scampered back into the brush. They are obviously not bothered by the boys either.

A light rain fell most of the day today, and more expected for tomorrow. So far this evening is pretty pleasant out. I can enjoy sitting out under the night sky. Our tent seems to be doing fine, with no leaks.

March 27, 2018 – Tuesday

It is warming up. It is about 45 degrees when we got up. And at 10:00 am the temperature rose to 50 deg. It still feels cold with the moisture in the air, and the wind blowing. Most of the night the skies were clear and the stars shining bright. At some point it started to cloud up and some moisture fell.

On our walk, we didn’t get rained on. I was noticing all the plant life all around the area. The moss on the ground, and on the trees, the lichen hanging from the tree branches, the mushrooms, the many plants, and ferns, and of course, the trees. It was a moment of gratitude.

Even with the cooler weather we have been having, the boys are beginning to blow their inner coat out that began around a month ago.

The forecast today is suppose to be rain showers. This morning we will have a fire before the rains start to celebrate nature and all that she gives to all life.

I have been having more fires then I thought and my firewood supply was getting depleted quickly. I have about 26 logs in the bed of the truck, and 14 in the wood pile next to the fire ring. That should get me about 6 more fires. We will be here for 5 more nights.

Last night before getting ready for bed, I noticed my air mattress was as flat as a pancake. I added air to the mattress, but I was not sure how long it would stay inflated. I was pleasantly surprised it stayed inflated all night. Go figure?

We are getting a light sprinkling right now.

Today we need to go shopping for some food.

The birds seem to be eating all the bird feed, and I am sure the chipmunks might be helping. I will have to put more down. I haven’t seen them feed this morning. They could have come to feed before we got up this morning or during our walk.

According to the last weather forecast I looked at, it is suppose to get nicer for at least for four days. We are leaving in five days. So I hope we get good weather on our long drive to our next camp on Sunday. I also hope the butt cushion I bought helps in my driving comfort.

The chipmunks are getting very bold in getting very close to the boys. The boys are just watching them as they scamper around.

Yaquina Bay Bridge

March 28, 2018 – Wednesday

With this lifestyle, it can be easy losing track of time. For a minute I thought it was Thursday.

I slept pretty well last night. My blanket and sleeping bag did get wet from the window I had open next to my bed. It was overcast all night, but no rain.

We got up at 8:30 am with blue skies, and partly cloudy.

Yesterday was overcast all day, but really didn’t get much rain. A little in the morning, and a very light rain in the evening.

This morning the boys and I took a different trail, that took us along the jetty. Five minutes into the walk on the Jetty, I was experiencing a sharp pain in the back of my knee. I wasn’t sure if I could walk any further. We continued on our walk with that pain coming and going. Once I was getting warmed up the pain lessened and finally stopped. On very rare occasions I have experienced this pain. But never figured out the cause. At my age, and with our lifestyle things like this get me a bit concerned, and hope it is a short term thing, and nothing serious. I have to stay healthy and strong on this journey. There is no one else to help us.

Today we are going to stay in camp. I have to start thinking about the planning of our trip through Canada, and Alaska.

Evening Entry

On our evening walk we just walked along the road in the campground. A truck driving in the opposite direction of us, slowed and stopped next to us. It was a guy alone. He rolled down his window and asked me if the boys were malamutes? I told him they were Native American Indian Dogs. He said, “Beautiful dogs.” He smiled, and waved while he drove off. I didn’t think much of this encounter and walked on. I then stopped unexpectedly, turned around to see if he was camping near by. I saw him pull into a campsite only a few campsites away from us. A thought came to me, “Maybe he would like to meet the boys?” I had no idea where that came from. We turned around and we started walking towards his camp.

Yesterday, I received a post from a friend saying that I must be meeting a lot of interesting people? I replied back to her that I was not interested in meeting new people. I was not doing this journey to meet new people. It was about being in nature alone with Takota, and Nanook. I was trying to make a strong point that I really just wanted to be alone. I realized later when I wrote this, that it really didn’t make much sense. As a supposed writer, this whole experience we were having was also about other people stories, and not just mine. And much later, I realized I was missing out on other parts of our story by closing the door on other peoples stories. But I kept the door partially closed to focus on the experiences we were having in nature.

Maybe my friend’s comment on meeting people was there to awaken me to a larger experience beyond me, but was also part of me. Maybe this brief experience I had, this inner intuitive voice that was telling me to turn around and talk to this person, in this brief encounter, was for a reason?

When we reach this stranger’s camp, he was getting his camp set up. I asked him, if he wanted to meet the boys. Takota and Nanook seemed excited to meet this stranger. And I thought it would only be a quick meeting. He walked over slowly to us. All this guy’s focus was turned towards the boys. The boys and this stranger greeted each other. He knelt to the ground to be at the same level as the boys, giving them gentle pets. Takota was being a little shy and unsure as he always is at first, being a little stand of offish when meeting new people, and Nanook went right up to him, and began licking his face continuously. He told me his Malamute had died, and I could tell he still felt this deep pain in his heart of the loss of his best friend. I asked him when he had lost his dog? He told me it was eight years ago. I had mentioned, my loss of Shiloh back in 2011, and his spirit was always with me. I noticed his emotions rising to the surface with tears slowly beginning to flow uncontrollably from his eyes. It was hard for me in holding my tears back, while thinking of the loss of Shiloh, and feeling for his loss. It was easy to relate to what he was experiencing in these moments.

