Our Journey Living In Nature

Our Journey Living in Nature – Part 19 – 19 days alone in the backcountry of the Clearwater National Forest, Idaho.

Our Journey Living in Nature – Part 19 – 19 days alone in the backcountry of the Clearwater National Forest, Idaho.

A small meadow next to camp.

September 4, 2018 – Tuesday – Departure day for the backcountry –

Day 1

I heard Dick and Gary getting up at around 6:30 am and figured we should be getting up soon.

I heard them taking the horses and one mule to the area for prepping. While Dick and Gary had breakfast, I told Dick I would brush and clean the hooves of the animals, to help speed up the process. After they had finished breakfast, Dick got the horses and mule saddled up. And the eight horses and one mule got into the stock trailer with no incident loading.

We then followed Dick, Gary, and the pack animals to the trailhead about 45 minutes away. Dick parked on one side of the road to unload and get the animals loaded with their packs. The trail we were going on started right off the roadway. I was parked across the street and watched for traffic. Dick continued giving Gary packing lessons, and that took more time getting us out of here. We were finally ready to get on the trail at 12:00 pm. I gave Gary my keys to the truck so he could take it back to base camp.

I was talking with Dick on the order that might be best for me and the boys, and with the other pack animals, Dick and Gary handled all the pack animal. I was going to be in the back of the pack, but didn’t think that was a good idea and told Dick. He said I could lead if I wanted to. And I felt comfortable with that. Then the boys could be in front of me so I could watch them.

I got situated with my horse, I then let the boys go from their leashes. They quickly took advantage of their freedom and began running up the creek and were running around all over the place, getting the horses all excited, and me yelling at the boys to come. Dick told me it was okay. I hope he was right. I just didn’t want the boys to spook the horses or them getting kicked.

I chose to walk my horse a bit before mounting, and called to the boys to come to me once again. The boys were running in the bushes, and at one point Takota was heading down a steep embankment, I called to him to come, but he had a difficult time getting back up. I was getting quite nervous about this whole situation. It was new to the boys and me going up with the pack of horses. I always chose to walk a good ways ahead of the pack string on other trips so I could focus my attention on the boys. Once I got them going in the right direction, this is when Takota got a pretty good nip by my horse on the neck by getting to close to her. He didn’t cry out, and I didn’t see any bleeding. It seemed he was fine. I was hoping we would make it safely. There was a lot of commotion in just starting our ride that made me uneasy.

I mounted my horse, and the boys were walking on the trail in front of me. Things started to calm down. We quickly began going up very steep terrain on a very narrow trail. Our only path was staying on the trail. We would meet disaster and possible death if any of us happened to take a wrong step off the embankment. And we had eight miles to go to get to our camp. The boys began to focus staying on the trail and everything seemed to be going better. The boys were doing better, as with my horse. I took a deep breath and began enjoying the ride. It was nice being back in the saddle again.

Soon after we got going, and were gaining some high elevation, our first horse wreck happened. I heard a commotion behind me, looking back, and saw horses falling down the steep embankment, and my tent rolling a good distance down towards the creek. If it would have gone down to the creek, that would have been a big problem in getting it. I really couldn’t see what was going on, but luckily they did somehow recover my tent and got the horses and mule back on the trail. The mule saved the day. He was able to keep the horses from rolling down the hillside with my tent. This is one reason why many outfitters prefer using mules for packing. They have better footing than horses.

I was thinking this is a bad omen, and maybe it is time to turn back. I was all for that, but we continued on. Being on a steep narrow trail, climbing switchbacks, and with pack animals, it can be a very dangerous situation. I think what happened was a pack slipped, causing one of the horses to fall down the embankment and bringing the other horses down with him.

My horse and Gary’s horse were trying to munch on vegetation along side the trail which was a big pain in the butt. Otherwise my horse was doing pretty good.

In the beginning of our trip on the trail I was having doubts of the safety of me and the boys (more so for the boys). And even if we would make the 7.5 miles to our camp in the high country, would our gear make it undamaged? In the very beginning things quickly began unraveling. Dick warned me it would be a steep climb, and mostly up hill with a series of switchbacks. What was nice about the switchbacks most was in the shade of the forests. I have been on many switchbacks in my time, and all of them have been exposed to the hot sun.

In my mind, I was thinking, “it is only a four hour ride.”

We began our ascend around 3,000 ft elevation. The camp we are going to is at 5,961 ft elevation.

The pack horses were getting tired. During the whole ride we had to change lead horses because they didn’t want to lead anymore, and Dick had to constantly adjust the packs that continued slipping which meant we all had to get off our horses to help. Getting off and on horses on very narrow trails and steady ascends didn’t make it easy. Most of the trail were steep drop offs on one side and steep uphills on the other. Most of the ride I couldn’t see how the boys were doing, and would yell back, “how are the boys doing?” Gary said, “they were doing fine.” They were following in back of the pack string. But I was still concerned about them.

The 4 to 5 hour ride turned into an 8 hour ride. During the rest stops for the horses, or the adjustments of the packs, we would stop at areas with grass, and of course the horses and one mule would start grazing on the grasses. They preferred grazing then moving on. The boys were doing well, but were very tired. They ended up being in the back of the pack most of the time. I would check in with Gary on how they were doing and he always said they are doing fine. But I was concerned about them. At one point my horse decided not to go any further as the leader. I think she just wanted to stop and graze. We found a place where Dick and I could switch places and Dick would take the lead. His horse went for a short distance then his horse stopped. Dick had to get off and walk his horse for distance, then he would get back on his horse. He would do this for a few times. We were all getting very tired. I was not very happy, and it was the worst pack ride I have been on. It was a grueling and hard ride. It was the ride from hell. But we did finally arrive safely.

We finally got into camp at 8:00 pm exhausted, and pitch black out. Once I was able to crawl off the saddle, I found it hard walking because I was so stiff, and especially on uneven ground. Eventually the blood started blowing again, so I could walk.

Dick was obviously familiar with the camp, but Gary and I were not. Dick took charge, telling Gary where to tie up the horses and then began unloading all the gear off the pack animals, placing it in one area to then unpack. While they were doing that, I looked around for a place for the boys and I to sleep for the night. There were three level pads in camp that stepped up hill from one another. I picked the upper tier to put our bedding down, and eventually our tent. Once the the gear was unpacked, I went through what we need for our bedding for the night. The boys had already crashed out. The boys did well on our very long trip up here.

Dick was talking about them going back tonight. I thought he was crazy. Both Dick, and Gary were tired, and the pack animals were tired. It would have been far too dangerous in my mind to go back down tonight. I told Dick they should rest the horses and themselves here tonight. I finally convinced him to stay, and start out early tomorrow morning being fully rested. They could use the packing tarps for bedding. It was warm enough out where they should be comfortable roughing it.

While we were in camp, I heard a very loud and very strange sound I did not recognize just up from where we were, and asked Dick what it was? He said, “it was an elk.” I was totally surprised in the sounds it was making. The elk may have shown his disapproval of us being here. They were very eerie sounds in the dark ambience of the forest. I decided to have my loaded pistol, and rifle close by to scare off any critters.

Our camp on the first night

We are in a pretty remote area, but I thought I heard human voices in the distance.

Once our stuff was laid out, the boys and I quickly fell asleep dreaming of the adventures that lay before us on our 19 days alone in the Clearwater National Forest.

September 5, 2018 – Wednesday – Day 2

We woke up to our new camp with a pile of gear that has to be organized into a camp. I am grateful we had arrived here safely. Around 6:30 am, Dick and Gary began packing up for their ride back to base camp. I took the boys on a short walk and when we returned, Dick, his side kick, Gary and the horses, and one mule were ready to leave at 8:00 am. I wished them good luck and safe travels back to base camp. Watching them ride down the trail with the pack animals, vanishing out of sight into the landscape, the boys and I were once again alone in the backcountry. It felt good being alone in this vastness in nature with the boys. We always felt at home. I was also thinking, and hoping our return ride back to base camp will be much smoother?

Repacking the dog food for daily rations.

Looking at the pile of gear I have awaiting me, and looking at how I want the camp laid out, I began organizing. I know where the tent will go, so that is the first thing to get set up, but first, my coffee. I determined were I will have the kitchen which will be on the second level of camp. I needed water for my coffee and for the boys, so I found the spring next to camp, filled the water containers then back to camp. The spring offered only a trickle of water. I was thinking, I hope it is a reliable water source? It seems it could dry up at any time. I helped the path of water by creating a small pool for the water to collect so it would be easier to fill up the water containers, and removing debris and mud, and small stones to increase the flow. It was still a trickle.

While sitting in my chair, sipping my coffee, I relaxed in the moment, breathing in the fresh mountain air and scanning the area of our new home. Last night there was nothing to see, but only the strange elk sounds coming from the darkness of night that decided to move on elsewhere. It felt good to be back in nature.

I ended up writing in my journal most of the morning, then ate lunch, and skipping breakfast. I did feed the boys breakfast.

Evening Entry

I started putting up the tent at 1:00 pm. The tent just barely fitting the flat pad it was on. And then began organizing the rest of our camp. I found nothing damaged from our ride getting here, so that was good. I fed the boys, organized their food bags into daily portions, and slowly turned an empty space in the forest to our home. Dick realized it was a bad idea not to separate the dogs food into smaller portions for weigh distribution, and for keeping track of the food portions each day. He thought the weight of the 30 lb. bag of food would work better top loaded on the pack, and it actually made it worse for balance. That was one of the causes of us constantly having to get off our horses to rebalance the packs. It is all about keeping the weight of the packs balanced. From my little experience horse packing, it make sense using panniers vs. how Dick packed things to minimize shifting, because it is easy to balance the weight In the panniers, then letting the panniers help support and keep balanced any top weight added. Maybe Dick should start using panniers next time. It would take far less time packing as well.

I got the camp pretty much done. And built up the existing fire ring with stones that was partially there already. I gathered some firewood next to camp from downed trees that will provide us with most of our firewood needs. I was pleased with getting camp organized in only a half day.

Next to our kitchen area there was a small bush with a single black/ purplish berry on it. It was a huckleberry. So does that mean there could be more around? I will have to search the area later. I also was thinking, this could be the last one of the season? There was also an abundance of blueberries around.

The boys and I had chicken for dinner.

I look forward to sleeping in the tent tonight.

We did have some yellow jacket come to visit while cooking dinner.

This evening we had a nice campfire. And hit the sack around 8:00 pm.

September 6, 2018 – Thursday – Day 3

It was a beautiful and warm sunny day. It was 68 degrees in the morning. We heard birds chattering, the flies buzzing, lots of mosquitoes out. The yellow jackets will appear when I start cooking. Life in nature is abundant.

During the night it was quiet, not even a mouse stirring.

I thought I heard quail this morning when I was dressing in the tent. I then heard it right outside the tent at the entrance. I unzipped the screen door, and one grouse flew off and the other stood right in front of me just watching me, then flew off a few moments later. They were only a few feet away. We also have some tree squirrel activity. The plan is doing some hunting for small game such as squirrel, grouse, and rabbit. We now know we have squirrel and grouse for possible meals. Maybe even marmot. We also have two lakes a couple of miles away for fishing.

I will spend about a week just observing the area for plants, trees and animals. Unless a critter gets close for an easy shot.

Before breakfast we went on a small walk on the trail heading in the westerly direction and that will take us to Black Lake only two miles away. Black lake is suppose to be great fishing, but a tough hike getting to it, with a steep hike getting down to it and getting back up. I was told there are 6 lakes retentively close to us, but difficult hikes to get to them. I am not sure it is worth the effort.

I had the boys on leash at the beginning of our walk, then I let them off, and of course they took off to explore. It was like being in a huge playground for them to explore. And I did my own exploring of the area to see what I could find. Along the trail there were more blueberry bushes with ripe berries for a quick snack. I wasn’t seeing any huckleberries around though. I would also come across red twinberries, and take some small nibbles of the berries. They aren’t the best berry for taste, and it is said, they can be somewhat toxic. The black twinberry is very bitter.

When we go on our walks or when I sit in my chair looking out into nature, I not only look, but I listen, smell, and feel nature. I open my mind to stillness, to silence within and without. Labeling and judging nothing, but empty thoughts that I replace with silence, and awareness, then experiencing pure awareness – pure consciousness coming through, and then nature opens up to the observer in a wondrous and magical way. Nature tell us her story through the plants, the trees, and animals. We see them in the markings, the tracks, and other signs that nature shows to those who have this pure awareness.

We came across a small meadow, and then turned around back to camp. Once at camp I called to the boys, and they weren’t finished exploring, They do return to camp when they know I am back at camp. I will keep them tied up in camp so they don’t run off to chase any critters they may see.

I have the coffee brewing. We are having bacon and eggs for breakfast. The smell of bacon will surely attract the yellow jackets.

The boys finally came back to camp after making a thorough inspection of the area, and found a comfortable place to settle down for a nap before breakfast. Overall the boys have done really well in staying in camp during our time in the backcountry. I am proud of them.

Dick wanted me to call him today for a safety check between 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm. Since I have a Satellite phone, I thought it would be a good idea for a safety protocol.

While doing some writing in the journal, I looked down by my feet and saw an arrow head. I picked it up to look at it closely. It could be an original by native people here (possibly from the Nez Perce) or someone made it who was good at knapping in our modern day world?

Around the camp, and near by I have been hearing a lot of twigs cracking, but I am not sure what critters are doing this? There seems to also be lots of good bird activity around us, but with the heavy forest canopy it is hard to see any birds. I did hear a woodpecker earlier. I have also noticed mushrooms beginning to come up. Nature is such a magical place to experience, especially when we have a deep awareness with nature. For me, once I began practicing bushcraft skills back in 2009, I not only appreciated what nature provided me to survive with the proper skills and materials, I gained a deeper appreciation and understanding for nature, as with a much deeper respect for what she provides to us. The life giving force nature gives us. It is in the Oneness we experience in and with nature.

It is sad that most of us have lost this connection with Mother Earth, and all around the world within the modern civilizations we have created in a materialistic, and synthetic world. We could have regained this connection back by the traditional indigenous peoples of the world, but instead we chose to try to eliminate them because we saw them as ignorant, primitive, and useless. Not knowing they held the wisdom of our planet, and the sacredness of what she provided to us. When they thanked Mother Earth for all that she gave to them, the modern day man thought it to be sacrilegious to the European’s God. And many still think this way in today’s world. This is why we find our world in such a mess – a world without a deep connection to all of life.

I think I will hold off making breakfast until after calling Dick. And In the mean time I will gather some precious life giving water at the spring. This small, and slow flow of water, reminds me to slow down, and give gratitude to all of life’s forces.

Afternoon Entry

It is 2:11pm, and we are getting high clouds coming in. It is 70 degrees out.

When I was beginning our late breakfast I heard a moose call, and the rubbing of it’s antlers against a tree near by. This is a dangerous time to be around moose during the rutting season, as with elk. I hope Mr. Moose stays away from our camp. I was exciting to hear the moose, but also a little bit tense about it. It would be nice to see the moose at a good and safe distance as not to disturb it. And I just don’t want the boys irritating the moose. If I have to, I will discharge my pistol with warning shots.

We took a walk across the trail so the boys could do their business. I found a cluster of black berries and red twinberries in the area.

Back at camp, Nanook and Takota, sensed some movement in the brush, across the spring drainage. I also saw movement but did not see any critters.

Because it is starting to cool down early, I got a nice campfire going. It is clouding up pretty good. I wonder if we will get a chance of rain?

In describing our campsite and area we are in, we are on a slope (not to steep, maybe a 20 degree slope) of a mountain with three flat terraces making up our campsite. The tent is at the upper terrace. And we have our kitchen and living area on the middle terrace. Both giving us a good view of the trail below us for any critters that might pass by. Most of the lower terrace has a stack of logs on it that are used for tents for hunting camps. We will just use the two upper terraces. It feels like a comfortable area that is pretty good size for our needs in getting around. The trail will also lead to Black Lake, and back to where we came. From our campsite we are in a tree canopy of somewhat sparse woods that keeps most of the sun’s rays out, and keeping the site cooler. If we look straight out from camp, we see the foliage of the trees blocking any view we may have of the deep valley below us, and of the surrounding mountains that rise above us on each side of the valley. And if we look down following along the slope, it soon disappears into the distant valley below us that closes us in from much of any view. We are directing adjacent to a small meadow to the left of us (looking out from our camp) that gets good sunlight. This will provide us some openness to the sunlight in an otherwise dark enclosed place that can feel a bit claustrophobic. We have our trickle of water from the natural spring for our water source a short distance away to our right, and past that a nice patch of huckleberry bushes, that we will soon discover. And a good source of firewood from downed hemlock next to camp. We also have some fir trees around that are mixed with the hemlock in the area. The wooded areas are thick in some areas, and heavy in tall brush. We don’t have to deal with a lot of downed logs to walk over as we did in our last two camps. Although our view of the mountains, and surroundings area are very limited unfortunately. Overall, it is a nice camp. But it would have been nice to have a good view of the mountains, or a view of a mountain lake, as with better access to a lakes for fishing. We are in very rugged and steep mountainous terrain.

Evening Entry

It is 5:00 pm, and the skies have cleared.

The day went fast today. Most of the time was spent writing in the journal. During this time in camp we experienced many sounds of nature. When we first got here, I heard unusual sounds of a bird, I thought it may have been quail. A bit later I realized it was grouse. It has an amazing repertoire of calls.

Taking our evening walk, I realized the huckleberries and blueberries are just coming out, and they are all over the place, especially the huckleberries. I enjoyed feasting on the huckleberries every chance I had. We have a large patch of huckleberries just across from our spring. They are everywhere. It will be hard sharing with the bears if they do come through. And with this abundance of berries, I would be surprised if we didn’t see any bears fattening up for winter.

September 7, 2018 – Friday – Day 4

We got up at 8:00 am. I slept pretty well. The boys always sleeps well in nature. It was a beautiful morning in nature. We got a little rain shower that lasted for about 15 minutes during the night.

I took the boys to the small meadow so they could run around. And I brought a plastic bag for berry picking.

Back at camp, I noticed the campfire was still smoldering, so I decided to have a morning fire.

I put a few small branches with some old man’s beard on a smoldering log and some hot ash, then blew, and we got fire. Then it was time to put on the coffee. For breakfast, we will have bacon and eggs. Our ice block seems to be doing well in the warm weather we have been having. We will get a new block of ice on our resupply on the 12th of this month.

Because we will be staying here for a total of three to four weeks, I wanted to keep the pack animals to six. I probably have a total of a week and a half of food left for me in both perishables and freeze dried foods, and two weeks supply for the boys (a 60 lb. bag of kibble).

I have more freeze dried food and kibble at the base camp that Dick will bring up as with more perishables to last us for our stay. There is a lot of planning for these trips just to be in nature.

Before we left base camp, I broke up the food supply for two trips and gave instructions to Dick on what to bring.

What I didn’t mention on this trip, and my last two trips was that I brought two bear proof panniers with us, and the ice cooler that we use is bear proof in keeping our food supply safe from bears, and for food storage. I also brought canned soups and package soups, and an assortment of canned smoke oysters, clams, and scallops to add to the soups.

When I was preparing breakfast, Takota was focused towards the direction of the meadow to the southeast of us. I did not see or hear anything, But I rely on the boys senses to let me know if anything is out there. After breakfast Takota is still focused on the meadow. Nanook seems unconcerned. Usually Nanook picks up on the sounds of critters more that Takota. Whatever it is, it is staying hidden. I haven’t heard any coyotes, or wolves. I know we have elk and moose around, but they also stay hidden.

It is now 1:00 pm, and 67 deg. We have a pleasant breeze coming through camp.

Afternoon Entry

I took the boys for a walk and checked out the huckleberry patch next to our camp. And they were everywhere. So we stopped to pick some berries. Nanook like them, Takota didn’t. He couldn’t get the grasp of eating these tiny berries. It was just too difficult eating these little berries. And the berries would just drop out of his mouth. I was watching Nanook watch me picking these tiny berries, then I watched him go over to the bushes with berries and he began gently picking them with his front teeth. I was very impressed with Nanook, and his learning abilities. He was getting quite good at it. Takota too made a little effort in picking them, but quickly gave up. It was to much work for such a little reward. On the other hand, Nanook enjoyed the delicious and succulent berries as much as I did.

Evening Entry

It seems we are getting a thin layer of clouds coming in our area. Will any thing come of it as far as moisture? One never knows while up in the mountains, what the weather will bring?

At our camp it is nice being in a forested area to keep the heat down, giving a feeling of the comfort the trees bring. But it also blocks most of the view of the mountains, and to feel and experience the scope, and the scents of grandeur of the area, and of the open sky. The small meadow next to us does provides us with some open area. But basically we are stuck on the side of a mountain as we were at our first camp. It wouldn’t be a place I would want to stay at for long term. I would think it would get too claustrophobic over time.

We had another nice campfire in closing this peaceful evening.

Evening fire

September 8, 2018 – Saturday – Day 5

I woke up at 6:00 am, then fell back to sleep. We got up at 8:30 am. It was sunny out, but I could tell it was getting cooler. It was 56 deg.

Last night after dozing off, but still half awake about an hour later, we heard an elk near by voicing a call. It seems to happens when I am half asleep. It is always a beautiful and wild sound to hear in nature. One of many calls of the wild.

This morning before getting up, I heard a deer, or elk, or moose walk next to camp. I looked out the tent window, but there was no sight of it. I hope the creatures of the wild are feeling more comfortable with us being here.

During the night we were getting small gusts of wind coming through camp, and making the fir needles fall on the tent, then rolling off sounding like rain drops.

I let the boy out without theirs leashes on, and they knew it was time for a walk. I was going towards the meadow, but the boys had other ideas on where they wanted to go, and headed in the opposite direction. So I followed them. They went on the trail we originally came on so I followed them. Since they were on it once before they were familiar with it. They then veered off on another trail, and I stayed on the main trail. I called to them, but they didn’t respond. I then heard a squirrel chirping and I figured the boys were harassing the squirrel. On the trail I was on, I disturbed a big bird that then blew off. By it’s size, I figured it may have been an eagle.

I turned back to camp continuing to call the boys. I heard their pitter patter of foot steps running towards me, with both of them out of breath, and with their tongues hanging out. I am sure if they could talk, they would share with me their adventures they had just encountered. I got a kick always seeing them so excited.

I stopped by the huckleberry patch next to camp, I gathered these plentiful and delicious berries, and began filling the plastic ziplock that I had with me with these wonderful and tasty delights. I gave Nanook a few berries, and then he was on his own forging the berries. Takota did the same, but I don’t think he was too successful.

I got enough to satisfy my breakfast needs and headed back to camp that was just across the drainage to prepare my coffee, write a bit in the journal, and then fix breakfast. On my short walk back to camp, the boys were already lying in camp, relaxing before breakfast. I am sure they were thinking, “this is the life!”

It was beautiful cool morning to be in nature. We had a pleasant breeze coming through camp. I find that feeling and experiencing nature deeply, any troubles I might think I have disappears in these moments. Nature becomes pure bliss to ones soul.

While writing in my journal I got a glimpse of a bird flying in my sight of vision, flying low and stealthy through the trees. It then quickly disappeared into the thick foliage of the trees. It was probably a hawk with it’s amazing flying skills. I then heard what sounded like a moose rubbing it’s antlers against a branch. Many things that happen in a nature, happens very quickly, and one always has to be aware of their surrounds to catch these amazing encounters, whether it is a sound, something one feels, or sees.

While I am writing, or just taking a pause to look out into the woods in front of me, and just feeling the sun, or feeling the cool breeze across my face, or listening to the sounds of nature in the forest. One becomes alive and feels the magic, and wonders of the land. Unfortunately most miss theses things because they are trapped in their heads in thoughts. They may get glimpses of this beauty and then find themselves back in the heads. They don’t know what being silent is.

I remember one instance while I was on the Island Kauai. I spend some time just quietly looking out into the beautiful blue ocean from the beach. It was in the morning. There was a yoga class beginning, a few people walking on the beach. When the yoga class began chanting the “Om” sound, I saw two whales breaching together in the distance. I looked around and I was the only one on the beach seeing this amazing sight. Even when the beauty and wonder of nature is all around us, most don’t see it because they are busy in their minds. Many times looking down to the ground, missing what is all around them.

Even practicing silence in nature for over 9 months, I still get caught up in the mind at times. But when that happens, if I can shift these thoughts or feeling into just being aware, and without labeling, or judgements, they will have no power over us.

Although I face many imagined challenges, I would rather not be anywhere else, but in nature with the boys.

Our first propane bottle was depleted last night. We didn’t cook on the first night. The second night we had chicken, the third was steak, and the forth was steak. We now have freeze dried foods and packaged soups until we get our next resupply.

Yesterday, I didn’t get much done but for writing all day.

We will see how this day goes?

The bearings for our site per the GPS is:

N 46 deg 53.133’

W115 deg 30.977’

Elev. 5961 ft.

We are just west of Lower Twin Creek. The partial view of the mountain peak is I believe, Avalanche Peak. We are in the Mallard Larkins Pioneer area.

Because we are at a relatively low elevation in the high country for altitude sickness. I was not to concerned, but still I should have been more aware of the dangers of that possibly occurring. Especially at my age. But so far, so good. I really wasn’t too concerned. But we always have to be aware of these things, as with dehydration, and hypothermia.

Afternoon Entry

I was looking at the topo map this morning to see what was above our camp. The elk we heard on our first night here and on other nights they seem to like to hang out in that area. It looks that there might be a relatively level area and maybe signs of elk up there as far as scat, and hoof prints. It many also give us a good view of the mountains. So before I started a campfire and dinner, the boys and I took a hike up there to explore for a bit. It is relatively steep, but not to far. I am guessing it has about a 30 degree slope with overall low vegetation, grass and dirt ground covering, some downed logs to contend with, the short hike did get my heart pounding some. I had to watch my step so as not to fall or twist an ankle. The hike was about a quarter mile. The boys followed, making their own paths. When we reached the top, the view of Avalanche Ridge was a little bit better. The boys reached the top before I did. It was nice up there, it did have a level area surrounded by woodland. I walked the area, and didn’t see any signs of animals, so I called the boys and we returned back to camp. I realized we were in a very rugged area. On our walk down I mostly traversed getting down. I took my time getting down selectivity choosing my path. It was a good work out.

It is 5:15 pm with a thin layer of clouds. The temperature has cooled down. The warmth of the evening fire feels good.

The morning was spent writing until 12:15 pm, then fixed breakfast, sharpened the axe, did some quiet observing, chopped wood, and gathered water, and did a small amount of video. Overall it was a good day.

The boys and I heard some noise in the woods, and I thought maybe it was hikers? It may have been grouse? Grouse have amazing vocabulary with the many sounds it makes talking to each other from a distance. It is a joy listening to them.

Evening Entry

At 6:00 pm, the skies are clear once again. And cooling off to 50 deg. After taking the boys on their evening walk I heard the grouse in the same direction but further away. We then heard another grouse responding with calls, and this one was coming just behind our camp about 20 feet away. And then two others followed. They walked to the spring and then turned back into the forest. I then saw them walking on a downed log near camp at the meadow. They would have made an easy target. But I was enjoying them so much, I didn’t want to shoot them, but just in enjoying their company.

Then here comes the other grouse coming to meet the three, while talking with each other. This was our evening with the grouse family. I am finding it being more enjoyable watching, and listening to wildlife, then ending their life. I have food, so I don’t have to take a life by killing for food.

September 9, 2018 – Sunday – Day 6

We got up at 8:15 am. It was 52 deg. The skies were somewhat overcast.

Last night when we were in bed, we heard the bull elk making it’s loud bugling sounds from where we hiked to yesterday afternoon. Then we heard the sounds from a distance. It could have been a different bull elk.

This morning we took our walk towards Black Lake. We arrived at the first small meadow, then a second one, then reached an unused camp. I saw some of the trail markers that Dick had used to mark the trail that led to the camp. I also saw markers to the right side. Some made no sense to me. We took the right side of the meadow that took us to the camp. On the way back we took the other trail that crossed the meadow and led to the main trail that we took walking in. At one point the trail did disappear on the right in heavy brush, and I had to guess where the trail might continue. I will have to bring the map and marking tape next time.

On the way back I saw Nanook in a boggy pond getting covered in mud. It was about 2 feet deep. Once he got out, Takota jumped in. They both came out muddy and smelling like a bog. Takota’s got his face covered in the muddy water, and he looked like a wolf. I was hoping they wouldn’t get stuck in the muddy bog where I would have to rescue them? They did enjoy playing in the mud.

Back at camp the boys were sniffing in the meadow next to camp flushing out the grouse one by one, and I went to the huckleberry patch for a fill of berries. The grouse flew down the hill just a short distance below camp. After a short while they were communicated with each other then came back to the meadow. I did hear other grouse on our walk this morning.

While we take our short walks, I take my time to feel the trail and the area, and getting to know it. That is part of the excitement with exploring the area, as with the critters we may encounter. If one gets off the trial and is not paying attention, it would be easy to get disoriented out here. I would like to go to Black Lake, maybe in a day or two. I will take a pack with some emergency gear. Or maybe check out the other areas in the opposite direction towards the Nub. I also want to tag with tape the areas better towards Black Lake. We actually haven’t seen any birds, but flashes of them, or hearing them with the exception of the grouse.

It is 12:00 pm and it is starting to cloud up, but does not look like rain. Weather is important in paying attention to here, and being aware of what it is doing.

I didn’t really feel like making breakfast this morning. But I thought I would for the boys.

I had a little stomach upset probably from the tomato sauce I had with dinner last night. I brought some apple cider vinegar with us, so I will have some of that to see if it helps. Today I will clean my 20 ga shotgun, sharpen my knife, and do some reading on trees.

The weather is beginning to clear up.

Although it has been getting colder at night, I have been staying warm with my 20 deg sleeping bag, and if needed, my wool blanket. Dick told me there is a 20 degree difference here, but we have been having pretty comfortable weather here.

Evening Entry

It was a beautiful day today, partly cloudy.

It is 5:00 pm. We had a quiet and peaceful day.

The boys are fed, and I am about to eat. I am about to do a check-in with Dick, and a confirmation on our resupply day.

September 10, 2018 – Monday – Day 7

This morning I thought I was hearing tree squirrels making a bunch of noise, but I think it was actually the grouse making the noise. Last night and this morning I heard the elk from a distance away, deep down in the valley below, sending out it’s mating calls.

The boy’s and I headed for an evening walk at 8:15 am. The trails here are about 10” to 12” wide. We walked for about a mile then we turned around. Back at camp the mountain breezes were kicking up giving a chill in the air. It is partly cloudy.

After picking my morning bag of huckleberries, I got coffee going. It is quiet here with an occasional bird calling, and the sound of the wind moving through the trees.

This sound of the wind through the trees can have a calming effect if one really listens to it.

I did bring some long johns, and heavier pants and shirts for colder weather. I am prepared for colder weather, but not for a bad snow storm if one hits us unexpectedly.

I was reading a book about a forest rangers life in these parts, and the weather can turn bad anytime. So it will be a good idea to leave on the 24th of this month. I would hate for us to get stuck up here. I would imagine the trail we took up would be very dangerous in snowy conditions going up or down, and maybe even impassable. Hopefully we will continue getting nice weather up to our departure day. I wouldn’t mind a little dusting of an inch or so, and the boys would love it.

It would be nice to have a fire this evening, but the wind is still pretty brisk.

We still have not seen much wildlife here, only heard them. It seems this might be another disappointing trip for observing wildlife. But one never knows when they will present themselves, as did the pack of wolves in our first camp in the backcountry. It was a little nerve racking because I was concerned about how they would react to my dogs, but it worked out well. And it was a magical moment in nature for me to be so close to these incredible creatures of the wild, although I didn’t get to see them. Seeing moose would be incredible, but a bad time, and dangerous in the rutting season, or the majestic elk, or the mountain goat. But even getting to hear them in nature is magical. At least for me. I try not to expect, and just be in the present moment. So far, I am not tired of this place, or the experiences we have had. I have a saying, “When one doesn’t expect, one will never be disappointed.” Just being in the present, nature can show us so much of her beauty, awe and wonder. There is a balancing act when bringing dogs out into nature and seeing wildlife. Wild life will tend to keep their distance, or some will attract the dogs if chased. If one does not want to see wildlife, bring barking dogs or let the dogs chase wildlife away. The nice thing about the boys is, they don’t bark, and if I know wildlife is near, I will tie the boys up. I have also learned, if one keeps a quiet camp, and becomes part of the area, they may not see you as being a threat. Animals will become more present around a camp, and feel more comfortable. And these are the magical moments that can occur. It is us humans that create most of the noise in nature.

When I find I am too much in my head, I feel uneasy in those times. But if I allow myself to be silent, to feel my surroundings deeply, I feel a peace, and nature becomes a magical place to experience. This is why I prefer to go out into nature alone.

It is 11:20 am and it is time for breakfast.

I wasn’t able to contact Dick yesterday, so I will call him again today. We will just hang out in camp today. We will get our resupply on Wednesday. I wouldn’t mind staying here longer if I had the money to prolong this trip. But I would also be concerned about the weather in October, or even in late September.

Afternoon Entry

I went to get some water from the spring, and stop to pick some huckleberries. I looked in a different area, focused on the berries. When I looked up to head for camp, I couldn’t see the camp or my big tent. I was looking in the wrong direction of my camp, and being totally disoriented to where I was in the thick forest. I quickly got oriented to land marks, and headed in the direction of our camp. I could have also howled to the boys to find the right direction to camp. The point is, it is really easy to get disoriented and lost in the wilderness if one is not paying attention to where they are in relationship to camp at all times. It is a good idea for everyone in a camp party to have a warning device, such as a whistle to tell your party that you may be lost.

I have noticed with the huckleberries that they pick up the flavor in the berries with the environment they are in. This is probably with other types of berries as well.

I have noticed there is another type of berry in the area that is plentiful, and it is the black elderberry. There are a bunch of the plants very near our camp. A good source of nutrients rich in vitamins A, C, calcium, potassium, and iron.

All the trees in my area are the Western hemlock, but for some fir.

I got a confirmation tonight that our resupply is on schedule for Wednesday.

The beauty of the clouds are rolling in and out like the oceans waves.

September 11, 2018 – Tuesday – Day 8

It was a bit chilly in the night and a little cold in the sleeping bag.

We have clear skies with a temperature of 48 deg at 8:15 am when we got up. It is still 48 deg at 10:15 am. As far as I know, it was quiet during the night from any creatures. They were not disturbed by our presents here. The birds were active on this beautiful morning. We went for a short walk and made a stop at the huckleberry patch. Nanook and I were picking the berries. Nanook is getting quite good at gathering them. And he sees me with a bag full of huckleberries, and begs for me to share with him.

It will be nice getting our resupply of food. I am looking forward to getting my protein bars. It is a nice snack food to have up here.

Last night I had a bad dream that everything I got in my resupply was wrong.

Today I noticed some birds enjoying the huckleberries as well. I am not sure of the species of bird. I think the grouse are also enjoying their fill.

The clear skies are turning into possible rain clouds. The dark clouds are floating by us. It may be iffy if we get any rain.

I may have to cut down on my coffee. I am not sure if I will have enough for the rest of my time here.

It seems a lot of my focus here is eating those delicious huckleberries. I have forgotten about the blueberries. The most popular between the two is the huckleberry by far. Nanook would have to vote for the huckleberry as well. I read that the huckleberry leaves, and dried berries make a healthy tea. It seems like the grouse are enjoying feeding on the huckleberries as well. With the abundance of these tasty morsels of huckleberries, I am surprised I haven’t seen any bears around. Maybe the boys presence are keeping them away? I thought for sure the bears would be feeding on the berries around here for their winter fat stores.

I picked some leaves of the huckleberry and made a tea. It was okay, but I am sure it was a healthful drink.

I was hoping we would see snowshoe hare around for a game food, but haven’t had any luck seeing any. I am sure the boys would spot them right off if they were around. As for grouse, if I did shoot a grouse for a meal, it would be near camp. It would be too easy to lose them in the thick brush in this area. Squirrel is also a possible game animal. Unfortunately, I am starting to enjoy having the company of these critters around. The grouse have a family here. I would hate to break up a family by killing one.

One of the birds I hear could be a jay or a woodpecker. It is hard to see any birds in the forest canopy.

It is 12:42 pm and I definitely feel the coolness is in the air. The signs winter is nearing, although it is only 46 deg out.

I haven’t mentioned the mosquitoes much, but they are still here, and being the irritates that they are. Not many yellow jackets around.

I just heard an elk calling in the distance. Even if we can’t see the creatures in the forest, the sounds gives a sense that we are among natures – that nature is alive and well.

Afternoon Entry

It is 1:44 pm. I decided to get a fire going to take a bit of the chill away that is in the air. And giving warmth to my body on this cold day. We have been burning all hemlock, and it is a nice wood to burn.

We have seen a marten on the trail in the past couple of days that catches the boys attention and mine. I then saw the huckleberry bushes moving and wondering if the marten is also enjoying the tasty berries.

I haven’t been sleeping with the sleeping bag liner since we have been here. It might be time to use it to add some additional warmth.

Ferns next to trail path

September 12, 2018 – Wednesday – Day 9

I slept well and stayed warm with the liner through the night.

I woke up at 3:00 am with Nanook snoring next to me. I gave him some loving rubs. Looking outside through my tent window, the stars were out. I felt a peace and calmness within. I had some crazy dreams before I awoke at this early hour of 3:00 am. But I felt good, and relaxed, and at peace with myself. Sometimes I don’t experience these crazy dreams during the night. Maybe it is having Nanook beside me? When I was young, but not too young, I had learned to play with my dreams. I had dreams in color, I had dreams that I was flying at will. I had dreams where I was the watcher of the dreams, One dream I had in the early morning was so vivid that when I woke from it I was not ready to stop dreaming and fell back into that dream to continue the story. And other dreams strangely enough, I had dreams I would be getting into fights and always being the victor of these fights. These fights were always in self defense. The few fights I did get into were always in self defense. And I never got the worst of it. Some of these dreams I had were awakening dreams – dreams that had awakened my spirit within.

We got up at 8:15 am, and the clouds began moving in. The temperature was 46 deg.

We took a short walk, and returning to camp I got some water at the spring, then started the coffee perking and a fire going.

