Our Journey Living In Nature

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part 14

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part Fourteen

Part Fourteen will cover our beginnings, camping in Idaho at:

Riley Creek Recreation Area, Hepburn State Park – Benewah campground, and Dworshak campground.

Walk softly upon the land. Talk to the plants, to the trees, and to the animals. Tell them you care, thank them for all that they provide to us. Send love and prayers to them. Take deep cleansing breaths and feel ever breath going in and out. Smell, touch, listen, and see in silence what Nature shares with us. Nature in return will thank you in so many magical ways. Go deep into this experience with Reverence for all life, and you will connect in oneness with all things – to all life. And when you finish your walk in Nature, thank her for the gift of life.

~ Rick Theile

May 13, 2018 – Sunday – Riley Creek Recreation Area

Our Camp

Once again we got up early at 7:00 am to get our camp packed up. It took three hours to get everything packed. We departed for our new camp somewhere in Idaho at 10:15 am. The weather is a beautiful sunny day for traveling, and ending our pleasant stay at Curlew Lake.

This will be a new beginning for us. A new state, and a new adventure. We will not only be bouncing from campground to campground as we have been doing for the past six and a half months, we will be spending more time in the rugged backcountry of Idaho. This was my ultimate goal on this journey, and that is to spend as much time in the backcountry, away from people, and going deep into nature. There will be many unexpected twist and turns on the way, and nothing will play out as I wanted or hoped for. It will be as it is. We will have to deal with the National Forest Service, and Designated Wilderness Area regulations, and time limitations. I still have to find Outfitters that will work with us, and scheduling our trips. with each Outfitter. A lot of traveling from place to place will have to be done, covering many miles, as with constant challenges and unknowns we will have to face. I wish I could say it was going to be easy planning, but it will be far from it. When I describe to the Outfitters, what I am looking for, I wonder if they really see what I see in my mind, how I envision that perfect place to spend time in. Typically their clients are hunters, with only one goal in mind – the KILL – whether it be a deer, elk, or bear, with very little respect for the life they may be taking of the animal.

The drive was nice and relaxing with little traffic, through beautiful mountain scenery and lush green forests. I find myself going back in time, dreaming if this day. But these dreams can take on many forms. It is up to me to direct how I see, and experience these dreams. We crossed the Washington / Idaho border around 1:30 pm. And now, to find a place to camp? The boys were quietly sleeping behind me in the back seat area of the truck.

Driving through Idaho I was looking at the landscapes of this beautiful state, with the fresh smells, and green grass covered hillsides, and the scattered pine trees between the areas of green fields. Everything was green with it’s many hughes of greens filling the palette of the land.

The firsts town we hit was Priest River, a small town with a population of 1,751, at the 2010 census. Located in the Idaho Panhandle region of the state. I didn’t really realized how far north we were until I saw the map. It is located at the mouth of the Priest River, on the Pend Orville River. We were on the very northern tip of the panhandle. One of the areas we were looking at going was Priest Lake just one hour north if where we were presently at. We stopped for directions at a campground we may be able to stay at.

We passed a couple going through Priest River and stopped to check out each one. The one we chose was Riley Creek Recreation Area. It had a large open and clean day use areas next to the Pend Oreille River. A good place to walk the boys. The campsites were nestled in a nice wooded area, giving a feel of being in the forest. We found out these campgrounds just opened up for Spring, a week ago, so our timing was perfect. There were a lot of campsites available at the campground, and this campground was located further away from the highway keeping us insulated from traffic noise. We stopped by the Visitor Center for some information and found the people there were really nice and helpful.

Doing our typical drive thru of the campsites, we found a nice campsite that seemed to work for us, and I grabbed it. While backing up the truck and trailer in our spot, the boys popped their heads out of the open windows as they always do. They seem to always know when we are at our new home. They usually do this at new campsites or returning to our campsites. They always know without seeing where we are at. It amazes me how they know this.

The campground accepted my Senior Pass, so I got 50% off the campsite fee. We have a full hookup site, but I never use them. One thing I don’t like about the sites are that they are all stone, making it difficult to get stakes in for the tent, and makes it hard on the knees when making a fire in the fire ring. Other than that, it is a nice camp.

The critters here consist of people, Great horned owls, Ravens, I thought I heard a Mocking bird, some unidentified song birds, tree squirrels, and mosquitoes. Coyotes are supposed to roam this area, and I found moose droppings that I was excited about, throughout the campground. I was hoping to see some moose. We are also dealing with yellow jackets here, and big black ants. As for the coyotes we shouldn’t have any problems with them if we do see them. The boys will make sure they don’t get to close.

I think I am going to like it here in Idaho from what I have seen and heard about the state. The boys are also enjoying our new campsite. They have found a nice shady spot in the trees to relax. I will have to always be mindful that this state hates wolves and any similarity to wolves.

The smells here have a beautiful smell of being in the woods.

We (I) got most of the camped set up. It is now time to relax.

May 14, 2018 – Monday

We got the rest of camp set up done, and went to the grocery store in town to stock up for food. Back at camp we explored the area a bit, and then relaxed in camp.

A gal and her husband were camping across the way from us and the wife wanted to meet the boys. The boys always want to meet new friends. I talked with the nice couple for a bit, and they gave me some good information about the area. It seems people from Idaho don’t really care about people from California or for wolves. So I will keep that in mind. So far, the people have been very friendly to us.

We checked out the restrooms and they were very nice and clean. They even had a wash basin outside of the restrooms for cleaning dishes.

May 15, 2018 – Tuesday

Last night I received news from an Outfitter that they could not do a drop camp for us. That was very disappointing news. I thought Idaho would be easy getting Outfitters here, but is becoming more difficult finding any. My thoughts were leading me back to Alaska.