We walked over to the picnic table, and Nanook stood by his side as he sat down on the bench, as Nanook continued licking his face. Takota sat next to me. He told me his story about how his dog had died. He was coming back from the VA hospital from having surgery for a shoulder injury. It took most of the day with the surgery, picking up pain medication, and the long drive back to his home, where his dog always waits for him on the front porch. He was looking forward to seeing his companion after that long time being away. But there was no usual greeting by his best friend and life long companion, no wagging his tail, or dancing with excitement, no talking with him as Malamutes do, but was just lying there motionless on the front porch. His heart dropped with concern because he knew this wasn’t good. His beloved friend was gone. He held his dog close in deep grief. While he told this story, Nanook was licking his face and the uncontrollable tears flowing down. I was thinking, he must have felt so much guilt leaving his companion for so long. I know I would have if it happened to me. This guilt isn’t really warranted, but we humans tend to feel this guilt for the loss of a loved one.

He then got up, came over to me, and shook my hand tightly, like he didn’t want to let go. And thanked me for sharing the boys company with him. He told me his tears were of joy in getting to meet and spend a little time with Takota and Nanook, I have never seen Nanook do this before.

In writing this, much later in a blog, I can feel and remember how profound this experience was to me, and with the boys. This opened me up in giving myself, and the boys more experiences in meeting new people and dog friends on our journey. That experience was truly a gift for me to have, and experience those moments in making a difference in another persons life. And listening to other people’s stories.

The boys always gets a lot of attention from others, but they got to give to another person in a very special way. It also opened my eyes to these special moments. Moments it seems I was suppose to experience.

It is 12:15 pm, the temperature is 56 deg. It feels very warm and comfortable with a nice breeze coming through camp. The campground is still quite full.

Afternoon Entry

I took a well needed shower to day. I just had to figure out what to do the the boys. I could hitch them up to the hitching post next to the showers, or park in a campsite that was not used, or leave them in camp? I did decided to leave them in camp and they were fine. Luckily no unleashed dogs strayed into our camp. I should have put them in the truck.

As always, it was an amazing experience taking a warm shower. It revitalized me.

March 29, 2018 – Thursday

I slept well last night, though at times I got a bit cold, colder then it was the night before.

Nanook came to get some loving attention from me, and I told him to lie down, and he assumed that meant climbing on top of me in the bed. I don’t mind, but he can be a bit heavy being on top of me. And he obviously doesn’t mind. Nanook weighs about 120 pounds. I give him loving scratches while he relaxes on me and the bed.

There were two robins landing on top of the two pine trees next me. They were perched at the very top branch of the trees and began singing their morning songs. They appeared as Christmas ornaments at the tops of the trees. A minute later a crow flew next to them and landed on a thin limb, attempting to stay balanced on it. The two robins wanted no part of this crow interrupting their songs, and flew off.

At 8:30 am we got up and it was 40 deg. We had a blue sky to wake up to.

Last night was the second night we have had the window coverings open since we have been here. It is nice to wake up to the rising Sun, looking out into nature from all the windows from my bed. I haven’t been able to do this much since we have been in Oregon due to the rains.

On our morning walk, we took a different trail to the jetty. I brought my camera with me to get some photos of the bridge, but the lighting wasn’t that good. Maybe we will try it another time. I had no problem with the pain in the back of the knee as I had yesterday.

March 30, 2018 – Friday

I slept well last night, but a little restless in the beginning. The boys and I got up a bit past 8:00 am. We went for a short walk and just enjoying being out in nature.

At 9:15 am it was overcast and 48 degrees on our walk. The boys were on the scent of a critter, with their noses to the ground. Takota was really focused on the scent. It took them to some bushes, while I was dragged along behind them. It was probably chipmunks.

I was surprised with all the campers and children around, the campground was pretty quiet. It also may be the spot we are camped at. With all the vegetation we have around us, it may help in blocking the noise.

Last night we met a nice couple from Alaska, and they gave us some pointers about Alaska that was helpful.

After my coffee I removed the stakes from the guy lines of the tent, and took down the canopy. We then went to do my laundry in Newport, and I picked up a Smart phone at Walmart. We also did some grocery shopping.

Afternoon Entry

I finally bought a Smart phone. Mike, our camping friend kept telling me I needed to get one. And I really resisted. I see how people use them, and I didn’t want to be one of those people. I soon realized it would be a good tool for our journey. That is if I have cell service?

All day it was overcast with a cool breeze blowing. At around 5:00 pm the skies began clearing. Back at camp I was able to relax a bit and enjoy the rest of the day, and away from the chaotic day I was having. I was told we are suppose to have a blue moon tonight.

Our new friend we talked with yesterday had left. I am glad the boys were able to help him by just giving him unconditional love. And I was happy I got to experience it as well.