Morning fire

11:38 am, I tried to call Dick on the radio with no response. I expect him to be here around 12:00 to 1:00 pm. We started to get a few drops coming down and I prepared camp for possible rain. And then we were getting blue sky and clouds. Then the sun was out warming the day. Although it is now 50 deg, the warmth of the sunshine feels good.

I fixed breakfast for the boys, and will get mine going very soon.

One thing the boys are good at is letting me know if people are coming, or if critters are around. I am sure they will hear the horses before I do, if they come. They don’t bark, but gives me body language if they are alert to something.

When we are in the backcountry I am always alert to forest fires. And hopefully we don’t get caught in one.

Afternoon Entry

Dick did arrive at 1:00 pm sharp. It took two pack animals for our resupply. I am amazed it costs so much more getting packed in in Idaho, then it does in California. Almost three times as much. This trip cost me close to $2,700 so far. Dick seemed to have gotten everything I requested. Dick and I talked a little bit, then he was on his way.

I got our food packed away, gathered some firewood for tonight and filled the water containers.

Evening Entry

I went for a walk with the boys, and I just followed them. They took a trail that they explore once in a while, and they took off running. I followed them for a bit then turned around back to camp. I called to them to come but they did not respond. I figured they would come back when they were ready, since they were so good at coming back to camp. I was getting a little concerned about them, so I called them again with no luck. I thought I would try howling to them, After a few howls, I saw Nanook trotting up the trail towards me, Then Takota following behind, with a look on his face, saying, “What’s up?“ I was always happy to see them coming back to me. When I howled, they were back with me in 5 minutes. Maybe howling works better than calling them with a voice command? Before we went on this journey, I would howl to them and thinking I could use it as a command for them to come if we got separated. This is the first time I tried it, and it seemed to work. Once we were together again, we headed back to camp for dinner. The feeling of gratification I get when I see them coming back to me, just warms my heart. I feel a deep bond with them and I believe them with me.

At 6:00 pm, it is 42 deg.

While getting water, I was thinking our water source that is only a trickle, was a joke, and I was not sure how long it would last. It wasn’t the only water source, but Dick said it was the best. We have not had any issues with water so far. We do have other small springs coming down the hill next to camp, that we could probably use if the one we use goes dry.

September 13, 2018 – Thursday – Day 10

We are all stocked up with food and good to go for the rest of our time here.

We awoke at around 7:00 am, the boys greeted me wanting their loving attention. We got up at 7:45 am. It was 44 deg.

I had all the tent window flaps closed as with the door flap and it kept me nice and warm. The tent we are using is a Cabela’s Big Horn III. It was a nice tent and has served us well in the backcountry.

I wanted to go on a hike going further towards Black Lake. I was thinking about the hike for some reason all during the night. On this hike I wanted to be a little more prepared for the unknown. It wasn’t that the hike was anything special, I just wanted to be a little more prepared because we were going further, but not knowing how much further. I also wanted to mark the trail with colored tape. I brought with me, bear spray, the Spot locator, binoculars, map, a shoulder bag, and my 22 cal rifle, if we see any small game along the way.

With gear ready, I told the boys, “show me the way?” I sometimes direct them, and sometimes they direct me. I have realized they are really good in finding hidden trails in the overgrown brush, and they would wait for me to catch up. The boys love to explore the countryside. Sometimes Takota felt adventurous and he would take the lead, other times Nanook would take the lead. Or they would walk site by side next to me. I would learn later at our winter camp, Tokota was able to read what Nanook was sensing being right next to Nanook, like he was reading Nanook’s mind. That was pretty amazing to me.

While walking the trail I knew where the huckleberries were on the side of the trail, and would grab a snack on the way.

This morning the boys stayed relatively close to me, not wandering too far from me. We took a different trail which is the actual established trail and we did not go through the camp we went through last time. It was a higher trail above the camp. When I was not sure where to go when the trail disappeared, I would watch the boys and just followed them and they would find the trail. Not all the time, but I would say in most cases.

When we were roughly a mile out I noticed the weather. It was completely overcast, but didn’t look like we would get rain for the moment. I decided it might be a good idea to turn around and head back. The boys were close and followed me back.

Back in camp, it is 11:11 am and the sky turned a dark gray, it looked like it could start to rain any time. It is getting chilly out at 41 deg. I have a fire going using only the thick bark of the hemlock. It was nice smelling and it burned well. I got my coffee going, and the boys are waiting for their breakfast of kibble, bacon, and eggs from our new supply of food that we got from yesterday.

We didn’t get far today on our hike, but discovered the trail that will take us to Black Lake. If we didn’t have to bushwhack so much, we would make better ground. Although we are in very rugged country, with a steep mountain landscape, very narrow trails that can quickly disappear into thick vegetation, or walking along side steep mountain slopes, it is beautiful country filled with many forms of life that can easily blend into the landscape without even being seen, or heard. I hope we can explore more of this area. We didn’t encounter any creatures on our walk, only the sounds of the grouse.

The bark of the hemlock is burning good and we have a lot of it in camp. I might as well use it.

I have found myself being more reluctant to hunt any small game. If I don’t need to, unless for a survival situation, I can’t see taking a life.

It is definitely getting colder each day and we did get a little rain, so I decided not to cook breakfast. We took cover in the tent with the rain falling a bit more.

A little earlier before going into the tent, and while they were eating their breakfast, Takota was interested in something on the trail, then Nanook noticed it. I was thinking maybe a moose or elk? I looked down on the trail below, and it was a marten hopping along the trail. All three of us were excited to see this little creature near our camp. It was the first time we got to see one of these beautiful creatures in real life. I am not sure where he came from. It must be near since this is the second time we have seen him or her in the area. It might be attracted to the abundance of huckleberries.

Afternoon Entry

It is 3:35 pm and have been picking some huckleberries for a snack in the light rain we are getting. It is 38 deg. I suppose we could get some light snow. I am prepared for it, with our tent, clothing and warmth of the sleeping bag, liner, and a wool blanket.

The clouds are hanging along the mountain side. It is beautiful here, and peaceful. All is quiet in the forest. I am not too concerned about the weather, with the exception of our departure day and the rugged terrain we have to go through going back. The good thing is we do drop quickly in elevation, so snow might not be much of an issue. I hope?

We are relaxing next to a nice warm fire. It looks like the clouds are clearing out and being replaced with lots of blue sky.

Evening Entry

The temperature is at 37 deg. It should be a cold night. I am sure the boys are enjoying the cooler weather. It is time to button up as they say. It is beginning to get dark at 7:30 pm under the canopy of the hemlock. And that means it is almost time for bed.

September 14, 2018 – Friday – Day 11

I woke up again at 3:00 am after having some dreams.

Last night I took the boys for a short walk before bed to get any business done. Nanook was quick about it. And Takota just took his time. I had their leashes on and Takota seemed to get tangled up in everything, as he does so well. After we were back in the tent, I was looking for my thick wool shocks to wear, and couldn’t find them. I was getting frustrated not being able to find them.

This morning when we were getting up, my pants from yesterday were still wet, so I grabbed a clean pair of pants, and changed all my pockets out into the clean pair of pants. I then thought I had lost my keys, but forgot I had put them in my pants already. I did find my wool socks on a pile of books I had out. I also misplace a screw driver I was looking for last night. And it was where I usually have it. All of that frustration I was experiencing was for not. A pure waste of energy.

As for my socks I couldn’t find, all I had to do is get another pair from my bag, it was no big deal. But I made it a big deal. I apologized to the boys for yelling in frustration. I tend to get angry when I misplace things.

When we left for our walk this morning it was sunny and 47 deg. Another beautiful day in the backcountry. We just did a short walk, then back to camp. I got water, made coffee, started a campfire, then time for breakfast for me and the boys.

During the night it did get cold. I blame it for not having my wool socks on. Now that I know where they are I will have them for tonight, unless I forget where they are again.

The grouse have not been around camp for a few days. Will they come back?

With me, Nanook, the marten, the grouse and the birds, the huckleberries are beginning to dwindle in supply. They will be gone very soon I suspect. I will miss having these flavorful treats.

Takota lost his bandanna on our walk this morning, so we will have to go out today to look for it, and gather some firewood.

September 15, 2018 – Saturday – Day 12

I awoke many times during the night for some odd reason.

Takota and I heard a sound from one of the containers, which means a critter is in our camp. It was about 3:00 am. At first I thought it could possibly be a bear. But a bear would probably be much louder if they smelled food. I thought maybe it is our neighbor the marten. I kinda made sense it is the marten. I just listened to the sounds this creature was making until I fell back into a restful sleep. Takota did the same.

I noticed Takota’s left eye was swollen again this morning. I will have to keep an eye on it. He could have scratched it?

It was 8:00 am when we got up and went for our walk. It was partly cloudy with a temperature of 43 deg.

On our walk I was watching Takota closely, and he seemed to be doing fine. His eye seems to clear up when he is up and about. After our short walk, I made coffee, and got a fire going.

There has been a lot of bird activity going on. I heard grouse in the berry patch across from the spring, but could not see them hidden under the huckleberry bushes. I heard some chirping from the trees, and it was a gray squirrel coming down a tree. It was the first one we have seen.

When I was about to start cooking breakfast, I heard a sound coming from behind me, but couldn’t figure where it was coming from. I then saw the marten about 12 feet from me, running to a tree. I was now only a few feet from him. It climbed up the tree behind our kitchen area. It was making a cooing sound, like a baby. It peeked around the tree trunk to look at us, and when I got too close to it, it gave me a vicious growl of it’s disapproval saying, “Not too close buddy, I am vicious.” I did get some photos, but most of them ended up blurry. The marten must have been our visitor early this morning that we heard.

Marten at camp

It eventually climbed down from the tree and scampered off to a different area of the forest. I saw this as a special gift from the forest.

I am not sure if this marten was the same one we saw the other day or not. Maybe a sibling? Either way it was special.

Photo by others

A mushroom I have seen on dead fall is the Red-belt conk I believe. Another common mushroom I have seen in this area with a gray cap and white gills. I have seen two others that I have not identified. We are learning more about mushrooms and how they tie into the forest ecosystem, as with playing an important part of their relationship with the forest. I am gaining a greater appreciation for the fungi world. As with the trees and how they communicate with each other. We are just beginning to learn how everything is tied to each other in this web of life. We once knew this many thousands of years ago, but have forgotten. This is why I feel it is important to learn from the wisdom of the traditional peoples that still remain with the knowing of this knowledge and relationship with the natural world. Then maybe, we who live in the modern day world will stop destroying the very thing that gives life to all life – the four elements, air, water, earth, and fire. As with all life on our planet.

I spotted two gray jays in the huckleberry patch, and two others in the trees. It seems this area is coming alive with the forest creatures. Unfortunately we only have a short time left here. This is why I prefer staying in one spot to learn the area. Most people only stay for a very short time, maybe a day or two. They may see more of the beautiful landscape then we do, but what they do see is only a small glimpse of what is actually there. They only touch the surface, and they don’t experience deeply what is truly there before them. When we can experience nature silently, being still, it allows us to go deeper into this experience within nature, and our relationship with her.

A couple of days ago I did find some fir trees in the area mixed in with the hemlock.

Evening Entry

Today we had off and on clouds and blue skies. It is 5:41 pm, at 50 deg. It feels very comfortable.

I did some video in the meadow today, mostly of me talking about our experiences here.

Takota’s eye looked pretty good through out the most of the day. I gave him Benadryl to see if that helps.

September 16, 2018 – Sunday – Day 13

It was a pretty good night, but got cold at times. When I awoke I was experiencing a little anxiety and couldn’t shake it off, Maybe a little writing in the journal will help.

I have my coffee and a nice fire going. It is 11:00 am, and 46 deg. The sky is overcast, and maybe a chance of rain. I also see blue skies in the distance through the trees.

The coffee, fire and writing in the journal seems to help calm my soul from the anxiety I was experiencing earlier.

For our walk today, I thought we would take the trail a bit further that we came in on in the dark. The trail was very narrow, 10” to 12” wide. We had an up hill side and a very steep down hill side that seemed to have no end to it. We walked maybe a mile and a quarter or so. I was getting tired so I decided we would head back to camp. The boys were ahead of me, so I called them to come. I heard their footsteps following behind me. They both stopped next to me for a moment, then continued on, passing me in a trot heading back towards camp.

I saw Nanook stopped, sitting on the trail overlooking the steep valley below. I didn’t think to much about it. I checked if I could see Takota down where Nanook was looking, and didn’t see anything. I noticed the beautiful plants changing into their Fall colors . So I assumed Takota continued on the trail. They knew the trail so I was not to concerned about it. I thought maybe Nanook was just waiting for me. Nanook and I moved on with Nanook running ahead of me, and assuming to catch up with Takota. I thought they were at the creek, and no boys were around, so I thought they were back at camp. They weren’t in camp, so I called to them and howled to them. I did a few things in camp figuring they would soon be running into camp as they always do. With the boys nowhere in sight I headed back on the trail to look for them. I was calling and howling to them. Shortly I saw Nanook running to me out of breath and panting. I thought Takota would be following behind, and there was no Takota in sight. I was getting concerned. Nanook was thirsty so I took him to the creek for a drink, then went back to camp to see if Takota had returned, and no Takota. We then went back on the trial to find his brother.

We stopped at the place on the trail I met Nanook and I asked Nanook where Takota was? He gave me no indication of where Takota was. Then in a tree next to us, a Steller’s jay was perched on a low branch squawking at me. Was he trying to tell me something? The jay then flew to another branch, and then more squawking at me. I couldn’t make sense of this behavior the jay was displaying. The strange thing is, we hadn’t seen a Steller’s jay for 12 days, and this one was talking to us?

We went to a trail split where I thought Takota may have taken on the other trail, but that was unusual, he would have come back by now. My mind turned to fear that Takota got hurt or lost. The very idea terrified me. Would we be able to find him? He could have been anywhere? I told Nanook again, where is your brother? Go find Takota. I repeated this over and over again to Nanook. We were at the split of the two trails where I can see in both directions of the two trails.

Nanook finally gave me the slightest indication with his ears pointing back to the trail we just came from. I thought he didn’t know, but I went with it. We headed back on the trail, and continued to call Takota.

While walking the trail I thought this couldn’t be right. But I was also thinking that maybe Nanook was actually looking or hearing Takota in the thick brush below while sitting on the trail? Maybe Takota was stuck? I kept calling Takota. Once we were getting close to where I originally saw Nanook on the trail looking down the steep embankment, here comes Takota on the trail, coming towards us. He was so happy to see us and I was very relieved and happy we had found him. Takota cried in joy when we joined together once again. He didn’t seem he was hurt in anyway. He probably just got caught up in the thick brush and the steep slope and was having difficulty getting back up on the trail. I saw it as truly a gift we found him. I was so grateful.

We were back together again. Nanook did good in finding his brother, and with the help of the jay.

On our evening walk, Takota had his head buried in a plant that was in the mint family. I thought maybe this plant was the cause of his eye irritation?

I found my hoodie sweat shirt and put it over my fleece top and stayed nice and warm during the night.

September 17, 2018 – Monday – Day 14

Takota woke up through the night, it seemed he couldn’t get comfortable. He had both eyes shut when he was wandering around the tent. It was the first time he had done that. I was getting concerned about him. I tried to comfort him with rubs and scratches that he seemed to enjoy, and he finally settled down and fell asleep beside me. Maybe he scratched his eyes getting out of the thick brush?

I woke up at 7:15 am, again feeling a bit uneasy. I then focused, my energy on excitement rather than discomfort, and I was quickly able to experience that good energy field within.

While I was still in bed I heard animals in a distance. I thought it may be elk in a lower valley.

We got up at 8:00 am, it was partly cloudy at 42 deg. We took a short walk just below our camp, then returned to camp to get coffee ready, a nice morning fire, and writing in the journal.

It was a beautiful Fall morning, and with that little energy change I made it began the day just right.

Evening Entry

I spent doing a video for a couple of hours after breakfast, then gathered and sawed firewood.

Takota’s eye seems to be better.

The boys and I took a walk in the afternoon, and heard elk bugling.

The day was a good day.

The elk are still bugling this evening.

It is 7:00 pm and 42 deg.

September 18, 2018 – Tuesday – Day 15

This morning we had high thin clouds in the area with the sun showing through. It is 47 deg.

Last night Takota again seemed restless and uncomfortable as he did the night before. I placed my wool blanket on his bed, and that seemed to work. Nanook was lying on the bed next to me. Takota then lied on the tent floor. I had a sense Takota wanted to sleep next to me, so I moved the other bed next to me, and that seemed to work. He slept for the rest of the night.

It seemed at night his eye would cause him the most trouble, then clear up during the morning when we were up and around.

Takota was alert this morning listening to the elk calls. After breakfast I will give him some Benadryl to help his eye.

I called Dick and left a message to see if he could pick us up before the scheduled date of the 24th so I could get Takota’s eye checked out.

During our whole journey thus far, I could not image doing it without the boys. They were a great support system for me.

While I was fixing breakfast for me and the boys, I heard Takota playing with Nanook. Or should I say harassing Nanook, because he knew they were going to have a very tasty breakfast of kibble, bacon and eggs.

Takota and Nanook were both resting after breakfast, but also alert, listening to the sounds all around them. We heard more elk calls echoing deep in the distance of the lower elevations of the valley, and through the woods this morning. What an amazing and magical sound.

Evening Entry

I was spending time playing with the video camera today.

Takota’s energy seems to be high. He was full of piss and vinegar today and this evening. Up the hill above camp the boys were hearing and sniffing the scents of creatures stirring around. Although my human scents can’t always detect them, they are around. The forests are always alive with subtle activity that man cannot hear. We hear, but we don’t here, we see but don’t see. We only see the surfaces of things, because we don’t go deep into our experiences within. We only tend to gloss over these experiences, missing so much that nature provides to us. By just being still, and silent, can we hear the voices in nature.

I found myself rushing through things, trying to get things done. I just need to slow down. There is no rush. We have no dangers we have to deal with, such has fires. It is good though to have these things in the back of the mind if they do happen, and prepare for them the best we can. But most of us don’t. We don’t think it will happen to us.

Daily, I check Takota’s eye. And it usually effects him at night, and clears during the day. I don’t know what to think? All I can do is keep an eye on it.

September 19, 2018 – Wednesday – Day 16

When we went to bed last night, he again seemed a little restless. I got him to lie on his bed, and I gave him loving rubs and scratches, and that got him to relax. He did get up during the night, but quickly lied back down. Each time, I would give him loving scratches, as I would with Nanook being on the other side of me.

At around 7:00 am both boys woke me with loving attention. Just before that Takota went over to Nanook to get some tender loving licks. Usually Nanook would give him a growl, then give in, giving the loving licks, Takota expected.

If I woke to bad thoughts, the boys would always bring a shining light to my morning, as did being in nature.

It is a beautiful sunny day, 47 deg.

We went on our morning walk to the small meadow. I had them off leash, but the stayed close to me and was listening to me. Takota was doing fine and his eye didn’t seem to be bothering him.

I hear the Stellers jay chattering away in a nearby tree.

I looked over to the boys and saw them looking intently at something down at the trail. I thought, maybe an elk or moose, or the little marten? I looked down at the trail, and I could not believe my eyes, it was a lone black wolf sniffing along side the trail. He glanced up at us with a cautious curiosity, but did not seemed too concerned. He just continued sniffing. He had a small white mark on his upper chest. I again wished I had my video camera ready. I grabbed my other camera from the tent and began snapping photos. Unfortunately they were blurry. I am not sure if I was shaking from excitement, or the camera was out of adjustment. The boys were very interested in our new visitor.

Our visitor did not seem threatening, and continued up the hill to the left of our camp, occasionally watching us, then behind our camp when he disappeared into the woods. What an incredible sight to see. It was our first wolf encounter that we got to see.

I am not sure if we will see him again. Will he returned to this area? Probably unlikely. Does it mean more wolves are in the area? I will have to keep a close eye on our surroundings. It is hard telling how wolves will react in a pack in our situation? We only had one experience with a pack of wolves that was not threatening, but them being more curious about us. And what would the boys do if they were off leash and saw a wolf, or pack of wolves in a close encounter? So far our experiences have been non-threatening with wolves. Have we just been lucky?

Much later I talked with a so-called wolf expert from the US Forest Service about our encounter with the pack of wolves in the Sawtooth, and he told me they were probably just curious about us when they came to visit us in camp. It was very interesting how this pack responded to us. They checked us out, and they chose to leave the next morning. Did they leave the area because we were there? Or were they just passing through? These were good lesson for me with the boys on how the wolves responded to us in both situations. I believe if the boys showed aggression towards the wolves by barking, it could have been a different scenario that may have played out. I also believe if we show respect for all creatures in the wild, the outcome will be a good one in many cases. And it does not mean being foolish around wildlife either.

Evening Entry

We have not seen any sign of the lone wolf since this morning. But the boys will be on alert if he comes back.

Takota’s eye seemed to be doing pretty good.

The elk have been active here during the mating season, hearing them call for a mate. It has been part of the experience here for us.

We had a nice fire, and experiencing the cooler weather of Autumn in the high country.

I wonder if we will hear any wolves howling this evening?

September 20, 2018 – Thursday – Day 17

I slept pretty well. Keeping the window openings of the tent closed helped keep the tent a bit warmer. We weren’t having any problems with condensation in the tent for the whole trip. And since the boys enjoy the cold, I try to keep the inside of the tent on the cooler side. Takota seemed to have slept well during the night.

At about 8:00 am the boys came for their loving attention of scratches and rubs by me. This attention always started my morning out right. And then stepping out into nature. There is nothing like it.

The weather looked cold and overcast so we stayed in bed for another hour. When we got up it was 40 deg. We took our morning walk just down the hill and over the trail, making it a very short walk. The boys are always sniffing, and listening to the sounds in nature while on our walks.

The huckleberries are almost gone from our consumption, and the other critters who enjoyed them. I am surprised no bears came through. The Steller’s jay is still squawking near camp. The skies are now clearing up. We occasionally are getting a cold Fall breeze coming through, that always feels refreshing to us. On our walk I was looking down at the ground to see if I could discover any stones carved by man. I did find one that was very crude, but looked like it could have been an arrow head, spear head, or cutting tool probably from the ancient people that were once here. I thought about what it would have been like living with these peoples? I set the stone back on the ground where I found it.

While getting water at the spring I noticed a track in the mud that was possibly a bear track. It may have stayed clear of our camp due to the scent of the boys, if it was indeed a bear.

It is quiet and peaceful in our place in nature.

I forgot to mention, we had a guy and gal backpacking that crossed our camp. I talked to them for a little bit. They came from Black Lake. They said, it was a steep climb from the lake. It would have been nice to check it out, but it was not meant to be. They were the only people we saw up here in this remote area.

I will begin organizing our gear for our departure in two days. I just hope it will be a better ride back to base camp?

I called Dick, and Gary answered. Gary told me Dick can pick us up on Saturday or Monday. I told him Saturday. I also mentioned that I was hoping he would come along to help out.

September 21, 2018 – Friday – Day 18

At 6:00 am, it was a beautiful morning. The boys were quietly sleeping until they heard me saying. “Good morning kids.” They both rolled over at the same time, for their belly rubs. Nanook thumping his tail on the tent floor. Takota let me know he was ready with a whine followed by a yawn.

We got up and went for a nice walk. I gathered some lichen covered branches, and old man’s beard for our morning fire. The sun was rising above the tree covered mountains. It was nice seeing the morning light within the darkness of the forest where we had our camp.

Morning fire

At camp I got the fire going, the coffee perking, I wrote in the journal, and just enjoyed the quiet, and peaceful moments in nature. One of the books I was thinking about writing was on those moments of reflections that I had on our journey.

Afternoon Entry

It was a nice last day sunny day with a nice Fall breeze. The temperature was 58 deg, at 12:05 pm.

I got most of our stuff organized to pack out by late afternoon. The only thing left is the tent and our sleeping things, and I will get that done in the morning. Today I removed the stakes and guy lines of the tent to make it faster taking down the tent. I don’t think I will have to worry about strong winds taking the tent down tonight.

I should have time for breakfast and finishing packing tomorrow before Dick arrives. It will take him sometime to get everything packed up and loaded on the pack animal. I hope he comes early enough so we can head down the trail before dark. We will be doing a lot of walking with the horses due to the steepness and narrowness of the trail. Doing it in the darkness can be dangerous, for us, for the dogs, and for the pack animals. I was concerned about

Takota doing this hike down, with his eye problem.

This was our last backcountry trip, at least for this year. I hope we will have the opportunity to have more. In the back of my mind I thought about our winter camp. I was not ready for it mentally. I hope it will work out with the land owner staying on his property for the full winter?

Overall we enjoyed our stay here. There were some challenges we had to face, like getting up here, Takota getting lost, and is eye problems, but other then that we enjoyed it up here. We had good weather overall. A pretty nice campsite, We got to experience moose, elk, a wolf, grouse, a marten, and some jays. Nanook and I got to feast on an abundance of huckleberries. And it was just nice being up here. We didn’t have to deal with burnt out areas which was nice. And we had no people here. Each of our three backcountry trips offered us different challenges to learn from, as with learning about our relationship with nature.

September 22, 2018 – Saturday – Day 19

This morning it sounded like light rain falling, but it was only the needles of the hemlock falling on the tent. The wind was blowing pretty good this morning that I was not expecting. Even with the guy lines not staked, the tent did not flap around much.

I had a difficult time sleeping with my concerns about leaving today. I did not have much confidence in my Outfitter to get us down safely. I was especially concerned about Takota. Can he make in down on the rough and narrow trail we will be going down on with his eye problem safely? Especially if we have to do it in the dark? Even if everything went well with Takota, will it go smoothly with the packs not slipping and staying firmly on the pack animals? I could only image dealing with this in the dark, having to try and adjust them at night on these steep, and narrow trails we will be on for 4 hours? But nothing is ever certain, dealing with pack animals, heavy packs, and in steep, narrow trails, and in rough mountain country, with steep switch backs, and doing it at night.

We got up at 7:00 am. I had time to finish packing up, and fixing a quick breakfast. A light rain began falling while we were getting ready to leave. Hopefully it remains only a light rain? I had camp completely broken down by 12:00 pm. And then wait for our ride back to base camp to come soon. I figured Dick would arrive in camp by 1:00 or 1:30 pm. They arrived at 2:15 pm. I was not happy with that. I knew we would be doing a good part of the ride back in the dark. I did understand that Dick had a lot of work getting the animals ready, trailered, then getting them to the trailhead. I am glad Gary was there to help, although he couldn’t do too much. He also had to bring my truck with them to the trailhead. Maybe Dick had real help for our trip down.

I wouldn’t be too concerned if we had a better trail to go back on. But we will have serious drop offs to deal with for most of the ride. It will be slow going. And I am really concerned about Takota.

We only had a little light rain in the morning, then the rest of the day was mostly overcast.

We did not get going on the trail until 5:30 pm. I was not happy about leaving so late. We could have cut half that time if Dick brought a well seasoned packer with him to help.

I thought we were taking a different trail heading back, but it was actually the same trail. I didn’t realized it because we arrived in camp at night when we first arrived here. I should have known this if I just looked at the map I had. A bad mistake on my part.

Dick and Gary mounted their horses. I told Dick I would walk my horse for a bit. The first part of the trail was easy. I then let the boys off leash and mounted my horse. She was the same one I rode up on. I was the last one in the pack. I thought if I walked the boys and my horse together, my horse would do better with them. That was not the case. My horse really did not like my dogs. And that is when I let the boys loose, and I got on my horse.

When I let the boys off leash, they were off and running down the trail. Takota seemed to be doing fine with his eye, but we hadn’t hit the toughest part of the trail, and in the dark.

The first part of the trail ride was relaxing and pleasant. I was actually enjoying it. The horses were doing fine and the boys were doing fine. The boys stayed close to me and I was keeping a close eye on them, especially Takota. I wish I remember going up on this trail, because we could have had that as part of our walking trail.

My responsibility was not only watching the boys, my horse, but also watched for any issue with the pack animals in front of us.

The first incident, Gary’s horse did not want to go any further. A familiar pattern with these horses. My horse was doing fine, but she did not like my dog’s flanking her. She got very nervous, and she was ready to kick or bite at them. So I had to keep the boys a safe distance away. I also moved my horse to get her focuses on moving forward and getting out of that defensive stance. This did happen a few times, but nothing bad happened.

Once we reached one section of the trail where it was getting steep, we dismounted and walked the horses. Dick said we would be walking most of the trail off the horses. Things then started to get bad. When Gary dismounted his horse, he fell. His bad knee gave out on him. He luckily did not get hurt. One has to remember this guy is 75 years old. He is still pretty strong for his age, but he is more likely to get hurt doing this. I don’t know what Dick was thinking bringing him along.

Some of the views we had were spectacular with the setting sun dropping behind the mountains.

Dick went through the protocol of riding in the dark. He said, “some people tend to get disoriented at night on the horses. And will fall off their horse.” Luckily I don’t have that problem. I have ridden horses at night and they do pretty well finding their way at night. We had to be careful not to shine our lights in their eyes. We also had to keep a good communication with everyone. That is something Dick seemed to forget. I had some difficulty walking my the horse, on the trail because of my cataract in one eye. I had to take it very slow. The boys were doing great overall, as with the horses. The boys seemed to find their place in front of me, and behind the pack animal that was not at least bothered by the boys. It was the same pack horse the boys followed getting up to camp originally. So things seemed to be working out.

The further we went the more difficult the tail had become. Dick had three pack animals and he was in the lead, Gary was in the middle with three pack animals, and I was drag, or at the end of the pack line.

One thing, and maybe the only thing good about my horse was she was not crowding or pushing me on the trail. Gary’s horse was really bad at that, and on three occasions pushed Gary off the trail which could have been very dangerous. The last time Gary ended up in thick brush on a very steep slope, luckily that stopped him from sliding down further. But making it very difficult getting out of the thick brush and back on the trail in the pitch black darkness. I couldn’t help him because I had no safe place to get to him. I used my head lamp to give him extra light. He did finally get out, but it must have been exhausting for him. Dick allowed himself to get further in front of us making it difficult to communicate with him, and that was really pissing me off.

I then saw one of Gary’s pack horses collapsing on the trail, so we yelled at Dick that a horse was down. He finally heard us and came up to help. I had no idea how serious it was? I told Dick he had to stay closer to us. I am guessing the pack slipped and the horse lost balance. We were lucky the horse fell where he did. If it happened on a steep embankment, that could have been very bad. Dick was able to get the horse up, and we and the horses had no problems for the rest of the ride, with the exception of just being very tired.

I was getting hot, and sweating with all the rain gear I was wearing. I had to start stripping this clothing off. It was getting very uncomfortable. I was also wearing the wrong shoes, (Riding boots) for all the down hill walking, and my feet were getting very sore, and killing me. We finally made it down to the trailhead. We went to my truck, and I put the boys inside so they could rest. I then watched for any traffic to warn them to slow down near the horses and stock trailer while Dick and Gary unloaded the packs, and loaded the horses in the trailer.

We walked most of the trail down and it was exhausting. I have to say, the boys did great under these circumstances.

We did have some moon light to help us out on the trail, when the clouds weren’t covering the moon.

I would have to say it was another ride from hell, but we all made it down safely.

Back at base camp I asked Dick if he needed any help with my gear? And he said, he will cover it up for the night. So the boys and I headed for our tent that was luckily still set up, and crashed for the night.

September 24, 2018 – Monday – back at base camp.

The night was off and on sleep wise, being awaken by the sounds of horse hooves around the tent, and munching on grass. A light rain was also falling off and on through the night. Otherwise me and the boys slept well. I was really proud of the boys for being so well on both our trail rides on this trip, and on our 19 days in the backcountry. They were a pure joy being with and sharing this experience with.

We got up at 8:30 am, it was chilly outside. I took the boys for a walk then headed for the tent cabin for some coffee and burnt pancakes that were prepared by a helper of Dick’s by the name of Rick who likes to talk too much. He should have been named, Gabby.

The day was partly cloudy, but beautiful. Each time we leave for another area, we know it will be in nature. It will be winter soon, right around the corner. A new adventure, but I am a bit concerned about our winter camp.

Takota’s eye was looking good this morning.

I took a well needed shower, got everything packed up. I talked with Gary for a bit before we headed out. I was looking at our next campground and I was looking at the campground near Orofino at the reservoir we camped at before. It would take maybe 4 hours to get to. So we checked out a small campground not to far from here called Aquarius campground on the North Fork of the Clear Water River. It was a short drive to get there. It looked like a nice campground, and quiet. There were only a few campers there. The camping fee was only $5.00 per night. On our way to the campground I saw a bald eagle perched on top of a large rock in the middle of the creek. It would have made a great photo, but I didn’t stop.

It was cloudy with possible rain. I set up our tent then headed for a small town of Pierce about an hour away to get gas, and to the market there for some food. It was a nice drive going through beautiful countryside, showing it’s Autumn colors of reds, oranges, and yellows in it’s landscape. One area that wasn’t so nice, was where the forest was clear cut that scarred the landscape.

At the store, we were able to get real food. I picked up some ham and cheese, beer, bacon and eggs, steak, and chicken.

We encountered a couple of deer crossing the road on our way back to camp.

I was told a small reservoir named Deer Creek Reservoir was a good place for fishing, that was close by, and of course the river we were camping at. When we were at Deer Creek Reservoir, an elk crossed the road in front of us. It was a beautiful sight to see.

Back at camp I wanted to get the boys fed. I picked up some wood near the reservoir for a couple of fires. We had ham and cheese for dinner and a nice evening fire.

The sky is clearing, as with it cooling down. It was a beautiful day in the Idaho mountains. It is also time to set up my rod and reel for some fishing.

Tonight I was noticing Takota’s eye was not looking good.

To be continued in Part 20

Our Journey Living In Nature

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part 16

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part 16

Our entrance into the Sawtooth Wilderness

Walking into the Sawtooth Wilderness

June 28, 2018 – Thursday – Day 1

A loud knock on our cabin door sounded at 6:30 am. A little startled, half asleep, I yelled out to Steve outside the door, thanking him for the wake up knock that I requested. It is time to get up.

I took the boys for a short walk, then back to the cabin. Then got the rest of our things over to the Outfitter, as with the things I was going to take to the trailer while we were gone on our trip.

I dropped the stuff off to Daryl, that includes the perishable foods, and the ice chest, with a block and a half of ice inside, the boys beds, and a few more things.

When I was at Cabela’s I asked one of the employees there, “how long will the block ice last in my Cabela’s insulated ice chest?” He said, “about 7 days if you keep it covered and out of the sun.” He also gave me some other suggestions to prolong the melting of the ice.

When I arrived at the barn, I saw all my gear on the ground separated by weight. Daryl said I had too much weight, and he would need more horses and one more trip to our camp. He figured a total of 6 pack animals. The only option was to go through the gear I needed on the first run, and take the rest on the second trip. I went through the gear and began taking things out, one was part of our food. Both the boys and mine. It would cost me an extra $800 for an extra trip. But I had really no choice. Daryl suggested the bear proof panniers, and the boys beds, and I greed. He will bring the rest of our things on Sunday or Monday. So I made sure we had enough food until then. I wasn’t happy with paying more money, but that is the way the cookie crumbles. We got it all figured out. I realized it is really expensive horse packing in Idaho. Much more than I paid in California.

Back at the cabin, a couple next to us stopped by and wanted to meet the boys. They said that they had heard I wrote two books. For a very brief moment I felt famous. I told them I was working on one, and have a rough draft on another. I also have five articles published. They said, they would like to read some of the things I wrote, so I gave them my Facebook page.

Once I put my day pack on, I realized it was much heavier than I thought, and I took some things out of it, and gave it to Daryl to pack with the other stuff. He took the few items, but he was not happy with it.

We headed on the trail that would take us to Grandjean Campground, then a short walk to the trailhead where we begin our hike on the Idaho Centennial Trail. Once we were on the main trail that would lead to our first creek crossing, and far enough from the stables, I let the boys run free. Before I let them loose, I put colored bandanna’s on them. Nanook had a blue one, and Takota a red one indicating they were not wild wolves. The first thing they did was to run down the hill towards the stables. I yelled at them to come, and they finally returned to me. They were excited to have that freedom to run free. They did well staying on the trail. Nanook was usually in the lead with Takota following. I think Takota wanted to stay close to me. He would always look back at me to make sure I was near. The hike to Baron Creek from the trailhead was only a mile and a half away. Daryl and his pack of horses had caught up to us, so I put the boys back on their leashes so as not to spook the horse as they passed us. The horses and the boys did fine with no issues as they passed one another.

I decided to leave the leashes on the boys with the horses being so close by.

This was the second longest trip for me into the backcountry alone. Back in 2009 I began camping out of necessity with my dog, Shiloh. We camped at a campground for a month and found that the natural world began to transform me in ways I was not really expecting, and I wanted more. And I wanted to experience it with my companion, Shiloh. So I decided to push that experience into nature deeper. I wanted to have the experience of being in the wilderness alone with Shiloh by my side. I planned to do a two week trip in the Sierra Nevada mountains for our first trip into the backcountry. We lasted one week. I thought I was getting sick with a congestion, and Shiloh wasn’t feeling well. I was also feeling a sense of being struck by loneliness. So I decided to cut the trip short. I was disappointed in myself leaving sooner than I wanted, with not meeting my goal of two weeks being out in the wilderness alone.

Once we were back from our trip, I felt pushed to go back. So I planned another trip to the same spot for a three week long trip in late August. A friend joined me and Shiloh for 6 days, then Shiloh and I were doing the remainder of the trip alone for 18 days. During that time I felt a sense of place in the wilderness – a sense of being home. And now I find myself returning to the wilderness with Takota and Nanook. So experiencing, and wanting to do this alone was not new for me.

Then in June 2010, Me, Shiloh, and an old time friend went to Kennedy Lake for two weeks. I always felt at home there.

Once we reached Baron Creek, Daryl was waiting for us on the other side of the creek. He pointed to the best place to cross, and then he said, “if I didn’t want to cross the creek (I think he new it could be a rough crossing) we could avoid the creeks and river crossings and we could take the North Fork instead?” I told him, “lets move on as planned.” I wasn’t sure if that was a good decision or not?

Baron Creek is known to be a tough crossing by hikers and backpackers during high water levels. As was told by the experiences the Ranger I talked with, about her, her husband, and two dogs had, just three months ago, When they had a good creek crossing going out, and returning a couple of day later, almost being trapped by a raging river crossing and the dangers it presented for them and their dogs.