I tend to have images in my heads of finding the perfect spots in the backcountry to spend the summer, and even in the winter camping in the wildlands of nature. But what really is the perfect spot? I was hoping we could find those perfect places with small flowing steams, and lakes bountiful with trout, with alpine meadows flourishing with wild flowers, and woodlands where creatures lie. I imagined the camp I spent with my other dog, Shiloh, in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California. But until I got to know that area, it was a foreign land to me, uncomfortable with many uncertainties. But this is what it is all about, letting nature teach us all that she offers, if we only see and listen deeply.

The government does play a role in this. They do not want us to live off the land because it take away the control they have on us. They see the land as for recreation only, and not for an emergence with having a relationship with nature on a deeper level. The land has become a resource to use, and not to experience deeply. They make it difficult for people to do those things with their rules and restrictions.

As in all things, there are good and bad people. There are those who respect the land, and those who do not. This is why we took the land away from the Native Indians. Our government felt they were wasting the land because they were not exploiting the land, and it’s natural resources. The Native people understood that it was important for their very survival to keep a balance with Mother Earth, to respect her, and show her deep reverence for all life. They required huge areas to live, hunt and gather in. They knew the land well, and understood her, they were tied to her spiritually. Typically they would have a summer camps, and a winter camps for survival. They lived with the land, and with a sacred connection to all life forms, including the four elements of air, water, land and fire. This soon stopped when the newcomers began to settle and took control of their land, and the attempts to eradicate a peoples, and cultures that have been on this land for thousands of years. A People who kept this land pristine and healthy for all life, until the European settlers came to town.

After I fed myself and the boys, and finishing my last cup of coffee, the boys and I took a drive to Sandpoint, Idaho to talk with the National Forest Service office. The Ranger I talked with did not go well. He did not care too much about me attacking the Forest Service and our government. I could not understand why I couldn’t get a Special Use Permit so I could stay for a longer time in one area. I explained what my purpose was with only having the best intentions and respect for nature. This guy really didn’t care. He also told me his office could not issue that type of permit. He told me to go to the Coeur d’Alene office. They would be the ones to issue this Special Use Permit. I contacted them by phone, and talked with a gentleman who’s name was Josh. I told him what I wanted to do and why. I could tell he was listening to me, and understood what I wanted to do. He said he would put in for a Special Use Permit request for me, but added, I had only a 1% chance of getting one. The office Josh was in handled the Frank Church – River of No Return Wilderness in the Northern Region. The wilderness area encompasses a total of 2,366, 757acres total. The native peoples of this area who had once live here for thousands of years were forcibly removed. All their rights were taken away. Yet the US government put in place laws to protect the native people’s past in artifacts, and pictographs. And still, they were not allowed to live on this land that was theirs long before the arrival of the white man. It seems we can protect relics of the Indian people, but are not interested in saving the Indian people, their traditions, and ways of life. It was only a partial truth the white culture loved to tell. And their disappearance just seemed to happen through natural selection, and not genocides of a race of people, and their cultures.  

Josh also suggested finding private property to do this on, which could take a long time to do, and could have it’s own limitation. He recommended contacting the Idaho State Land Management as well. I dropped by ISLM, and they had nothing to offer, and suggested someone at Priest Lake, but nothing materialized with that. Maybe Josh can materialize some magic at his end by getting me a Special Use Permit that I am sure would cost me more money, just to camp and enjoy nature? I had found, when I camped in a primitive way as much as possible, it brought me much closer, and in a more personal relationship with the natural world.

A Facebook friend was contacting Nat Geo (National Geographic) about me, and I probably had a 1% chance of any reply from them.

May 16, 2018 – Wednesday

I woke up feeling good, along with a sound peaceful sleep during the night. The boys and I greeted each other with a good morning, then got up at 8:30 am. We went for our morning walk to greet the beautiful day.

I was thinking of all the things that are, and could be going wrong. So I turned that around, and focused on things going right. And that is just simply experiencing the beauty of nature that is all around us, and not in a project that needed to get done. This is the life I have chosen for the boys, and I , and it should not be wasted on what I think it should be, but just what is to experience.

While I am writing in my journal, it is warm outside, but when in the shade, I feel the cool breeze against my exposed skin, and the freshness of the sweet mountain air. Being in nature we get to experience the smells, the sounds, the beautiful sights, the quiet silence, and peaceful moments nature brings to us. It is an experience very few know or experience, even when they are in nature.

May 17, 2018 – Thursday

I received a text from my sister yesterday, that I should contact some newspapers about doing a story on us, or better yet, doing a running series of stories on us in journal form. I thought this was a great idea, and maybe help the papers circulation. I was aware, since the age of the internet, newspapers have been struggling to survive them this fast growing high tech age. I did contact two newspapers, and have not heard any reply from the papers as yet.

Last night we got some lightning, and the rumblings of thunder, but no rain until later that night. The rain was mostly the light on and off type stuff, and with the awareness that our tents has a tendency to leak.

We got up at 9:30 am, late for us. We took our morning walk with a light rain still falling, that soon became a steady rain fall. During our walk around the campground I noticed a lot of tent type canopies in the grassy open areas of the day use area. I talked with one of the adults supervising the group of children they had with them. She told me it was to teach the children about water, referring to the river and dam. The children seemed to be excited in having this experience being outside, even with being in the light rain, rather than in an enclosed classroom. It was an interesting way to have a field trip. The children would walk from tent to tent learning something new at each tent.

Today felt like it was going to be one of those wet type of days.