Some campers left today and others came in. I am sure we will have a full campground this weekend.

March 31, 2018 – Saturday

We got up around 8:45 am, skies overcast, but nice, and no rain. It is 49 deg.

Our departure day for our next camp is this Sunday. I will miss our camp here.

A guy I saw whacking away at a log yesterday with a hatchet, that could be heard from my camp, we saw today still trying to split wood with a lot of effort and energy. I felt inclined to tell him about the splitter I was using that worked much better than a hatchet and much safer. I hear people whacking at wood echoing across the campground, and thinking there is a better way. The splitter I use is a “Kindling Cracker,” I wouldn’t leave home without it.

Today I will pick up some food in town, fill the truck’s tank with fuel, and start packing up. I figure it will take the usual 2 hours to pack up camp tomorrow.

Our bird friends came to visit us today. We will miss them.

Afternoon Entry

I checked the weather for this area and the area we are traveling to tomorrow, and rain is possible in the PM, for both areas. So it looks like we will have to extend our stay here for another day.

Today turned out to be a beautiful day with clear blue skies and a nice breeze. This afternoon we are just going to relax and enjoy the rest of the day in nature.

April 1, 2018 – Sunday

I slept well during the night. Only a few rain drops were heard hitting the tent roof, so I got up and closed the window flaps. The splattering of rain drops didn’t last long. They stopped as quickly as they started. It was 7:00 am. The weather is supposed to be overcast with off and on showers throughout the day I suspect. Not a good moving day. Since I did not have to get up to get everything ready for our move, I climbed back into my warm, comfortable bed for a few more winks.

As always the boys slept peacefully. Occasionally I would hear them reposition themselves in their beds. It seems I was alway aware to their movements. Once in a while, one of them would wake me up to let me know they needed to go out. Usually without a sound they would stand next to me or at the foot of my bed just looking at me, and I some how always felt their presence. I had three beds for them, two were at the opposite end to where I was, the other one was next to me. They would change off and on who was going to sleep next to me. I felt a deeper connection with them. A much deeper bonding to them, in always being with them.

We finally got up and went for our walk. It was a nice overcast morning.

I got a nice fire going and sipping on my hot coffee while enjoying the morning in nature. I fed the boys already. Since I took my canopy down, we had no protection from the rain when it comes. I hope tomorrow will be a better day for moving camp.

While I was enjoying the sunny afternoon yesterday, I forgot to put the boys beds outside to dry. I will have to put them in the bed of the truck when we leave, to air dry.

We should see a lot of campers leaving today.

I was talking with the couple next to us who were originally from Idaho and the guy was giving me some helpful hints on dealing with moose. Rutting season is always the most danger with many of the large critter, like moose, buffalo, and elk. He told me moose have very poor eye sight, so if one stays still when seeing a bull moose near, stand still, and hide behind a tree or tall brush. It also depends I suppose in how close one is when encountering a moose. Having two big dogs, or any dogs, can make it more challenging. One should always be alert to one’s surroundings. But even with that, there is no guarantee for a close encounter with a potentially dangerous animal.

Afternoon Entry

We went shopping for additional supplies, and food for tonight. Walmart had good prices for propane canisters for my stove, so I picked up four of them at $3.99 per bottle. Each bottle usually lasts about three days cooking both breakfast and dinner. I also bought 27 packages Mountain House freeze dried meals. They were also at a very good price at $8.99 per package. They are not the healthiest foods to eat, but makes good emergency rations. Mountain House brands are the best tasting that I have found, and they also have the highest salt content, as with GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) in all their foods. But are very low in sugars (refined), yet high in carbs (sugars).

The weather forecast is suppose to be good weather, but with high winds for Monday.

It began raining around 2:00 pm, and looks like it could continue on most of the night. We are sitting it out in the tent during the rain.

April 2, 2018 – Monday

We stayed in the tent all afternoon and evening yesterday due to the rain. I was hoping to get some things done, but the weather can quickly put a damper on those plans. This morning it was sprinkling on and off. During the night we didn’t get much rain. It was quite windy though.

We got up at 7:15 am, and it was hard telling if we would get rain or not.

The boys and I went on our walk, and on our return to camp, I noticed everything was quite wet in camp from the day and evening rains yesterday. I also found a leak in the tent. The very tent we bought only three weeks ago. I have to search for the receipt from Fred Meyers, and see if they have another one in stock.

April 3, 2018 – Tuesday

I got everything packed up by 10:15 am. We dropped by the Hospitality Center to get the phone number for Fred Meyers, and called to see if they had another Columbia #8 tent in stock. They had one, and had them put it on hold for us. I will pick it up on our way out of town.

I was able to extent our stay here for one more night due to the weather.

We were on the road to our next camp, Memaloose State Park on the Oregon side of the Columbia Gorge.

Crossing the Yaquina Bay Bridge, it was extremely windy. It was a white knuckles crossing the bridge with the trailer. The wind was pushing us all over the place. It felt like we were in a wind tunnel. I took it very slow and praying we would make it over the bridge safely.

We picked up the tent at Fred Meyers, and then on our 41/2 hour drive to our next camp.


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