What I didn’t know was what the river crossing would be like on the Payette. Originally, Daryl said it would be an easy crossing, and the creeks would be the more difficult crossings. Baron Creek was suppose to be the most difficult crossing at curtain times of the year with the runoffs.

I took my first steps into the creek, and although it was not too deep, it was rocky and difficult to walk in. I found myself rushing to get to the other side , so I stopped and slowed down my pace to a safer pace. When I looked up, Daryl was gone from sight. Getting closer to the other side, the creek was getting deeper. Two feet then to three feet. At the end, the water was to my waist and moving fast. I had to maneuver over a log to get to shore that was difficult in doing with the water moving so fast. Finally on shore, half of me was all wet. This creek was definitely a challenge, and a learning experience for me. And now it was the boys turns. I was hoping the boys would follow behind me, but they didn’t.

They wanted to get across, but where afraid. They were running back and forth along the shoreline looking for a place to cross and couldn’t find any. I called them to cross. Coaxing them to cross for about 15 minutes or so, Nanook finally made the jump, crossing with no problem. He lied down on the grass watching Takota crying on the other side. After another 15 minutes of calling and coaxing Takota to cross, he took the leap. I was watching him, making sure he was okay. When I saw the fast moving current sweeping him away. I was concerned because he had his leash on, and I was afraid he may get caught up in rocks, or branches. I ran past the heavy willow running along the shore and didn’t see him go by, I found an opening in the brush giving me access the creek, and saw Takota with great relief, gripping onto a log with his two paws in sheer terror, while the rest of his body was under the water. I saw the fear in his eyes, telling me to help him. Luckily I had good access to him and was able to grab his collar and pull him out. I embraced him in loving care. We then joined Nanook. We were all together again, and safe.

A little bit further up the trail, the boys ahead of me, Takota began crying loudly, so I ran to him and realized that somehow, his collar was wrapped between his toes. When I grabbed him to release the collar from his predicament, and checking for any injuries, he lunged into my arms once again for protection. When I got the collar loose, I checked how he was walking and he seemed to be okay. Nanook was patiently waiting for us. The boys were doing great being off leash overall.

When Takota and I reached Goat Creek, Nanook had already crossed over it with ease and confidence. He was in the groove on water crossings. Takota on the other hand was still freaked out from the last crossing. This creek will be a bit easier, not as deep or as swift. The deep section starts at the beginning, it was about 18” to 24” deep, then shallower in the middle, then gradually turned to beach. Once he stepped into the water he would back off. I could have spent the time to try and work with him, but we had wasted enough time crossing the creeks. I crossed the creek, and he would not follow, so I took my pack off, and went back to get him. I hooked him to the leash, and he easily followed me with no problem. I was thinking that was too easy!

At this point the creek crossings we’re wearing on me. I was getting pretty tired and my hiking boots were full of water, sand, and other debris. When we continued on our hike, I forgot to tighten my backpack that made it much harder to carry, and much more uncomfortable.

I was following the horse tracts for the path getting us to the river crossing. It was a beautiful area and I was getting excited, but very tired at the same time. I knew we were getting close to our camp. All we had to do was cross the wide South Fork of the Payette River. Once we reached the entrance of the river it didn’t look to bad, except for the beginning. It was deep and swift. I tested out the waters and in the beginning it was calm, I slid into about 3 feet of water from the shore, but deep with an outcropping blocking the main river current. Once I went beyond the outcropping it was very difficult staying upright, even my walking stick didn’t help with my balance, with it swaying uncontrollable every which way. I was thinking this could be a big problem? For me, and for Takota. Nanook did not want to wait around for us, In his dog language he said, “I am out of here!” and crossed the river with ease. And Takota responded with, “No, no way, no how, it ain’t going to happen!” I tried getting Takota to follow me with his leash on, and he almost pulled me into the drink. I was going one direction and Takota in the opposite direction. I knew this wasn’t going to work, so we waited for Daryl to return our way after unpacking our gear.

We waited for about a half hour, and we finally saw Daryl returning. I told Daryl Takota wouldn’t cross, and the only thing I heard Daryl say was, “I will see you in a few days,” and began riding off. I told Daryl, in a firmer voice, “Daryl, I need help with Takota!” He took his pack animals to shore, tied them up, then he asked me, “what do you want me to do?” I put a double leash on Takota then handed the longer leash to Daryl and told him to pull Takota across by using some horse power. “And by the way, take my day pack over with you.” I had know idea that this would work. Before I knew it, they were gone and across the river. It happened so fast I didn’t even see it. I couldn’t believe it worked so easy? I don’t think Takota even knew what had happened. I was thankful it did work. I wish I could have seen it. Then while I was struggling to get across, focusing on each step I was taking, Daryl came back to me, held his hand out to grab my hand to help me across the worst part of the river. It became much easier to cross being next to the his horse that gave me some good stability. He let go of my hand about a quarter of the way, and told me the rest of the river was pretty shallow and easy to cross.

I was really relieved everything worked out well. Nanook was again patiently waiting for us on the other side. Once we were all on shore, me and the boys proceeded up the trail 114, knowing we were very near to our new camping spot. We were walking on a medium ascent and I was totally exhausted, and dragging with every foot step.. We only had about a half mile to go from the river, but seemed much, much further. I then saw the boys veer to the left off the trail ahead of me, and when I looked up in that direction, there was our camp, only a short distance from the trail. The boys knew that was our camp. Once they got there they just found a spot to lie down to rest. Once I got there I found a log to sit on. The last thing I was thinking was having to set up the camp. Just sitting for a few, resting, I knew I had to at least get the tent set up. So I forced myself up and got to work while the boys rested.

Daryl was a great help getting us there. We could not have done it without him, especially in crossing the river. In the back of my mind, I was hoping we could get back when we leave in 18 days? From daryl’s experience he didn’t think the river was going to be a problem. But Mother Nature can always change it’s conditions and outcome. This hike was definitely an experience to learn from. And the boys did great! I was so proud of them.

I spotted from camp a deer looking right at us about a 100 yard away. Our first critter to see.

Taking in a few deep breaths, filling the lungs with clean mountain air, and appreciating the beautiful day in the mountains of the Sawtooth. It was a hard day, but we made it safely, and not even a scratch on us. Just a little wet and very tired.

Going through our gear everything seemed to be in place and undamaged. We had only one small pad for the tent to go on, and in one direction. The good thing was that it was level. I am glad I didn’t bring the vestibule. It would have never fit.

Our campsite was small, but workable and nice. We also had some flat ground in front of our tent for the stove and fire pit. The rest of the area had gentle slopes to the east and west of us down towards the river. Mink Creek ran along side our camp. Below us to the south about a half mile was Big Meadow. A place that looks very tempting to explore, but possibly could be very boggy. From our camp if we didn’t have the trees blocking our view to the south, we would have had a great view of the Sawtooth Mountains.

I got the tent up with no problem, with the exception of a little sag that I can take care of tomorrow. I brought my Cabela’s Big Horn III, 6 – person tent that I will use for all our backcountry trips this year. It is a good Outfitters tent where a wood burning stove can be added if needed. Since everything was close by it was easy to get most of the camp set up today. I just had to figure out how I wanted it laid out.

Things I try to look for while selecting a campsite, and tent site in the backcountry are:

1) Is the level tent pad? Yes

2) Is it on an animal path? No

3) Any ground nests on site? No

4) Any poisonous plants close by? No

5) Does the site have good drainage? Yes

6) Are there widow makers over or near shelter? No, and one of the most important to avoid.

7) Good wind blocks? Yes, important

8) Good water source? Yes, Important

9) Good firewood source? Yes, important

10) Good exit routes for emergencies? Yes

11) Having a camp near a wasps nest? No

The priorities in a campsite always is a shelter, a near by water source, and a good source of firewood, for basic survival. And if you find yourself in a survival situation, those three things could save your life. If you have been following my blogs, the first thing I do as a practice, is always set up my shelter (tent) to protect us from the outside elements. And being in the backcountry it is especially important to get ones shelter up first thing.

Once I get our tent up, I like to explore the immediate area for natural resources, then on the next day, expand out to a wider area to become familiar with our surroundings. I want to learn and know our new home the best I can.

Some of the items can also apply in campgrounds.

Since we only had only one choice for a campsite, we had to take what the campsite offered us. Luckily it covered most of the things on the list above that made it a good campsite. And as always, the weather always plays a factor. It may seem a perfect site, but if extreme weather hits, or a fire? Maybe not so much. This is why I have emergency communications to the outside world. But even with that, and depending on the emergency, there is no guarantee one will be rescued. Doing what we are doing, and especially doing it alone is a risk, and can be very dangerous. I try to be aware of possible dangers with the boys and with me. And I won’t take undo risks unless absolutely necessary. With the impacts of climate change beginning to impact the world, there are many more unknowns that could strike.

Our water source was a small creek, by the name of Mink Creek, that was mostly overgrown with plants. We had one small access to gather drinking water a short distance from our camp.

The area is covered with sparse pine and fir trees, and lots of vegetation in most areas. And lots of dead fall all around, as with dead standing. It was a nice spot considering, but could have been better. We have limited access to other areas. We only added about 700 ft elevation from the river to our new camp.

The weather forecast was for a chance of rain tomorrow. Tonight is clearing and cooling off, and is very pleasant out. Our hike here, we had good weather, not too hot and mostly overcast keeping us cool on our hike.

I am a little concerned about critters raiding our camp, but Daryl told me it wouldn’t happen, so I believed him. I hope he is right. I got the tent up with a snug fit. I brought my cot with me to sleep on, the boys will have to sleep on the tent floor until their beds come in on the next load, Sunday or Monday.

I gather stones close to camp for a fire ring, and made a small comforting fire. I made the rock fire ring large enough for the cooking grill I brought, just in case I use it. The fire was soothing to the soul, and kept the chill off with the cooling evening air. We relaxed most of the afternoon and evening. And I wrote in my journal. I can’t believe we finally made it into the wilds of Idaho.

I noticed a strong fragrance around camp, and checked out a plant that was growing next to the creek in abundance. I checked the stem of the plant, and it was a square stem, so I knew it was from the mint family.

Giant Hyssop

We went to bed at about 9:00 pm. It was still light out, and so were the mosquitoes. In the tent I heard faint howls of wolves in the distance at Big Meadow that is not far from us.

I am very sore from the hike and setting up camp, as with being very tired. The boys seem tired as well. This is the first time the boys get to experience the wilderness. It will be interesting how they do?

June 29, 2018 – Friday – Day 2

We woke up around 7:30 am, but stayed in bed until 8:30 am. I greeted the boys with a good morning. It was sunny out with a few clouds in the sky. The temp is 53 deg. We also have a pleasant breeze coming through camp.

My first cup of coffee is brewing. It feels good being in the backcountry once again. The boys are off leash wandering around checking all the smells out in the area. But for most of the time they are being really good at staying in camp. I will fix our breakfast soon. The mosquitoes and flies are out as well this morning, having their breakfast as we wait for ours.

I brought my cot, a 30 degree rated sleeping bag, a new air mattress, and sleeping bag liner. I was pretty sore so it was difficult getting comfortable, but once I did, I slept like a baby.

I am still a bit sore and stiff this morning. A part of getting old, I would say. It should wear off once I get the muscles warmed up and working again.

The boys and I felt very comfortable out here alone. No worries unless Daryl doesn’t show up with my food supply that will carry us for 18 days. I have a week supply of food and only three days supply of coffee. I do have my Sat phone if I need to call him. I also have maybe four or five servings each of dog food. They did chow down last night after our long hike here.

For critter protection, I have bear spray and a few weapons for protection, and for hunting small game. I also brought fishing poles for some river fishing. I have no intention of shooting critters, (maybe small game) but only to scare them. With the exception of a life and death situation.

I brought new equipment to test out on this trip. As for the water at Mink Creek I was told it was good to drink, but I did bring filtration devices if needed. A new product to test that I had brought with us are two water bottles with self filtration devices in the bottles that I really liked. They are called “Life Straw.” Fill the bottle with water, and it is good to go, and ready to drink. I used them all the time while up here, because they were so easy to use. I highly recommend them.

On these types of trips I try to get more stuff done then is possible in the short time we are here. So I will just focus on plant and animal identification and observations, and just being still in nature. And of course the enjoyment of being with the boys. I will also practice some fire starting skills. And whatever nature brings to us in her wonders to see, and experience. We can experience so much just by being present in the natural world that most people would think is such a waste of time – like just looking, listening, touching, smelling, and just being in silence. (Maybe this is why I can still experience so much of our experiences in my minds eye while I am writing this for this blog). Journaling can take up a lot of my time also. While being in nature, things always slows down, and things always seems to takes longer to get done. For example, gathering firewood. I always enjoy having fires in camp, and that means always gathering firewood. Or constantly collecting water for drinking, and for cooking. Gathering materials to make stuff. The right materials have to be found, collected, and then made into what tools one wants. They can be fire making tools, tools for trapping animals, or gathering for food, or cooking food, etc.

But when we slow down to nature’s pace, nature will begin to show her many wonders to the observer. New things appear between those things one is observing or looking for. One might be looking for firewood, and from that firewood, you see a beautiful mushroom, then maybe an ant or an insect one might have never seen before. Then you hear a crack in a limb and look up to see a deer near by, or seeing a squirrel watching you from a nearby tree, while clutched to the tree upside down. It is like walking through an incredible, and magical story book of awe and wonder, where one can experience all of one’s scents. And with each page, there are new stories always opening up to ones imagination, things always unexpected, until they happen in the moment. The question is? Will we see them, hear them, smell them, touch them, taste them, or feel them within? Or will we keep that magical book of Nature closed from our experiences. What will I find in this small piece of the story we find ourselves in?

Today I will finish setting up camp. It is important to have an organized and clean camp. We will also explore the area for resources we can use, and being familiar with the land. I learned this when I first started going into the backcountry. It was a valuable lessen for me. One should begin doing this on the first day around their camping area, then on the second day, widening our area out, becoming familiar with ones surroundings. This can reduce ones stress in a survival situation, as with enjoying the experience being in nature much more.

Although our camp is a primitive camp, it is a nice camp, but it also has many restrictions in getting around. Idaho is rough, and rugged country with very little level ground in the wilderness. We have a large meadow to the right of us, called Big Meadow where we heard the wolves howling last night. I would like to check it out. It may be difficult to get around in, with it’s meandering water ways. And I am sure it could be very boggy from the looks of it.

Just outside of camp looking south

June 30, 2018 – Saturday – Day 3

This is our 3rd day here – alone in the Sawtooth Wilderness.

I slept well during the night. The sleeping bag I am using is the Nemo 30 degree sleeping bag that has no insulation on the bottom of the bag, but has a pocket for an air mattress that I also brought with us. I also have a sleeping bag liner that I always use to add additional warmth, and longevity to the sleeping bag by keeping it clean. I stayed nice and warm and very comfortable all night.

This morning we had beautiful blue skies, with a nice breeze coming through camp. The temperature was 48 degrees. There was a little layer of fog in the valley below us.

We got up around 7:45 am. It was so peaceful out in our little spot in paradise.

I got a fire going to start the day, giving us some warmth. We could hear the trickling water from Mink Creek next to us, the sounds of robins singing in the distance, and the crackling of our morning fire. What a beautiful way to start our new day. The boys are enjoying their new home, and their new experiences camping in the outdoors. We are alone, just me and the boys.

It can be dangerous doing this alone both for me and the boys, but spending some real time being alone with nature can also be a time I truly feel at home. I feel a deeper relationship with nature, and a deeper bond with the boys. There is nothing like it. It is a dream I have been dreaming about for a long time. I love the quiet solitude nature brings to us.

While in the backcountry, sometimes strange noises appear that seem foreign or out of place, like the sound of sirens in the distance. Or human voices that one might hear. Or some mechanical noises that seems so out of place in the wilderness. Like a dial on a radio, I try to fine tune these sounds for more clarity, but it usually doesn’t work. Back in 2009 I was with my dog Shiloh in the wilderness, and kept hearing faint music that always began around dinner time. I never discovered where it was coming from since we were the only ones in that area. And it wasn’t just one style of music, but many. The only thing I could think of that was causing it was from the vibrations of the water going over the rocks from the river next to us.

As for the siren sounds I heard, they could have been wolves in the Big Meadow that I heard on our first night. In my experiences in the backcountry, I have heard noises that just didn’t make any sense being there. Maybe they are from spirits of the past.

In camp we have irritating small flies bugging us. They love flying in the ears, in the mouth, in the eyes and up the nose. So far these are the only critter here, with some mosquitoes that come to visit mostly at night.

I was thinking about the possibility of getting lost up here, and anything is possible. But we have good land markers to guide us back to camp. And we have to be aware of such landmarks. Or the boys could take me back to camp, or take me to a familiar point of reference where I was able to find our camp. It is important to stay oriented, and pay attention when leaving camp and hiking in the general area of camp or anywhere for that matter. A common mistake people make is, if they use only their internal compass, they tend to walk in circles. If one is not paying attention to ones surrounding, they can easily become lost. There are not too many places to hike in the area that I am willing to do because of the rough terrain, so we will stay in the immediate area. We also have to deal with a lot of dead fall everywhere making it hard to travel through, and heavy tall brush causing me to meander back and forth, possibly getting totally disoriented. The reference points I have are the river, Big Meadow, the trail (which is the only trail that I know of), and the slope of the terrain. I know if I head down I will hit the river. I am not too concerned about getting lost, but it is always a possibility if I get disoriented. First thing I would do is to get my bearings before I move forward in any direction. On short hikes, it is always good to bring a map of the area, and a compass, which I never do, because I think I won’t get lost. And short walks may end up being un planned longer walks. It just is not worth getting lost. One good trick with hiking, is to always look behind at where you came from so it looks familiar. If we just look forward, our return trip will not be familiar to us. Try it! Learning good navigational tools are vital in the backcountry, and even anywhere one goes that is new and unfamiliar. There are stories where someone will leave camp, usually a short distance at night to go to the bathroom and become totally lost trying to get back.

Yesterday, while we were on a walk in the afternoon, we were off the trail, and I wanted to see how easy I could find the trail leading us back to our camp. And I couldn’t find it. I did find our camp, but not the trail. It tells me I need to become more familiar with our small area. So when we went for our next walk, we followed Mink Creek, knowing it will cross the hiking trail in a short distance, and we ran into the trail. The boys recognized it and they went down it. I followed them, then a distance away, I made a right turn off the trail, walked a little bit, then made another right that should take us back to camp, which it did. The boys enjoyed our little adventure, but of course they already knew where they were going.

These would be fun adventure for children to become familiar with the area they are in while camping, improving their navigational skills.

I find that time really slows down while camping in the backcountry. It seems we have been at a place longer than we actually have.

We went for our morning walk to explore the area and to see what we would find. The boys found the trail we came up on and decided to head down it. I followed them, but they were easily hidden by the thick brush they were going through while wondering off the trail, and they would not always stay together. But they would usually stay close to me, even if I couldn’t see them. But always in the back of my mind, there are other creatures that could be out here that I have to watch for. If I call to them, Takota usually comes to me first, then Nanook follows behind. They are definitely enjoying their new found freedom in the bush. They enjoy exploring, chasing squirrels, and playing hiding-go-seek with each other, and just enjoying the freedom of running around in nature to explore. I enjoy watching them running around free, but I am also always concerned about their safety. Where will be times I will just walk back to camp and the boys will follow. Usually when we are in camp they stay with me.

Back at camp I saw butterflies flying all around the camp. There was the Western Tiger Swallowtail, and another butterfly I hadn’t identified yet. They seem to like feeding on the mint plant that is all around our camp. The plant is the Giant – Hyssops and is very abundant and aromatic here. They like being next to the creek. It is suppose to make a good tea, so I will try it at some point.

Giant Hyssop

Where we get our water, there are Thimbleberry plants with berries starting to show, and small Thistle plants growing near by. Earlier this morning I saw the Currant bush with berries beginning to show. When I start exploring more, my search for plants will expand. I hope we can find a way to big Meadow to explore, as with possibly being a nice area to see wolves there, but at a safe distance. I am not sure how they would react to a human, and two large wolf like dogs? Even just hearing the howling of the wolves is magical. In our small area, in the back drop of the mountains, and valleys.

The new Coleman stove I brought with us is working well, and I am happy with it. There is a burner on each side with a larger middle burner in the middle. I never use the middle burner, bit it gives me more room for the two end burners.

I just send a prayer out to this magical place, for permission to be here, protection, and for wisdom to the spirits that reside here. This prayer is to show respect to the natural world and to all its beings living and in spirit.

I brought some used Chaga chunks that I will try with fire starting, and putting into a camp fire to smoke for a bug repellent. I brought different materials for fire starting to practice with, as with fire starting tools, without using matches or a lighter. Also trying to use natural materials found in the wild as well. I have found that using the natural materials for fire starting and to make tools, brings me closer to nature. It takes more time, but it is worth it. It gives one more time to explore for other things one might find.

I saw a robin fly into a fir tree closed to camp and glassed it, and it looked like there was a nest in there. With each animal I see, I see them as our neighbors to be enjoyed, respected, and learned from what they can teach me.

My first technique in starting a fire here was using a metal match, steel wool, and tinder. I have done this technique before, but practice makes perfect. Using steel wool won’t go into a flame, so one needs good dry tinder, and blowing. The steel wool will go out quickly, so having every thing ready is important. Once the steel wool is lit, blow on it to light the tinder.

Something I forgot to mention regarding getting lost. And a good example of what I had done when we first got into camp. I was extremely tired from our hike, and my focus was on the ground. Taking one step at a time. If it wasn’t for the boys, I could have walked past our camp. Being tired, thirsty, and hunger, can move your attention to those things, and not where you are or need to go. In those situations, it would be better to take a small rest, take a few deep cleansing breaths, have a drink of water, and look around in your environment, getting oriented to where you are. It is good practice, occasionally looking back from where you came, so that direction becomes familiar to you as with what is in front of you. Unfortunately I didn’t do that. I had the boys to show me the way to camp.

While walking along the creek, I found aspen, wild rose, Indian paint brush, red clover, a three spotted Mariposa lily, and stinging nettle. For me, finding stinging nettle is a great find. It makes a very nice and healthy tea. The bulb of the Mariposa lily is edible and has a nice nutty flavor both raw and cooked. But it must be taken with a gentle touch and with care. If the bulb is accidentally broken from the root, most likely the bulb cannot be found, because they are so small. I dig them out with a knife so I get the root and bulb attached. I lost two bulbs by pulling on the flower stems. It was just a waist losing these precious tasty morsels, and you kill the plant for nothing. I also found wild strawberry, but no strawberries yet. There were beautiful Penstemon, a small violet flower. But is not edible. After visiting the abundance of wild edibles and beautiful wild flowers we found around camp, it was time to cut and gather firewood.

Afternoon Entry

It has been a beautiful and warm day today, in the 70s in the shade.

Because it is getting warmer I keep our ice chest in the shade next to the tent and under the shade of a tree. I have to move it when the shade moves. I keep a wet towel over it at all times.

The wood I cut today may last til tomorrow morning. Cutting and gathering firewood is a continuous job. Getting water also keeps me busy.

It was a productive day today. I also found more nettle across the creek where we get our water.

It is now 5:10 pm with a pleasant breeze coming through camp.

Last night when I went to bed I felt a little cramping coming on in my left foot. The first time I have felt that. Today my arch in my left foot hurts a bit at times. Is this part of old age, or something else. Maybe it is the lack of salt in my diet. When I start eating my Mountain House freeze dried foods, I should get plenty of salt. This is one of my concerns of course on this journey of ours, is getting sick or injury. So far, so good, we have all been healthy.

I will try to drink as much nettle tea for good health drink as I can up here. In my times in the backcountry I have never come upon any plantain. It is a good source of nutrients and has good medicinal properties. It is suppose to make a good salad, or cooked. When I was in the Sierra Nevada’s they had Rattlesnake Plantain that was very rare. The USFS wanted to keep it a secret because it was so rare. I looked for it, and thought I found some. I didn’t pick any, I just wanted to identify it, so I wouldn’t pick it, but just appreciate it. Another good source for healthy nutrients is dandelion. The whole plant can be eaten and used as a tea. Unfortunately there is none where we are at. We also have pine needles and fir needles for an excellent vitamin C source in tea, as with the thin layer of the outer bark of pine, used in a tea for a decongestant. Nature provides us with so much if we only have this knowledge. This is why we need to see nature as a gift of life, and relearn what we have forgotten. To protect our wild lands for all that it provides to all life. To protect our clean air and waters that we need to live, and survive. To regain a deeper connection with all that nature provides to all life with a deeper reverence.

I just saw two robins close to camp. They must have the nest that I saw in the fir tree next to camp. Little things like that do not grab much attention to those of us in nature, nor do squirrels, or the small creatures we see as insignificant. They are common place. To me, they are life, and should be appreciated, as with all life that are in the plants, trees, and animals, and in the clean air we breathe, in the pureness of clean water we drink, and in the land that provides food and medicines for us. I have become much closer to these thing from my learning from the Native peoples who saw all life in nature as being sacred.

After we had breakfast, I tightened the guy lines up on the tent to prevent the sagging at the ridge, but it did very little to fix the problem.

I heard the tapping of a woodpecker and saw two of them, but couldn’t identify what species they were.

Evening Entry

For dinner I fixed some boneless chicken thighs, cooked in bacon fat for me and the boys. For tomorrow, we will have chicken thighs cooked in coconut oil. Then steak for the next two nights. The boys love the chicken and steak as a topper on their kibble.

After dinner we went for a walk towards to Big Meadow. We got maybe half way, and it got tough going with a lot of thick brush in our way. On the way back, I got my bearing points from some trees that helped find our way back. We had to deal with going through heavy brush, but also a lot of dead fall, making it very tough going at times. Maybe next time we will go along the creek to see if we can get through. Tonight we weaved back and forth through the center of the high side nearer to the creek. I had to be mindful with every step so not to trip, fall, or twist an ankle among the fallen trees. The boys had no problem weaving through any obstacles they encounter. It looked like fun to them. We run into rough ground getting to places because of the obstacles we constantly face. It is not always easy going anywhere off the main trail.

Each night I have become aware that darkness doesn’t fall until about 10:00 pm. It makes it nice going through the land during these times.

I wonder if we will see old Daryl tomorrow? I have about a weeks worth of food left, but the boys food is getting low, as with my coffee.

I was thinking about leaving the front door flap open during the night so I could enjoy the morning light coming up, but I thought if a critter came to visit us up close, the boys may go through the screen and go for a chase. That would not be good, so I kept it closed.

Waking to my view of the mountains

I was told, and heard about using dried coffee grounds in the fire to rid us of the problem of mosquitoes. I tried it last night and tonight and it seemed to work. I also put some chucks of chaga in the fire as well.

I noticed I could not close my door flaps and window flaps all the way closed. So I adjusted the stakes a tad closer towards the inside of the tent to loosen the tension, and that seemed to work.

As for the clothing I brought, it was all wool, or a synthetic blend for reducing smell and keeping dry and warm. I brought no cotton. As they say, “Cotton kills!”

July 1, 2018 – Sunday – Day 4

It is our forth day here and it seems we have been here for weeks. The time moves slowly here.

When we got up at 8:00 am, it was mostly overcast. At 10:00 am it was 64 degrees and mostly sunny with only a few scattered clouds about. It should be another warm day.

As soon as we got up, we went for our morning walk down towards the river. I notice more of the beautiful Indian paint brush around, as with more thistle. Through the brush and downed logs, we came upon a nice clearing of grass, small scrubs, and fewer downed logs in the woods. I was thinking, maybe this could be the route to takes us to the Big Meadow? The boys were having fun running around and exploring, and digging up ground squirrel holes. Takota enjoyed hiding from Nanook and when Nanook was close, Takota would crouch down for the attack. We had a nice little walk.

When I call them to come, and it is time to return back to camp, I usually can’t see them through the thick brush, Takota is usually the first to appear and then Nanook eventually follows behind, when he was done doing what he was doing. It is such a joy having them with me. When I called them and they would appear running to camp, it was always a joy watching them. They seemed so happy being up here in the wilderness – like two young boys discovering many new adventures in the woods. It is nice having them off leash. In this environment, if they were on leash, it would be very walking them, and could be dangerous for me with them pulling me in every direction.

My fire starting technique for today is using fat wood shavings and a metal match over tinder. I also feathered a small piece of fat wood to place over the lit fat wood shaving. And you have fire. Then I continue placing small pieces of wood to build up the fire. I don’t throw big logs on the fire until it has a good hot base. I also added dried pine needle to the fire. Many times when the fire looks like it may be going out, I give it a few strong blows, and that will bring the flame back. Don’t breathe into the fire, that wouldn’t be good. Continue adding small wood sticks as required to get a good hot fire going. I find when I start a fire slowing, it gives me a greater respect and appreciation for a fire. I brought a large box of fat wood with us on our journey, and in the backcountry I bring some sticks with me for fire starting. But it can also be found in the woods, usually at the base of dead branches and the main tree trunks.

Once I got the fire going, I put my last pot of coffee on the stove, and before it started perking

The propane ran out. So I had to replace the propane canister to finish off my last pot of coffee until my other supplies come in. I tend to use more propane, because of the time it takes to cook things at higher altitudes.

One propane canister usually lasts for two days cooking breakfast meals and two dinner meals.

Our first winged critter that came into camp for a visit, landed on a bush. It checked things out for a few moments then flew off. Not sure what species of bird it was. I wonder if it will come back again for a visit?

On our walk this morning I tried a taste of the Indian paint brush (the flower). It was bad, pretty bitter. The lighter colors, like pink or orange are more palatable. It is a flower one does not want to eat to much of. I usually only do very small tastings of this flower. A small tree we saw with a maple leaf is the Rocky Mountain Maple.

I haven’t mentioned the many butterflies we are getting around camp that are feeding on the Giant – Hyssop.

Butterflies enjoying the succulent hyssop flowers

Today we will stay in camp, wait for Daryl if he comes, do some reading, and gather more firewood and water. I will also pickup some nettle for nettle tea.

While I was writing in my journal, I heard the buzzing of a hummingbird hovering around me and checking me out. They are amazing creatures. I wonder how many visits we will have during our stay here?

Although our spot is not the perfect spot, for a long term camp, it is comfortable. It would be nice if we had better access to the river for fishing. Our camp elevation, according to our map is about 700 ft higher than the river elevation.

As for our views from the camp or near the camp, and depending on where we stand, and at what elevation, Our camp is on the east facing side that slopes gradually down to the South Fork of the Payette River. We also have a gradual slope towards Big Meadow to the south of us. We do have a good view of Big Meadow when in the right spot. We have a slight view of Grandjean peak to the south. We also have pretty good views depending on where we stand of Tohobit Peak, Warbonnet Peak and Cony Peak to our south west. We sit right along the Mink Creek on a very small and somewhat flat spot that is suitable for our camp. Although it is a small site, it is comfortable and meets our needs. We have Douglas fir, and Ponderosa pine in the area that is not to dense, giving us pretty good visibility. It is the high shrubs that is usually the problem getting through, that is thick in many spots. Most of the access we have for walks are west of our camp, and down to the river on the trail. We don’t have a lot of access due to heavy vegetation we encounter everywhere else. We do have a lot of edible plants, but the fruit on them that bear fruit, are not ripe.

Service Berry

There is a lot of dead fall that makes walking difficult and dangerous both for me and the boys, especially for Takota. Around camp there are a lot of broken off limbs on the dead falls where sharp pointed stubs remain from people breaking branches off for firewood, and that act as short spear points that can create a danger for the boys when they jump over them. Nanook is more mindful where he goes, Takota is not. And I am concerned he might get impaled on one of the spikes.

To the north, we have the trail that crosses over Mink Creek heading west up to higher elevations that looks densely wooded. To the north it looks to be more woods and more dense shrubs with no access, but the hiking trail across the river that we came in from. We would soon find out, there is not too much exploring we can do, due to impossible access. As for fishing the river I would need waiters to get to the deeper areas, and I did not bring them with us.

I am noticing a lot of colorful spring wild flowers blooming in our small postage stamp of an area.

At camp we do get nice breezes coming through, and overall the weather has been nice.

The trail we could have opt for along Baron Creek looked beautiful in photos with mountain lakes, and mountain peaks surrounding the area. But the beauty in Idaho can be deceiving with the same things we are dealing with here – thick brush and dead fall.

I quickly learned when breaking branches and sticks for firewood, the very dry ones, pieces can fly off and possibly hitting one in the face or in the eyes. I break pieces of wood by hitting them against logs or rock, and most of the time I don’t have to hit them hard reducing flying pieces when the wood is pretty dry. But one still has to be careful.

I found a Black cottonwood in our area, and we also have some Quaker aspen across Minks Creek.

When I was picking Stinging Nettle at the creek for my tea, and to roast it, I grabbed two stocks and tested if I got any stinging. I would lightly brush the leaf over a finger. And I was getting a slight stinging. Since I had a fire going, I thought I would try roasting the leaves lightly over the fire (something I learned from Ray Mears) just for a minute, then they are ready to eat. I was delightfully surprised to find the leaves had a wonder taste and crunch of almost a wheat brand cereal. Nothing I would have expected. For the rest of the leaves I would brew a nice nettle tea. One of my favorite wilderness teas. In making the tea, just boil the leaves for a few seconds then let steep. And it is ready for a delicious and healthful drink. This morning I thought I would add a few leaves of the hyssop mint. It was a bit strong with the mint. Maybe one leaf of the mint might be okay. I will probably brew some fir and pine tea during my stay, for some vitamin C.

After experimenting with the nettle plant, I spent most of the day writing in the journal and identifying the trees in the area.

It is obvious it wasn’t Daryl’s day to drop off the rest of our supplies.

In the late afternoon we took a walk along the trail down towards the river. I saw a bush with one white berry and a bush with one red berry, but couldn’t tell what they were.

I think we were getting close to the river, then we turned back towards camp.

Later I took a walk with the boys in the middle of the night, I couldn’t sleep.

July 2, 2018 – Monday – Day 5

It cooled down a bit last night, and for this morning it feels cooler. At 9:45 am, it was 62 deg. We got up at 8:00 am when the sun was cresting over the mountain tops. I had a coat and gloves on. As soon as we stepped out of the tent, the boys spotted a deer close to camp, and they took chase. It was a very short chase. The deer won, and was out of sight before the boys knew it. The boys came back towards the camp, sniffing the scent the deer left, and before being interrupted by the boys, and being forced to running into the thick bush.

We have a beautiful blue sky day today. The birds have been singing since early morning. It is nice not hearing human noise, just the sounds of nature. We will wait around camp today for Daryl.

The boys ran off to a squirrel hole next to camp that they visit from time to time during the day, sticking their noises into the hole for a good sniff. Nanook is then alerted to a sound of another squirrel, and took off running to investigate, with Takota following close behind.

After our return to camp, a bird flew into our camp. It flew so close to me, that I could feel the air created by the flapping of it’s wings. It happened so fast I couldn’t tell what bird it was. Probably a bird of prey.

During our walk I spotted a Blueberry bush with signs of the fruit beginning to appear. And other unknown bushes starting to bear fruit. I did sample a flower from the Thimbleberry flower petal this morning. Not too bad in taste.

Thimbleberry Plant

I just saw a bird of prey just fly by. And a small brown bird perched on a branch of a bush just hanging out at our camp.

There are still some patches of snow on some of the high peaks. It always gives a beautiful contrast to the mountains.

Afternoon Entry

Daryl arrived at camp at 1:30 pm with the rest of our stuff. We talked for a little bit and then he left. The boys and I then took a walk down the trail to the river. I lost the boys while they were going here and there to explore, and I ended up going down the trail alone. Once I arrived at the river, it looked a lot lower than five days ago when we first crossed it.

On the trail I saw Mariposa lilies sprouting everywhere along side the trail. Out of all the 3-spotted Mariposa lilies, most had white petals, and among all those white flowers, a pink one would magically appear. Nature brings so much beauty to those willing to see, and listen to all she offers to us. So much beauty that is all around us.

When I turned around back to camp, Nanook met me back on the trail, and then Tatoka followed behind, and we were once again joined together, like old friends, companions coming together. I am so happy to have them with me. They make this adventure so magical.

Back at camp I was feeling a bit out of sorts and overwhelmed for some odd reason. I was wearing my pistol on my waist for the past few days, but it was heavy carrying it, and difficult sitting in the chair with that heavy bulk on my waist. I took it off for comfort, and didn’t feel I needed it. I would have it near, or bring it with me on walks if I felt I needed it. One never knows what dangers might appear in nature.

I was watching a few ground squirrels running around near our camp, and a gray squirrel was chirping at the boys while clinging on the bark of a tree.

I thought I would relax, have a seat and enjoy some nettle tea. I added rose leaves, and hyssop leaves to it. I also added more nettle leaves in it. Again, the hyssop mint flavor was really coming out in this batch. Still a tad too much.

While I was on the trail, I did pick two red berries with the part of the plant, but could not identify them. Maybe they were Huckleberries? I did sample the berries, with small bites to taste, and I looked up in my plant book on poisonous red berries, I couldn’t find any that resembled the berries I had. So I figured they were safe, and they tasted fine.

So our camp is complete after Daryl dropped the rest of our stuff off. We have food, coffee, and the boys can sleep in comfort on their beds.

Tomorrow I think we will have a good breakfast, and try to find a way to the Big Meadow.

It seems around our camp, we are getting more activity with critters. It is starting to awaken with life. I noticed the leaves of the maple shrub has been nibbled on by a critter of some sort. From my experiences and observations, if one has a quiet camp, which we do, and we have been here for a while, the animals will become more comfortable with us, even with the boys. We become part of the environment. This is one reason I like doing this alone with the boys, and why we like being in one place for a long period of time. We get to know our environment, and it becomes a temporary home. It does help that the boys never bark. Takota will bark if he sees strangers come close to camp, since he is the camp protector, but is usually humans he barks at.

I am finding I am getting caught up in the activities I want to do here, which is good, but I also want to spend time just quietly observing what is all around me. I hope I can keep a balance with these two things. If I can stay in the moment while doing activities, it will help in this balance of Being (Being is the absence of thought, it is the Beingness of feeling, and pure awareness, or pure consciousness. One has a sense of Oneness with all things). If we connect to the four elements, air, water, earth, and fire, we also develop a much deeper relationship with our planet.

While picking stinging nettle I usually wear cloves. But I have found by grabbing the stem, or the underside of the leaf, I won’t get stung.