I was having a difficult time having any interest in writing today, so I didn’t.

May 18, 2018 – Friday

It rained most of the day yesterday, and finally easing up a bit in the late afternoon and late evening.

This morning the rain was falling continuously. I thought we were done with the rain.

I decided to visit the elementary school in town and talk with the principle about possibly filming the children about their thoughts on climate change. What gave me this crazy idea was that the children their did a campaign on climate change by doing art work on shopping paper bags. So each shopper who shopped at the market would receive one of these art paper bags. I thought it was a great way to get the children involved, and educate the public. I was surprised Idaho was doing such a thing. I was excited about the possibility in doing this with the children.

A Save the Planet paper bag

I had this idea of interview children about their thoughts on climate change and maybe have it picked up by an environmental nonprofit when I was living in California, but struggling with money, I dropped the idea.

While the Principle was running out for a meeting, I quickly tried to pitch her on the idea and left her with my idea. I never heard back from her. The reality is, I only had a short time here, and with coordinating this, getting permission by the parents and executing it, it would have taken much more time in doing it, so I dropped the idea. I was disappointed it didn’t happen, but I was on a time schedule, and so was the elementary school.

In the school parking lot I made some calls to Outfitters and one of them was going to check on how long I could stay out there in the backcountry. He also suggested I call the Ranger District for the Frank Church – River of No Return Wilderness area and speak with the manager there. I did get a hold of him by phone while he was in the field. He pulled over while we talked. I explained what my intentions were, and I could tell he was taking me seriously. He told me he would check into it and see what he could do. He said he would try and work with me. I really don’t think anything will happen, but one never knows? It was better than just getting a flat out “No” reply.

We then stopped by the grocery store to get a few items, then headed back to camp. The weather was still kind of gloomy, so I decided not to cook tonight.

On our evening walk the boys and I saw a cotton tail rabbit, and gray squirrels. Nanook wanted to chase the rabbit, but wouldn’t let him. I told him he was our friend.

We went to bed around 9:30 pm. Last night was warm in the tent, as with tonight. So again I decided to just sleep under my blanket as I did the night before. It was getting a bit chilly out tonight, so I slipped into the sleeping bag for the rest of the night. We got a little off and on light rain through the night, as with the winds. The winds really started kicking up early morning. I then heard a crash outside! It sounded like something, as in a branch may have hit my truck or trailer.

At each camp we are at, I observe the plants, trees, and animals around us.

May 19, 2018 – Saturday

It was an interesting night hearing all the sounds of the winds and rain during the night, and the crashing in the night.

When we got up I checked first thing if the truck or trailer received any damage from a fallen branch or limb. I didn’t see anything – lucky for me. It could have been from a nearby campsite.

I did receive a call from the Ranger I spoke with yesterday, he said he couldn’t do anything. I did mention to him that I wanted to do some video recording, and to practice bushcraft skills while I was out there. He told me I couldn’t do that either. I would need a permit for the video recording. And I told him I would have minimal impact on the environment in practicing bushcraft skills and video taping. I described some of the things I would be doing. I think he thought I was going to start chopping down trees for a shelter or something. He over reacted to the words, “Bushcraft skills,” when I mentioned it. But I also understood his concerns. I am sure he has seen a lot of damage done by those who have practiced bushcraft skills irresponsibly. And as far as Video taping, he told me I would have to get a filming permit. I then began losing it. “You are telling me I need a filming permit?” It wasn’t like I was doing a major production here? “I was doing this for personal use and not for commercial purposes.” He went so far as to tell me I couldn’t even photograph without a permit in the wilderness areas.

My only option for staying for a longer period than 14 days is to then move to another location usually a minimum of five miles away. This was not doable due to the expense of doing this, and in being able to find an area that would work for a suitable camp. And with having our gear being packed in by an outfitter from place to place. There is a lot of planning to this, and that was not a practical option for us. It could be a very dangerous situation for me and the boys in doing this.

I was really getting frustrated with the USFS and all their rules they have that limit our rights to be on public lands. And yet! The USFS favors, and caters too, for the most part, to the mining industry, the livestock ranchers, and the timber industry. I don’t want to abuse the natural world in anyway, I just want to experience it, responsibly, and respectfully. The more I deal with the USFS, the more I was losing all respect for the USFS. Many times they are incapable of telling people the correct information, and regulations. They are so out of touch with their own rules and regulations. Now to be fair, there are good Rangers, but unfortunately they have limited powers, and they are only there to enforce the rules and regulations, as with having very little man power to enforce them. It takes all of us who use these valuable natural resources to do it responsibly, as stewards of the Earth.

I only slept okay, and woke at around 4:30 am. The dark sky was beginning to show a subtle light above the horizon. The skies were overcast. It is hard in telling if we will get rain today.

I will start packing up today. I will hate to leave this place, but we have a lot of traveling to do, and planning to do for our summer and winter in Idaho. We will leave tomorrow.

May 20, 2018 – Sunday – Benewah Campground, a part of Heyburn State Park

Our camp next to the lake

Evening Entry

As usual we had a smooth transition from camp to camp. It was a little confusing getting to our new camp, but we finally found it. We were at the south end of Lake Coeur d’Alene. Heyburn State Park has three separate campground, and we chose the only one not requiring reservations. It was first come, first serve. Because the weekend was a three day weekend, they expected a full house.

I realized when we were almost to our new camp, that I had forgotten the boys tie down cables back at our last camp. That kinda pissed me off a bit. Luckily I found an Ace Hardware store in Plumber that carried the tie down cables. It cost me $50.00, and I was not happy about doing this for a second time. It was on my mind to grab the gables, and focusing on getting everything ready to leave, and I got side tracked while focusing on other things, and completely forgetting them. Oh well! I really have to focus on those cables when leaving camp. It amazes me I don’t forget more things. But I do forget where I put things after packing them up.