Today was a very good day.

Nanook and Takota enjoying their beds

July 3, 2018 – Tuesday – Day 6

I woke up at around 5:15 am. And then went back to sleep. We didn’t get up until 8:15 am. I was suffering from not having any caffeine yesterday with a headache. I now have enough for the rest of our stay here. I can smell the wonderful aroma of the coffee while it is perking. I hear the crackling of a small fire going and smelling the wood burning. What a wonderful way to start the beautiful morning. The boys and I have thoroughly enjoyed living in nature since we began our journey back in the end of October 2017. But there is nothing like experiencing the wilderness.

It was 50 degrees when we got up. The weather is mostly clear, and warming quickly with the warmth of the rising sun. Occasionally we get the nice cooling breeze coming through camp that takes the edge off the heat of the day.

I started the day, sipping some hot coffee. I then collected firewood for a nice fire. I was thinking how I would start it? I decided to use the birch bark that I had and a metal match (ferrocerium rod). While gathering the wood I would pull off lose bark from the fallen trees to help get the fire going as with dried pine needles (only a small amount of dried pine needles or fir is needed). While pealing slabs of bark off the trees, I realized the bark would make good platforms for fire starting as well.

In nature, there are many solutions to our small and larger challenges, but by keeping our minds open, we can find the answers to these challenges we may face. I have spent many hours studying survival and bushcraft skills, as with putting them to practice. Unfortunately over time, and especially if I don’t use them, I will forget them. Using the bark as a platform was one of them. But it came back to me. Bark can also be used as a plate for food, but should be cleaned off. One thing I have to stress! Always be respectful to nature, and the impact one has on nature.

I brought a lot of knives with me to test them out as with them having different uses. I have a large custom knife with me that I have been carrying on my belt since the beginning, and even that knife was uncomfortable while sitting in the chair. So I selected two smaller knives to replace the bigger one. In using bushcraft skills it takes time to fall into the rhythms and wisdom of nature, as with many solutions to challenges. But once one see’s them the answers can be very clear and simple. This also comes to the equipment one prefers while being out in nature.

For me, I get great pleasure starting a fire from the very beginning, and watching it slowly manifests to a point where there is a perfect and controlled fire. I don’t like large fires because they cannot be controlled. Starting a fire, from a spark, to a flame with tinder to kindling, to branches, then to logs is a magical experience to me. I become one with the fire through respect, and honoring what the fire brings to us.

In my short time being in the backcountry, I have become a purest with nature, in having a deep respect, relationship, and reverence for all living forms.

When I first got the tent we are using up here, I thought it might be a dark inside, with its small windows, but last night when we went to bed at 9:00 pm, it was still light out, and we still had good light inside the tent. Some people prefer having tents dark inside. For me, I prefer it being light inside, and the more windows, and larger windows the better. I like the feel of experiencing light coming through in the morning, and feeling the outside world of nature being part of the inside. This is why I liked my Columbia 10 Person tent so much. It had huge windows that brought nature inside. It almost felt like waking up to being out in the outside world. On this journey we did not actually sleep outside, because of privacy, and for the most part, having the boys outside because of critters coming into camp and disturbing the boys and me.

On our evening walk last evening I noticed a plant that I learned was the Oregon Grape, and learned it was not actually in the grape family. It is rather in the Berberidaceae family. It is edible, but can cause uncomfortable side effects to some who eat it. This could happen to many wild edibles, and should be eaten in small amounts at first for possible adverse side effects. It is also good to read about the plant before trying it. The Oregon grape is not recommended for women who are pregnant or lactating. It tends to grow in many areas in the west, and tends to grow under Douglas firs. The fruit is not yet ripe here, as with many of the berry plants I have found here.

As for forging in the wilds for edible plants, they can be nice treats to come upon, and good for other nutrients, maybe a nice addition to a meal, but it should not be relied upon too much in a survival situation for what the body needs to survive. We need proteins as part of the diet. I do these trips to better understand what is available in nature, both in plants that are edible, and medicinal. And it is important to know plants that are potentially dangerous to consume. It also provided a better understanding of what animals eat in nature. Nature is a vast encyclopedia of knowledge that so many have forgotten.

I forgot to mention, I have been using a 30”x 30” fire rated mat for a base in my campfires that are required in the designated “Wilderness” areas, or other similar materials for fire prevention. These barriers are a protection between the earth and the fire. The mat works well, and provides me with a nice size fire. Actually this is a nice practice to use, but most would not use this protection to protect our forests because it seems too unnatural with what we are used to. At first, I reacted to this in the same way.

There are times I may feel unsettled here, but quickly nature brings me back to a sense of peace within, by simply having a sense of Being in nature. It can be from building a campfire, to taking a deep breath in the clean mountain air, or listening to a song birds, or the calling of raptors in flight, or looking at the natural beauty of the landscape of our surroundings, or just watching the boys. Nature can truly have a healing relationship with one’s body and soul. While in nature, I find I don’t need people to give me any sense of who I am. Just nature and the boys in this special relationship we have together.

I always enjoy having the winged creatures come into camp – the birds and butterflies. They are so much a part of this experience for me.

I still have unsettling dreams and thoughts on the path I have chose. Will I be able to continue on in doing this? I pretty much have given up my past life to do this. I hope I can make a difference in this new work I have chosen, in helping others see that nature plays a much more important story in our lives than just a place for recreation for a weekend, or on a vocation?

I was even concerned if I could even do this physically and mentally for these three months we will be out in the backcountry? This is not new to me. I experienced this when Shiloh and I began doing this back in 2009/2010. (You can read about this in our blog, “Our Journey Into The Wilderness”).

The boys are loving being out here, and playing their roles with Nanook, as the hunter, and Takota as the camp protector. They get to wander in the great outdoors as my brother and I had done at one time.

While sitting in my chair, watching the butterflies gently float around from flower to flower, I thought of my dear sister Sue, who had just passed recently. I miss her, and I wish I could have spent more time with her. I felt great sadness in her loss, but I also was filled with joy for the many wonderful memories of her. She was a great sister. I miss you Sue.

One of the coats I brought with me was a rawhide coat with a fringe design in an old traditional style. I thought it would be appropriate to wear out here. It has a very comfortable and natural feel to it.

It is getting late, almost 1:00 pm and we have not had breakfast yet. We will relax in camp, I will do some reading today. I am reading Ray Mears new book. I will also cut more firewood, and of course, get more water from the creek.

So far we have not had much of an issues with flies.

I have noticed five kinds of butterflies at our camp, or near camp. I saw a small violet butterfly by the river yesterday, and four in camp on a daily basis. The one I see a lot in camp is the Western Tiger Swallowtail, and the Western Spangled Fritillary is abundant here as well. One butterfly was missing 3/4 of one wing, and amazingly was able to fly around without to much of a problem.

We have not seen any other campers in the area, we are completely alone. Talking about solitude, this is it.

In my plastic egg cases, I found two broken eggs, and nine cracked eggs. The organic eggs may have thinner shells.

On my way to fill up my water containers, I found some Sage brush. I love the smell of sage brush. I like putting it in the fire for it’s nice smoke aroma. And it helps with getting rid of insects.

Like the mosquitoes, the three flies here are also irritating creatures. And they are beginning to come in to camp in large numbers. We have small ones that like to fly in the nose, in the ears, and in the eyes, we have the big horse flies that love to take chucks out of your skin, and the medium size deer flies that are mostly attracted to poor Takota, sucking blood out of his ears. They should be call the Vampire Flies. The only way you get them off is to pull them off. They won’t leave with just a swipe, or a flick. We had a small break from the flies, and now they are back. Once one comes, they all come it seems like. At least we got a break for most of the day.

I can’t believe it is almost 4:00 pm.

The ground squirrels were keeping the boys busy, and now the gray tree squirrel is playing with the boys.

Evening Entry

It is just shy of 8:00 pm. It is 53 degrees out. We had dinner, and I got everything cleaned up to keep the smell of food away from our camp so as not to entice the hungry. It is now time to relax and do some reading. The boys are relaxing.

We are almost done with our bacon and eggs.

It was a beautiful day. I did not get any reading done, but I did get a lot of writing done in the journal. It was a good day and I feel good as with being grateful for this experience I am having in nature, and with the boys.

I did see a dragon fly today for the first time. They are amazing creatures.

July 4, 2018 – Wednesday – Day 7

Well, we don’t have to worry about the loud noises of fireworks here.

This Independence day is celebrated by most Americans for our independence from British rule. The new settlers from Great Britain to this new land, back during the colonial period through the founding of the United States. But this celebration forgets what the cost was to the indigenous peoples of this land who had been here for tens of thousands of years before the arrival of the Europeans. It is not mentioned in our history books about the mass killings, torture, sexual abuses, massacres of men, women, and children, the stealing of their ancestral lands by the settlers, as with the mass genocides against these native peoples. Simply so the European settlers could steal their land by hook or crook. These atrocities, and brutalities and cultural genocides continued against these people into the twentieth century, with little notice by most Americans. The absents of even the slightest note of regret or tragedy in the annual celebration of the US independence betrays a deep disconnect in this dark period of our history and in the humanity as a peoples of the US. This lie that we have been taught is why I do not celebrate this day or Thanksgiving. In the book “An Indigenous Peoples’ History Of The United States,” by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, the true history of America is realized.

It is a beautiful morning, a cool 48 deg. We got up at 8:15 am, got a fire going using a metal match and fat wood shavings place on a small slab of bark for the platform. Using tiny shaving of fat wood, or the shavings from a magnesium bar makes for a good fire starter, but the slightest breeze can easily blow the shavings pile into the wind. This process of shaving these material has to be a delicate process, and using a bark platform helps. Once the material is on the bark platform I always have the tinder, kindling, and larger pieces of wood ready to add onto the fire. It is nice having a good supply of firewood around as well.

Once the fire was going, I then got the coffee going, I took a big arm stretch upward to the sky, appreciating a good night sleep I had, and the beginnings of a new day. We have blue skies this morning, but high clouds are beginning to roll in. I wonder if rain is coming? We are getting cooler weather then the week before. In the mountains, the weather can always change, from good to bad, and one always has to be ready for anything. Our plan is to stay in camp today, do some reading, and I may get one of the video cameras ready to use. I would like to go fishing, but we really don’t have a good spot to fish, and where I can keep an eye on the boys.

I was thinking about looking for a possible good spot to camp at the Big Meadow sometime, that is if we could find a spot to get down there to check it out.

I tried calling my friend Tammy, from California on the Satellite phone. I of course got her voice mail, so I left a message with a greeting from the Sawtooth Wilderness. While I was calling my friend, I was digging through my pockets and found the knife I was looking for. It can be easy to misplace things while camping.

I just started on my third bottle of propane. That is pretty good. It usually lasts maybe two and a half days. The ice in the ice cooler is doing pretty good as well. I am making sure it has the wet towel on it, and it being in the shade.

I was wondering what was killing the trees? I assumed it was bark beetle. I didn’t see signs of fire in the area we are in. I did see new tree growth on parts of the northerly facing slopes to my south, and to the east, a slope covered in downed trees. In the times I have been in the backcountry I have never heard trees falling until I got into Idaho. Many areas of forests in the west have been devastated by the bark beetle in recent years. Some have attributed it due to climate change.

I am thinking, I would like to try getting down to the meadow in a day or two. I find the meadow an interesting place to explore. That is if we can get down there?

It is 12:28 pm, and we just finished breakfast. And the flies are coming out to feast.

The skies are clearing of the high clouds. It is 80 degrees in the shade.

When I began to really enjoy being out in the backcountry in 2009, I was focused on practicing bushcraft skills. I went with a friend who was with us for 6 days, then Shiloh and I spent 18 days alone in the same camp. I wanted to accomplish as much as I could, in learning and practicing these skills, as with observing. I was getting consumed with it. I then realized I had no time clock, no schedule to follow. I was just out in a beautiful area of the Sierra Nevada mountains. I dropped this idea that I had to do this and that, and just relax and enjoy my experiences with Shiloh in the mountains. And that is what I did. It became far more enjoyable for me. I plan on doing the same here. And that is to just experience the Sawtooth with the boys one day at a time.

While I am in the backcountry, I keep track of what I use and how long it lasts for future trips. so I know how much to bring for our next trip. I always figure on some backup supplies if needed for an emergency.

We have one more day of real food, bacon and eggs.

I had a special place under a pine tree at our camp in 2009 that overlooked the valley. And I did the same here. I found that writing under a tree was a special place. To write, to watch, and to listen.

A bit earlier I saw a bald eagle soaring above the ridge tops, and now I heard the calls of an eagle in the distance.

The boys are relaxing after their breakfast.

Evening Entry

I did some reading in the afternoon, then decided to do some exploring with the boys, looking for a possible path to the meadow. We followed the creek down and found some sort of trail, and then lost it. We weaved through it until we hit a thick impenetrable brush wall. It looked like we were close, but with each step, we ran into road blocks of even thicker brush. It was like going through a thick maze of downed logs and brush. At this point I was alone, I didn’t see the boys anywhere. They may have gotten through? I called to them, and Nanook finally came, but no Takota. Takota is usually the first one to come. I wasn’t sure if Takota headed back to camp or went to the meadow? I kept calling him and he didn’t come. I was getting concerned. I continued calling him, then tried howling to him. Nanook was still close to me. And in a direction I did not think Takota was, here he comes. I was very relieved we found him, or he found us, and he was safe. On our return to camp we dropped down lower from where we had started, and got caught up in more thick brush. It took us a while to find our way back. It was hot, the boys were panting and hot, and the flies were brutal. They kept on biting the poor boys.

We were weaving back and forth through the maze of thick brush, hitting dead ends after dead ends. We backtracked and finally found an opening in the thick brush. We finally spotted the hiking trail, or I should say, Takota found it, and headed back up the trail to camp. This is how easy it is to get lost. I knew approximately where we were, it was just finding a way to get back out of the maze of brush we found ourselves in. When we were on the trail going back to camp, I found scat from a wolf, coyote or fox. I ruled out coyote, we would have heard them, with their cries, howls, and yelping. I assumed it was from a fox. The scat was about two days old.

After today’s experience looking for the meadow, I gave up on it. The only way was to cross the river to the main trail, but I did not want to do that. Or maybe going along Mink Creek on the west side. I have a feeling this could be in very rugged terrain as well?

It was a bit disappointing we didn’t get to the meadow, but maybe that was a godsend.

Looking down from our camp to Big Meadow, it looked so easy to get down there, though there were many unseen obstacle awaiting the unaware traveler.

I was hoping to see more wild life here, and maybe we still will. We have only been here for seven days. We may find more surprises that awaits us on the way.

It is 8:20 pm, a beautiful evening. It is clear, 66 deg. I thought the packer steered me wrong about this place. Maybe I was asking for things he may not have fully understood. He was about hunting, and killing. For me, it was about observing nature, and it’s aliveness. We still have eleven more days here. Will I fall into boredom here? I could if I let it. Or I can experience what the present moment will bring to me? What will nature open up to us? I don’t want, not being able to reach the meadow to be a limitation to me. It only takes one thought to see this trip as a disappointment or a beautiful experience. I choose a beautiful experience.

While cleaning the dishes at the creek, I crossed it to see if there was a possibility to find what is on the other side. It was all the same, thick brush. We may check it out tomorrow more thoroughly.

On our hike I did see the legs of the river meandering through the meadow. I also noticed, it was a very miserable day for flies. They were everywhere, and hungry.

For dinner tonight, I tried one of the soups I brought. I forgot what kind it was, but it was good. I added a lot of Tabasco sauce, and some smoked oysters to it for an added touch of flavor. It was a nice change having soup.

July 5, 2018 – Thursday – Day 8

The boys and I awoke at 6:00 am and they both came to greet me with their loving greetings. Takota with his nose nudges against me, and Nanook’s kisses on my face. And I would return the loving with scratches and rubs, and kisses. They were warm affections we shared with each other, each and every morning. What a great way to wake up each morning. I loved the boys so much, and I could not image doing this journey without them. What a loving companionship we share with each other. Then we went back to sleep for a little bit longer.

It wasn’t until 8:00 am that I got my lazy bones up, and the boys followed me on another day of adventures in nature. If we keep our eyes open, our senses fully open to the wonders of nature, it is impossible to ever get bored. But in our modern world, we have been removed from the beauty of nature with meaningless, and short term distractions.

Nanook was waiting at the tent door in anticipation. We step outside to feel the fresh mountain air, to take in the sights, smells, and sounds nature brings to us.

It was 58 deg, at 8:00 am, and at 9:30 am, it is at 68 deg, with clear skies.

We took a short morning walk among the many species of plant life that surrounds us. The Thimbleberries are beginning to show, as with the currants berries, and blueberries, but still to early to pick. It reminded me while I was on a horse packing trip with a small group of people in the Eastern Sierras, I was told by the camp cook to pick some wild blueberries, and wild strawberries for our breakfast. I could not believe how much tastier these tiny wild berries were, compared to what we get at the supermarket, even though they are much bigger in size at the store. Unfortunately most of the berries here were not ripe yet for us to try.

Slowly these berries would appear one by one, then appear in great abundance. I saw the Oregon Grape all around us now. To see this cycle of life unfolding was truly an amazing experience to behold. Plants I did not see one day, then appears on the next. I wonder what this area will bring during our short stay here?

It is very quiet here this morning. I would not even mind a bear passing through, as long as it kept his or her distance from us.

I just saw a giant yellow jacket flying around. We now have mosquitoes, flies, and yellow jackets.

For the fire starting method today, I used pine duff in the smoldering fire from last night, and blew on it to get flame. I first found where the warmth was coming from then placing the pine duff in that area, and providing enough oxygen for the fire to start.

The boys have their favorite places to lie down, which are many.

Today we may explore the west side of Minks Creek to see if we can find access to the meadow.

A dominate plant that grows next to the creek, besides the Thimbleberry, is the Red-osier dogwood. It produces a white berry. Depending on the species of dogwood, the berries can be tasty, or not so much. This white berry is edible, but can also be bitter.

While fixing breakfast we had a pleasant breeze coming through camp, but once it stopped, the flies were back. They are becoming quite the irritant to me and the boys. As for the mosquitoes, they are not really that bad. I am sure they are bad at the meadow though.

The valley is a bit hazy today.

We are getting brisk breezes coming through the area today and is refreshing from the heat of the day, as with the bugs.

I heard a cracking that I assumed was a tree cracking by the wind. I looked down the valley and saw a lone dead standing fir that is now leaning, where it was not leaning before. Will I see it fall?

Afternoon Entry

We took a short hike on the other side of the Mink Creek to see if we could find access to the meadow below. We discovered the same, downed trees, think brush, more Oregon grapes, and holy shaped leaves, with colors of green, changing to bright red, vibrant orange and yellow colors, that catches the eye of nature’s beautiful. Our short hike turned quickly to a dead end with no access to the Big Meadow.

Every trip I take to our watering spot on Mink Creek, although a very short distance from camp, the boys always follows me. I have to go through a tunnel like entrance of over hanging Thimbleberry plants and dogwood. Some times the boys will follow me to get a drink from the creek, other times they will guard the entrance to our water supply. Or they just wait for me at the entrance of the Thimbleberry plants while enjoying the shade it provides with it’s large leaves. Once I finish getting our water, we all go back to camp. I usually get water from this spot 4 to 5 times a day. And the boys always follows behind.

I have noticed with taking the boys for a walk on the trail, Nanook becomes a free spirit going wherever his nose takes him. With Takota, he will tend to be in front of me, and not to far from me. If I stop, or fall behind, he will stop and wait for me. And there are times Takota likes to wonder off. Nanook has the attitude, if they can’t keep up, too bad.

I was glassing the meadow from different view points today, and I would have to deal with thick brush down there, as with it being boggy. It was hard to tell if there was a suitable camping area down there.

Evening Entry

The breezes continued off and on with little relief from the biting flies. Poor Takota was getting the worst of it.

For part of the day I read about plants, took the boys for a short walk, and was just communing with the biting flies. Tonight we had a wild salad made from nature. It consisted of a light touch of hyssop leaves, wild rose leaves and petals, young Thimbleberry leaves, and nettle leaves, and then mixed it with olive oil and basaltic vinegar. The salad was a bit chewy, but not bad. I wanted to put some Mariposa lily bulbs in it, but was unsuccessful getting any. I also dug up some thistle roots that were too woody to eat. I got them from young plants and I was surprised they were so fibrous. It was like chewing on a hard piece of wood.

Our block of ice is still doing well. There is about a third remaining. Not bad for nine days.

No matter what our intent is in experiencing nature on a deeper level, this cannot happen if we don’t minimized the mind shatter, and as with other people, minimizing talking. Once we can experience stillness through silence and pure awareness, can we experience this deeper experience with nature. For those who are just starting this mindful practice, it can be very difficult in the beginning. One must start slowly, maybe 5 minutes at a time, and doing it without effort. Another word, without thoughts, and without any judgements. For some, they will find doing it for one minute is too long. Just know it is not us, but the conditioning society has placed on us, and also our ego mind creating resistance to any change we try, in making our lives more whole. It is something that needs to be practiced everyday. The practice of meditation will help in this practice of quieting the mind.

It is 8:30 pm and 70 deg.

July 6, 2018 – Friday – Day 9

In the middle of the night, I had to take Nanook out on five occasions. His system was screwed up from the food I gave him. I gave both Takota and Nanook some canned food to mix with their Kimble. It was from the same brand name dog food, and the same mixture as their dry food. It just did not mix well with Nanook. Takota did fine with it. I am glad the boys are good at letting me know they have to go out. When this happens, it is usually no more than twice. With Nanook it was almost every hour. The last and final time I took him out, I kept both Nanook and Takota outside. I tied them up on their lead lines so they wouldn’t get in trouble, and I went back to bed. At that point, I was getting wiped out from not getting any sleep. It was getting light out by then, so I wasn’t too concerned with the boys being outside alone. I went back to bed for another couple of hours. The boys didn’t seem to mind sleeping outside for the rest of the morning. They both have sensitive systems, and it is hard telling how they will react to different foods and the amounts I give them.

I got up at 8:30 am and the boys seemed fine being outside alone. We gave each other our morning greetings outside. They were happy to see me and I was happy to see them. Nanook seemed to be feeling much better. Takota always makes sure his brother is close by. Takota watches out for both of us.

We had cloud cover this morning and it seemed to keep the flies away. It looks like it will be another warm day. And then the clouds come in again. It does seem the overcast weather does keep the flies at bay a little. Nanook is getting good at eating flies, and Takota is beginning to. The bad thing with that is I don’t want them doing it with yellow jackets. The last thing I want to deal with is them getting stung in the mouth.

I will chop some wood today, do a little bit of reading, and test out my new UV water purifier.

On our morning walk, I found some old man’s beard (a lichen fungi used as a fire starter when dry, it usually hangs from fir branches) and some thin pieces of cedar bark in camp. I assumed previous campers brought it in. I also found a large clump of old man’s beard and other lichen mixed in. I thought I would use that for our fire starter this morning. I would use the metal match to get a flame going. It took a few strikes of the metal match to get the lichen going, and it turned into a good flame.

We have some nice shady spots in camp to stay out of the sun, and with a nice mountain breeze added to that, we stay nice and cool on those warm days.

It doesn’t seem to matter if it is clear skies or overcast, unless we hav the winds to help rid the flies. When I finally started a fire, the flies seemed not to like the smoke much.

Sometimes it can be hard to find Takota around camp. He always moves around from place to place for the best hiding place. Takota can be very stealthy in his hiding places. I always keep my eyes on the boys, and Takota can be a challenge at times to find with his secret hiding places. If Nanook finds a nice bedding place, Takota may steal it from Nanook, and do some redecorating the way he lIkes it.

Evening Entry

I am starting to eat the freeze dried food I brought. I bought Mountain House, and most of the meals are pretty good, especially adding lots of Tabasco sauce to them. It is not the healthiest, although Mountain House tries to convince people it is. It is very high in sodium, and potentially being GMO. Unfortunately these are not the best foods to eat, unless you prepare them yourself, But they are good foods in the wilderness, and easy to prepare, with no muss, no fuss. No dishes to wash because one can eat right out of the package. Just have to boil water and add to package and seal. Let cook for about 12 minutes, let cool a bit, and eat. I have been adding a little to their kibble, if they won’t eat it dry.

Today it looked like a storm was brewing at some point, as with the flies. They were biting all of us.

This evening the sky was mostly clear, and 74 deg, at 6:30 pm, with a nice breeze. A beautiful evening.

While cutting wood today, I was using a Silky Saw to cut the wood. The biggest pieces were 4” diameter pieces with no problem. I will try my buck saw tomorrow.

We haven’t had much activity with critters coming in or close to camp. I thought we would see more wildlife by now. I am thinking I might keep the door flap open to wake up more to the outside world through the screen. I don’t think they will try and go through the screen, but just look if there is a critter outside.

If the trees did not block our view from camp I would have much more of a dramatic view of the mountains and valley.

This afternoon I tried eating two more thistle roots of young plants, and it still was like eating fibrous hardwood. Very disappointing. Thistle root can be very tasty. It has the flavor like eating an artichoke and celery stick.

This evening Takota was hearing something towards the trial, so I looked and spotted a deer about 50 yards from us. It was a big doe looking right out us. I quickly grabbed the boys and put their leashes on. I did not want them to chase the deer. As a habit when the boys are off leash, I always have the leashes on me, or close by so I can grab them if I need to.

The mosquitoes are coming in thick tonight. It is time for bed.

July 7, 2018 – Saturday – Day 10

I had a hard time getting up this morning, while the boys were patiently waiting for me. I finally got up at 8:30 am. It was a another beautiful morning outside.

I let the boys run around for a few minutes, while I gathered some firewood for a fire. Of course they would disappear from sight. I wasn’t too concerned because they knew the area pretty well and they knew where our camp was. The boys soon returned to camp when I call them.

I had a fire going, and my coffee brewing. I was ready for my first cup of coffee to wake up. I usually have about five large cups of coffee to get the bodily engine goings. Even with that amount of coffee, the engine occasionally sputters.

Last night I almost backed into the fire ring again. The fire ring is on a slight slope, and that can throw off my balance if I am not paying attention. I found myself in a fire ring once before, while being alone with Shiloh in the backcountry. I was lucky I survived it without any burns, not even burns on my clothing. Burns can be very painful, and can easily become infected. Not good being alone in the wilderness if that happens. Any injury can be bad, and serious – even a minor injury.

Nanook got up at 2:30 am, and I thought he needed to go out again. He was looking outside, listening to something in camp or near camp. I was watching him scan the area with his large ears. Takota was sound asleep. Nanook then lied down by the screen door. He woke me again letting me know he had to go out. So I grabbed both of them, leashed them up and we went for a short walk. He did have to go. I then had to take him out again just before daybreak.

I slept pretty well with the exception of having to take Nanook out twice in the middle of the night.

Before getting up I was looking out my door screen and window screen, out into nature. I was thinking it would be nice to have a larger area to explore? We were really limited. I was realizing how rugged the Idaho backcountry really was. Would the other areas we were going be as rugged? It is not that I am getting bored, but it would be nice having a wider area to explore.

While I was writing in the journal this morning, the boys wandered off somewhere together. I called them a few times, they then both came running into camp. I was waiting for a bear to be right behind them. These are the types of stories I here when people bring their dogs on hikes in the backcountry with them. Luckily they did not bring anything back with them to camp. I thought it was funny seeing them running back to camp so carefree.

The flies are coming out early today. They are really a nuisance, and a big irritant. Other then that it is a beautiful morning. Besides the flies in our camp, we did enjoy the many butterflies that came around camp to feed on the hyssop flowers.

Our fire starting method this morning was to use a larger metal match, it was a half inch in diameter which is big. I also used some old man’s beard that I picked up on our walk last night. As well as using some pine duff. I got a good spark, lighting the old man’s beard, that instantly lit the pine needles. I then began feeding the fire with wood fuel.

All metal rods are not the same, and it takes different techniques depending on the density of the rod. The softer the rod, the easier and more spark one gets, the harder the rod, the less spark. It just means the metal match won’t last as long using the softer rod because more material is scraped off.

When I first started using metal matches I thought it was going to be easy. And realized it wasn’t. One needs to know the different techniques, with the metal match, and having the right tinder material to use. I alway bring cotton balls with me (real cotton) to spark to flame, or cotton balls with Vaseline added to them. They will light easy and burn longer, They can also be reused. But it is good to know what different natural materials work, and don’t work. It is also good practice when seeing good fire starting material while exploring, to pick it up for later use.

The weekend is here, I wonder if we will see any other backpackers out this weekend. We haven’t see any one, but a couple that rode through next to our camp on horseback a few days ago.

When we are in camp, the boys find enjoyment chasing after ground squirrels and gray squirrels, and then napping. They also enjoy exploring the great outdoors. They become free spirits with the land.

I had a list of things I wanted to do while here, and I have been doing those things. Nature continued opening up to us, to experience those things all around us. But she has also showed me that we don’t have to accomplish a bunch of stuff to feel fulfilled or complete within. All we need to do is simply be still, and observe what is around us. If we look and listen deep enough, we will realize this is all we need to be satisfied with anything in life.

When Nanook woke me up early this morning, I watched him sniff, listen, and watch from inside the tent to the outside world. I was getting unnerved by this, because I could not sense what he was experiencing. I was thinking, “there was nothing there, go back to sleep Nanook. You are disturbing me.” I ignored the keen senses way beyond mine that the boys have, and I should allowed him to do what he does. They see the world much clearer than I.

I have noticed a lot of times, Takota will use rocks as a pillow to rest his head on.

(Photo of Takota resting on rocks)

It is 12:30 pm, and 78 degrees in the shade, Not a cloud in the sky. We have a nice cool breeze coming through camp.

I noticed the Minks Creek has dropped a bit since our time here.

Afternoon Entry

The boys and I walked down the hill to get a better look at the meadow. I got bit twice on my right hand, by the same horse fly that had been following me since we left camp.

We flushed out a game bird, and it took low flight into the thick brush. It must have been some type of grouse.

As with the boys getting much better navigating in this terrain, my confidence has as well. It becomes just part of our home for this brief time we are here. Even though I still trip over logs, rocks, fallen branches, getting tangled up in snarled limbs, step in to ground squirrel holes, get poked by broken limbs from fallen trees, I am getting better.

Being in a better position to glass the meadow, There are nice clearings down at the meadow, but it can also be one big bog. It has areas of brush like we have, and it has meandering waterways moving through the meadow. It looks like it could be a difficult areas to get through. I think the meadow is a no-go. But it is a beautiful area to just appreciate. I am surprised I have not seen any critters cross the meadow?

On our way back to camp, I decided to follow the boys back, mainly with Takota. He seemed to know the best ways back, better than I.

I mentioned reading Ray Mears’ book, “Out On The Land,” he covers the many experiences he has had both on summer months and in the winter. I like Ray Mears because he has developed a special relationship with the land. It is much more than just taking a walk in the woods. I wanted to experience this perfect place that would create that special experience for me and the boys. And every place can offer this, if we just go within to experience it. It can always be there.

Back at camp I was gathering wood for our evening fire. The flies were unforgiving. Once I got the fire going, the flies were gone.

After dinner we took a walk on the west side of Mink Creek, and we were instantly stopped by heavy brush and at the new growth trees. The boys found a way through. I called to them to “come” and then I headed back to camp. Soon the boys were following behind me. In these moments I felt such a deep bond with Takota and Nanook.

It was a beautiful evening in the mountains.

A little earlier I heard a dog barking down by the river, I didn’t see anything sight of a dog or people.

While having the evening fire, I forgot to dump my coffee grounds into the fire. And the mosquitoes returned.

I was smelling something burning. I looked around and finally realized this smoking red glow on my new pair of pants. The second new pair I have put burnt holes in.

While watching the boys, I was wondering what the boys are thinking about this experience?

July 8, 2018 – Sunday – Day 11

Being half asleep, still in bed, I heard a new bird calling. It may have be that grouse we flushed out yesterday.

I only had to take Nanook out once in the middle of the night. He still wasn’t completely back to normal. I think we will skip breakfast to see if that helps.

While I was lying in bed, fully awake, I was looking out my triangle shaped screen door opening to the trees outside. I was thinking how much we overlook so much in nature through the simple act of labeling. We see things on the surface, taking things for granted. Looking out at those same trees, and landscape in that small triangle opening in my tent, I began going deeper into those things I was looking at, these stationary things that seemed so lifeless. An awareness came over that these trees, and vegetation before my eyes had become living beings, as with all things in our world. Beings with an intelligence and are able to communicate with other beings in our relationship with this sacred circle of life. If we understood this, and knew this, we would treat our planet much better. With a higher respect and reverence as traditional indigenous peoples do in the world. We would see that all life has an important role in this web of life – they all have a purpose, whether the human race understands it one not.

We got up late this morning, at 10:00 am. The temperature was 72 deg. While laying in bed, the sky was completely overcast and looking like possible rain. And now, almost completely clear. The ever changing weather.

While I take a small sip of coffee in this beautiful place, It brings to me a larger meaning that nature bring to me. I am very lucky to be here with the boys. To be in the natural world, and away from the synthetic world man has created.

I took a short walk up the trail and saw so many Mariposa lily flowers blooming everywhere. Not long ago, we only saw one, then two. And now they line the trail edges with their beautiful white flowers. As with more pink Mariposa lily flowers coming up. The Thimbleberries are taking form as well. Soon this area will be lush with tasty edible berries, but not before our time to leave.

Mariposa Lily

Last night when I thought it was time for bed, Nanook and Takota were lying together on a bed of the Giant hyssops, watching, listening, and smelling their surroundings. Maybe the smell of the mint had a soothing effect on them, they did not want to leave. Usually when Takota hears “night – night”, he is heading for the tent. For Nanook, he prefers to hang out outside. Takota was watching Nanook to see if he would leave for the tent, and he did not budge. When Takota made a ever so slight move to get up, he would watch Nanook. And Nanook didn’t want to leave, so Takota remained in his spot among the hyssop. I finally coaxed Takota to go to bed, and Nanook finally followed.

Once the boys lie on their beds, they know it is time for bed and quickly fall asleep in quiet slumber. Takota got up and decided to lay next to me and the screen door, just looking out, observing and listening. He did this for a while then went back to his bed.

When I think of the beginnings of how we got here, it began with me and Shiloh being homeless, and deciding to take advantage of our situation, we (I) decided we would live in nature. Like with the boys, Shiloh and I developed a very deep bond with each other with our experiences in nature together. These special moments are truly gifts I will never forget. And now I get to spend these special moments with the boys.

Afternoon Entry

I spent most of the morning and early afternoon writing in the journal.

I checked the ice cooler and the block ice was no longer. It lasted a total of 13 days from the time I bought it to now – 11 days lasting in camp.

In the afternoon the boys and I took a walk for the first time. all the way down to the South Fork of the Payette River. The boys reached it first, and I took a slight detour to check up river and the depth. I noticed the river was less swift and shallower, I did see moss on the rocks we will have to watch for in some areas when we cross on our departure. So the crossing on our return trip looks good. I looked back at the boys and Nanook was almost across to the other side of the river. Nanook is now a swimming dog. He loves the water. Takota was watching me. When I got over to him on the stoney shoreline, Takota got into the water, splashing around, but would not go out to far. He would stay in the shallows of the river. He was enjoying the coolness of the water and dunking his head underneath the water. At one point I saw Nanook just sitting in the water enjoying the flow of the current on his body. I told Takota, he will soon be a water dog like. His brother. I tried to get him to go further out, but he was fine next to shore. After a time having fun in the water, we headed back. The flies were really bad at the river. A good indication the Big Meadow would be bad for bugs as well.

Back on the trail to camp, I picked up some old man’s beard for fire starting material. I picked a red berry I thought was edible, and it tasted pretty good. It was from the same plant I picked two berries from a few days ago. On the trail the winds were stronger keeping us cooler on the up hill ascent, and keeping the flies away.

Back at camp, I began writing again. It was 86 degrees in the shade at 3:15 pm. The breezes would come and go in camp.

I filled the canteens and water bottles with cold water at the creek, and of course the boys followed. If they weren’t lying outside of the plant type cave entrance , they would lie in the shade of the plant covering of thimbleberry and dogwood, resting on the ground, or be next to me while I filled the containers. When they were outside of the leaf cave, it was like they were standing guard at the entrance.

Evening Entry

It is 7:30 pm. I heard a loud cracking noise, probably a tree splitting.

I was going to get some more water at the creek, and for some reason I was feeling uneasy about taking the boys with me, so I put the lead lines on them, then went to get some water. While I was getting water from the creek, the boys started howling for me. A few minutes later in camp, the boys and I heard a group of wolves howling from the Big Meadow. Were they the same ones we heard when we first got here? They sounded relatively close to us. Maybe a mile or two from us. I then began to howl back to them, that was really not too smart. I was thinking there is a chance they will want to check us out? They could easily surround our camp, with us not even knowing about it, and at a very close distance. Would the boys warn me if they were close? I studied wolves and their behavior, but when it comes to real life situations, one is not sure how they would react with a human and two howling dogs near by. I was also thinking they may have pups with them that they will protect. For those who don’t know, wolves kill dogs and other wolves that threatens their pack.

About a half hour to forty-five minutes later we heard them howling again at the meadow, and they did not seem they were any closer to us. Although I was a bit concerned with them being so close to us, at the same time, it was an incredible thing to experience.

My guess is, if they investigate us they will turn and run once they see me. They want no part of humans. But then again I could be totally wrong. I have no idea how a pack of wolves will react. I think the images we have created in our minds are from television portraying these animals as vicious man killing animals. And the only good wolf is a dead wolf, so our solution is to kill all wolves, all predators that threatens mankind in anyway, instead of seeking to understand all the creatures in nature. They all have an important role to play being on this Earth, whether man understands it, or not. Usually the only real threat is of man himself – to animals and to his own species.

My concern was for the safety of the boys, and not for myself. I was wondering how long they have been at the meadow? They may have just arrived, or were back away in the woods hidden from sight? I have a feeling they just got back to the meadow. I hadn’t seen any signs as far as scat from wolves or bears, or mountain lions, or coyote, just the one I saw on the trail that I believe was from a fox. If I knew they were there earlier, we would have kept a safe distance away from them to show respect. I would love to observe wolves in the wild, but not with two dogs, especially ones that look like wolves

So I reacted like a typical human would react in this situation. I grabbed my guns, loaded them, and was ready to kill if I had to, to protect the boys. But the last thing I wanted to do was to kill or wound a wolf. I also had no idea how the boys would react if we were greeted by the wolves in our camp? My first instinct would be to give warning shots to scare them off.