It was partly cloudy for the whole drive. We only had a little traffic. Going through Coeur d’Alene, I was surprised how large the city was.

We made it to the campground at 2:00 pm. A threatening thunder storm was moving our way, but the lightning stayed a safe distance away. We did get a little rain falling on us as well, but after I got the tent set up. The Camp Host helped us find a nice campsite next to the lake, with a partial lake view. Our camp was surrounded by pine trees, and we were about 50 feet above the lake. We do tend to get a lot of traffic noise from the road across the lake, but it is a nice camp. Small, but comfortable. The tent pad unfortunately lies in two different directions. I will have to see how that impacts my sleep. Of course the boys don’t care. We were lucky we got the tent up before the rain. After the tent was up, we headed for the town of St. Maries to get some food. We were only 15 minutes away from the town that made it convenient for resupplying.

On our drive getting to our new camp, we drove through beautiful low mountains and forests. It was a nice drive and got to experience more of beautiful Idaho.

The birds we have seen so far in camp are osprey and storks, and no mammals.

We were the only ones in camp, then a mother and her two daughter drove into camp. They were camping in their van. I heard the children laughing with excitement being here.

While at the store I picked up some cooked chicken for me, and ham for the boys to put on their kibble. I don’t ever cook on our first night, With packing up camp, driving to our next camp, setting up camp once again, and shopping I just want to relax with the boys. I am usually exhausted at the end of the day, on these moving days.

Our camp over looking the lake at dusk

Back at camp, I fed the boys, I did some chores finishing setting up camp, and then I had my dinner. I got a nice campfire going and enjoyed the beautiful evening next to the lake.

After taking the boys for a short evening walk, Bob, our Camp Host dropped by making sure we got settled in okay. Earlier Bob, offered us some freshly cooked spaghetti for dinner, but I declined. It did sound awfully good though. Bob and I talked for a little bit, and I was telling him our challenges with the USFS and camping in the back country. He told me areas where his son and friends would camp for a full month. It can be done if you don’t get caught or if the Rangers in the area are flexible. If one knows the area well, it makes it much easier knowing where to go. I wanted to go deep in the wilderness and away from any chance of running into as little people as possible, so I chose getting packed in by Outfitters. Bob was a really nice guy. One of the pleasure in doing this, is the really nice people one meets. I was told, the people in Idaho are very friendly and always there for a helping hand. I am beginning to believe this

We sat around relaxing by the fire for a while, then went to bed.

Forgot to mention, we do have cell service here at the camp, so I can continue my search of Outfitters.

I have been bashing the USFS a lot, but I also make it a focus to be kind to them, and show respect to them. Especially those in the field. They have a big job to do with minimal resources to work with.

May 21, 2018 – Monday

I slept pretty good during the night, until 9:00 am. The boys had no complaints sleeping until then as well.

We went for a walk along the shore line, then back at camp, I fixed coffee and fed the boys breakfast. They boys seem to like our new camp, and seeing the changing scenery at each camp.

The weather has been partly cloudy to mostly cloudy, to partly cloudy again. The Camp Host said, it should be a little cooler, but comfortable and nice. We are at 2,800 ft elevation.

I spotted a crow flying to a nearby pine tree to enjoy a morning meal of a dead fish he got. I also am now hearing a squirrel chirping at us from a nearby tree.

Today we will go back to the city of St Maries to do more shopping, and looking for more firewood.

Afternoon entry

The white bird I saw yesterday that I thought was a stork, is actually an American White Pelican – a beautiful bird. I was watching it gracefully floating about a foot off the surface of the lake with it’s long spanned wings – ever so gently flapping it’s wings, never touching the water’s surface – like a ballet in flight. There are two bald eagles in the area, and I also spotted turkeys and a robin. And of course there are Canadian geese here. At times, it seems overwhelming, because I just want to be able to fully take in all that is around us, on a much deeper level all at once.

I was able to find someone to sell me some firewood so we will pick it up tomorrow.

Today turned out to be an absolutely beautiful day, being somewhere around in the high 70s. Being in Idaho it feels like being much closer to the wilderness and the ruggedness of the land. It is like going back in time.

May 22, 2018 – Tuesday

We woke up to a beautiful morning at 7:30 am with clear skies and the morning air warming quickly from the rising sun. We had to use the shade from the trees to keep us cool from the heat of the day. It was warm yesterday and during the evening.

The mosquitoes are beginning to come out in abundance. They were out last night and back again this morning, attacking the boys, biting any place they could find access to their skin, which is usually around their faces, ears, and legs. I would be constantly swiping the little buggers away from the boys which did very little to deter them from their voracious appetite for blood.

I had noticed Nanook was developing a sore on his nose, and crusty areas where I had put Frontline on him and Takota about two weeks ago. It looked like he was getting an allergic reaction to it. Takota was okay. I cleaned the areas really good with alcohol gauge, and I put some antibiotic gel on this areas. There is a Vet in St. Maries, so I will take him in to get checked out.

We will go to the store for some food, and pick up some firewood today.

May 23, 2018 – Wednesday

We got up at 7:30 am, took a walk on the path along the lake’s edge. It was a beautiful morning. The boys were alert to something up on the hillside, but I could not see anything. We stopped short of the end of the trail where the train tracks and trestle stopped us from going any further. We then saw a deer jump from the brush next to the lake. On our way back on the trail, I saw some old beaver sign, a felled tree by a beaver. I also saw some animal scat on the trail, but did not know from what critter. Some of the vegetation I saw was goosefoot, yarrow, and wild strawberry along the trail.