With the boys tied up on their leads, and me sitting in my chair with guns loaded and in hand, we waited. I watched the boys for any signs of them coming towards our camp. I know they would approach very stealthy. As I said earlier, they could easily surround us at close quarters with me not even knowing it, but the boys would.

We waited and waited for them to come. And there was nothing, not a sound, but the crackling of the fire. The boys quietly resting on the ground. It was still light out at 11:00 pm, and I was getting tired. So the boys and I got into the tent. The boys quickly fell asleep, and I tried to, but my mind was swimming in thoughts of what if’s. I tried to go to sleep and deal with what might happen, if it happens. I was thinking our neighbors might keep their distance, if they smell the scent or a human?

I heard Nanook get up from his bed. By then it was completely dark inside and out, I watched Nanook walk to the entrance door, then along the east side wall of the tent, then the back wall. I knew Nanook was sensing something out there. Was it the wolves coming near camp? About fifteen minutes later, I heard a howl behind our tent and very close to us. It sounded like it was right next to the tent. Then other howling came from all sides of our camp. It sounded like it was a large pack. We were surrounded. What will these visitors do? Nanook was alert, but did not overreact, he just listened. I looked over to Takota and he was listening and alert. After the howling had finally stopped, all was quiet in the Sawtooth. And we went back to sleep, and our visitors left us alone for the rest of the night. I would have loved to go outside while they were here to check them out, but how would I control my dogs, and a pack of wolves just outside? I will have to figure that out tomorrow on how we are going to deal with this situation.

July 9, 2018 – Monday – Day 12

Since the wolf pack knows we are here, and where we live, will they stay in the area or leave? If they stay, We have to be very watchful around camp, and walking the boys. They will have to stay on leash at all times on our walks and on short leads in camp. I brought a light 22 cal with us and I will carry that on our walks. I have 3 – seven shot clips with me, so I should have enough to scare any critter away, I hope! Also the 22 caliber ammo is much cheaper than a higher caliber ammo, and I don’t mind popping off a few shots if needed.

When we got up, I was watching for any sign of wolves, as with watching the boys. It was 8:00 am. We went for a short walk. The boys were busy sniffing the scent the wolves left behind in our camp from our exciting night. I had the boys on leash for our walk. I was not crazy about that. It could be dangerous, because I have to focus on them, where I am walking, and our surroundings. It was way to much work. And if we did encounter them, would I be able to control the boys?

When we returned to camp from our walk, I got a fire going, my coffee perking, and did some cleaning of my 22 cal rifle. It was fully loaded with extra clips ready. I found myself a little nervous this morning, or maybe more on high alert.

It was humid, and partly cloudy – it felt refreshingly good. The sun was hidden by the clouds, and there was no breeze. Another nice morning, but with a pack of wolves nearby.

While sitting next to the fire, sipping my coffee, and reflecting on what had happened last night, I heard a distant lone howl coming from the South Fork of the Payette River below us. I felt that howl moving through my body. It was amazing to hear. I thought, “Are they Leaving?” I had a strong sense that the wolf pack was moving on, and away from us. What incredible animals and a strong connection to the safety of the pack.

It has been a couple of hours since we heard the howling down at the river. But we still must be alert that we have a large pack of wolves amongst us in our area.

We could call Daryl to packs us out, but I really don’t want to leave. We will just have to see how it goes. We still have 7 days to go before our scheduled pick up.

I did want our stay here to be more interesting, and interacting more with wildlife, and we definitely got that.

Our culture has a big part in how we see our relationship with wildlife, and with wildlife in our oceans, with the plants, and with the trees. We are taught that we are the supreme beings on the planet, and yet, we cannot survive without all life on our planet. We are all related to all life, thus we must show respect for all life – and even have a loving relationship with all life. Hollywood and television have a big part in our delusions on how we see the animal world. And in many instances it instills fear in us. We are just starting to understand what this relationship is to all life. Are the dangers we are taught about in the animal world real or make believe? There are dangers with certain animals, and they should be respected and even given wide range, or taking appropriate precautions to avoid contact, or having protective deterrents. Being in certain areas where there are potential dangers we can take appreciate precautions to minimize contact. Most people think we humans have the right to be in certain areas and not the predators, A good example of this is in Yellowstone National Park. There are many signs posted of the dangers of wild animals, and the potential dangers. Staying a minimum distance from animals, staying away from certain protected areas, but many people just ignore them risking themselves and others of serious injuries. This also includes the hazards of rock climbing and hiking. We take crazy risks just to show off, or for a photo. And parents put their children in harms way by just being stupid, or not watching them close enough or warning their children of potential dangers.

There are those who are willing to take greater risks than others. I am one of those people, by doing this alone in the backcountry with my dogs. But I try to always be extra careful, and not to take stupid risks to myself and my boys. There is always the potential of getting hurt, but I try not to push the envelope of risk. When the wolves came into our camp, I felt the safest thing to do was to stay in the tent, and we all stayed safe and unharmed, including the wolves. They really did not show any aggression that I knew of, maybe they were just curious? Maybe they gave us a subtle warning to stay ways from them. Animals give signs of aggression, and signs of being curious. Always be aware of and know these signs, or stay a safe distance away. I watched a guy in a video that was with his friend in mustang country, he tried to feed a horse, and it was the wrong horse to mess around with, and the horse bit him hard in the forearm. I am sure it was a very painful lesson to learn.

This is something we can learn from indigenous peoples. They have a high respect and relationship with all life. And seeing all life as being sacred, because they know they could not survive without them.

It has been quiet for sometime now. Maybe this is a good sign that the wolves are gone.

Afternoon Entry

We have not seen or heard any sign of the wolves. It is 2:45 pm. I think they have moved on. But we will keep a close eye on the area. I will also watch the boys if they catch any scents of suspecting critters. I will keep leashes on the boys for a while.

I did my first filming of the day showing the area we are in and talking about our close encounter with a pack of wolves. I actually enjoyed talking in the camera. I found myself getting hooked on it.

It is 3:45 pm and the boys have been pretty relaxed. It was pretty quiet. No howling from the wolves or with the boys. All we could hear is the flow of the creek, a robin singing, and of course the flies buzzing.

It is a hot 90 deg with no breeze or very little breeze.

Evening Entry

Being alone on this journey does have it’s drawbacks, but it also has it’s many rewards. Experiencing loneliness is probably the worst for many people, but I have not experienced loneliness yet, or am I planning to do so. It never came to mind. And having the boys with me is a big part of this. I would not be doing this without them. They make wonderful companions, and life partners.

Having a deep connection, and relationship with nature, being able to experience silence, stillness, and a feeling of peace in nature is a wondrous and magical place to be. It is nice to meet new people, and in sharing their stories, but I keep it to a minimum. And believe it or not, I do it for the boys. They love meeting new people friends, and occasionally new dog friends. The boys will befriend dogs as being part of their human owners.

Meeting the pack of wolves was indeed a once in a life time experience, but the safety of Takota and Nanook was my deepest concern, as with my own not knowing how the wolves would respond. But this is how we learn, and I am here to learn, and experience. And if the wolves felt threatened, they would also protect their family. I am not sure if they were just passing through, or if they left because we were here. Unfortunately the wolves are persecuted by man, for just being wolves – in a place they ran free for millions of years.

From our experience with the wolves last night and today, I view this landscape quite differently. It makes me more in tune with our surroundings, and who we are sharing it with. This lesson I may not have learned if we weren’t alone.

It is 6:42 pm and it is cooling down to 76 deg. A warm evening.

July 10, 2018 – Tuesday – Day 13

It is sunny this morning at 62 deg.

Last night it was quiet with no calling of the wild. We went to bed early at around 8:30 pm.

It took me a while to fall sleep. I just wasn’t that tired. I finally fell into a deep sleep. The boys were quietly sleeping. I would find myself waking up during the night checking on the boys. If one of them was sleeping next to me, I would give him a gentle pat, or just lay my hand on him in gentle love. I felt such a deep bond, and connection with both of them. When we would go to bed, I would give them good night kisses, and there was a silent communication we had with our eyes to one another, especially with Takota. They seemed so happy, and content. Most of the time, Takota would let me know when it was time for bed by going to the tent, and if the tent was open, he would go in. It seemed it was a comfort place for him. He started doing this at a young age when we began camping. When it was getting dark, he would tell me it was time for bed by going to the tent. Nanook always wanted to stay out later, to have a look out for any critters stirring in the night.

I am sure the wolf pack moved on. I was relieved they had left, but also saddened they had left probably because of us.

We got up at 8;00 am. I took the boys for a walk off leash. It made for a nicer, and safer walk, but I had the leashes with me as always. Back at camp I tied the boys up, and I went for some water. While I was gone, the boys didn’t howl. I then howled to them, and they howled back to me. Just a little test that the wolf pack was gone. The river valley and the Big Meadow was quiet.

It is sad, that there are people who take pleasure in senseless killings of such majestic animals – a creature that was almost exterminated from existence when the Europeans first stepped onto this land. This is why I have to be careful with the boys. They can be easily mistaken for wolves, even with bandanas on them.

While in camp I didn’t have the boys tied down, and they took chase after what I thought was a squirrel. I saw that it was a big black fox walking on the trail. The fox took off running into the bush. I figured the fox would out fox the boys, and it did. They eventually returned unhurt to camp, but gave them a good run. They were panting hard on their return. I decided to hook them up so they would not do that again, and maybe the fox will know not come near our camp. Good luck with that! The problem having the boys tied up, especially Takota, is them getting all tangled up in their lead line. I would prefer them being tied up in camp so they wouldn’t chase wildlife. I want the wildlife to feel safe around our camp. One of the reasons I don’t keep them tied to the lead line in camp is because our the site is so small, I don’t want to take a chance of them damaging any of the gear or the tent if they go for a chase.

It seems the berries that are growing here takes some time to ripen. It looks like I won’t be doing much sampling of the fruits here.

One of the plants I couldn’t identify, is the June berry, it is known by many names, and it is edible. Unfortunately like other berry plants here, it is not ripe yet. It is abundant in this area. I just identified the Buckbrush scrub as well. The Buckbrush berries may be toxic to humans. It has a bitter taste to it.

Evening Entry

I was noticing how the blue sky, and how it contrasted with the outline of the fir trees. Almost to the top of the fir tree, I noticed a glistening like tiny glass prisms reflecting different colors of light. I glassed it, and it was a fir cone reflecting the sap from the cone and the sunlight.

Most of the day was writing and filming. The filming is really capturing the area we are in. I was really hesitant of filming myself, being self conscious, but realized that was not an issue. I really enjoyed it. It was hard trying to get more filming done because of the boys. I would have loved to keep the video camera set up on a tripod in camp, but there would be a good chance the boys could knock it down. It is hard capturing wildlife unless one is always prepared for it. I wonder how the wildlife sees us in our camp?

July 11, 2018 – Wednesday – Day 14

We went for our morning walk once we got up. It was a little cool out, so I was looking forward to having a nice warm fire while I enjoy my coffee. While perking my coffee the propane bottle emptied out, so I had to replace it. That was our forth bottle of propane.

It is a beautiful morning. I thought I heard some people coming up the trail yesterday afternoon, but I didn’t see anything. Maybe it was just me hearing things? When one is out here long enough one will begin hearing things. Whether real or imagined. When I go to bed now, I start hearing music playing. I have experienced this before, and I just go with the flow and enjoy those moments of the unexpected, whether real or imagined.

The boys are at their sentry spots on the east side of camp, where they have a pretty good view of the area. I want to tie them up, but they look so comfortable, so I will leave them be. I wanted to use my larger camcorder, but they recommended formatting the memory cards. So when I get back to Sawtooth Lodge, I will format all my memory cards.

For me and the boys while we spend time in the wilderness, there is something so special being here alone. There is obviously no comparison with doing it in the wilderness, and doing it in a campground setting. I find I merge with this natural setting, feeling this is where we should be. This is our home in the natural world – being among the plants, the trees, the wildlife, the river and streams, and the surrounding mountains. When I was doing this back in 2009 in the Sierra Nevada mountains with Shiloh, I felt a deep awakening that this was my true home.

Just a moment ago I heard a loud crash and it sounded like it was just across the creek. Of course the boys had to investigate it.

Just a pointer in having fire in the backcountry, A 6 foot dirt clearing around the perimeter of the fire ring is a must to keep it safe from popping embers.

When I was writing in the journal just now, a male Western Spangle Fritillary butterfly blew onto my tea pot, and then to the edge of the table. I got up to get another cup of coffee and he remained unbothered by my movements toward him, where he was slowly flapping his wings.

As I was standing at the table, only a couple of feet from this creature, I put out an intention with a silent thought, “would he fly to my finger if I held it out?” And before I began to move my finger closer towards him, the beautiful butterfly flew away. So I sat back down at my chair, took a sip of coffee, and with no more then a minute passing, this butterfly flew close to where I was sitting in a circle around me, and then landed on my left hand, with pen in hand, resting on my journal. He stayed there for a few moments, then fluttered off onto my journal a few inches away, with the journal resting on my lap. He again stayed for a few moments, and then silently flew off. In a sense of amazement, all I could do is say, “thank you for this wonderful gift.” It truly was a gift.

Was this a message to me, that we were on the right path? I can only wonder?

Something strange and magical happened in those few moments in time. I once again said a prayer to the spirits of this area, thanking them, and asking them for protection, strength, and for the wisdom in my relationship, and connection with nature. How may I be a better protector of the natural world?

With the many butterfly’s that have been with us in our camp, feeding on the flowers of the giant hyssop, was this just a coincidence for this experience with this one butterfly, or was it something much more?

July 12, 2018 – Thursday – Day 15

It was a sunny day, 62 deg. We got up at 8:30 am, but I could have easily stayed in bed longer.

Sitting in my chair, I have my coffee next to me, ready for the first taste, with the crackling of the morning fire, and the smell of fir in the air from the smoke of the fire. In this moment, there is nothing like waking up to the natural wonders of nature. Waking to the birds singing, to the rushing flow of the creek, to the silence, and the shadows the fir needles make on the white pages of my journal from the branches above, that were swaying back and forth by the light morning breeze.

I started the fire the lazy man’s way with matches and pine needles. Life begins slowly, waking to a new day, as does starting a fire slowly with the beginning of the first flame, and building it up to a complete campfire. In building a fire slowly, it slows us down to the natural pace of nature. Our senses become heightened, becoming one with all things nature..

We started our walk on the usual path, and the boys decided on another, and took the trail. So I changed my course to follow theirs. Because of the twist and turns of the trail, and the heavy brush on either side, it is hard to follow them. They can also take detours off the trail to the left or right with me thinking they are still on the trail. I thought they may have taken a left off the trail, so I went left thinking I would find them, or they would find me in the thick brush. I had found animal trails that I followed that took me back towards the camp. I found a small grove of aspen on my way. I heard a loud thumping of foot steps running towards me through the brush. I was thinking, “could this be a bear I asked myself?” No, only Takota with a big smile on this face running towards me. Then soon after, Nanook followed.

The boys took the lead and I followed, figuring they know the way back to camp. They went through the brush where I could not follow, so I took my own path hoping it will take me to the trail. As I looked up to see where I was, I saw the tent. It was straight ahead. The boys found me, and we joined together again in camp. It is a pure joy being with them and watching them.

While writing in the journal, I looked to my left at a fir tree a few feet away. I thought I saw a fungi growing at the base. So I went to see, and noticed it was wood saw dust from the tree. It was coming from small holes in the bark where large black ants were they were excavating inside the tree. One ant would drop a load outside, then another ant would follow. Right after another in organized fashion. The fir was a dead standing. And all this time we were staying here, I realized it was a widow maker as well, that is leaning towards the tent. If it uprooted it could easily destroy the tent, as with crushing us. I checked the base of the tree and it seemed it was still well rooted. It should be okay.

I was still thinking about the Big Meadow, and in the right conditions it may have been a good place to camp with the exception of the wolves liking it as well.

July 13, 2018 – Friday – Day 16

On our morning walk, I took the north side of the trail, and again noticed a lot of animal tracks. The boys vanished somewhere in the bush. The boys came back for a quick visit, and then vanished once again. I crossed the trail back to camp to put the coffee on. I called the boys, and soon they came back to join me going back to camp. I was thinking about what fire starting method I would use, and decided on the fat wood with the metal match. Before the fire this area must have been a lush forest. Many trees have fallen, and some are still standing, but are lifeless.

Each morning the trees come alive with the morning sun, while some are still in the shade. A contrast in nature.

It was nice being alone most of the time with the boys. We had a couple of quick chats with horse back riders passing our camp, but that was it. I enjoy quick chats with people I meet, but prefer just being quiet in nature most of the time.

I am not sure if it was the same butterfly that we had a special connection to a couple of days ago that landed on my hand, but while sitting in my chair drinking coffee, a butterfly came to visit and landed on my knee, and hung out for a bit.

We have not seen much wildlife here which was a bit disappointing, but it was all worth it in what we had experienced. Nature opened up to us in many other ways. If we keep our minds open, miraculous things begin to happen.

Nisargadatta Mahara write’s:

“View thoughts from a detached, non-judgemental and unconditional loving perspective.”

July 14, 2018 – Saturday – Day 17

This morning was a partly cloudy day, 54 deg. It is 8:15 am. By 9:11 am the sky was mostly clear.

I let the boys out to wander while I got water and firewood. They stayed close to camp.

I wasn’t sure if I would have a fire this morning, but since it will be our second to last morning to have a fire, I thought it would be nice to have one.

On this trip I kept tabs on my supplies brought based on other trips in the backcountry, and the length of stay. And the gear I brought based on the what I had hoped to achieve on the trip. As with gear I wanted to test. I always brought more gear than I really needed. I would readjust for each trip, but usually it was not much. I did want to try eliminating one pack animal from the string on our next two trips if I could. We brought five or six pack animals on this one, and hope to drop it down to four pack animals on our next two trips. It can be difficult to do if I don’t know what to expect at each site, and in the area we find ourselves in. And most of the time don’t know what each trip will bring. Each area and site can bring different challenges, and I like being prepared for any unsuspecting emergency that might come up the best I can. I always like bringing extra food for a few days, as with backup equipment, just in case. I have to be prepared for any possible realities nature brings to us the best I can.

And for journaling keeping track of things I want a written record of, as with lessons I have learned. Some of those things, I have learned is being very mindful of the terrain we walk on. There are pros and cons on keeping dogs on leash, one is always knowing where your dogs are, are they in terrain they can get injures in, or injured by other animals, or them injuring other animals. I found it was much easier for me hiking without them on leash, because I can be more aware of where I am stepping. Especially with two dogs, it is hard to do that because they block one’s view of the trail. There can be other dangers as well. I have noticed on my hikes with the dogs on leash, I have more of a tendency of slipping on loose rocks or limb on the trail that I cannot see, and can cause one to slip and possibly injure oneself. They have a tendency of rolling under one’s foot, possibly causing an injury. A little injury, can become a big injury out in the wild, especially if alone, and with two big dogs. River or creek crossing can also be a potential problem. Most hikers are not use to walking on uneven trails that can cause injury. But facing the facts, being out in the wilderness can be dangerous, and we must be aware of this by not taking undue risks, and especially being alone.

One of the things I wanted to try was using the Yarrow plant to stop bleeding, and when I tried it, it seemed to work.

Also using nature to keep biting insects at bay by using smoke from the campfire, or burning coffee grounds in the fire. Also I tried lightly roasting stinging nettle over a fire, that created a tasty treat.

There are so many things to list here, and will have to be for another writing.

Afternoon Entry

About an hour after breakfast, we took a walk down to the river to see what the levels and current was, as with the trail for any downed tree. The river looked very crossable. Nanook even crossed to the other side with no problem. Takota was still not to sure about it. The tree I heard falling did indeed fall on the trail. I am sure Daryl will find a way to deal with it.

Evening Entry

I took the boys for an evening walk, and not far from our camp on a route we have taken many times. I stepped over a downed log, and one shoe lace got caught on a broken limb. And down I went, getting tripped up and fell on both my knees, and hitting my head with a thump on the ground. Nanook continued to walk on not being concerned by my fall. But Takota quickly ran over to my side, to make sure I was okay. He stood beside me waiting until I got up. I realized what he was doing and I gave him a pat and rub of appreciation for his caring gesture. It really moved me by this gesture in making sure I was okay. From that moment on, I had a greater appreciation, and love for him. He showed a side of him I have never seen before.

Tonight we enjoyed our last evening fire.

July 15, 2018 – Sunday – Day 18

We have a beautiful morning. I noticed while they were chasing ground squirrels, the were jumping over a downed log with sharp broken limbs protruding from the truck of the tree. I decided to take the axe and break them off so there is no chance of the boys getting impaled, especially Takota, since he is accident prone. They can also be dangerous for the human.

Last night and this morning I was thinking about Takota coming to my rescue when I tripped and fell yesterday. Takota has such a kind and compassionate soul. Maybe that is from him being so sensitive. I have much, much more respect for him. Both of them did great on our first trip in the wilderness together. They were true loving companions.

I believe there is an unseen aliveness in the natural world that we may not see, but we can feel.

We have experienced many amazing and magical experiences here that began not being too eventful. But I was surprised what nature had brought to us.

Since we have been here we have experienced a lot of trees falling, the connection I had with one butterfly, the interaction with a pack of wolves, and much more. And the simple experience of just Being in nature.

I will remove the stone fire ring today, scatter the stones, showing no sign that we have been here, but only for the bare ground. I will begin packing up most of our gear.

The boys were on a walk-a-bout longer than usual, and they came back tired and panting.

A Bald eagle flew over us with a hawk following behind.

It was unfortunate we could try out most of the berries in the area, due to them being unripe or not yet coming out yet.

Evening Entry

It is 5:18 pm and no fire tonight. The flies are taking advantage of it. It is clouding up, just hope we don’t get rain. I don’t want the river and creeks to rise.

July 16, 2018 – Monday – Day 19 – Departure day

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the Earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. In Nature nothing exists alone. But man is part of Nature, and his wars against Nature is inevitably a war against himself.”

~Rachel Carson – Silent Spring

We got up at 8:00 am, mostly cloudy, 64 deg.

With the clouds, we got a very light sprinkle that lasted for a couple of minutes. The ground is dry, as with the tent, which is good. Everything smells fresh even from our short sprinkle. From the looks of things it looks like we won’t get any rain, but it should be cooler temperatures for todays hike back.

The boys are resting for their long hike, and I am having coffee.

I got most of our gear out of the tent, then I will begin packing up the tent. Daryl will arrive around 1:30 pm. We will wait for Daryl’s arrival before we leave.

I feel good and refreshed this morning and for todays hike. We will have a cabin waiting for us at Sawtooth Lodge.

After taking the tent down, I needed a rest. We had about an hour and a half to rest before Daryl was to arrive.

When the packers arrived, we started our hike out and my sciatica was bothering me a little. It was fine all 18 days.

At the beginning if our hike I had the boys on leash. I took Nanook’s leash off at the river. I knew he had no problem crossing it. And he was across before I got Takota in the water. I put a double leash on Takota, and he was crying and fighting me about crossing. He was pulling back in resistance. I thought great! What now? Then a miracle happened. Once I stopped pulling him and gave him some slack on his leash, he followed me all the way across the river with no problem. I was so proud of him. And Nanook was patiently waiting for us. It was an easy crossing. I then let them go and they were off and running down the trail. When the trail split I was hoping they would go the right direction, and they did.

When they reached Goat Creek, Nanook went right across. Takota waited for me on the shore. The creek looked nothing like when we crossed it the first time. It was very shallow. Once I got him going, he crossed it with no problem. I praised him for a good job. Then they both took off again down the trial.

The tree that had fallen on the trail when we first came up, was now cut and cleaned from the trail, and were replaced with other fallen trees. The hike down was much easier then our hike up.

On our 3rd and last creek crossing at Baron Creek, again it looked like a different creek from our first crossing, and Nanook crossed again with no problem, and Takota waited for me to cross with him. He did run back and forth looking for a crossing with no luck. I put the leash on him and he crossed with me. And once we were together I had them leashed up the rest of the way. I did not want them running into the campground, or hikers on the trail.

We did stop by the Camp Hosts trailer at the campground to mention the wolf encounter we had. I guess he reported it to the Fish and Game people. I later learned that they had set up trail cameras to try and capture their images. And much later I had learned they may have been the famous Sawtooth pack.

By the time we reached the lodge, we were all tired, and my sciatica was not getting any better. I tied the boys up on the front porch of the lodge and I went in to check in. I also bought a beer. After a couple of refreshing cold beers. I hitched the trailer up and moved to the parking area. Once we got into our cabin, I ordered dinner and another beer. We had a picnic table at our cabin and enjoyed dinner outside during a small thunder shower. We were partially protected by a fir tree. We enjoyed the thunder clapping, the roar of a down pour that surprisingly we missed most of, the blue skies broken up by the beautiful billowing clouds, and rainbows. And in the background are the stunning mountains where the South Fork of the Payette River flows along the valley floor. Such a beautiful sight. It was very refreshing to stand in the light rain and to experience the amazing sights of Grandjean, and the Sawtooth. The rustic feel of this area takes one back to what it was like in the very beginning, a hundred years ago, It is not fancy, just nice and peaceful, with a feel of the past at our door step.

We had a small creek next to our cabin, and some berry plants that thrived along the creek side. A Western tanager was flying around our area with his brilliant display of colors.

July 17, 2018 – Tuesday – Back at the Sawtooth Lodge

We got up shortly after 8:00 am, the boys and I took a short walk, and met a couple that were camping in the camping area close to our cabin for a short chat. Then back to the cabin, tied the boys up and ordered breakfast.

We were again visited by possibly the same Western tanager perched at the fir tree next our picnic table. I asked Zack, one of the employees there at the lodge, if he knew what the berries were next to the creek, he didn’t know, but he did try one and it tasted bad, which usually means bitter. Walking back to the cabin, I took a very small taste of the berry, and it was indeed very bitter.

It was a warm sunny day, and on occasion we would experience a nice breeze coming through the area.

Last night I had a hard time falling asleep because of the discomfort of my sciatica. My body is stiff and sore from our hike back.

Evening Entry

The day started well, and slowly turned to bad. I went to look for my shave bag, with my shampoo and soap, and couldn’t find it. It can be frustrating looking for stuff in the trailer. I ended up taking a shower just with water, but it was refreshing. I then picked up the rest of our gear from the pack station while talking with Daryl about taking us back again. While putting my gear in the bed of the truck, I noticed my cot was damaged, damaged enough where I would have to replace it. I told Daryl about it, and he said he has pliers, and I told him that won’t work! He did not say anything about replacing it.

Our plans are to hopefully leave the first part of next week to get ready for our next backcountry trip.

My sore and stiff body, as with sciatic discomfort did seem to get better through the day.

As for Daryl taking us into the backcountry again, I won’t use him again for damaging my gear. What if that happened with my other gear, or damaging any gear when he dropped us off in the wilderness? I may have been sleeping on the floor of the tent for 18 days. I am not sure if I brought a back up mattress with us. I was not happy about what had happened. It means I will have to drive the long drive to Boise to replace the cot at REI, that will take time and money for the effort.

July 18, 2018 – Wednesday

Not much to say. Actually nothing to say for this morning journal entry.

Evening Entry

It is a beautiful evening with clear skies and a gentle breeze.

I spotted a robin and a tanager on the same branch of the fir tree next to our cabin. They were only about two feet away from each other. It would be nice to get photos of these moments, but birds don’t usually like cooperating with the photo shoot. Especially with the tanager. They are always moving around from tree to tree.

Today we took a drive to the town of Stanley about a hour drive from here, to drop by the USFS to talk with Jennifer and to drop of the fire resistant mat we used. The others who we also talked with came in from the back offices to welcome us back. It was a nice and unexpected greeting. It was the warmest greeting I have received by the USFS. They asked, how our trip was in the wilderness?

I talked with Jennifer and two others, an older woman, and a young man who were employees there, but had never talked with at that office. We talked about different things. I thanked them for the use of the fire mat, and took Jennifer to meet the boys. It would have been nice to sit with Jennifer for coffee and talk with her about our experiences since she knew that area.

We then did some shopping for food in Stanley, and checked out Stanley Lake, then headed home. It was getting pretty windy coming home, but it was a nice drive.

At the lodge I was talking with Deena, that was helping out at the lodge, and found out she and her husband were one of the partners at the lodge. I was asking her about plants and she had a good knowledge of plants. I described one berry I hate with another berry attached to it, one was a black berry the other was a red berry. She immediately responded with, “It is a Twinberry.” One plant I also saw, she believed was a Nightshade which is very poisonous and deadly. The other one I saw could have been the Black Nightshade which the fruit is edible.

July 19, 2018 – Thursday

It was another beautiful day at the lodge. The boys and I took a walk, then had breakfast. We were going to just hang out, get my batteries charged for my camcorders, and the memory card formatted. We will be moving back into a tent at the campground next to the cabin we are in tomorrow. I am not sure how long we will be staying at the lodge. While camping I will be organizing the trailer, going to REI in Boise for a new cot, and preparing to leave for McCall next Wednesday. At least I think that is where we are going? I really am not sure anymore?

A couple of days ago, I met a new lodge employee that was working at the front desk. He was on his iPad, he was from Southern California. He was reviewing some cartoons he had done on his iPad. I asked him about them? He told me it was art work he had done. I told him they were very good.

Evening Entry

The boys and I took a walk on a trail along the river to see the hot springs. There are pools made by rocks all along the river that people use. It was a beautiful walk. And as always, the boys were enjoying the adventure they were on. On our way back to the lodge, we took the road. I spotted a couple of berry bushes I believe were Saskatoon, and picked a couple of the dark purple berries. Many were still red. They tasted like the fruit of the apricot. They were really good. The other berries were the black twin berries. I took a nibble and it tasted pretty good, then quickly turned bitter. The bitterness seems to last longer than one would like.

(Spring in river)

July 20, 2018 – Friday

Evening Entry

We moved to our new campsite a short distance from the cabin we were staying in. It is a pretty nice campsite. There was a big party going on with lots of kids play close by. The kids were quieter than the adults. They were staying in two cabins. We also had some kids with their motorcycles going up and down the dirt road that was pretty noisy. I am assuming they were from the Grandjean campground up the road. The time we have been here has been pretty quiet.

The campsite we are in has a lot of room to organize the trailer and to shove all our gear in for our next backcountry trip that is planned in August for 14 days.

I called the Outfitter about our next trip. He gave me the cost, and the area we will be going in, but was not really specific on where as far as any details. We are scheduled to go out on the 4th of August. He did tell me it was only a one hour hike in from the trailhead. He didn’t tell me it would be a 6 hour drive to get there.

It is good camping again in a tent, though it is nice being in the cabin. I think the boys like the tent better as well. Although Nanook likes sleeping in the bed with me at the cabin.

It is hard planning these types of trips on the road with most times without cell phone service, or the internet.

The boys and I took a walk to explore, and maybe to find some tasty berries on the way. We did find some, but they weren’t as good as the ones yesterday. After our walk, I dropped by the woodpile for some free firewood. I picked up enough wood for about three fires.

A couple set up camp at campsite #1 and we were in campsite #2. Basically we are in an open area that they placed some numbers at. It made for good camps when it was not busy. I noticed the woman was pouring some liquid around their tent. Not sure what it was though?

It was a beautiful night with a nice campfire to make it even better. It was peaceful and quiet. There were only a few clouds in the sky. The remaining light of the sun was reflecting off the mountains tops. This area is supposed to be good for star gazing. But with all the camping we have been doing, I seldom do any. Now If I had a telescope with me, I would probably do much more. When there are meteor showers, I can never stay up for them.

July 21, 2018 – Saturday

The boys and I slept well last night. I think we prefer tent camping vs. being in a 100 year old cabin. Although it does give a very rustic feeling to the whole experience being in the mountains. It is also nice having good meals from the lodge, but it is expensive. They have great burgers there. The friendliness of the employees there, as with the owners, one feels like being right at home. I have met three of the partners here, and they have all been incredibly friendly. I think it is what Idaho is, incredibly friendly people.

One reason I like being in the tent is that I sleep lower to the ground, where it is easier to greet the boys every morning, which always makes each morning special. Takota usually never gives me licks where Nanook is a kisser to anyone who will let him. But Takota always gives me a lick first thing in the morning, and expects scratches and rubs. They have been incredible gifts on this journey we are on.

Because our site wasn’t level, I found myself constantly slipping and sliding on the mat all night.

Early this morning I was awoken by the chattering of a gray squirrel in a pine tree next to camp.

I met the host and his wife from the Grandjean campground at the lodge. They greeted the boys, and we talked about the wolf encounter. He said he heard the wolf pack howling a few days after they came to visit us. He mentioned the Fish and Game put up some trail cameras yesterday. I guess it was a big deal to put cameras up, and we got to experience them. Too bad we didn’t get to see them from a distance.

I find Idaho amazing with all the plant life it has. It is like a lush garden of plants that are all around us.

In the late morning a woman dropped by our camp, she was asking about the boys. We talked for a bit, and we were talking about what the boys and I were doing in our journey in nature. Others from next door in the cabins joined us in the conversation. Later they invited me over for dinner and I accepted.

Evening Entry

During the day I read on tracking animals, and took a nap with the boys.

It is a beautiful evening. Most of the people will soon be leaving, back to their lives in the city, and to the modern world. What a complete contrast in these two worlds. The Sawtooth Lodge is a great way to get away of the mad world of city life. Too bad for most, it is only for a short weekend. For the boys and I, it is a continuing adventure.

July 22, 2018 – Sunday

We got up to another beautiful day in nature. It is nice experiencing the subtleties nature brings to those who are aware, and for most who gloss over it with a brief thought, if that!

I have brief thoughts, and stress, and wonder how long we can continue to survive in doing this? The big question is, what are we going to do in the Idaho winter?

With a little chill in the air, Takota is full of piss and vinegar. The boys love the cold weather, and actually I do as well. It is so refreshing. It is nice breathing in the cool fresh air, with the smells that nature brings to us.

The book I am reading on tracking is only one part of the experience being outdoors. One learns so many things about the animal’s behavior through tracking in the signs they leave and the imprints they leave on the environment. It is a communication and story of who they are. Learning to track brings us much closer to the natural world. But it takes time like everything else in truly experiencing and knowing nature. And even with me living in nature full time, I only see a tiny speck of what is out there to explore, learn, and experience.

In one of Tom Brown Jr’s books, he was having problem in teaching the children to go deep into their experiences in nature. They would learn the names of the plants, the trees, and the animal through labeling them, by their names. But what they weren’t learning were their stories. So Tom, got the children fully immerse in whatever they found, and not just by labeling them. Even having them digging in the mud of nature in finding clues to all the wonders of our world that so many miss, and that includes most adults. The children began fully expanding their knowledge, and enjoyment of the natural world.

Once I got back into nature, I realized there is a lifetime of knowledge that can be learned. My regret is that I wish I would have started this journey into nature at a much younger age. But maybe this was my time to do it. And be able to do it with the boys.

The things many of us search for in our lives we cannot find it in our synthetic world, but only in the natural world, and only within.

When we make judgements on things, label things, we are putting false truths on those things, whether they are people or things in the natural world. It puts limitations on how we see the world around us. When we open up with a pure awareness, a pure consciousness, a stillness within, we will experience life without judgement. Life will open up to a new reality we have only dreamed of in our judgmental life. It is like being reborn to a new reality of what is. A life of beauty and wonder. We realize that we are all connected to all life forms, and not separate from.

Evening Entry

I spent most of my time today experiencing silence. It is a place I always enjoy being in. I also put a list together for our next backcountry trip coming in a couple of weeks. I will put together things I will take, and things I will I leave behind.

While writing in my journal, a black butterfly landed on my chair, on my shoe, and on my knee. I tried to get him to land on my pen or finger with no luck. I asked this butterfly, who he was? And his purpose? I heard no answer. He then flew off my knee, fluttered around me, thinking he might land on my journal, and instead he landed on my right hand, and hung around for about 5 minutes. He flew off when I got up to tend the fire. It was a nice visit from our new friend.

Tonight I was thinking about heading to Montana to stay at the Blackfeet Reservation for the winter. I have a friend that has contacts there. The friend did not recommend going in the winter due to fierce winter there, especially in a tent. I quickly scratched that idea off the list.

July 23, 2018 – Monday

We drove to Boise in the morning to pick up a new cot, and did a few more errands then back to camp. It took a little over 2 hours to get to Boise.

Not much to write about back at camp. Two other campers arrived at the camping area. They may be together.

July 24, 2018 – Tuesday

Lying in bed, I was thinking again about if what we were doing is really worth it? What was to be accomplish? What have I learned from this experience? The answers were simple. I am here to experience nature and gain a higher level of respect for nature. To have a deeper appreciation, and gratitude for nature.

While writing in the journal I saw a robin chasing a Steller’s jay into the branches of the pine tree in camp.

Surprisingly with doubts, and uncertainty playing in my mind occasionally, I am never lonely. The boys always give me unbelievable company, as does nature.

Hot Springs pool along the river at the Sawtooth Lodge

Evening Entry

I spent most of the day pulling stuff out of the trailer, and figuring out how to organize for our next backcountry trip, and for our campground camping.

Along the small creek that runs next to the lodge and our camp, I noticed some nice ripe raspberries, so I had a few. Very tasty.

Tomorrow we will be leaving Sawtooth Lodge for another campground. Not sure where yet?

Our Journey Living In Nature

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part 14

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part Fourteen

Part Fourteen will cover our beginnings, camping in Idaho at:

Riley Creek Recreation Area, Hepburn State Park – Benewah campground, and Dworshak campground.

Walk softly upon the land. Talk to the plants, to the trees, and to the animals. Tell them you care, thank them for all that they provide to us. Send love and prayers to them. Take deep cleansing breaths and feel ever breath going in and out. Smell, touch, listen, and see in silence what Nature shares with us. Nature in return will thank you in so many magical ways. Go deep into this experience with Reverence for all life, and you will connect in oneness with all things – to all life. And when you finish your walk in Nature, thank her for the gift of life.

~ Rick Theile

May 13, 2018 – Sunday – Riley Creek Recreation Area

Our Camp

Once again we got up early at 7:00 am to get our camp packed up. It took three hours to get everything packed. We departed for our new camp somewhere in Idaho at 10:15 am. The weather is a beautiful sunny day for traveling, and ending our pleasant stay at Curlew Lake.