The mosquitoes are really getting bad and irritating. This area is a perfect breeding ground for them.

I took Nanook to the Vet today, and they cleaned him up, They shaved the affected areas, so I could apply antibiotics topically and in pill form. After paying $150 bucks later, we were good to go, and hopefully Nanook will begin to feel better. The Vet thought it was a bad reaction from the Frontline as well. But nothing serious.

We drove to Cabela’s to pick up some things, like bear spray and lots of freeze dried foods for our backcountry trips. We then went to Walmart nearby for some propane canister, and to pick up a supply of protein bars.

We picked up some firewood, about an 1/8th of a cord for a good price. Maybe it will help rid the mosquitoes away by the fire smoke.

We then dropped by the small grocery store in Plumber, then to the State Park Visitor Center to extend our stay for two more days. I also picked up a wolf cap for the boys to feel more at home here in Idaho.

It was a long, yet productive day.

I also got a confirmation from an Outfitter that he could do a drop camp for us in the Sawtooth Wilderness. He told me he didn’t care how long we stayed out there.

May 24, 2018 – Thursday

We woke up to a partly cloudy day, and got up around 8:15 am. It was a pleasant morning. I spent the night scratching my mosquito bites.

Nanook seem to be healing well from the reaction he had, so I am really happy about that.

In the afternoon and evening it rained off and on. I thought we may have thunder and lightening, but we were clear of that. The rest of the week the weather forecast looks good for nice weather.

The campground was starting to fill up with campers. We had a family camp to the right of us. I noticed the husband was carrying a side arm with him that is legal in Idaho, even in campgrounds.

We went into town today, and I picked up food, and went to a sporting good shop and picked up a box of 22 long rifle by Winchester to try out, and bought a fishing license, and a small game hunting license.

May 25, 2018 – Friday

Each day we are experiencing nicer weather.

The mosquitoes don’t seem to be too bad in camp, but on our walks we get swarmed by them.

I bought some lemon and sage to see if it would help for my mosquito bites. It seemed to help in giving a little relief of the itching of the bites, but not much.

Last night it was a miserable and uncomfortable night. When we went to bed our tent was full of mosquitoes inside. A bad sign! I constantly had them buzzing around my ears all night. I finally fell asleep and slept well the rest of the night.

The Outfitter called me today and he told me he could also take me out in September as well.

I went into town to pick up some witch hazel for those biting, blood sucking critters, to see if I could get any relief.

May 26, 2018 – Saturday

We got up this morning at 7:45 am with overcast skies and occasional spits of rain droplets falling. It is cooler than it has been, but very comfortable. The mosquitoes are out, but not as bad as in the evening time, except nearer to the lake. When we stop on the lake path, and stopping even for a brief moment, we are swarmed by them.

Last night it started to rain. It was the light off and on rain we usually get. I had to get up to close the window flaps to leave the wet outside. I slept pretty well with only hearing one mosquito buzzing in my ear. I think I got a few bites during the night.

I started to plan my first backcountry trip in late June, I made reservations at the Sawtooth Lodge for a campsite, and a cabin. I reserved a week at one of their few campsites to begin to prepare for our trip, then moving into a cabin to finish preparing the gear I want to take with me. The Outfitter is at the Sawtooth Lodge, so that is a perfect arrangement. Going into the Sawtooth Wilderness mountains will be for a 14 day trip plus or minus.

Planning on what I will be doing in the wilderness, I have to keep it manageable with the things I will be bringing, and doing. The Outfitter charges per pack animal, and I know I will need four pack animal. On this trip I wanted to focus on some bushcraft skills, and identifying the flora and fauna there. I will bring backup gear also for emergencies if needed. I will also have a Sat phone, and I am bringing an ACR Emergency Personal Locator Beacon, and a Spot Emergency Locator. I don’t want to take any chances. Since I won’t be living there, I won’t be bringing the kitchen sink. I will also bring my camera and video camcorder equipment. The tent I will be bringing is the Cabela’s Big Horn 3 Outfitter Tent. I wanted to bring the vestibule for the tent, but thought it would add another pack animal to the cost.

The campground is filling up, but most will only camp for one night. The campers to our right are leaving today.

We are getting a lot of morning activity with the mosquitoes this morning, but hopefully it will calm down with the nice breeze we are getting.

Afternoon Entry

This afternoon was nice with a nice breeze, and clear skies, but did nothing to rid us of the mosquitoes.

We went into town to pick some stuff. And went to the hardware store to get some smoking coils for mosquitoes. They only had refills with out the base, so I rigged one up with a rock, aluminum foil, and wire, and it seemed to work. It seems the smoke from the coil works, keeping the biting critters away. They seemed to vanish.

I got a message from my sister telling me my oldest brother and his wife are moving to the desert in Southern California. I was surprised they made that move. I really miss my family, especially with the loss of our sister. I guess this is part of getting old, we reflect on those things we take for granted for so many years. I am one of the lucky ones who got to have those wonderful experiences with a big family, even with our struggles that comes with life, and it’s tough lessons.

We went to bed early because of the feasts the mosquitoes were having on us.

Not long after we went to bed, we heard the sounds of the wolves howling. It was the first for us, the first time I have heard them in my life, other than on TV. It was truly magical. Even the boys perked up to the calls. Although these magnificent creatures are hated in this state. They see the wolf as being better as a dead wolf, then a living wolf. Idaho has so much hatred for these amazing creatures of the wild, they would kill them in a blink of an eye. I was concerned about the safety of the boys with this attitude for the wolf.