This will be a new beginning for us. A new state, and a new adventure. We will not only be bouncing from campground to campground as we have been doing for the past six and a half months, we will be spending more time in the rugged backcountry of Idaho. This was my ultimate goal on this journey, and that is to spend as much time in the backcountry, away from people, and going deep into nature. There will be many unexpected twist and turns on the way, and nothing will play out as I wanted or hoped for. It will be as it is. We will have to deal with the National Forest Service, and Designated Wilderness Area regulations, and time limitations. I still have to find Outfitters that will work with us, and scheduling our trips. with each Outfitter. A lot of traveling from place to place will have to be done, covering many miles, as with constant challenges and unknowns we will have to face. I wish I could say it was going to be easy planning, but it will be far from it. When I describe to the Outfitters, what I am looking for, I wonder if they really see what I see in my mind, how I envision that perfect place to spend time in. Typically their clients are hunters, with only one goal in mind – the KILL – whether it be a deer, elk, or bear, with very little respect for the life they may be taking of the animal.

The drive was nice and relaxing with little traffic, through beautiful mountain scenery and lush green forests. I find myself going back in time, dreaming if this day. But these dreams can take on many forms. It is up to me to direct how I see, and experience these dreams. We crossed the Washington / Idaho border around 1:30 pm. And now, to find a place to camp? The boys were quietly sleeping behind me in the back seat area of the truck.

Driving through Idaho I was looking at the landscapes of this beautiful state, with the fresh smells, and green grass covered hillsides, and the scattered pine trees between the areas of green fields. Everything was green with it’s many hughes of greens filling the palette of the land.

The firsts town we hit was Priest River, a small town with a population of 1,751, at the 2010 census. Located in the Idaho Panhandle region of the state. I didn’t really realized how far north we were until I saw the map. It is located at the mouth of the Priest River, on the Pend Orville River. We were on the very northern tip of the panhandle. One of the areas we were looking at going was Priest Lake just one hour north if where we were presently at. We stopped for directions at a campground we may be able to stay at.

We passed a couple going through Priest River and stopped to check out each one. The one we chose was Riley Creek Recreation Area. It had a large open and clean day use areas next to the Pend Oreille River. A good place to walk the boys. The campsites were nestled in a nice wooded area, giving a feel of being in the forest. We found out these campgrounds just opened up for Spring, a week ago, so our timing was perfect. There were a lot of campsites available at the campground, and this campground was located further away from the highway keeping us insulated from traffic noise. We stopped by the Visitor Center for some information and found the people there were really nice and helpful.

Doing our typical drive thru of the campsites, we found a nice campsite that seemed to work for us, and I grabbed it. While backing up the truck and trailer in our spot, the boys popped their heads out of the open windows as they always do. They seem to always know when we are at our new home. They usually do this at new campsites or returning to our campsites. They always know without seeing where we are at. It amazes me how they know this.

The campground accepted my Senior Pass, so I got 50% off the campsite fee. We have a full hookup site, but I never use them. One thing I don’t like about the sites are that they are all stone, making it difficult to get stakes in for the tent, and makes it hard on the knees when making a fire in the fire ring. Other than that, it is a nice camp.

The critters here consist of people, Great horned owls, Ravens, I thought I heard a Mocking bird, some unidentified song birds, tree squirrels, and mosquitoes. Coyotes are supposed to roam this area, and I found moose droppings that I was excited about, throughout the campground. I was hoping to see some moose. We are also dealing with yellow jackets here, and big black ants. As for the coyotes we shouldn’t have any problems with them if we do see them. The boys will make sure they don’t get to close.

I think I am going to like it here in Idaho from what I have seen and heard about the state. The boys are also enjoying our new campsite. They have found a nice shady spot in the trees to relax. I will have to always be mindful that this state hates wolves and any similarity to wolves.

The smells here have a beautiful smell of being in the woods.

We (I) got most of the camped set up. It is now time to relax.

May 14, 2018 – Monday

We got the rest of camp set up done, and went to the grocery store in town to stock up for food. Back at camp we explored the area a bit, and then relaxed in camp.

A gal and her husband were camping across the way from us and the wife wanted to meet the boys. The boys always want to meet new friends. I talked with the nice couple for a bit, and they gave me some good information about the area. It seems people from Idaho don’t really care about people from California or for wolves. So I will keep that in mind. So far, the people have been very friendly to us.

We checked out the restrooms and they were very nice and clean. They even had a wash basin outside of the restrooms for cleaning dishes.

May 15, 2018 – Tuesday

Last night I received news from an Outfitter that they could not do a drop camp for us. That was very disappointing news. I thought Idaho would be easy getting Outfitters here, but is becoming more difficult finding any. My thoughts were leading me back to Alaska.

I tend to have images in my heads of finding the perfect spots in the backcountry to spend the summer, and even in the winter camping in the wildlands of nature. But what really is the perfect spot? I was hoping we could find those perfect places with small flowing steams, and lakes bountiful with trout, with alpine meadows flourishing with wild flowers, and woodlands where creatures lie. I imagined the camp I spent with my other dog, Shiloh, in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California. But until I got to know that area, it was a foreign land to me, uncomfortable with many uncertainties. But this is what it is all about, letting nature teach us all that she offers, if we only see and listen deeply.

The government does play a role in this. They do not want us to live off the land because it take away the control they have on us. They see the land as for recreation only, and not for an emergence with having a relationship with nature on a deeper level. The land has become a resource to use, and not to experience deeply. They make it difficult for people to do those things with their rules and restrictions.

As in all things, there are good and bad people. There are those who respect the land, and those who do not. This is why we took the land away from the Native Indians. Our government felt they were wasting the land because they were not exploiting the land, and it’s natural resources. The Native people understood that it was important for their very survival to keep a balance with Mother Earth, to respect her, and show her deep reverence for all life. They required huge areas to live, hunt and gather in. They knew the land well, and understood her, they were tied to her spiritually. Typically they would have a summer camps, and a winter camps for survival. They lived with the land, and with a sacred connection to all life forms, including the four elements of air, water, land and fire. This soon stopped when the newcomers began to settle and took control of their land, and the attempts to eradicate a peoples, and cultures that have been on this land for thousands of years. A People who kept this land pristine and healthy for all life, until the European settlers came to town.

After I fed myself and the boys, and finishing my last cup of coffee, the boys and I took a drive to Sandpoint, Idaho to talk with the National Forest Service office. The Ranger I talked with did not go well. He did not care too much about me attacking the Forest Service and our government. I could not understand why I couldn’t get a Special Use Permit so I could stay for a longer time in one area. I explained what my purpose was with only having the best intentions and respect for nature. This guy really didn’t care. He also told me his office could not issue that type of permit. He told me to go to the Coeur d’Alene office. They would be the ones to issue this Special Use Permit. I contacted them by phone, and talked with a gentleman who’s name was Josh. I told him what I wanted to do and why. I could tell he was listening to me, and understood what I wanted to do. He said he would put in for a Special Use Permit request for me, but added, I had only a 1% chance of getting one. The office Josh was in handled the Frank Church – River of No Return Wilderness in the Northern Region. The wilderness area encompasses a total of 2,366, 757acres total. The native peoples of this area who had once live here for thousands of years were forcibly removed. All their rights were taken away. Yet the US government put in place laws to protect the native people’s past in artifacts, and pictographs. And still, they were not allowed to live on this land that was theirs long before the arrival of the white man. It seems we can protect relics of the Indian people, but are not interested in saving the Indian people, their traditions, and ways of life. It was only a partial truth the white culture loved to tell. And their disappearance just seemed to happen through natural selection, and not genocides of a race of people, and their cultures.  

Josh also suggested finding private property to do this on, which could take a long time to do, and could have it’s own limitation. He recommended contacting the Idaho State Land Management as well. I dropped by ISLM, and they had nothing to offer, and suggested someone at Priest Lake, but nothing materialized with that. Maybe Josh can materialize some magic at his end by getting me a Special Use Permit that I am sure would cost me more money, just to camp and enjoy nature? I had found, when I camped in a primitive way as much as possible, it brought me much closer, and in a more personal relationship with the natural world.

A Facebook friend was contacting Nat Geo (National Geographic) about me, and I probably had a 1% chance of any reply from them.

May 16, 2018 – Wednesday

I woke up feeling good, along with a sound peaceful sleep during the night. The boys and I greeted each other with a good morning, then got up at 8:30 am. We went for our morning walk to greet the beautiful day.

I was thinking of all the things that are, and could be going wrong. So I turned that around, and focused on things going right. And that is just simply experiencing the beauty of nature that is all around us, and not in a project that needed to get done. This is the life I have chosen for the boys, and I , and it should not be wasted on what I think it should be, but just what is to experience.

While I am writing in my journal, it is warm outside, but when in the shade, I feel the cool breeze against my exposed skin, and the freshness of the sweet mountain air. Being in nature we get to experience the smells, the sounds, the beautiful sights, the quiet silence, and peaceful moments nature brings to us. It is an experience very few know or experience, even when they are in nature.

May 17, 2018 – Thursday

I received a text from my sister yesterday, that I should contact some newspapers about doing a story on us, or better yet, doing a running series of stories on us in journal form. I thought this was a great idea, and maybe help the papers circulation. I was aware, since the age of the internet, newspapers have been struggling to survive them this fast growing high tech age. I did contact two newspapers, and have not heard any reply from the papers as yet.

Last night we got some lightning, and the rumblings of thunder, but no rain until later that night. The rain was mostly the light on and off type stuff, and with the awareness that our tents has a tendency to leak.

We got up at 9:30 am, late for us. We took our morning walk with a light rain still falling, that soon became a steady rain fall. During our walk around the campground I noticed a lot of tent type canopies in the grassy open areas of the day use area. I talked with one of the adults supervising the group of children they had with them. She told me it was to teach the children about water, referring to the river and dam. The children seemed to be excited in having this experience being outside, even with being in the light rain, rather than in an enclosed classroom. It was an interesting way to have a field trip. The children would walk from tent to tent learning something new at each tent.

Today felt like it was going to be one of those wet type of days.

I was having a difficult time having any interest in writing today, so I didn’t.

May 18, 2018 – Friday

It rained most of the day yesterday, and finally easing up a bit in the late afternoon and late evening.

This morning the rain was falling continuously. I thought we were done with the rain.

I decided to visit the elementary school in town and talk with the principle about possibly filming the children about their thoughts on climate change. What gave me this crazy idea was that the children their did a campaign on climate change by doing art work on shopping paper bags. So each shopper who shopped at the market would receive one of these art paper bags. I thought it was a great way to get the children involved, and educate the public. I was surprised Idaho was doing such a thing. I was excited about the possibility in doing this with the children.

A Save the Planet paper bag

I had this idea of interview children about their thoughts on climate change and maybe have it picked up by an environmental nonprofit when I was living in California, but struggling with money, I dropped the idea.

While the Principle was running out for a meeting, I quickly tried to pitch her on the idea and left her with my idea. I never heard back from her. The reality is, I only had a short time here, and with coordinating this, getting permission by the parents and executing it, it would have taken much more time in doing it, so I dropped the idea. I was disappointed it didn’t happen, but I was on a time schedule, and so was the elementary school.

In the school parking lot I made some calls to Outfitters and one of them was going to check on how long I could stay out there in the backcountry. He also suggested I call the Ranger District for the Frank Church – River of No Return Wilderness area and speak with the manager there. I did get a hold of him by phone while he was in the field. He pulled over while we talked. I explained what my intentions were, and I could tell he was taking me seriously. He told me he would check into it and see what he could do. He said he would try and work with me. I really don’t think anything will happen, but one never knows? It was better than just getting a flat out “No” reply.

We then stopped by the grocery store to get a few items, then headed back to camp. The weather was still kind of gloomy, so I decided not to cook tonight.

On our evening walk the boys and I saw a cotton tail rabbit, and gray squirrels. Nanook wanted to chase the rabbit, but wouldn’t let him. I told him he was our friend.

We went to bed around 9:30 pm. Last night was warm in the tent, as with tonight. So again I decided to just sleep under my blanket as I did the night before. It was getting a bit chilly out tonight, so I slipped into the sleeping bag for the rest of the night. We got a little off and on light rain through the night, as with the winds. The winds really started kicking up early morning. I then heard a crash outside! It sounded like something, as in a branch may have hit my truck or trailer.

At each camp we are at, I observe the plants, trees, and animals around us.

May 19, 2018 – Saturday

It was an interesting night hearing all the sounds of the winds and rain during the night, and the crashing in the night.

When we got up I checked first thing if the truck or trailer received any damage from a fallen branch or limb. I didn’t see anything – lucky for me. It could have been from a nearby campsite.

I did receive a call from the Ranger I spoke with yesterday, he said he couldn’t do anything. I did mention to him that I wanted to do some video recording, and to practice bushcraft skills while I was out there. He told me I couldn’t do that either. I would need a permit for the video recording. And I told him I would have minimal impact on the environment in practicing bushcraft skills and video taping. I described some of the things I would be doing. I think he thought I was going to start chopping down trees for a shelter or something. He over reacted to the words, “Bushcraft skills,” when I mentioned it. But I also understood his concerns. I am sure he has seen a lot of damage done by those who have practiced bushcraft skills irresponsibly. And as far as Video taping, he told me I would have to get a filming permit. I then began losing it. “You are telling me I need a filming permit?” It wasn’t like I was doing a major production here? “I was doing this for personal use and not for commercial purposes.” He went so far as to tell me I couldn’t even photograph without a permit in the wilderness areas.

My only option for staying for a longer period than 14 days is to then move to another location usually a minimum of five miles away. This was not doable due to the expense of doing this, and in being able to find an area that would work for a suitable camp. And with having our gear being packed in by an outfitter from place to place. There is a lot of planning to this, and that was not a practical option for us. It could be a very dangerous situation for me and the boys in doing this.

I was really getting frustrated with the USFS and all their rules they have that limit our rights to be on public lands. And yet! The USFS favors, and caters too, for the most part, to the mining industry, the livestock ranchers, and the timber industry. I don’t want to abuse the natural world in anyway, I just want to experience it, responsibly, and respectfully. The more I deal with the USFS, the more I was losing all respect for the USFS. Many times they are incapable of telling people the correct information, and regulations. They are so out of touch with their own rules and regulations. Now to be fair, there are good Rangers, but unfortunately they have limited powers, and they are only there to enforce the rules and regulations, as with having very little man power to enforce them. It takes all of us who use these valuable natural resources to do it responsibly, as stewards of the Earth.

I only slept okay, and woke at around 4:30 am. The dark sky was beginning to show a subtle light above the horizon. The skies were overcast. It is hard in telling if we will get rain today.

I will start packing up today. I will hate to leave this place, but we have a lot of traveling to do, and planning to do for our summer and winter in Idaho. We will leave tomorrow.

May 20, 2018 – Sunday – Benewah Campground, a part of Heyburn State Park

Our camp next to the lake

Evening Entry

As usual we had a smooth transition from camp to camp. It was a little confusing getting to our new camp, but we finally found it. We were at the south end of Lake Coeur d’Alene. Heyburn State Park has three separate campground, and we chose the only one not requiring reservations. It was first come, first serve. Because the weekend was a three day weekend, they expected a full house.

I realized when we were almost to our new camp, that I had forgotten the boys tie down cables back at our last camp. That kinda pissed me off a bit. Luckily I found an Ace Hardware store in Plumber that carried the tie down cables. It cost me $50.00, and I was not happy about doing this for a second time. It was on my mind to grab the gables, and focusing on getting everything ready to leave, and I got side tracked while focusing on other things, and completely forgetting them. Oh well! I really have to focus on those cables when leaving camp. It amazes me I don’t forget more things. But I do forget where I put things after packing them up.

It was partly cloudy for the whole drive. We only had a little traffic. Going through Coeur d’Alene, I was surprised how large the city was.

We made it to the campground at 2:00 pm. A threatening thunder storm was moving our way, but the lightning stayed a safe distance away. We did get a little rain falling on us as well, but after I got the tent set up. The Camp Host helped us find a nice campsite next to the lake, with a partial lake view. Our camp was surrounded by pine trees, and we were about 50 feet above the lake. We do tend to get a lot of traffic noise from the road across the lake, but it is a nice camp. Small, but comfortable. The tent pad unfortunately lies in two different directions. I will have to see how that impacts my sleep. Of course the boys don’t care. We were lucky we got the tent up before the rain. After the tent was up, we headed for the town of St. Maries to get some food. We were only 15 minutes away from the town that made it convenient for resupplying.

On our drive getting to our new camp, we drove through beautiful low mountains and forests. It was a nice drive and got to experience more of beautiful Idaho.

The birds we have seen so far in camp are osprey and storks, and no mammals.

We were the only ones in camp, then a mother and her two daughter drove into camp. They were camping in their van. I heard the children laughing with excitement being here.

While at the store I picked up some cooked chicken for me, and ham for the boys to put on their kibble. I don’t ever cook on our first night, With packing up camp, driving to our next camp, setting up camp once again, and shopping I just want to relax with the boys. I am usually exhausted at the end of the day, on these moving days.

Our camp over looking the lake at dusk

Back at camp, I fed the boys, I did some chores finishing setting up camp, and then I had my dinner. I got a nice campfire going and enjoyed the beautiful evening next to the lake.

After taking the boys for a short evening walk, Bob, our Camp Host dropped by making sure we got settled in okay. Earlier Bob, offered us some freshly cooked spaghetti for dinner, but I declined. It did sound awfully good though. Bob and I talked for a little bit, and I was telling him our challenges with the USFS and camping in the back country. He told me areas where his son and friends would camp for a full month. It can be done if you don’t get caught or if the Rangers in the area are flexible. If one knows the area well, it makes it much easier knowing where to go. I wanted to go deep in the wilderness and away from any chance of running into as little people as possible, so I chose getting packed in by Outfitters. Bob was a really nice guy. One of the pleasure in doing this, is the really nice people one meets. I was told, the people in Idaho are very friendly and always there for a helping hand. I am beginning to believe this

We sat around relaxing by the fire for a while, then went to bed.

Forgot to mention, we do have cell service here at the camp, so I can continue my search of Outfitters.

I have been bashing the USFS a lot, but I also make it a focus to be kind to them, and show respect to them. Especially those in the field. They have a big job to do with minimal resources to work with.

May 21, 2018 – Monday

I slept pretty good during the night, until 9:00 am. The boys had no complaints sleeping until then as well.

We went for a walk along the shore line, then back at camp, I fixed coffee and fed the boys breakfast. They boys seem to like our new camp, and seeing the changing scenery at each camp.

The weather has been partly cloudy to mostly cloudy, to partly cloudy again. The Camp Host said, it should be a little cooler, but comfortable and nice. We are at 2,800 ft elevation.

I spotted a crow flying to a nearby pine tree to enjoy a morning meal of a dead fish he got. I also am now hearing a squirrel chirping at us from a nearby tree.

Today we will go back to the city of St Maries to do more shopping, and looking for more firewood.

Afternoon entry

The white bird I saw yesterday that I thought was a stork, is actually an American White Pelican – a beautiful bird. I was watching it gracefully floating about a foot off the surface of the lake with it’s long spanned wings – ever so gently flapping it’s wings, never touching the water’s surface – like a ballet in flight. There are two bald eagles in the area, and I also spotted turkeys and a robin. And of course there are Canadian geese here. At times, it seems overwhelming, because I just want to be able to fully take in all that is around us, on a much deeper level all at once.

I was able to find someone to sell me some firewood so we will pick it up tomorrow.

Today turned out to be an absolutely beautiful day, being somewhere around in the high 70s. Being in Idaho it feels like being much closer to the wilderness and the ruggedness of the land. It is like going back in time.

May 22, 2018 – Tuesday

We woke up to a beautiful morning at 7:30 am with clear skies and the morning air warming quickly from the rising sun. We had to use the shade from the trees to keep us cool from the heat of the day. It was warm yesterday and during the evening.

The mosquitoes are beginning to come out in abundance. They were out last night and back again this morning, attacking the boys, biting any place they could find access to their skin, which is usually around their faces, ears, and legs. I would be constantly swiping the little buggers away from the boys which did very little to deter them from their voracious appetite for blood.

I had noticed Nanook was developing a sore on his nose, and crusty areas where I had put Frontline on him and Takota about two weeks ago. It looked like he was getting an allergic reaction to it. Takota was okay. I cleaned the areas really good with alcohol gauge, and I put some antibiotic gel on this areas. There is a Vet in St. Maries, so I will take him in to get checked out.

We will go to the store for some food, and pick up some firewood today.

May 23, 2018 – Wednesday

We got up at 7:30 am, took a walk on the path along the lake’s edge. It was a beautiful morning. The boys were alert to something up on the hillside, but I could not see anything. We stopped short of the end of the trail where the train tracks and trestle stopped us from going any further. We then saw a deer jump from the brush next to the lake. On our way back on the trail, I saw some old beaver sign, a felled tree by a beaver. I also saw some animal scat on the trail, but did not know from what critter. Some of the vegetation I saw was goosefoot, yarrow, and wild strawberry along the trail.

The mosquitoes are really getting bad and irritating. This area is a perfect breeding ground for them.

I took Nanook to the Vet today, and they cleaned him up, They shaved the affected areas, so I could apply antibiotics topically and in pill form. After paying $150 bucks later, we were good to go, and hopefully Nanook will begin to feel better. The Vet thought it was a bad reaction from the Frontline as well. But nothing serious.

We drove to Cabela’s to pick up some things, like bear spray and lots of freeze dried foods for our backcountry trips. We then went to Walmart nearby for some propane canister, and to pick up a supply of protein bars.

We picked up some firewood, about an 1/8th of a cord for a good price. Maybe it will help rid the mosquitoes away by the fire smoke.

We then dropped by the small grocery store in Plumber, then to the State Park Visitor Center to extend our stay for two more days. I also picked up a wolf cap for the boys to feel more at home here in Idaho.

It was a long, yet productive day.

I also got a confirmation from an Outfitter that he could do a drop camp for us in the Sawtooth Wilderness. He told me he didn’t care how long we stayed out there.

May 24, 2018 – Thursday

We woke up to a partly cloudy day, and got up around 8:15 am. It was a pleasant morning. I spent the night scratching my mosquito bites.

Nanook seem to be healing well from the reaction he had, so I am really happy about that.

In the afternoon and evening it rained off and on. I thought we may have thunder and lightening, but we were clear of that. The rest of the week the weather forecast looks good for nice weather.

The campground was starting to fill up with campers. We had a family camp to the right of us. I noticed the husband was carrying a side arm with him that is legal in Idaho, even in campgrounds.

We went into town today, and I picked up food, and went to a sporting good shop and picked up a box of 22 long rifle by Winchester to try out, and bought a fishing license, and a small game hunting license.

May 25, 2018 – Friday

Each day we are experiencing nicer weather.

The mosquitoes don’t seem to be too bad in camp, but on our walks we get swarmed by them.

I bought some lemon and sage to see if it would help for my mosquito bites. It seemed to help in giving a little relief of the itching of the bites, but not much.

Last night it was a miserable and uncomfortable night. When we went to bed our tent was full of mosquitoes inside. A bad sign! I constantly had them buzzing around my ears all night. I finally fell asleep and slept well the rest of the night.

The Outfitter called me today and he told me he could also take me out in September as well.

I went into town to pick up some witch hazel for those biting, blood sucking critters, to see if I could get any relief.

May 26, 2018 – Saturday

We got up this morning at 7:45 am with overcast skies and occasional spits of rain droplets falling. It is cooler than it has been, but very comfortable. The mosquitoes are out, but not as bad as in the evening time, except nearer to the lake. When we stop on the lake path, and stopping even for a brief moment, we are swarmed by them.

Last night it started to rain. It was the light off and on rain we usually get. I had to get up to close the window flaps to leave the wet outside. I slept pretty well with only hearing one mosquito buzzing in my ear. I think I got a few bites during the night.

I started to plan my first backcountry trip in late June, I made reservations at the Sawtooth Lodge for a campsite, and a cabin. I reserved a week at one of their few campsites to begin to prepare for our trip, then moving into a cabin to finish preparing the gear I want to take with me. The Outfitter is at the Sawtooth Lodge, so that is a perfect arrangement. Going into the Sawtooth Wilderness mountains will be for a 14 day trip plus or minus.

Planning on what I will be doing in the wilderness, I have to keep it manageable with the things I will be bringing, and doing. The Outfitter charges per pack animal, and I know I will need four pack animal. On this trip I wanted to focus on some bushcraft skills, and identifying the flora and fauna there. I will bring backup gear also for emergencies if needed. I will also have a Sat phone, and I am bringing an ACR Emergency Personal Locator Beacon, and a Spot Emergency Locator. I don’t want to take any chances. Since I won’t be living there, I won’t be bringing the kitchen sink. I will also bring my camera and video camcorder equipment. The tent I will be bringing is the Cabela’s Big Horn 3 Outfitter Tent. I wanted to bring the vestibule for the tent, but thought it would add another pack animal to the cost.

The campground is filling up, but most will only camp for one night. The campers to our right are leaving today.

We are getting a lot of morning activity with the mosquitoes this morning, but hopefully it will calm down with the nice breeze we are getting.

Afternoon Entry

This afternoon was nice with a nice breeze, and clear skies, but did nothing to rid us of the mosquitoes.

We went into town to pick some stuff. And went to the hardware store to get some smoking coils for mosquitoes. They only had refills with out the base, so I rigged one up with a rock, aluminum foil, and wire, and it seemed to work. It seems the smoke from the coil works, keeping the biting critters away. They seemed to vanish.

I got a message from my sister telling me my oldest brother and his wife are moving to the desert in Southern California. I was surprised they made that move. I really miss my family, especially with the loss of our sister. I guess this is part of getting old, we reflect on those things we take for granted for so many years. I am one of the lucky ones who got to have those wonderful experiences with a big family, even with our struggles that comes with life, and it’s tough lessons.

We went to bed early because of the feasts the mosquitoes were having on us.

Not long after we went to bed, we heard the sounds of the wolves howling. It was the first for us, the first time I have heard them in my life, other than on TV. It was truly magical. Even the boys perked up to the calls. Although these magnificent creatures are hated in this state. They see the wolf as being better as a dead wolf, then a living wolf. Idaho has so much hatred for these amazing creatures of the wild, they would kill them in a blink of an eye. I was concerned about the safety of the boys with this attitude for the wolf.

May 27, 2018 – Sunday

Another beautiful day. Blue skies with a nice coolness in the morning air. Feeling grateful for what we have. We have been living in nature for seven month now. What a beautiful experience this has been with the boys. The mosquitoes, and the bad weather included. And the party is not over yet.

I spotted some purple lupin growing next to our camp yesterday. Such a beautiful flower, but it is not an edible plant, and can be poisonous. Back in California where I lived, I saw lupin growing in an open field with a brilliant yellow flower. The field glowed in it’s beauty. I am starting to find a lot of wild edible plants here. So far I have found, goosefoot, wild rose, ferns, dandelions, and wild strawberries, and even cattails. Some species of mushrooms I have noticed coming up as well. Since I am into wild edibles, this was pretty exciting. But I found I was getting excited about all plants at this point. It was experiencing the pureness of “life” in nature.

The mosquitoes are really getting bad this morning in camp – it is getting unbearable.

I slept pretty well last night. The night sky was lit up with the moons glow.

We will be heading towards Kamiah, Idaho next, and found some possible campgrounds in the area.

May 28, 2018 – Monday

We woke up at 7:00 am, and got up at 8:00 am. Most of the campers have left, and it was peaceful once again. Just me, the boys, and the mosquitoes, and one other camper.

They had set up camp late afternoon yesterday, in the campsite just to the right of us. The husband was excited about being here, and excited about the campsite they were in. His excitement quickly turned from excitement to irritation by his kids misbehaving. So much for calm and peace, with screaming kids around.

They were gone this morning, as with the young group that were camping to the left of us. The campers to the left of us had their dogs off leash creating problems with my dogs when they were coming into our camp. The boys did not like canine intruders coming into our camp. I shooed one of the dogs away that came into our camp. Luckily the boys did not catch him. I told the people their dogs had to be on leash, or restrained.

I untangled Takota shortly after that incident with the neighboring dog. Once he was unhitched from the line, Takota decided to go on a walk about down to the lake. And of course he wouldn’t come when I called to him, so I had to chase after him. When I got to the lake, he came right to me. Now if it was both of them, they may have gone on a walk about together, totally ignoring me, and who knows how far.

Earlier in the evening, I took the boys for a walk down the road, hoping the mosquitoes may not be as bad, and they were even worse. They seemed to have far more mosquitoes there compared to our site.

This will be our last full day here, It was a nice area, but the mosquitoes were incredibly irritating. I was really getting on edge with those little buggers.

Afternoon Entry

I took a shower and even the mosquitoes were waiting for me when I got out. Taking a refreshing shower and washing of the dirt, and sweat off the body was a mind and body altering experience.

All day it was pretty breezy, keeping the biting critters at bay. Overall, it has been a pleasant day without the biting bugs.

The campground is completely empty, but for us, one other camping family, and the Host.

May 29, 2018 – Tuesday – Dworshak State Park, Idaho

Our camp

We got up at 7:30 am and the mosquitoes were bad. I didn’t get much sleep thinking about all the mosquitoes in the tent. Nanook was even trying to eat them in the tent. Starting the day out, I was pretty grumpy with dealing with the mosquitoes and this breeding ground for these biting and blood sucking creatures. It is time to move on.

We had good moving weather with sunny skies and a pleasant breeze. We got everything packed up (I got everything packed up, the boys watched). And we were off by 10:15 am.

I stopped at the small town of Plummer to get gasoline for the truck, and coffee for me. Each time I am there, I notice a Native American presence. It is within the reservation of the Coeur d’Alene Reservation.

I pulled in behind a SUV to fill up my gas tank. A guy guided me closer to the SUV so I could get the nozzle into my truck. I thought that was a very kind gesture. I noticed their personal license plate read, “SURVIVAL,” And I was wondering about it. I told the guy, “Nice plate.” He told me it wasn’t his truck, but his girlfriend’s. I then saw this blond, a good looking gal, step out of the truck from the driver side, and with a smile on her face, took off her sun glasses, and looking towards me. With surprised excitement, I said, “I know you!” She replied, “You do?” My mind was scrambling to remember her name. I then said, “You are Karen!” She asked, how I knew? I told her I had most of their survival DVD’s that her and her husband, Ron Hood (who not long ago died), had done. Karen laughed. We talked for a bit, I introduced her the boy, because I know she loves dogs. Most of the videos had their dogs in them. I told her what me and the boys were doing. “We were going into the Wilderness.” And her and her husband, Ron had a big part with so much of what I had learned in surviving in the wilderness.

When we were back on the road, I still couldn’t believe I had met her the way we did. What were the chances of that? I was telling the boys all about it on our way to our new camp. At one point, I pulled over from the road and stopped to call her, and tell her, she made my day running into her. The thoughts of “What were the chances of this happening?” kept running through my mind.

The drive south, we enjoyed the beautiful countryside of Idaho, I was hoping we were going in the right direction? Luckily it was. We finally reached the small City of Orofino, that ran along the Clearwater River. We stopped at a USFS office in Orofino for ideas where we might camp. I was told about a State Park just outside of Orofino about a hours drive away. We ascended up on a steep and narrow winding two lane road to a high plateau that opened up to beautiful farm land of open fields of grasses. Then descended back down on another very tight winding road to the reservoir, and campground. We reached the bottom that took us right into the campground. It was a beautiful campground. I was not sure where to go and what campsites were for reservations only, and ones that were first come first serve. I spotted a park maintenance guy, and stopped to ask him. He checked on available campsites for me.

We found a site that was on a slight rise and looking down on the reservoir. I thought, “Perfect.” It was a drive thru site so we didn’t have to doing any backing up into the site. We had some pine trees around us, and backed up to a heavy tree’d area on one side. It felt we were partially isolated from the main campsites. The site was a good size with nice grass covered areas for the boys. The campground was a mix of pine and alder trees. For now, the campground in our area was completely empty, only being welcomed with the birds singing their songs.

Dworshak Dam
Looking down at the Clearwater River looking south. Orofino is on the left.
Clearwater River at Orofino

It was starting to cloud up when we headed for Orofino to get some food. We picked up a few things then headed back to camp. The first thing was to get the tent set up and to begin to organize camp. While I was getting our camp ready, the boys were resting from our long day driving. They found a nice area on the grass, and under a pine tree to settle in for a nap. They settled in nicely to their new environment. I was also able to set up the canopy for cover from the rain.

We were getting a little light rain showers with thunder and lightning in the distance.

We had a little fire in the evening, and we were getting some rain. I was tire from the long day, so we turned in early.

I was happy with how our day turned out. It was a bit frustrating in finding the campground, but the rest of the day was good. We had a good day. It was also very pleasant and peaceful on our first day at our campsite. We also saw deer coming into the area.

May 30, 2018 – Wednesday

We woke up at 6:30 am and got up at 7:30 am. I slept well. I am still sleeping on two air mattresses for comfortable sleeping.

The weather is overcast skies with some blue sky peeking through the clouds, and a little cool. We are at about 1,700 plus or minus elev. at our current site, and lower then our last site. We had light rains off and on during the night, with no leaks in the tent.

I have noticed since arriving in Idaho, my inner sense of direction is way off. I am not sure why that is?

The boys and I met Mary, a park employee who is originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, close to where I lived. She stopped by our camp in her golf cart to greet us. She was very friendly, and the boys really liked her. She told us this area is part of the Nez Perce Reservation.

The mountains are low here with subtle curves flowing on the tops of the ridges. I have noticed plantains and wild rose in the area.

We took a nice walk checking out the campground next to us. I spotted more plants like, fern, gooseberry and nettle plants.

Today we will just hang out and go shopping for food in Orofino, and go back to the USFS office to pick up some topo maps.

Looking behind our camp

May 31, 2018 – Thursday

We have an overcast morning with a slight cooling breeze.

I will be focusing on our summer backcountry trips for most of our time here. Right now I only have one trip confirmed, and that will be our first trip in late June. I was assuming it would be easy to find Outfitters in Idaho who would take us into the backcountry, but I was wrong.

We went back into town to make phone calls and getting things set up for our backcountry trips.

Last night we had wolves howling across the lake. I got the boys to howl back at them. And then it was quiet.

While I was fixing breakfast, Mary came by to give us our receipt for camping. And to say Hi to the boys. She was walking, and at first Takota didn’t know who she was.

It has been raining, and hopefully it stops so I can get my stuff done.

June 1, 2018 – Friday

We got up at 7:30 am with more overcast skies, but it is supposed to be a nice day. During the night it was raining lightly, and continued through the night. I was thinking a lot about my meeting with another Outfitter today in one of his backcountry camps.

I want to get an early start going to the Outfitters, but first coffee for me and breakfast for the boys. It will be a long drive on backcountry dirt roads, twisting and winding our way through the mountains. I hope I don’t get lost? I double checked the directions with the Outfitter a few times. I brought a survival kit with us just case something happens, like my truck breaking down.

Supposedly the Outfitter we are meeting today says, we can stay at his camp as long as we want, so I will look at that as an option.

Evening Entry

It took about 6 hours round trip of driving time to the Outfitters camp. I was able to find our way with no problem. I talked with the Outfitter for about an hour and a half. He seemed like a real nice guy and I felt comfortable using him for one of our trips. He suggested me riding a horse back in, due to a lot of vertical feet that will have to be undertaken. I wanted to hike in with the boys, but highly suggested in riding in. I didn’t like the idea of them being loose on the trail and being around the horses. Once we got to the Outfitters camp, the horses took off running in their corral once they saw the boys. They wanted no part of them. He showed me the area we would take us in. It had two lakes in the area with streams to fish, It was up at about 6,500 ft elev. It sounded like a good area. I had a vision in my minds eye of what it would be like, a beautiful paradise in the mountains. And of course it was perfect in my mind, of what I wanted to see. I didn’t really realize how rugged the mountains are in Idaho. And I was still thinking I was young and could handle anything. I was looking at that spot for our September camp. We would be in the Clearwater National Forest.

Jeff, the guy I was to talk with about my winter camp called and told me to call him on Sunday. He is not that far from where we are in Orofino.

A third of our campground is full. Most of the day was overcast, but when we returned to camp the skies were clear.

A father and son set up camp next to us. They pulled in right after we came back to camp. They brought a fishing boat for a little time for some father and son bass fishing.

I could tell right off something was off with the dad. It looked like he had a stroke. He was pretty old. His son told me his mom passed not long ago. A bit later in the evening, I notice how lovingly, and caring he was with his dad. He was their to help with any needs he might have, and in making him feel very comfortable. I thought, “What a great son.”

Our new neighbors saw the boys in our camp and wanted to meet them. So they came over to see them. Last night I noticed the Dad was watching the boys with a captivating interest. He couldn’t take his eyes off of them. I was wondering what he was thinking?

Dworshak Reservoir – on the other side of the lake to the left, we heard the howls of wolves singing their songs.

June 2, 2018 – Saturday

We got up to another beautiful day nature with a nice cooling breeze blowing gently through camp.

This morning the son came by our camp from next door and offered us their firewood. They will be leaving today. We talked for a bit. He told me a great way of getting rid of yellow jackets was by using fabric softener cloth and laying it out in the open. I may have to get some to try out. It does get rid of bees, but I just a soon leave the bee alone. His Dad then slowly walked over to greet me, and he shook my hand with great sincerity, as if we were old friends saying good bye. He told me he liked Takota and Nanook very much. That simple gesture meant a lot to me for some reason I cannot explain.

“When we allow ourselves to go deep into the beauty and wonders of nature, we begin to experience the pure awareness in all things. We go beyond experiencing those things most only see or hear on the surface. When we experience silence in nature, becoming still within. many sounds in nature becomes heightened, they become alive in our very Being. These sounds of the song birds singing in the early morning, the hawks and eagles calling to each other, the distant howls in the forest of the wolves, and the bugling of an bull elk calling to a future mate. Or the sounds of the wind going through the trees, or the rain drops falling to the ground. All the sounds of nature becomes part of us, we become one with all that is nature.”   

~ Rick Theile

Those were special moments with our neighbors. Too bad they couldn’t stay longer. I am sure the boys would have enjoyed their company much longer. It gives me great joy seeing the boys meeting new human camping friends. I don’t know why they didn’t stay longer. Maybe it was just to hard for the Dad. These will be lasting memories for me.

Today we will just hang out for the day in camp.

Doubts always seems to creep in during the night about what I am doing, but as soon as I step outside into nature, this is when all doubts dissipate, vanishes as quickly as they came – nature awakens me to her beauty that surrounds me in all her physical forms, and in the formless. Are these moment sacred to me? I know they are. Because I feel them moving deeply within.

On our morning walk I saw some mushrooms growing from some downed logs. Always magical moments nature provides to us.

June 3, 2018 – Sunday

We woke up to a bright sunny day at 6:30 am. I took deep cleansing breaths of the fresh morning air. The warmth of the sun was coming through the tent skin, and window openings, almost making it too hot. When we stepped outside we were greeted with a nice cool mountain breeze that gave us refreshing relief from the heat of the early morning sun.

Before we started our morning walk, we saw a small gray squirrel dashing under the truck, then jumped into the underside of the engine compartment, then back out again. I was wondering what he was doing? The boys and I were watching him scamper around, and up the tree. He then grabbed a pine cone, and chewed on it for a bit. He wanted to come back down, but we were blocking his way. Me and the boys stepped back to give him some room. He started down the tree, carefully watching us, and when the coast was clear, he ran down the tree, grabbed that chewed up pine cone, then back up under my truck he went. He must have been using my engine compartment as a cache for his food. I wonder what he will think when he sees his storage cache drive off?

Yesterday I tried to confirm with an Outfitter for the Frank Church Wilderness for August. The Outfitter might be able to make it work. So in July we go back into the Sawtooth, then in August, the Frank Church, then in September, the Clearwater, with travel time in between, and for resupply, and organizing each new starting point. My hopes are to hunt for small game, forage, and fish for some of our food while being out there.

Last evening the boys were lying in the grass together on the edge of the long grass and cut grass, with their noses to the ground sniffing. Nanook was wagging his tail. I went to see what they were so captivated on, and it was a frog or toad in the grass. They showed no interest in hurting the little guy, just being curious about it.

Today we went to town for a few things, and made arrangement to meet Jeff for our potential winter camp in Kamiah. We are supposed to meet on Tuesday. He lives on a large area of land.

The campground is pretty much empty of campers. There is one other camper beside us.

It was warm today, in the high 70s to low 80s.

I was developing sores on both my feet, so I bought some foot powder that seemed to work. It will be a good add-on in my first aide bag in the backcountry.

June 4, 2018 – Monday

I woke at 5:00 am and it was pretty light. I never get tired of waking up with the boys and stepping out in nature. It is a dream come true.

I slept all night, and slept well. I was only using my sleeping bag liner and a blanket to keep me warm.

Before getting up I spent some time giving the boys their morning loving attention, and just listened to the sounds of nature before getting up. Before getting up, I was thinking I really didn’t want to go into town to make phone calls.

At 6:45 am we got up and took our morning walk. As soon as we got back to camp from the walk, we jumped into the truck and headed for town. I thought maybe we could get a phone signal up at the plateau. I did find one only about eight minutes away from camp. I made my call, then headed back to camp. Although the drive going back and forth from camp to town was a beautiful drive, it was wear and tear on the truck, and in the cost of gas.

Back at camp, I am relaxing next to a comforting campfire. Only the second one we have had at this camp. I made coffee and chewed on a protein bar. The boys are having their breakfast.

Last night an older couple set up camp next to us. They put out a couple of chairs and that was their camp set up. The rest of their camp was in their van.

I talked with the couple a few times. They will be exploring Montana, and Wyoming for a couple week.

It was clouding up pretty good last night, and seemed the rain would hit us any time. Then I noticed the clouds beginning to thin out with the rain not being so threatening. I read a little and then the winds began picking up almost collapsing the tent, with thunder and lightning in the distance. I battened down the tent, so hopefully it wouldn’t blow away, putting the food in the truck, and chasing after the things blowing off the picnic table. It was blowing pretty good. After securing everything, I told the boys it was time for bed, but even with the winds blowing, it was so nice out I wasn’t quite ready to go to bed. But I thought it would start raining on us any time, so we went to bed. After bedding down for the night, it began to rain for a short time with a light rain that did not last too long.

Today we started breaking down part of our camp to prepare for us to leave on Tuesday. I took a shower for a fresh start for the next day.

Although our plans have not gone as planned, and to some degree varied off course completely, there is always a story to the uncertainty, and madness. We will just have to see where it takes us.

Our Journey Living In Nature

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part 13

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part Thirteen

May 2, 2018 – Wednesday – Curlew Lake State Park, Washington

Photo by other

If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.

~Vincent Van Gogh

Evening Entry

It was a beautiful drive on Hwy 20 getting here. Mike told me I would like the small City of Republic because there are a lot of the guys that have long hair and beards like mine. “I would feel right at home,” he said.

The area we are in consists of low lying mountains that were blanketed by forests.

We arrived at Curlew Lake Campground at 3:00 pm. It took a little time figuring out the layout of the campsites and the parking. One campsite I liked didn’t have much shade, and it was right next to a camper/trailer. And it had very little views to speak of at the this site. It was quickly taken off my list. As I have mentioned before, it can take me two or three go a rounds to figure out what a good campsite would be for us. We have a lot of things to consider for our perfect site. Sometimes it may just have a good feel to it. Since it was getting late, I was in a bit of a hurry to find hopefully a nice campsite. The other site I seemed to like was a walk-in or walk-up to the campsite on the crest of a hillside overlooking the lake. It also overlooked a portion of the campground from the new site. I walked up to the site to get a better feel for it, and it had a good feel to it. Sold!! It was like being perched upon a birds nest with a birds eye view of our surroundings. On the crest, we have some nice trees for shading. There was a drop off to the lake on the backside. No one else was camping on the other campsites on either side of us, so for now, we have the hilltop to ourselves. It would be nice if it stayed that way. But the weekend is nearing, it is a nice campground with some nice lake side campsites and I figured it will be busy.

We are about a 100 yards from our truck to the campsite, so the first thing was to get the boys tied up at the new campsite, and for me to start hauling the gear up to camp. I think the boys will like this campsite. They will have a lot of things to observe here.

It wasn’t only our gear to haul up to camp, it was our firewood. I am not sure how many trips I took up and down, but I was tired after I was done.

So far, I really like this camping spot we chose. I saw the Ranger coming by our camp, and I stopped him to see if I can give him a payment for our campsite. He happily took it for us.

Once I got the tent set up, and we just relaxed to enjoy the view for a bit before, I fed the boys, and myself. I got a campfire going for an atmospheric feel to the evening. We had a nearby island across from us. With it being close to 9:00 pm we had a peaceful view of the lake. There was just enough light in the darkening sky that was reflecting just enough light on the surface of the water to silhouette the trees of the mountain tops. I was thinking, we are just a short distance from the Canadian border, maybe an hour away, and about two and a half hours from the Idaho border.

It is very peaceful here, we may stay for our allowed maximum stay here of 10 days. With us deciding to go into Idaho, this gives us more time.

We had no water close to our camp, due to the water spickets being turned off. The Park Ranger was nice enough to get the water turned on for us.

We have some pine trees to the west of us, and open sky to gaze at the night sky. We are suppose to have nice weather for our stay here.

Tomorrow we will go into the City of Republic to shop for food, and to pick up some firewood.

I am tired, yet very relaxed, it is time to turn in. The boys like their new home.

May 3, 2018 – Thursday

I slept just okay. It was probably the beers I had to help me wind down a bit for the night, and to relax. I wasn’t getting drunk, it just means I had alcohol that effects my system, and that disturbs my sleeping rhythms. But it really tastes good.

Last night the stars were bright and covering the sky with their infinite glow. We were at a surface elevation of 2,333 feet with a blacken night. The highest elevation we have camped for a while, with no city lights to block our view. It was a very quiet and peaceful evening. This morning it is sunny and will warm up during the day. There were many boats out fishing this morning. Many are small rafts type flotation devices for one or two people, or the pontoon type with small electric motors, and some just had paddles. I saw a man and his wife in a small raft fishing. And then there were the little boats, the row boat size that were used. Then people started coming in with their expensive and fancy fishing boats.

We were not far from the boat ramp with a single wooden dock below. The wooden dock was to tie off the bigger boats temporarily, or for some to fish off of when the boat traffic had quieted down. Some fished early morning for some peaceful and quiet fishing off the pier. Or at night to finish off a nice day with a fishing line floating on the water.

We had a lot of bird activity during the night. It seem this was a big bird habitat for many birds and for breeding and raising their young. Most of the birds making a racket were the Canadian geese at the island across from us. I also heard some interesting calls from other birds.

The boys and I took a quick walk around the camping area, then back to camp to have breakfast.

I did put up the canopy this morning, mostly for sun protection. But if the rains came, we would be prepared. And If we had winds, we could be in trouble.

The boys seemed to enjoy our new camp, with all the sights, and sounds all around them. They had a large grassy area to lie down on, to dig in, and to play. They also bravely explored the steep slope down to the lake. At least as far as the lead line would take them. Our new site thus far seems perfect as long as we have nice weather and the lack of loud people.

I was able to find a place with cheap fire wood, and the guy will sell me a quarter cord for $38.00. The wood was fir.

Our plan today was to pick up firewood, go shopping for food and to finish up organizing camp.

My sitting chair is ripping more and more I sit in it. It is time to put it to rest. I have a replacement in the trailer.

There are a good number of houses at this end of the lake, that are on the southwest side. There is one on the Island. The family on the island uses it for family, and entertainment with friends. They originally owned the land where the campground sits, but donated it to the State Park Service, and they only kept the house on the island, and the island itself. The house from my view point can barely be seen, hidden by the trees on the island.

I heard some strange sounds of birds on the lake. I glassed them, and I am pretty sure they are loons. What beauties they are in sight and sounds. I also saw some osprey nearby. This is a birder’s paradise.

Evening Entry

I couldn’t get a hold of the firewood guy in town for our load of firewood, so that has to be done on another day. We did go shopping in the town of Republic for some food at the Anderson’s Grocery. It looked like our best bet for a variety of foods. We then headed back to camp.

It was breezy today and looked like maybe some rain could come our way. But it never did. Good thing because I left the tent window flaps open.

I saw some interesting things earlier. A cloud formation that looked like a serpent. And while looking down towards the lake I heard a loud splash in the water near the shoreline, and I thought maybe it was an otter. I also saw two submerged turtles on a submerged log next to shore.

Later in the day I was watching two ospreys flying together, one of them was being chased by a crow. Then a much larger raptor came into view flying in our direction in a graceful motion of flight, and over the island. It was a magnificent bald eagle. It had a little scuffle with one of the osprey, then disappeared into the trees. The majestic eagle looked twice the size of the osprey. I heard the eagle screeching, but could not see it among the thick foliage of the trees. A bit later I could see the eagle on a pine tree branch on the island. I then saw a nest only a few feet from the perched eagle, with another eagle lying in the nest. Were there eggs, or hatchlings were in the nest? The eagle, assuming it may be the mother, was lying on the nest all day.

A bit later I was watching two osprey, one catching a fish from the lake, and another osprey trying to grab the catch from the osprey with the fish, while in flight. This little chase of who would get the catch soon ended when the osprey with the fish, flying to it’s nest on the island. It’s nest was only a short distance from the eagles nest. All long these pine trees, I notice many unused nests up and down the tree trunks that I found out they were Herons nests that they reuse each breeding season.

A misty morning with the view of the nesting trees. The bald eagles nest on the right, the herons in the middle and the ospreys on the left.

The osprey nests are usually at the very tip of the trees, and the eagle’s nests are hidden among the thick branches of the trees.

It was an exciting day to see nature in action. I wish I had my video cameras out and ready.

At 7:30 pm it was a beautiful night out in nature. Being fully immersed in nature, it is hard ever being bored. Nature brings many wonders to our senses, and if we can just allow ourselves to go into theses wonders of life deeply, we will experience things very few people experience.

May 4, 2018 – Friday

I slept well last night. We woke to another beautiful day. First light begins around 5:40 am or so. I have been waking up around 6:30 am, and we don’t get up until about 7:30 or 8:00 am. Usually my bed feels to comfortable to get up, and the boys come next to me for loving and scratches. I would love to get up first thing to enjoy the day, but for now it is not meant to be.

A Park worker was the one who told me about the many nests on the island where the Grey heron’s nest. The herons have not begun their nesting yet. I wonder if it is because of the osprey and eagles are nesting now? Those line of trees are a busy neighborhood for nesting. And I have a clear view of many on this side of the island facing our camp.

Because the nests protective areas overlaps each other, there is a lot of quarreling among the species nesting in that group of trees. They definitely don’t make good neighbors that is for sure. I saw the eagle flying right over the osprey nests, and the ospreys didn’t like that at all. They chased the eagle further from their nests, and the eagles nest.

I have noticed the Canadian geese are very territorial among each other in their nesting areas. I hear all their bickering among each other all day and night. They have to be the noisiest creatures here.

Evening Entry

I saw a grey heron checking out the existing nesting sites on the island. I did not see it choosing one yet.

It is an incredible evening with the scattered clouds against the blue sky. It is a calm night after times of gusting breezes in the afternoon. Nothing serious that would have impact the canopy or tent.

I noticed all the geese are in pairs now, and in the beginnings of starting a family.

May 5, 2018 – Saturday

Another beautiful day in nature. It never seems to end. Each day feels closer to spring time, and further away from the long winter we have had. We have some overcast skies in the south, and the rest are clear skies.

The Canadian geese were going all night and into the morning, then through the day and back into the night. Never ending with their constant honking. There was a crow up at day break in our camp trying to get something of interest. Not sure what he was looking for.

A few boats were leaving to fish. The eagles and ospreys were doing their parenting responsibilities and getting breakfast for the soon to become parents.

Yesterday I noticed a nest in a pine tree in our camp that was not taken. Not sure what species of bird built it.

The loons were making their beautiful calls this morning. It is much nicer listening to the loons then the honking geese. But I guess this is common for many bird and waterfowl nesting in large groups. They can be a noisy bunch.

Some campers left yesterday, and some arrived. I am surprised the campground is not that busy.

The heron that was checking out the trees yesterday just came back this morning. The tree it was checking out yesterday, I had realized it had three nests, one is occupied, maybe two are?

The herons look large, but nothing in comparison to the eagles. Once they are in their nests they are hidden from sight. Their neighbors on their left are the ospreys, and on their right are the eagles. I could tell that one heron was in the nest when their head popped up when an osprey flew over it. Probably waiting for food.

Today we will try to get some firewood, and get my other chair out from storage in the trailer.

Afternoon Entry

A view from camp

We picked up the firewood, but it was not fir, but pine. Seth, the firewood guy did not show again, but I did talk with the mother. She told me I could pick up the firewood three at there place, three miles up the road. I was not happy with that, but I agreed. It was a debacle with the firewood, but finally got it. I felt very uncomfortable with this situations as with being out in the middle of nowhere. We did make it out safely with some wood.

We headed for the store for a few things, and stopped at one place for some kindling. I was talking to one lady while I was getting the kindling, about the hassle we were having getting the firewood from this other guy. And she told me she knew a guy just down the road selling fir firewood for a good price. Oh well!

It was 3:45 pm and the afternoon winds were blowin, the skies overcast. But in this chaos of weather, there is always a beauty nature brings. And just as long as our tent and canopy stays upright, all is good. Weather can always change at the most unlikely times. And especially when we are away from camp when we can’t do anything about it, and just hope the camp stays safe.

I was watching a bald eagle flying against the gray background of the clouds, standing out like a beacon in all it’s grace. The osprey was also out chasing, and diving at the eagle, and before it could dig it’s talons into the eagle’s back, the eagle would flip over on it’s back to counter the ospreys threat, with the talons stretched out toward the osprey. It was an amazing sight to watch.

The male eagle came back to it’s nest bringing it’s mate some dinner. I wish I knew if the eggs were hatched?

A woman that fishes the shoreline everyday, walked pass our camp. I asked if she was having any luck? She said, “No.” She said, “The family of otters were scaring the fish away.” The family of otters consisted of two adults, and three pups. So it was otters I heard the other day along the shore. I went for a short walk to see if I could see the otters, and I was only able to see one pup. But that was better than nothing.

On our walk exploring the area we also saw a Red squirrel coming down a tree within a few feet of me. A beautiful little guy. We then saw six deer walking on the same trail we were on.

On the way back from our short walk, I got a good look at a turtle on a log on the shoreline. I also saw that black and white duck I saw at Clear Lake. It was with three smaller brown ducks, maybe her ducklings?

I finally got my new chair out from the trailer to replace my tattered chair. I see rain in some areas towards the west, and the wind feels like it is coming from the east. The wind seems to come and go. Nothing to be concerned about on how it may effect my tent or canopy. We did get some rain in the late afternoon, so we just hung out under the canopy. The canopy can be a life saver when the wind or rain is not that bad. We eventually went to bed, and about an hour in, I heard some people yelling outside. Some folks must have been having a good time. I figured the weather was getting better so we went outside to a beautiful cloudy evening. I was thinking about cooking the steak I had for dinner, but did not want to clean my frying pan, so I fed the boys their kibble with some ham and cheese topping, I had that broiled chicken I bought yesterday and added it in a salad.

The boys and I took an evening walk after dinner, then enjoyed the nice evening for a bit outside. I read a little, then we went to bed.

A paragraph in the book I was reading, I found myself reflecting on tonight and last night. It basically said, “We need to become balanced once again, and it can only happen on an individual basis. And the energy created by those, can do great things, individually, and as a community. And this balance comes from love – Aloha. Give love to oneself, and love and kindness to all.” The Kahuna continued, “This is the only way one can created miracles in ones life and support from the universe and from their ancestors.”

We who have lost this interconnectedness with nature in our modern day struggles in life, and this idea of going within to find the answers we search for, seems obscured for most. We only see life on the surface of our perceptions of the things we see, and should be. I think of the wisdom of the indigenous peoples of the world who have not lost this wisdom, but has been forced out of them through forced assimilation and genocide through colonialism. Stripping them of their ways of life, their cultures, and traditions, In their lands, and even their languages removed. The indigenous peoples of the world saw all life as being sacred, as being One with all life, being interconnected to all things, as they still do. There was no separation with all life forms. If only the modern day man realized this? And what the ancient cultures could teach us, to help us return to a rebalancing with nature, through a spiritual relationship with all life.

May 6, 2018 – Sunday

This morning I woke up at 5:45 am, and the light of the morning sun seeped through the fog. There was a sweet smell of freshness in the air. We didn’t rise from out sleeping slumber until 7:45 am. The sun was shining giving the lake a shimmering light. And soon the clouds began to roll in once again, like waves in the ocean.

More people are leaving today with the weekend over.

Last night the power went off in the area. Even the rotating beacon from the airport.

With all the nice and expensive fishing boat out here, I thought it would be nice to have one of these fancy boats to fish in, but mostly for observing nature. I was hoping to do this with the canoe we have, but it would be difficult getting the boys into it. And could Takota stay in one place in the canoe with his need to be constantly moving around, and not tipping us all in the drink? Maybe they would know this instinctually to be still? I wish I spent the time working with them when they were pups. They are not really water dogs, or canoe dogs unfortunately.

We stayed in camp all day, just watching nature, and the people. But mostly nature.

Afternoon Entry

It is 3:50 pm and it is raining. It is actually coming down pretty good.

When the rain first started it felt refreshing to me. The outdoors had a smell of freshness to it. There was a lot of thunder going on all around us. I am hoping we don’t get hit by the lightning. Being outside watching the clouds and the rain coming down on the lake, is an amazing scene to see. If the rain comes down any harder and the winds kicking up any stronger, we may have to retreat into the tent.

We are now in the tent, and the rain has stopped. Must have been just a little down pour.

The rain clouds are moving away from us quickly, and then reforming. The thunder is back, and right on top of us with the rain pouring down.

I have been watching these people with their high powered fishing boats going out on the lake during a lighting storm. Maybe they think their fancy boats will protect them? Don’t they know that is really not a good idea being on or near water during a lightning storm, with a higher percentage of getting struck by lightning? And yet, they still go out? If I see lightning strikes, we will be heading for the truck for protection.

Evening Entry

At one point the lightning and thunder were right over us. And quickly passed through. Pretty scary it was. It rained for about an hour and a half then stopped. And of course our tent began leaking.

It turned to clear skies at 7:06 pm for the most part. A few clouds where lingering. It was a beautiful night out.

May, 7, 2018 – Monday

I woke up again at 5:45 am. We got a very small amount of rain in the middle of the night. Before rising, I said, “Good Morning” to the boys. They then came to greet me with their wagging tails, and their loving gestures. Nanook would give me kisses on my face, and Takota with his loving cries and nudges against my body. What a wonderful way to start each and every morning that always sets the mornings for me. I couldn’t ask for anything more. And I give thanks for these wonderful moments experiencing being in nature with the boys.

We got up at 7:00 am, went for our walk so we could stretch, and enjoy the freshness of nature that never seems to get old. And if we are lucky, we might see something interesting while strolling on our walk.

Before our walk, the boys and I were being taunted by a red squirrel in a fir tree in camp with it’s chirping, and flicking of it’s long fluffy tail. What a magnificent way to start the day always being greeted by the sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world. And our only job is to enjoy, and be aware of the beauty and wonders in nature. Something that I give many thanks to each and every day. And in that appreciation is having the boys always with me. They are part of this whole experience.

Back at camp from our walk, I got a campfire going, and the coffee brewing. The skies were filled with the warmth of the sun to the east. High overcast clouds to the west. Then the skies change to mostly cloudy throughout. The boys are relaxing until breakfast is ready. I sit in my chair writing in my journal on whatever comes to mind.

My eye caught a gray heron flying across the lake to the island and landed on a willow. I glassed him or her, then over to the eagle’s nest, then back to the heron’s nests.

This area seems to have the most bird activity so far since our journey had began, and most likely due to it being the mating season. And most of it is playing out on the island that is right in front of us from our camp. We have a front row seat to much of the action with what we get to see before our eyes. I am seeing many birds, raptures, and ducks, and an over abundant population of the very noisy Canadian geese.

Afternoon Entry

We were getting increased cloudiness with rain close at hand. As soon as we got back from the store, it began to lightly shower, and the winds began to pick up. Before it started to rain too much and the possibility of thunder and lightning arriving, I thought it was a good time to take a short afternoon siesta, so the boys and I headed for the dry comforts of the tent. This is one reason I prefer having large tents for our journey. It gives us a little more room for comfort vs. being cramped into a smaller tent. Even the 8 person tent seems too small compared to our 10 person tent.

We may have been in the tent for maybe an hour or so, and felt the warmth of the sun coming through. So we got up to this beautiful day of clear skies and the warmth of the sun. We even saw the turtles doing some afternoon sun bathing on the log.

Evening Entry

I had just noticed it was quiet throughout the area, with only faints sounds of birds calling. Even the geese on the island were quiet.

May 8, 2018 – Tuesday

When we awoke to yet another beautiful morning with only a partly cloudy sky, we decided to sleep in a bit more. We got up at 8:40 pm, took the boys for a walk, then got the fire going, got the coffee going, and soon start cooking a breakfast of beacon, sausage, and eggs,

Afternoon Entry

It was shower time, so I went over to the showers to clean up.

We just hung out at camp. Again, it looked like the afternoon thunder storms were coming in. These storms against the mountains provided a beautiful landscape scene, and then they would pass, creating a sky full of billowing white clouds, creating a continuous master piece against the mountains, and in the reflections against the lake, and against the blue sky.

While I was writing on my laptop, this time, and not on my smart phone, and sitting at my office desk, the picnic table, looking out in nature all around me. I was thinking, what a great office to work at. I had the constant changing weather, the beauty of the lake, the mountains, all the wildlife, and breathing in the fresh air.

May 9, 2018 – Wednesday

We were getting rain on and off during the night, so I had to get up to close the window flaps.

I slept pretty well. We got up at 8:00 am. When we were ready to step outside of the tent, it began raining again, but still a light rain. We went for our morning walk in the pleasant light rain. The cloud cover was low, almost touching the tips of the trees. It was beautiful, breathtaking, with a mystical feel to the surroundings. Everything had a scent of freshness in the air. For a brief moment the sun popped out through the clouds, then disappeared again. Few people get to experience this, even when they are in nature. They have forgotten to truly experience nature in it’s purist forms, because they don’t pay attention to nature with all the chatter they allow to come through in their minds. The habitual thinking becomes more important than the splendor nature provides to us. So many have forgotten to be in the present moment.

This morning doesn’t feel cold, it has a peacefulness to her and allows it to permeate through us, allowing it to be experienced within our being.

Today we will head into town, after breakfast, to do some shopping, contact some Outfitters,

and do some laundry.

When I walked the boys this morning we passed the wooden pier and saw two women fishing at the end of the pier in the morning mist. It looked so peaceful. It would have made a great image. Too bad I didn’t have my camera.

Evening Entry

It can be hard in describing what we feel in nature, we can only describe it through feelings, and not in thoughts. And that can be difficult to do, because we have allowed ourselves to live our lives mostly in thoughts. We see our reality of the world only in thoughts, and not in a truer sense in feelings.

Coming back into camp in the late afternoon from our errands in town, the weather seemed to stable out. So I began getting everything ready for a cooked meal for me and the boys, and to relax a bit. The boys enjoyed lying on the comfortable grass.

All of a sudden I heard a loud bang from thunder above me. So I grabbed the boys and ran to the truck. We hung out in the truck for about a half hour after the rains had subsided. We then went back to camp. I began preparing for dinner, and the rains once again returned. We just sat under the canopy and waited for the rains to stop. It is just part of the joys of living in nature. It is much more enjoyable to go with the flow of nature than try to fight it. Nature will always win. Number on rule in nature, alway respect nature, and what it throws out at us, while simply enjoying it. And though it continued to rain, the evening continued to provide endless beauty.

May 10, 2018 – Thursday

We got up at around 8:00 am, but woke up at around 6:20 am, still feeling the effects of the wine I had drank last night. I was feeling a bit more human by 8:00 am.

I heard a few drops falling on the tent skin, but it stopped once we stepped out of the tent to the outside world. As with every morning, our day would begin with our short morning nature walk. The skies were blue only for a moment, then with a strong force of rain clouds moving towards us. The winds began blowing, pushing the rain our way, and soon will be upon us any moment. The wind had a cold chill to her.

The bad and potentially dangerous weather, with chances of lightning, did not stop people from going out on the lake on their boats. Insane! And if not for the lightening, just being out in the cold wind and rain. In rain, wind, or lightning, they had to be out on their fancy sport fishing boats.

I am not sure if the wine had anything to do with it, but I was having a series of flashbacks of my past. Good memories of family and friends. I thanked them silently in my mind for many special moments growing up. Especially for my family. I really don’t know what my life would have been like with my Dad being alive. I know it would have taken a different turn. But I had a lot of needed support from my siblings during those times, and not having the support of a complete intact family unit without a father. I wanted to write about my family, and how it survived not having a father being part of it, but it would have been a big under taking to write, and all my focus and energy would have gone into writing it.

A bald eagle flew by our camp to go hunting, and was harassed endlessly by the crows and osprey.

The rain finally came, the wind stopped, and the worst seemed to blow around us. Yet the forecast is for more rain all day.

And my tent is still leaking at the same spots along the seams as the other tents. And now along the seam at the floor creating small puddles on the floor. I will try to hold out as long as I can before I have to replace another tent once again.

May 11, 2018 – Friday

This morning when we got up at 7:00 am, we had a little fog hanging over the lake, but dissipated quickly. Nature was providing us with different scenes of her beauty.

Right now it is mostly cloudy, cool, but nice, and no wind.

It had rained on and off all say yesterday and into the evening as predicted. But it was mostly light showers when it did rain.

A couple of loons returned to our part of the lake yesterday, and it was nice seeing them, and hearing their calls. I was told the loons were nesting in a different area and that is why we haven’t seen them much.

I am amazed how these large birds, the gray herons blend in so well into the landscape of the trees.

A turkey vulture flew on to a branch of a dead pine tree next to the eagles nest. The vulture stayed there for about fifteen minutes then flew off. There was no reaction from the eagle nest, or the osprey nest, or the heron nests by the presence of the vulture.

We met a single lady, while she was washing herself at a water faucet. Don’t know why she didn’t use the showers here at the campground? Maybe she didn’t know about them? And for some odd reason, I did not tell her about them. When she saw the boys, she commented on them and wanted to meet them. She was in her late 20s to early 30s. She was very pretty and spoke with a Scottish accent. We talked a bit and I told her what me and the boys were doing. She told me she was looking around Washington for a possible place to live. She was sleeping in her truck, and seemed very comfortable living in this environment. She was carrying a nice bush knife on her belt. A bit later, she was walking by our camp and I asked her if she was interested in seeing the eagle’s nest, and she said, yes, and I showed her the nests of the eagle, osprey, and heron nests. We talked a little more than she left.

May 12, 2018 – Saturday

Another beautiful day in nature. The weather is suppose to be nice all weekend and into next week.

This morning I awoke at 4:45 am this morning. It was beginning to get light already, and the birds are beginning to sing their morning songs. Included were the loons. There is such beauty when the loons give their calls on the lake.

While in camp I saw a woman walk to the pier and then to a campsite across from me. I noticed she was a painter, and I thought I would go over to talk with her. I said “Hello, you must be an artist?” Her response back to me was with a beautiful, warm, and cheerful smile. She asked, if I was a ranger? And I said, “No, just a camper.” We talked a bit about art, and I shared some of my work that I had brought with me. Her name was Stacey. It was a joy talking with her, she was a lovely soul, as well as a good artist.

Last night the boys and I had trout for dinner. The trout was given to us by a couple camping here. The woman loved the boys. They loved when they howled. We enjoyed the trout.

Today we will begin getting most of everything packed up for our departure tomorrow. Obviously the tent is the last thing to get packed up. We will have an approximate 4 hour drive to Idaho. I am looking forward to seeing the beautiful state of Idaho. I will get the gas tank filled up today.

Evening Entry

It is 6:55 pm. It is a beautiful evening and warm out. The campground is quiet and peaceful. I was looking forward to getting into Idaho.

May 13, 2018 – Sunday – Leaving for Idaho

We got up at 7:00 am, it was a beautiful sunny morning for traveling. I got everything packed up taking just shy of three hours. We were on the road by 10:15 am. It took a while going up and down that hillside we were camped on. I will miss this campground, with all the wildlife we got to experience and the beauty of this mountain lake, and her surroundings. The weather could have been better, but it was also perfect.

We also met some nice people on our journey, maybe more, if I made the effort, but this was not the goal. I wanted to spend the time with the boys, and making friends with the natural world. A world, many of us have chosen to ignore, and abuse for our own pleasures, self gratifications, and greed – and gives nothing back for all that she provides to us. How many of us give thanks to Mother Earth, to the Moon, and Sun, and to the Universe?

The boys seem to always brings people to us because of their interesting breed. People always comment how well behaved they are, how well trained they are. I just tell them, “They came that way.” And it is the truth. I did very little training, we were just a perfect match for each other for this journey.

Our Journey Living In Nature

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part 5

Part Five

Our Journey Continues

January 10, 2018 – Wednesday – Clear Lake State Park, CA

Stepping into Nature

We decided to leave today, rain or shine. I was antsy to get back on the road again – to be back on our journey in Nature.

I enjoyed our stay with my dear sister. The boys and I will miss her.

I wanted to get on the road by 10:30 am, and ended up leaving at

11:30 am. I spent a little time with my sister talking. I could tell she did not want us to leave. It was a long time for us being apart. I also think she had a concern for us in what we were doing.

On our drive heading up north to Clear Lake, we did get a little rain on our short drive to Paradise, and then nicer weather the rest of our way to Clear Lake. I have only been to Clear Lake once with an old girlfriend. I did enjoy that part, but Clear Lake (Clearlake, the city) has always had a bad reputations for the pollution in the lake, as with the culture of people who lived there. It is the poorest county (Lake County) in the state. But it seemed to be our best option heading north, so we took the chance. And if we didn’t like it we would just leave.

We had to do a little back tracking going south, then west to get to Hwy 29 north. I was not paying attention to where I was going and missed the exit to take me west to Hwy 29, so I drove until I could turn around, and wasted about 20 minutes driving time. I estimated getting to the campground around 3:30 pm, which I achieved. We hit little traffic on our 4 hour drive. I arrived in the town of Clearlake at 3:00 pm. Once we got to the campground, I then searched for a good campsite that would work for us. The campground was not that crowded which was nice. We picked a site next to the bathrooms, and the campsite gave us an enough room for the tent, the truck, the trailer, me, and the boys. It was a comfortable site with a view of the lake. I didn’t want to camp next to the lake, since these sites are the most popular, and so as not to get bumped by campers making reservations for those sites. The boys and I were excited to be camping again. It feels like we were back home, but with a different scenery.

I only had a short time to set up camp before dark. I found everything easily for the set up of the tent, without having to dig through all my stuff, and that saved some time and frustration. It would have been nice to have a campfire for our first night, but I was lacking the wood. For dinner I had a few Keto bars, and some leftover lamb that my sister gave me. And of course I shared the lamb with the boys.

There was a lot of moisture in the air that made it a chilly evening at 43 degrees. We also had some masked bandits in two trees in camp. The boys will keep a close watch on them.

A police officer dropped by camp and noticed we had not paid. I was actually going to pay the next day, but they do frown on that. He offered to take the payment envelope for me, and drop it in the drop box. He had a canine unit, so the officer enjoyed meeting the boys. He was a very friendly, and down to earth kind of guy. I like him immediately.

Although I have been doing a lot of camping, camping at different campgrounds is a little adjustment on what one can do, and can’t do as far as the campground rules go (which I seldom read), as with most people. And dealing with reservations which I won’t do. Although I did have to do at Del Valle because it was required. Many campgrounds usually have partial reservations, and non-reservations (first come for served) sites, or reservations only during peak season.

January 11, 2018 – Thursday

Soon after we went to bed last night, me and the boys heard a commotion right outside the tent. I wasn’t sure if it was the raccoons or some other critter. Most likely the raccoons. The boys got all excited, and I was hoping they would not damage the tent in their excitement. They soon calmed down, and all was good. The boys quickly fell back to sleep in their doggie slumber. There were other unknown sounds throughout the night I could not identify, among those was a great horned owl hooting in the dark night sky. In the morning I heard a hawk and I think an acorn woodpecker.

I had a hard time falling asleep last night from the excitement of camping again. We were really on our journey in Nature, and there was no turning back. I had nothing to back to. I was focused on heading to the beautiful, and wild Alaska of the north country. I finally fell asleep around 1:00 am or so, and slept pretty well the rest of the night. We didn’t get up until 9:00 am. It rained a bit during the night, a sporadic light rain that would come and go. I was hoping it wouldn’t become a steady rain where I would have to get up to close all the window flaps. I kept the screened windows open for fresh air, not knowing it would rain. A drop of moisture landed on the side of my face in the early morning from the screened opening next to my bed. I then watched for the rain that never came. The boys slept peacefully all night.

Once we got up, we went for a walk, then I fed the boys, unloaded the bed of the truck for our trip into town for supplies.

We went shopping for about three days worth of food, picked up some gas for the Coleman gas stove. And I found a place where we could get a load of firewood. We picked up about an 1/8th cord of hard firewood. It was nice finding a good supply of firewood if we stay longer.

The day was nice with clear skies and a little warmth from the winter Sun.

While unloading the truck of groceries, and firewood, a law enforcement park ranger stopped at our camp. I thought he might say something about the firewood I brought in, but instead he mentioned that the dogs could not have a restraint longer than 6 feet long. I had the boys on a high line with a 20 ft. leader attached to the high line so they would have a little room to run around. He warned me if I didn’t comply I would get a ticket. I grudgingly took the high line down and shortened the lead line, but not to 6 feet. I made it about 12 to 15 feet long. The Ranger said nothing after that, so I thought I would be okay with that length. I did not like these restrictions on my dogs, and I was thinking of packing up and finding another place to camp, although I did like this area, and we could stay for up to 30 days here. So I just dealt with no high line and a shortened lead line.

Evening Entry

We got a few drops of rain in the afternoon.

For dinner we had steak.

The boys and I took a walk along the lake for a little exploring before it got dark. It is a beautiful lake on the surface of it. At least what I could see of it. I thought about what it was like before the white settlers came here, during the time of the Native Americans who called this land their home.

Before dinner, a fellow camper dropped by for a friendly chat and a beer. The story he was telling me, I wasn’t sure I could believe, but just took it for what it was – a story.

After a nice meal for dinner, I sat next to a pleasant warming fire with the boys, enjoying the silence and peace in nature. The night sky glistens with an abundance of stars filling the sky. I am beginning to quickly settle down in our new environment and I thought, maybe we will stay a full month. We will see how it goes.

The raccoons are perched on the branches of a tree just outside of our camp, waiting for us to go to bed so they can see what tidbits of food they might find. They don’t know we are up to their tricks in invading camps, and we leave nothing for them to get their little hands on.

So far we have not had much wind, but it is still early to say what the weather will bring since we are camping in the middle of winter. I do enjoy hearing the winds blowing through the trees. It can be a soothing sound to hear while lying in bed.

This place that was once sacred to the native people here, was turned into a place the so-called civilized man simply used as they chose, with little regard for the harm they did to the natural environment, or for the original inhabitants. With no deep connection to what the land brings to our very being, and for our very survival. We have lost this deep connection, relationship, and respect for nature we once had many thousands of years ago. When was the turning point that we chose greed, self-indulgence, a hungering for the insatiable appetite for more, with little regard for the very thing that supported all life? Where we were willing to kill others of our same species, and to the natural world, to take for our thankless desires to have more, no matter what? Was it when we began believing we were superior over all life forms? And yet, there were also peoples who had a deeper understanding of our relationship to all creation, and to chose to live in harmony with all life.

January 12, 2018 – Friday

The pesky raccoons returned once again to our camp last night. They kept me awake while they attempted to get into our stuff. They did find their way into one ice chest where there was some ice in it, just by simply knocking it over. They were crunching away at the ice while keeping me awake. I am glad they enjoyed it. I have to keep the camp more food secure so to discourage critters from coming into our camp.

The past two mornings have been foggy. We got a light rain early this morning.

I didn’t cover the kindling wood, and it was wet, so splitting the wet wood to get underneath to the dry wood beneath was required. I also used some fire starting blocks to get the fire going. I could have also used some fatwood as an option, that I had plenty of in supply. I brought a lot of fire starting material with us so fire starting wouldn’t be a problem. I also practiced a lot of different fire starting skills I had in my fire starting toolkit prior to this journey.