May 27, 2018 – Sunday

Another beautiful day. Blue skies with a nice coolness in the morning air. Feeling grateful for what we have. We have been living in nature for seven month now. What a beautiful experience this has been with the boys. The mosquitoes, and the bad weather included. And the party is not over yet.

I spotted some purple lupin growing next to our camp yesterday. Such a beautiful flower, but it is not an edible plant, and can be poisonous. Back in California where I lived, I saw lupin growing in an open field with a brilliant yellow flower. The field glowed in it’s beauty. I am starting to find a lot of wild edible plants here. So far I have found, goosefoot, wild rose, ferns, dandelions, and wild strawberries, and even cattails. Some species of mushrooms I have noticed coming up as well. Since I am into wild edibles, this was pretty exciting. But I found I was getting excited about all plants at this point. It was experiencing the pureness of “life” in nature.

The mosquitoes are really getting bad this morning in camp – it is getting unbearable.

I slept pretty well last night. The night sky was lit up with the moons glow.

We will be heading towards Kamiah, Idaho next, and found some possible campgrounds in the area.

May 28, 2018 – Monday

We woke up at 7:00 am, and got up at 8:00 am. Most of the campers have left, and it was peaceful once again. Just me, the boys, and the mosquitoes, and one other camper.

They had set up camp late afternoon yesterday, in the campsite just to the right of us. The husband was excited about being here, and excited about the campsite they were in. His excitement quickly turned from excitement to irritation by his kids misbehaving. So much for calm and peace, with screaming kids around.

They were gone this morning, as with the young group that were camping to the left of us. The campers to the left of us had their dogs off leash creating problems with my dogs when they were coming into our camp. The boys did not like canine intruders coming into our camp. I shooed one of the dogs away that came into our camp. Luckily the boys did not catch him. I told the people their dogs had to be on leash, or restrained.

I untangled Takota shortly after that incident with the neighboring dog. Once he was unhitched from the line, Takota decided to go on a walk about down to the lake. And of course he wouldn’t come when I called to him, so I had to chase after him. When I got to the lake, he came right to me. Now if it was both of them, they may have gone on a walk about together, totally ignoring me, and who knows how far.

Earlier in the evening, I took the boys for a walk down the road, hoping the mosquitoes may not be as bad, and they were even worse. They seemed to have far more mosquitoes there compared to our site.

This will be our last full day here, It was a nice area, but the mosquitoes were incredibly irritating. I was really getting on edge with those little buggers.

Afternoon Entry

I took a shower and even the mosquitoes were waiting for me when I got out. Taking a refreshing shower and washing of the dirt, and sweat off the body was a mind and body altering experience.

All day it was pretty breezy, keeping the biting critters at bay. Overall, it has been a pleasant day without the biting bugs.

The campground is completely empty, but for us, one other camping family, and the Host.

May 29, 2018 – Tuesday – Dworshak State Park, Idaho

Our camp

We got up at 7:30 am and the mosquitoes were bad. I didn’t get much sleep thinking about all the mosquitoes in the tent. Nanook was even trying to eat them in the tent. Starting the day out, I was pretty grumpy with dealing with the mosquitoes and this breeding ground for these biting and blood sucking creatures. It is time to move on.

We had good moving weather with sunny skies and a pleasant breeze. We got everything packed up (I got everything packed up, the boys watched). And we were off by 10:15 am.

I stopped at the small town of Plummer to get gasoline for the truck, and coffee for me. Each time I am there, I notice a Native American presence. It is within the reservation of the Coeur d’Alene Reservation.

I pulled in behind a SUV to fill up my gas tank. A guy guided me closer to the SUV so I could get the nozzle into my truck. I thought that was a very kind gesture. I noticed their personal license plate read, “SURVIVAL,” And I was wondering about it. I told the guy, “Nice plate.” He told me it wasn’t his truck, but his girlfriend’s. I then saw this blond, a good looking gal, step out of the truck from the driver side, and with a smile on her face, took off her sun glasses, and looking towards me. With surprised excitement, I said, “I know you!” She replied, “You do?” My mind was scrambling to remember her name. I then said, “You are Karen!” She asked, how I knew? I told her I had most of their survival DVD’s that her and her husband, Ron Hood (who not long ago died), had done. Karen laughed. We talked for a bit, I introduced her the boy, because I know she loves dogs. Most of the videos had their dogs in them. I told her what me and the boys were doing. “We were going into the Wilderness.” And her and her husband, Ron had a big part with so much of what I had learned in surviving in the wilderness.

When we were back on the road, I still couldn’t believe I had met her the way we did. What were the chances of that? I was telling the boys all about it on our way to our new camp. At one point, I pulled over from the road and stopped to call her, and tell her, she made my day running into her. The thoughts of “What were the chances of this happening?” kept running through my mind.

The drive south, we enjoyed the beautiful countryside of Idaho, I was hoping we were going in the right direction? Luckily it was. We finally reached the small City of Orofino, that ran along the Clearwater River. We stopped at a USFS office in Orofino for ideas where we might camp. I was told about a State Park just outside of Orofino about a hours drive away. We ascended up on a steep and narrow winding two lane road to a high plateau that opened up to beautiful farm land of open fields of grasses. Then descended back down on another very tight winding road to the reservoir, and campground. We reached the bottom that took us right into the campground. It was a beautiful campground. I was not sure where to go and what campsites were for reservations only, and ones that were first come first serve. I spotted a park maintenance guy, and stopped to ask him. He checked on available campsites for me.

We found a site that was on a slight rise and looking down on the reservoir. I thought, “Perfect.” It was a drive thru site so we didn’t have to doing any backing up into the site. We had some pine trees around us, and backed up to a heavy tree’d area on one side. It felt we were partially isolated from the main campsites. The site was a good size with nice grass covered areas for the boys. The campground was a mix of pine and alder trees. For now, the campground in our area was completely empty, only being welcomed with the birds singing their songs.

Dworshak Dam
Looking down at the Clearwater River looking south. Orofino is on the left.
Clearwater River at Orofino

It was starting to cloud up when we headed for Orofino to get some food. We picked up a few things then headed back to camp. The first thing was to get the tent set up and to begin to organize camp. While I was getting our camp ready, the boys were resting from our long day driving. They found a nice area on the grass, and under a pine tree to settle in for a nap. They settled in nicely to their new environment. I was also able to set up the canopy for cover from the rain.

We were getting a little light rain showers with thunder and lightning in the distance.

We had a little fire in the evening, and we were getting some rain. I was tire from the long day, so we turned in early.

I was happy with how our day turned out. It was a bit frustrating in finding the campground, but the rest of the day was good. We had a good day. It was also very pleasant and peaceful on our first day at our campsite. We also saw deer coming into the area.

May 30, 2018 – Wednesday

We woke up at 6:30 am and got up at 7:30 am. I slept well. I am still sleeping on two air mattresses for comfortable sleeping.

The weather is overcast skies with some blue sky peeking through the clouds, and a little cool. We are at about 1,700 plus or minus elev. at our current site, and lower then our last site. We had light rains off and on during the night, with no leaks in the tent.

I have noticed since arriving in Idaho, my inner sense of direction is way off. I am not sure why that is?

The boys and I met Mary, a park employee who is originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, close to where I lived. She stopped by our camp in her golf cart to greet us. She was very friendly, and the boys really liked her. She told us this area is part of the Nez Perce Reservation.

The mountains are low here with subtle curves flowing on the tops of the ridges. I have noticed plantains and wild rose in the area.

We took a nice walk checking out the campground next to us. I spotted more plants like, fern, gooseberry and nettle plants.

Today we will just hang out and go shopping for food in Orofino, and go back to the USFS office to pick up some topo maps.

Looking behind our camp

May 31, 2018 – Thursday

We have an overcast morning with a slight cooling breeze.

I will be focusing on our summer backcountry trips for most of our time here. Right now I only have one trip confirmed, and that will be our first trip in late June. I was assuming it would be easy to find Outfitters in Idaho who would take us into the backcountry, but I was wrong.

We went back into town to make phone calls and getting things set up for our backcountry trips.

Last night we had wolves howling across the lake. I got the boys to howl back at them. And then it was quiet.

While I was fixing breakfast, Mary came by to give us our receipt for camping. And to say Hi to the boys. She was walking, and at first Takota didn’t know who she was.

It has been raining, and hopefully it stops so I can get my stuff done.

June 1, 2018 – Friday

We got up at 7:30 am with more overcast skies, but it is supposed to be a nice day. During the night it was raining lightly, and continued through the night. I was thinking a lot about my meeting with another Outfitter today in one of his backcountry camps.

I want to get an early start going to the Outfitters, but first coffee for me and breakfast for the boys. It will be a long drive on backcountry dirt roads, twisting and winding our way through the mountains. I hope I don’t get lost? I double checked the directions with the Outfitter a few times. I brought a survival kit with us just case something happens, like my truck breaking down.

Supposedly the Outfitter we are meeting today says, we can stay at his camp as long as we want, so I will look at that as an option.

Evening Entry

It took about 6 hours round trip of driving time to the Outfitters camp. I was able to find our way with no problem. I talked with the Outfitter for about an hour and a half. He seemed like a real nice guy and I felt comfortable using him for one of our trips. He suggested me riding a horse back in, due to a lot of vertical feet that will have to be undertaken. I wanted to hike in with the boys, but highly suggested in riding in. I didn’t like the idea of them being loose on the trail and being around the horses. Once we got to the Outfitters camp, the horses took off running in their corral once they saw the boys. They wanted no part of them. He showed me the area we would take us in. It had two lakes in the area with streams to fish, It was up at about 6,500 ft elev. It sounded like a good area. I had a vision in my minds eye of what it would be like, a beautiful paradise in the mountains. And of course it was perfect in my mind, of what I wanted to see. I didn’t really realize how rugged the mountains are in Idaho. And I was still thinking I was young and could handle anything. I was looking at that spot for our September camp. We would be in the Clearwater National Forest.

Jeff, the guy I was to talk with about my winter camp called and told me to call him on Sunday. He is not that far from where we are in Orofino.

A third of our campground is full. Most of the day was overcast, but when we returned to camp the skies were clear.

A father and son set up camp next to us. They pulled in right after we came back to camp. They brought a fishing boat for a little time for some father and son bass fishing.

I could tell right off something was off with the dad. It looked like he had a stroke. He was pretty old. His son told me his mom passed not long ago. A bit later in the evening, I notice how lovingly, and caring he was with his dad. He was their to help with any needs he might have, and in making him feel very comfortable. I thought, “What a great son.”

Our new neighbors saw the boys in our camp and wanted to meet them. So they came over to see them. Last night I noticed the Dad was watching the boys with a captivating interest. He couldn’t take his eyes off of them. I was wondering what he was thinking?

Dworshak Reservoir – on the other side of the lake to the left, we heard the howls of wolves singing their songs.

June 2, 2018 – Saturday

We got up to another beautiful day nature with a nice cooling breeze blowing gently through camp.

This morning the son came by our camp from next door and offered us their firewood. They will be leaving today. We talked for a bit. He told me a great way of getting rid of yellow jackets was by using fabric softener cloth and laying it out in the open. I may have to get some to try out. It does get rid of bees, but I just a soon leave the bee alone. His Dad then slowly walked over to greet me, and he shook my hand with great sincerity, as if we were old friends saying good bye. He told me he liked Takota and Nanook very much. That simple gesture meant a lot to me for some reason I cannot explain.

“When we allow ourselves to go deep into the beauty and wonders of nature, we begin to experience the pure awareness in all things. We go beyond experiencing those things most only see or hear on the surface. When we experience silence in nature, becoming still within. many sounds in nature becomes heightened, they become alive in our very Being. These sounds of the song birds singing in the early morning, the hawks and eagles calling to each other, the distant howls in the forest of the wolves, and the bugling of an bull elk calling to a future mate. Or the sounds of the wind going through the trees, or the rain drops falling to the ground. All the sounds of nature becomes part of us, we become one with all that is nature.”   

~ Rick Theile

Those were special moments with our neighbors. Too bad they couldn’t stay longer. I am sure the boys would have enjoyed their company much longer. It gives me great joy seeing the boys meeting new human camping friends. I don’t know why they didn’t stay longer. Maybe it was just to hard for the Dad. These will be lasting memories for me.

Today we will just hang out for the day in camp.

Doubts always seems to creep in during the night about what I am doing, but as soon as I step outside into nature, this is when all doubts dissipate, vanishes as quickly as they came – nature awakens me to her beauty that surrounds me in all her physical forms, and in the formless. Are these moment sacred to me? I know they are. Because I feel them moving deeply within.

On our morning walk I saw some mushrooms growing from some downed logs. Always magical moments nature provides to us.

June 3, 2018 – Sunday

We woke up to a bright sunny day at 6:30 am. I took deep cleansing breaths of the fresh morning air. The warmth of the sun was coming through the tent skin, and window openings, almost making it too hot. When we stepped outside we were greeted with a nice cool mountain breeze that gave us refreshing relief from the heat of the early morning sun.

Before we started our morning walk, we saw a small gray squirrel dashing under the truck, then jumped into the underside of the engine compartment, then back out again. I was wondering what he was doing? The boys and I were watching him scamper around, and up the tree. He then grabbed a pine cone, and chewed on it for a bit. He wanted to come back down, but we were blocking his way. Me and the boys stepped back to give him some room. He started down the tree, carefully watching us, and when the coast was clear, he ran down the tree, grabbed that chewed up pine cone, then back up under my truck he went. He must have been using my engine compartment as a cache for his food. I wonder what he will think when he sees his storage cache drive off?

Yesterday I tried to confirm with an Outfitter for the Frank Church Wilderness for August. The Outfitter might be able to make it work. So in July we go back into the Sawtooth, then in August, the Frank Church, then in September, the Clearwater, with travel time in between, and for resupply, and organizing each new starting point. My hopes are to hunt for small game, forage, and fish for some of our food while being out there.

Last evening the boys were lying in the grass together on the edge of the long grass and cut grass, with their noses to the ground sniffing. Nanook was wagging his tail. I went to see what they were so captivated on, and it was a frog or toad in the grass. They showed no interest in hurting the little guy, just being curious about it.

Today we went to town for a few things, and made arrangement to meet Jeff for our potential winter camp in Kamiah. We are supposed to meet on Tuesday. He lives on a large area of land.

The campground is pretty much empty of campers. There is one other camper beside us.

It was warm today, in the high 70s to low 80s.

I was developing sores on both my feet, so I bought some foot powder that seemed to work. It will be a good add-on in my first aide bag in the backcountry.

June 4, 2018 – Monday

I woke at 5:00 am and it was pretty light. I never get tired of waking up with the boys and stepping out in nature. It is a dream come true.

I slept all night, and slept well. I was only using my sleeping bag liner and a blanket to keep me warm.

Before getting up I spent some time giving the boys their morning loving attention, and just listened to the sounds of nature before getting up. Before getting up, I was thinking I really didn’t want to go into town to make phone calls.

At 6:45 am we got up and took our morning walk. As soon as we got back to camp from the walk, we jumped into the truck and headed for town. I thought maybe we could get a phone signal up at the plateau. I did find one only about eight minutes away from camp. I made my call, then headed back to camp. Although the drive going back and forth from camp to town was a beautiful drive, it was wear and tear on the truck, and in the cost of gas.

Back at camp, I am relaxing next to a comforting campfire. Only the second one we have had at this camp. I made coffee and chewed on a protein bar. The boys are having their breakfast.

Last night an older couple set up camp next to us. They put out a couple of chairs and that was their camp set up. The rest of their camp was in their van.

I talked with the couple a few times. They will be exploring Montana, and Wyoming for a couple week.

It was clouding up pretty good last night, and seemed the rain would hit us any time. Then I noticed the clouds beginning to thin out with the rain not being so threatening. I read a little and then the winds began picking up almost collapsing the tent, with thunder and lightning in the distance. I battened down the tent, so hopefully it wouldn’t blow away, putting the food in the truck, and chasing after the things blowing off the picnic table. It was blowing pretty good. After securing everything, I told the boys it was time for bed, but even with the winds blowing, it was so nice out I wasn’t quite ready to go to bed. But I thought it would start raining on us any time, so we went to bed. After bedding down for the night, it began to rain for a short time with a light rain that did not last too long.

Today we started breaking down part of our camp to prepare for us to leave on Tuesday. I took a shower for a fresh start for the next day.

Although our plans have not gone as planned, and to some degree varied off course completely, there is always a story to the uncertainty, and madness. We will just have to see where it takes us.