Always a warming, and welcoming fire for the mornings and evenings

The police officer who we first met on our arrival here, stopped by to say hello, and to see how everything was going. We had a nice talk, and he was telling me there are bald eagle here, and occasionally bear, and elk.

It is 12:00 pm and we just finished breakfast. The Sun is trying to break through the fog. There are only two other campers left, besides me and the boys. One in a tent and the other in an RV.

The boys, and I went on a nice walk after breakfast. The Sun burned off the fog by then, and left us with a blue skies. On our walk I saw a sign indicating the type of fish, as with the crayfish in the area. I thought it might be nice to catch some crayfish. I brought traps with me. We ran into the police officer that made it an issue about my dogs being on a longer lease than 6 ft. While he was driving through, and I flagged him down to ask if I needed a fishing license for crayfish. He said yes, and he also mentioned to me, he wouldn’t recommend it because the lake has a high mercury content. This got me even more interested about this lake. It had many stories to tell of it’s past.

January 13, 2018 – Saturday

I had a pretty good night sleep, but it was a bit cold when I awoke this morning around 7:30 am. I peeked at the temperature and it was 34 degrees. It has been in the mid 40’s in mornings prior. A pretty good drop in temperature I would say. When we finally got up at 9:30 am it was 39 degrees. The first thing for this morning, the boys and I took our morning walk, then was to get a warming fire going. It is nice having a good supply of firewood at hand. For me, it is like gold. I am not sure what it will be like the further north we go. I always keep my eyes open for firewood signs along the road side. I try to avoid buying firewood in small bundles that they sell at the store, except for the use of kindling. It is a rip off buying 5 to 6 logs of pine that easily will burn in one lighting. Most everywhere charges $6.00 to $7.00 for a bundle of firewood.

It took a little work on getting a fire going because of the wood still being wet, but it finally took, providing warmth to the body, and calm to the spirit. Fire is one of the four elements in nature, and is seen as sacred to the indigenous native peoples. They know we cannot survive without it. As for the typical camper, there is no special relationship with fire, or air, or water, or the earth. It is just something we take advantage of, with no thought of the gifts they provide until we really need them. We don’t think about, or are grateful for the life giving forces that are part of the soup of life, for all life.

I got the coffee going, then some journaling, and then breakfast. A simple life, but a good life, and being able to share it with the boys. They provide a wonderful presence to the camp, and to me.

The night sky was clear with the glowing light of the stars against the darkness of the night sky. This morning we were welcomed with blue skies, no fog, and no wind.

Shortly after retiring to bed last night, the eerie sounds in nature began. It was like the ghosts, and goblins had awoken, rising from the darkness. The sounds I hear from the animals are unfamiliar to me, nothing I have heard before. They are the invisible voices of the night. Sometimes they are comical because they are so strange, as with being entertaining. The first sounds were a screeching from across the campground. It could have been an animal or some type of bird. Some times I am awakened by them. These night sounds of nature, can be scary for some, but for me, I enjoy them, they can be wondrous. We were experiencing more bird activity today. I did hear a flock of Canadian geese flying in last night, and this morning, a fox barking. It would be nice having audio equipment to capture these sounds of the night.

I was talking with Trevor, the police officer with the canine unit, and he was telling me a little bit about the history of the mercury mines next to the lake.

Evening Entry

We had a good salmon dinner tonight. The evening temperature is 47 degrees outside. It is very comfortable without the wind while enjoying a nice campfire.

Six or so new campers came in today, making it a total of about ten, including us. I was surprised there were so many for this time of year, and for the weather we have been getting. There was one campsite where the campers were pretty obnoxious.

I forgot to mention, every other day, we have to go to the campground kiosk first thing in the morning to pay our camping fee for two days, and to make sure our campsite has not been reserved. I don’t think most campers make reservations this time of year, but they make us go through this process. I always ask for a weather forecast while I am there.

January 14, 2018 – Sunday

It was 45 degrees this morning when I awoke at 7:00 am. It was another beautiful morning. My senses felt fully engaged with our environment. Sensing the trees all around us, hearing the birds with their morning calls, and songs, and smelling the sweet scent of nature.

This morning it was a bit windy, but not cold.

While laying in bed I look out in nature, a little doubt comes to mind, and I ask myself, “Why am I here? What is my purpose in doing this? Will it make any difference?” Friends tell me I am making a difference. They tell me I am planting seeds. They tell me that I am planting seeds in my Garden of Hope. It is not that I am not enjoying our experiences living in Nature so far. I love the simplicity of living in a tent, the experience, and gifts of having Takota and Nanook by my side. And just being in nature. I quickly banished the doubt with the healing powers that nature brings.

Looking out towards the lake, I see white caps. It has usually been as calm as glass.

It is 57 degrees, and warming at 9:30 am. We drove down to the campground kiosk to pay for another two days, being greeted by three turkeys there.

I suspect most or all the campers will be leaving today. I am not certain how long we will be staying here. We have only been here for four days. We will just see how it plays out, two days at a time. Heading north in the winter, the weather can be very uncertain. I try to get the weather forecast for the area we are departing from, and the new area we plan to stay. I don’t want to take down a camp in the rain, or drive in the rain, or set up a new camp in the rain.

I did not hear any critters in camp last night, but did notice there was a big hole chewed in the garbage bag at the trash can.

I began saying a small prayer for the spirits at each campground we stay at for permission to stay here, and for protection. I decided to do this in showing respect for the natural world within the seen and unseen. The natural world has been disrespected enough. Showing gratitude is a good way to begin this respect.

I had just learned this was a three day weekend, so there may not be any campers leaving yet.

Afternoon Entry

It is 3:20 pm. The beautiful clear weather we have had so far is now beginning to cloud up. It looks like rain may be near. I got the rain fly for the tent secured, and have the canopy up. We just got back from shopping, and I was trying to set up a meeting with a tribal elder. She was suppose to call me.

The wind isn’t too bad, and not bad enough to take the canopy down. The canopy is great to have for light rain. Heavy rain and wind, forget it. Some blue sky is appearing to the north, and almost above us. But that can always change. It is 61 degrees in the tent. We are definitely suppose to get rain this week. How much, who knows?

Evening Entry

During our journey in nature, I was hoping to connect on a much deeper level to nature, as with hopefully connecting to the original indigenous people in the areas we pass through on our journey.

Lets begin with the native people who lived in the Clear Lake area. The predominant culture were the Pomo Indians (Pomo – means ‘Dweller at the red earth hole’). Other tribes shared this area with the Pomo – the Yuki, the Wappo, and Lake Miwok.

The Pomo people lived in the Clear Lake area for over 11,800 years as hunters and gathers. With the perfect climate, and abundance of food resources from the lake, streams, and land, they flourished, living in peace, and harmony with nature. They built tule boats to fish, used obsidian from Mt. Konocti for tool-making, arrow and spear tips, and for trade with other tribes. They were, and are known for their intricate Pomo basketry made from plant material, and often adorned them with the feathers of birds.

When the Spanish began occupying this area, as with other areas in California in the early 1800’s, the Spanish enslaved and mistreated the native population. Then in 1826, the European settlers, and gold diggers began to arrive, and settled into the region, bringing their European diseases resulting in massive waves of death to the Pomo tribes that freed massive amounts of land for the taking by white settlers. Violence against the Pomo people then ensued bringing more deaths to innocent men, women, and children, for the sake of unconscionable greed.

Treaties were written and signed between the Pomo bands and the United States Government in 1851, and as with all the treaties made by the US Government with all Indian tribes throughout the US, they were eventually broken by the US government with full intent, and in the case of the Pomo people, they became landless. The process of cultural genocide and forced assimilation continued against all Indian people in North America by the European settlers. The United States method used was to “Kill the Indian, and save the man,” in any way they could with no moral justification. They just wanted their land, and they would just take it, or created laws to take it. Amazingly the Native American survived the horrific atrocities, and genocide committed against them. They have been able to maintain their cultures and traditions with great struggles, difficulty, and resistance by the powers to be. For those Indigenous Peoples who held onto their traditional values the best they could, with all odds stacked against them, with much pain, suffering, and hardship put upon them, they continue to persevere.

My feelings towards indigenous cultures are strong, because I know they play an important role in the very survival of humankind. We can learn from their knowledge and wisdom on how we can be better stewards of our planet.

A good example of this is how we have treated the land, and water of Clear Lake out of pure greed and disrespect for all life. It began with the white settlers and the mining of gold.

Clear Lake is the largest, natural freshwater lake in California, with 68 square miles of surface area. The lake dates back to the early Pleistocene era, more than 1.5 million years ago, and is believed to be the oldest lake in North America. It was once a healthy and productive ecosystem for tens of thousands years that supported humans, and wildlife. The Pomo Indians and their descendants lived on this land for thousands of years. They had a deep reverence for the land, water, and for all life, and understood the natural laws of the natural world. For the settlers, they just took with no understanding of the impact they were having on the original peoples, and on the land.

The most prominent of the region’s many volcanic cones is 4,200 foot Mount Konocti, just southwest of the State Park. Konocti is classified as an active volcano, although it has been dormant for thousands of years. The region is geologically active by the many hot springs in the area.

It is refuge and nesting place for many varieties of waterfowl. The wood duck nests in trees; mallard ducks find homes in the grasses and tules. Other birds including the herons, egrets, white pelicans, great horned owls, bushtits, northern flickers, red-shouldered hawks, red-tailed hawks, ospreys, bald eagles and many songbirds make this area their home. It can be argued that Clear Lake has more bird life than any other northern California lake, even though much of the lake is developed. The wildlife includes, deer, mountain lion, otters, gray fox, bob cat, coyote, raccoon, skunk, and on occasion, bear and elk. This area was also known for having a large population of grizzly bears until they were all killed off, as with the wolves.

The lake basin is surrounded by the rugged coastal mountains, covered in mostly thick stands of a variety of oak – madrone forests. At the lake level, there are grass lands, wetlands, marshes, and extensive riparian habitat systems, creating the perfect ecosystems for a wide variety of aquatic and terrestrial species of wildlife.

Since the operation of the Sulphur Banks Mercury Mine that began it’s operation in 1860 on the southwestern side of the lake. The 150-acre mine became one of the most noted mercury producers in the world. It produced Bortax, Sulfur, Mercury, and Gold. The mine closed in 1957.

Mercury has been continually leaching into the lake, and into the surrounding environment for over a century, creating health concerns for all life forms in the area. It had produced 2 million cubic yards of mine waste just on the property. Today, a flooded open-mine pit measuring 23 acres long and 90 feet deep is located only 750 feet from the lake – and it is filled with contaminated mine waste and natural geothermal water that continues to seep mercury waste into the lake bed. The poisoning of the lake from the mercury of the mine not only impacted the food chain from the lake, but also on the land. The very natural resources the Pomo and other tribes relied on for their very survival. Clear Lake is one of the most Hg- contaminated lakes in the world.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designated the property as an official Superfund Site in 1991.

The EPA does not consider the mercury contamination to be high enough to ban swimming in the lake. As for fishing, only small amounts are recommended for consumption. Throughout California many lakes have such warning signs posted on the consumption of fish. This includes all aquatic life. This pollution often results in algal and Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) blooms making the water unsafe to swim in during the mid to late summer months. The presence of Cyanobacteria is linked with high Methylmercury (the most toxic form of Mercury) concentrations in bodies of water. The algae blooms are much more prevalent with the impacts of climate change due to the warming of lake water. Mercury and blue-green algae is harmful to humans, as with all wildlife.

I had learned that the campground we were staying in flooded one year. Which means the soils in the campground was contaminated with mercury. There was no clean up in removing the toxic contaminate.

I hope this provides you with a look at the impact we have had in the modern day world by the human race on our natural environment. All our lakes, rivers, streams, and much of our lands are polluted by man. The mining companies from the very beginning never took any responsibility for the impact it has had on the environment or on human health or other life. They were never accountable for any clean up of what they had left behind. But to be fair, neither did any other manufacturing endeavors. We were living in the industrial age, and progress and greed was Americas driving force. None of us really cared about the environment or the impact it was having on all life forms. And to a large extent, we still don’t in today’s world. We have little regard for the impact we have on the environment, or do we understand that it impacts all life, even human life. We are blind to these realities we have created. And in a very short period, of time, only a few hundred years, it is here to haunt us, and for the very survival of the human race.

We could have listened to nature’s call. We could have listened to the indigenous peoples warnings that nature is what gives us life. And the warnings from science, but we chose not to listen. We cannot survive without a healthy and sustainable world. Yet we continue to take from her, giving nothing back.

January 15, 2018 – Monday

From the clouds rolling in yesterday, and last night, and with the forecast of rain, I woke up in the middle of the night seeing a clear sky. This really isn’t any indication we won’t get rain. When we awoke in the morning, the sky was blue, 46 degrees, with a chill in the air.

Last night for some reason I felt most uncomfortable settling down in the tent. It was a feeling of me being in a different place. It felt I was oriented differently in a different direction in the tent. Strange things happen in nature. Maybe it was an atmospheric thing happening? Or maybe a full moon.

I was listening to a message from our camping friend, Kevin, from the San Francisco Bay Area. Him and his wife just got back from Maui, and while there, they had a missile attack scare. It was fortunately a false alarm, but scared everyone on the Islands. A scary thought that this really could happen in our unstable world.

Evening Entry

I was about to get dinner on and all of a sudden I was hit with being sick to my stomach. I wasn’t sure where it came from. The only thing I ate was some salami during the day. I had the need to purge, so I went to the restroom, then back at camp I put on some turmeric ginger tea that I had. Going to the bathroom and the tea seemed to work. I had another cup of tea for good measure. I am not a big tea drinker, but I forgot how soothing a nice tea can be. I brought along an assortment of teas with me by The Republic of Tea. Their teas are organic, with a nice blend of teas, and added flavors to make them very enjoyable and flavorful.

Didn’t get much reading done today. We picked up some more firewood, and we went for a walk. Besides doing the basic camping stuff we do, fire, cooking, going on walks with me and the boys, shopping, and picking up firewood, and occasional laundry. I have been doing a lot of reading which has been a main focus for me during this time we have been camping. And of course experiencing the time in nature, and with the boys. Although they can be a pain in the butt at times, they are really good as camping companions. They give me a sense of peace with their presence, as does the beings in nature.

The campground is a pretty nice place for walks. There is a creek we could walk along, parts of the lake is accessible, and around the State Park and campground. The trails through the mountains can be pretty rugged for dogs, so we stayed away from them, and for the reasons I could possibly get injured walking two big dogs. Most people are pretty good about keeping their dogs on leash, but not all, so I always have to be on watch for those not obeying the leash laws.

We got a little rain, maybe 5 minutes worth or so, but it provided a pleasant freshness in the air. I wasn’t sure how long the rain would last so I got the boys to come under the canopy to stay dry. They were happy to oblige. With our experiences in rain, and winds, the boys learned to find places to get out of the bad weather. They would go under the canopy, under the picnic table, or find a bush or tree they could find for protection. They also do this for shade on a warm day. They prefer the cold, the colder the better.

I am going to skip dinner tonight. The boys already ate theirs. I think we will go to bed early tonight.

My neighbors are a bit too noisy for my liking, but the rest of the campground is quiet. I feel much better than I did earlier. The tea must have helped.

I invited the gal who was camping across the way from us if she wanted to come by our camp to warm up next to the fire. She had very little camping gear, and she was sleeping in her car. I waited a bit for her, and assumed she wasn’t coming over, so I was getting ready for bed, when she finally came over. We had a nice evening chat, talking until 10:00 pm. The rain held off until then. Soon after getting into the tent, the rain started, hard at times. I had to close up everything in the tent. Getting comfortable settled in bed, I heard a thundering sound of a jet engine or of a missile launching. Since my time here, I have not heard any jets. And my imagination goes wild with the question of experiencing the beginning of a nuclear war? This was spurred by my friends experience in Hawaii. Can it happen? Of course it can. We live in a world where it is always possible with the mad leaders running the world.

January 16, 2018 – Tuesday

After checking the radio to find out if we were at war, nothing was spoken of it. I guess we are safe for now.

The funny, short, and chubby looking character that I first met when we arrived here, dropped by our camp, and we chatted for a bit. He found a trailer park in town that was cheaper then camping here by a third. The State Parks in California are expensive. I was paying $28.00 with a $2.00 Senior discount per night.

We were talking about different places we have been camping and he mentioned Del Valle, where me and the boys have camped. Talking more about Del Valle, I realized he knew our camping buddy Kevin. Kevin told me a story about this funny little man who likes to mooch beer from other campers. He ended up drinking all of Kevin’s beer while Kevin went to bed. It is amazing who one meets camping. After that I wanted to keep my distance. I had to call Kevin and tell him, guess who I saw?

The young campers, that were camping across from us seemed suspicious to me. When they arrived a couple of days ago, there was a girl and two guys. They had a family size tent, and each day they brought more stuff, like a huge mattress. The girl always stayed in the tent. And more people were coming into their camp. I gave the ranger a heads-up on them. The ranger checked up on their intent, and they were planning to live there for a month. The ranger kicked them out today. They were homeless. Good thing, I would have been concerned about our stuff if they got to stay. I was relieved they were gone.

January 17, 2018 – Wednesday

We have been in this campground for a week now. It feels like two weeks for some reason. I am still not sure how long I want to stay here. The boys picked up a lot of ticks yesterday on our walk. I hope I didn’t.

It is 52 degrees at 9:25 am. Rain is expected tomorrow.

I met a nice law enforcement ranger yesterday. I talked about our plans to head to Alaska. He mentioned having a strong interest in wanting to go there as well.

I had a good night sleep last night as far as I could remember. We got up at 8:30 am.

Since there are no magpies around, the scrub jays are enjoying the left overs from the boy’s dog food. Yesterday on our walk along the creek I saw a duck I have not seen before. It was similar to a wood duck in body form, but with a white body, some black markings, and a white head.

I have been reading Wayne Dyer’s books since I began this journey to help me get back into a deeper awareness of my sacred self. The feeling of doubt always seems to creep into my unconscious during periods of sleep. When awake I seldom think about it. Nature, and being with the boys comforts me. They wrap me like a blanket would against the cold, warming my very soul. I am taking a big step, a different direction in life, moving away from a synthetic life, a material life, to a life within the wondrous world in nature.

Evening Entry

Today after a late breakfast and chatting with our ranger friend Trevor,

we headed for town to pick up some flea and tick repellent. I then went to get some gas, and picked up a few things at the supermarket. I also dropped by the Indian Casino to talk with Lucy, the granddaughter, to let her know I still wanted to talk with her grandmother about the local tribes.

While driving back to camp I thought about how nice it was to stay with my dear sister for a few weeks.

The weather forecast was for rain for all of Thursday, starting in the early morning. Not looking forward to that.

Although I experience bad dreams while on our journey in nature, I do sleep better being in nature. I enjoy looking out my large window next to my bed viewing the stars at night, and in the morning experiencing first light of each morning, and looking out into the wonders of nature.

It seems the boys are sleeping well. Although they are not experiencing the same things I am experiencing, I am sure they feel better being in natural world. To be honest, our canine companions I believe, are happy just being with their human family, to be loved, and to give love. I am very fortunate to be with them 24/7. I could not see myself doing this journey without them.

This evening it was pretty nice out at 52 deg. at 7:05 pm.

January 18, 2018 – Thursday

I had a difficult night sleeping. It began raining lightly around 6:00 am or so. The splattering of rain drops on the tent woke me up. We got up at 8:30 am, drove to the main gate to pay another $56.00 for two nights stay. Having to pay every two nights I thought was ridiculous, because the campground was never full during the winter months. All campgrounds should have off season rates, and better senior rates in my opinion.

Back at camp, sitting in the rain, trying to figure out what I can do in the rain camping? I was sitting under the canopy staying dry, the boys were outside of the canopy getting all wet. Nanook finally thought maybe being under the canopy would be better, so he came to join me. And Takota was fine being soaked.

In front of me I saw 3 trees in camp, about 12 feet apart that could make a good spot for a lean-to for the boys. I grabbed a 10’x12’ tarps that I had, and used some rope that was close by to tie the tarp off to the tree’s for a ridge line. Then I used some stakes for the tarp to the ground. It was a perfect lean-to to keep the boys out of the rain. After the boys tried it out with some coaxing from me, they seemed to like it. I then fed them their breakfast in their new shelter. Takota liked it because it felt like a hiding place for him. Nanook ended up getting back under the canopy with me. It wasn’t raining hard, just a steady rain.

Since my trailer was stuffed with camping gear, it was at times hard to find things easily for any such projects. One thing I am not short of are tarps and rope that can have many uses for such things as covering things I might have on the picnic table from the weather and critters, a lean-to, covering firewood, or a tarp wall attached to my canopy on one or two sides. I also have good quality tarps I would use as a shelter for us when needed. As far as the placement of my canopy, I like to place it partially over the picnic table to cover the cooking area where I have my stove so I won’t get wet cooking. Makes sense! The other half of the canopy I would use is for a sitting area to drink my coffee, write in my journal, reading, or just being outside in nature, and experiencing nature, enjoying the sights and sounds in nature. It is also a place for the boys to lay down in if they choose. The best scenario is having the fire ring close by to receive the enjoyment and warmth of the fire close by, but not so close as to put burn holes in the canopy from the fire embers.

It is another beautiful rainy day. According to the weather forecast we have a two day break with no rain, then four days of rain. I may make the boy’s lean-to a bit better for the wet forecast. I have tried to prepare the boys and myself for almost any situation we encounter through gear we brought, and in clothing. As with the mental preparation in different weather conditions. The hard part is getting easy access to this stuff in my trailer. As for camping in campgrounds, it is pretty basic, I use the same stuff normally all the time, with the exception of clothing that may change depending on weather. I am somewhat covered in the clothing part, but at times, I wished I had my goretex coat on those rainy days was close at hand. I always try to have an extra change of shoes, socks, pants and shirts when needed to change out of the wet clothing. And there are times I get a bit lazy in being fully prepared for rain, and wind because the weather may come in fast and is hard at times to figure how bad it may get. But watching and knowing the weather can give clues on what it might do. I always try to be aware of the weather, even if I have a weather forecast.

In a survival situation or being in the backcountry I would be sure to be prepared the best I could. It could mean life or death.

I did put the lean-to up in the rain, so I did get a bit wet, but it was worth it. It will provide the boys with a dry area they can call their own, when we get bad weather. And it is good practice for me, as with being enjoyable for me in learning new skills. It also keeps the mind focused on the bushcraft skills fresh, for when I need them. Especially when I am in the bush.

I was possibly thinking about changing the campsite location closer to the lake, but because of the lack of trees there, I decided to stay where we are. Water has healing energy, but so do plants, and trees. It is always nice camping next to water, whether next to a lake, river, or stream, but for me I can take it or leave it. I enjoy being with the trees. And in the winter I like some added protection from the rain and winds.

For me the difference between camping in the backcountry, and in a campground is being very limiting in practicing bushcraft skills or survival skills in a campground. There are many restrictions as with things one just cannot do. I have seen people practice these skills where they damage trees, or damage the area somehow around them and not thinking about the impact they are making in the natural enviornment. If I practice any such skills, I only do curtain skills with very little or no impact on the natural environment. Or I just avoid doing them. I can always observe the natural surrounding that are part of survival skills. This also increases ones enjoyment, knowledge, and relationship with nature. The most important thing is to respect all nature as living beings that are part of the collective consciousness in all life forms.

In dealing with different weather conditions in campgrounds, it will prepare me in the backcountry to an extent. But in the backcountry it can also be more unpredictable.

Back in 2009 and 2010, I spent a lot of time in the backcountry practicing survival and bushcraft skills. You can read about these experiences in my blog, “Our Journey Into The Wilderness.”

When I practiced survival skills, I would ask myself, “What would I do in a survival situation (and assuming I was not dealing with an injury)? I would look for areas that would make a safe camp with good resources, I would look for water sources, the plants in the area, the trees, and animals. How long would I possibly be there? Is there a good source of firewood? These things help in enhancing ones awareness to their surroundings, and helps in the stress level one might be experincing. This even brings more enjoyment in ones experiences being is nature. One will feel a closer relationship with nature through awareness and observation, and with this relationship, she will provide for you those things you need.

Evening Entry

Today we didn’t do much, but watch the rain drops fall, I did some reading and worked on being in the present moment, where time does not exist. This is our natural state of being, but we have been taught, and conditioned out of this state of beingness as soon as we were born. It is like being in silence, at first it is very difficult. Both takes being aware of ones consciousness – becoming the watcher of the mind. During the mid-90s I went through a major transformation, and I became the watcher while going inward. I became aware of every thought, and all the thoughts went through what I call the “Gate Keeper” that discarded any harmful or unwanted thoughts, and let the good ones go through, that may help me on my spiritual path. I realized I was the one responsible for what thoughts I let in, and those I let go of. I had learned I was the one responsible for my actions whether good or bad. In our modern day culture we have been fed a bunch of useless garbage, and lies. Deprogramming who we truly are through the Matrix of our civilization. Changing this programming can be difficult, and one must have a good teacher for this reprogramming to help guide us in the right direction. We can become our own teacher by going deep within. Many use the practice of meditation to help quiet the mind, and enhance more awareness within and without. At first this process can be very confusing, and difficult because we have to relearn everything from the beginning – learning a completely new reality from the one we have been taught. We must forget, and toss away the old programming. One does not have to be in nature or leave everything in the past behind us and live in nature as I have chosen. But for me, I knew I could learn a lot from nature as a teacher, on this path I have chosen for myself, as with going within by asking questions.

There was a student of a Buddha master, asking the teacher, “will I have to give up all those things I enjoy doing?” The Buddha master answered, “those things you enjoy doing now, you will find are not as important as the experience you have in experiencing enlightenment.” I had that same concerned, and I understood what the Buddha master spoke of was very true. We loose our attachment to things we once put an important meaning to. This does not mean we can’t do those things, we just relate to them differently. We don’t define them as who we are.

I was talking to a friend today who lives in Redding, in northern California. The conversation was cutting in and out with bad reception. I was considering going to see her in Redding, but this means I would have to backtrack to get to Redding, as with going into higher elevations and dealing with snow which I did not want to do. I would love to go to Mount Shasta, but not camping in the winter, nor traveling at higher elevations in the winter.

The rained is heavy at times, and then it began letting up for about 2 hours. It allowed me enough time to cook dinner and having a nice break from the rain.

It is 6:00 pm, and the campground is peaceful and quiet. It was nice having the rain. We had a nice evening fire to finish off a nice day.

Originally I thought I did not want a canopy for our journey, but once I began using one, I realized the benefits it had in wet weather, as well as for good shade from the Sun. It allowed us to spend more time outside then being stuck in a tent. Our camping friend, Kevin gave us our first canopy. I also chose large tents for comfort when we did have bad weather that gave me and the boys more room to hang out. The down side with a large tent was finding a campsite where it would fit, hopefully on somewhat level ground, and being able to withstand high winds we may encounter. Our ten person tent worked well for us. We were still using the Columbia 10’x15’ tent that was working fine, but for how long? Most tents are not made for everyday use to live in. The material eventually weathers, and will start leaking or ripping through degradation of the material. I was curious how long this one would last. It was rated as a 3 season tent.

Takota was laying inside their lean-to shelter most of the day, and Nanook was laying next to me under the canopy. They did well staying out of the rain. I did not want wet dogs in the tent if I could help it.

At 6:15 pm it started to sprinkle again. I am not sure if I should open up the window flaps tonight. I keep them open as much as possible for fresh air and having more of an openness inside of the tent to the outside world. It seemed I was not to be bothered by the privacy issue.

The tent did well in keeping us dry.

A few days ago my mind was rushing about, being bombarded with unwanted thoughts. I was able to redirect that energy by imagining being on an Elliptical exercise machine where I was able to expel that negative energy through this imaginary exercise. After my imaginary exercise I felt refreshed, and strong. I used this mental exercise 3 other times, and every time it worked in releasing this unwanted energy. It basically transitioned into a rejuvenating energy. The mental exercise was only done for a minute or so.

January 19, 2018 – Friday

We woke up to clear blue skies, 39 deg. at 8:30 am. We had occasional showers during the night. I slept okay.

I got a fire going first thing, cleaned pots and pans, and put on the coffee, then began writing in the journal. My pen is almost out of ink. Time for a replacement. I brought a lot of pens and a lot of blank journals to write our experiences in. I go through a lot of pens. They don’t last long.

Waking up in the mornings to nature are wonderful moments to the new day. The boys and I going on our morning walks, the rituals of having a nice fire, drinking a hot cup of coffee, writing in my journal, and reflecting upon the new day. It is magical. These special moments I have dreamed about doing for a long time, and now doing. And having a tasty breakfast outside.

The crows were having a good chat this morning, the sparrows are out feeding, and a small covey of California quail came by our camp. A hummingbird also buzzed by while I was doing the dishes, then came back around hovering in front of me at eye level while I was kneeling down, showing his or her beautiful red throated sheen. He or she floated next to me for a brief moment, and in a blink of an eye it was gone. They are incredibly amazing creatures of nature. Maybe we will see the bald eagle fly by.

While lying in bed I was thinking about what a woman said about Alaska, “Everyday we play in Alaska,” meaning they live close to nature every moment. They hunt, fish, and tend to their gardens. What a great way to live.

While I am writing in my journal I hear the soothing crackling of the fire.

Evening Entry

After breakfast and a walk, we went shopping in town.

Today in the afternoon a thunderstorm came through, but left no rain in camp.

At 6:15 pm the sky is clear at 42 deg. with a breeze making it a bit chilly. A crescent moon is out.

Only one other camper came in today, and it was the annoying little chubby man.

January 20, 2018 – Saturday

Cold, cold, cold this morning. It was 30 deg. in the tent. I got a fire going, sipping on my hot cup of coffee, and sitting next to the fire. I am not that cold, but my feet are freezing. It is suppose to rain tomorrow, overcast on Monday and Tuesday, then rain Thursday and Friday. There are advantages in camping in the winter, and disadvantages.

It is a beautiful sunny today with a lot of bird activity at day break.

There is a lot of day use at the park, and there are many that go through the campground, which I am not crazy about. One older woman said, “I would never trust those dogs,” referring to my sweet, loving dogs.

It is a pretty quiet Saturday at the campground. Three campers plus us are the only ones. There are a lot of fishing boats out on the lake. Because this is a State Park, there is a lot of maintenance going on, which means a lot of noise, such as leaf blowers, and lawn mowers.

Evening Entry

It has been a nice day, though it looks like clouds are beginning to move in. The camp is rain and raccoon protected. I am not sure if I should close up the window covers for the night. Not sure when it is suppose to start raining on Sunday?

A few more campers came in today, but looks like low key campers that should hopefully be quiet.

January 21, 2018 – Sunday

We woke up to a chilly 36 deg. with overcast skies. We had no rain during the night. So far the rain is holding off. The morning Sun wants to peak through the clouds.

I am finding I am not so inspired to write much here. If I were to say here much longer, I would write much more about the Mercury Mine, and the Pomo Indians, and as with exploring the area more, but it is not part of our plan. The area around the lake is pretty much built-up which makes it even far less attractive and far less enticing to be here. If it had more of a quaintness to it, it would definitely have a better feel for it. But for me, I would be consumed with the toxic lake and it’s surrounding, and the impact it is having on the health of all life here.

I forgot to mention, Lucia is back. The gal that I was talking with last week. She camped a bit further away from us. Maybe I scared her off. She is going through a lot of things from her past, and maybe she just wants to be alone.

Our friend, fat man (loosely speakings) came by our camp. His real name is Mark, He was drunk, loud, and obnoxious. He reminds me of the town drunk always looking for a free drink of alcohol from an unsuspecting camper. Much of what he talked about was hard to swollow, or he had a tendency of making it bigger than it was especially with a few beers in him. His story about Kevin at Del Valle was quite different then what Kevin had told me, and I would tend to believe Kevin’s version, over Mark’s. But Mark makes an interesting character on our journey.

It began to shower later in the day, and while I was sitting under the canopy, the boys were laying down under the lean-to. With the spattering of drops hitting the canopy, the water dripping down to the ground around the perimeter of the canopy, and with the gray skies, and chill in the air, it felt more wetter then it really was. When I went to do the dishes, the rain turned into a light drizzle that felt very pleasant, and refreshing when it touched my exposed skin.

On our evening walk, there was still a light rain falling, yet it was steady. It seems this may last into the rest of the evening, but one never knows. The boys were wet, and I was wet. We will retire early.

January 22, 2018 – Monday

It rained most of the night with a light rain, and a short down pour. I had to take Takota out in the middle of the night and the rain let up into a light mist. The rain was off and on during the night.

I slept pretty well during the night. When we got up it was partly cloudy. We are suppose to get more rain Wednesday and Thursday.

I found a small leak in the tent where the window flap joins the main tent material at the stitching.

There were black bird at our camp this morning. The first time we have seen them here. Any birds are always welcome in our camps.

There are only 3 campers plus us that are left here in the campground.

Our firewood supply is almost depleted, so we will pick some up today.

The rain as with the wind, or the combination of the two. does make camping interesting, and challenging. Although we have gotten some rain, it has not been too bad. The hardest thing is keeping everything dry the best we can. So far I have not had much issue with the tent, and the inside of the storage trailer is staying dry. Mold can also be a problem that I keep an eye on. I do enjoy light rain, and always before the storm, and after the storm. Everything feels fresh after a rain, a feeling of rejuvenation, and beauty. Camping in the fall, winter and early spring are the best times to camp for me. But the further north we go the worse the bad weather we will experience. I chose to try an Easy Pop-Up tent to see how well they work. One of the most important thing for me is the ease of putting up a tent since I have to do it alone. And I found the tent is overall quick and easy to set up once the tent is balanced at all the support poles. If any wind is blowing, forget it. Taking the tent down is very quick. Putting it back in the tent storage bag is another story. I find that putting on the rain fly can always be a challenge especially when doing it alone, and especially with the wind blowing, even in a light wind. The height of the tent is also a factor, as with the length. For those who are lazy like me, if the guy lines are not tied up, they always get all tangled up making the job even harder. Because this tent is tall, and long (15 ft. long), Once the tent is firmly in place, I put the rain fly on at the midpoint of the set up of the tent, then attaching the rain fly to the tent making it much easier to put on. I then raise the tent to full height and lock it in place. It usually takes about an hour to have the tent ready to sleep in. If there are no winds or minimal wind, I may choose to keep the guy lines unstaked, because inevitably, I will trip over them, or the chance of the boys getting tangled up in them. I always make it a habit to get the tent set up first when we arrive in a new camp. So if we do get bad weather we have a protected place to hunker down.

I have noticed we get more quail coming through, or near camp after a rain. I have also noticed the dark-eyed juncos coming around. I always enjoy birds visiting our camp, and once they realize the boys are harmless, they feel safe in our camp.

I was reflecting on all the beautiful country we will be experiencing when it comes to nature and going through the Pacific Northwest, and seeing the Pacific coastline. I wanted to originally avoid the coastline due to weather, but going through the passes to the east, we will be most likely hitting snow conditions that I don’t want to deal with, especially dragging a trailer along. So staying to the west it is, and dealing with whatever rain we get. I should begin planning our route through northern California.

The nice thing about winter, there are no bugs. Also I can keep our tent door open while in camp. Takota likes his private time in the tent, so if I leave the door open for him, he will spend a lot of his time there. He has always felt comfortable in the tent.

I had a Coleman tent prior to when we began this journey, and they designed a swing door for the tent. It was a nice feature to have, but I don’t personally like the poor quality of their tents.

People who walk the campground on their day walks are getting to know me and the boys. The boys always attract attention because people think they are wolves.

This is our 14th day. We have seen campers come and go. We have been here for the longest time, out of all the campers we have seen thus far.

Evening Entry

We picked up more firewood, and picked up a few things at Safeway. When we got back to camp, we went for a walk, and did a little reading. It is nice having a good supply of firewood. It is a bit chilly out with the wind blowing.

I got a weather report from the gal at the kiosk, Tuesday good, Rain Wednesday and Thursday, then nice for about a week or so. I was thinking about leaving next week, but we may stay for the whole month. I am loving this life style. Sleeping in a tent, being with the boys, and living amongst nature.

I was talking to a sweet lady and her sweet golden retriever, that I see on her morning walks. She told me I should hold off going to Oregon until March to avoid the worst weather. I will try to hang out for a month here in California that shouldn’t be a problem, especially if we stay here for another two weeks.

While I was cooking dinner, the boys were getting excited about something, and when I looked over in that direction they were looking, I saw a guy standing there. He was saying something, but I couldn’t understand him with the wind blowing and with Takota barking. So I walked closer to this stranger to see what he wanted. He told me he liked our camping layout. We began talking and he told me he and his dog are camping for 6 months in his trailer. He is from Washington state. I had to cut our conversation short because I was in the middle of cooking dinner. I told him, Mike was his name, we will be around for a while and we can chat later.

The wind finally died down around 7:15 pm. It was time to have a small campfire.

January 23, 2018 – Tuesday

The morning is overcast, 42 deg. at 9:30 am.

The first thing to do is to get a fire going and the coffee brewing. I slept pretty well, but woke in the middle of the night with those dream like concerns of our travels up north and to possibly wetter weather. And trying to avoid it if at all possible. I could feel my stress levels rising when I think of the what if situation. But it can also be helpful in being prepared as much as possible. I have to see this journey as an adventure. Challenges will always come, and just accepting them, and dealing with them as they come, staying in the present moment. One of the challenges I had was the limited stay we had for each campground, usually 14 days maximum. Always planning to leave on a Sunday or Monday for our next campground, and hoping the weather will be favorable for us, both in our departure, and arrival to our new campground. I always try to get the weather forecast for both areas. I want to avoid breaking down camp in the rain, and setting up camp in the rain. As with dealing with two big dogs. If I had another person for a helping hand I would look at this differently, but I don’t. I have to do all of it myself. Finding a good campsite that will fit our large tent and my truck and trailer is always with uncertainty, but getting there on the first part of the week always gave me better choices of campsites. All these campgrounds were new to me and I never knew what to expect. But amazingly, as you will see, our formula for living from campground to campground worked with a little help from the Helping Spirits.

This morning I had a protein drink for breakfast. I bought some bird seed at the store, so I could share it with the birds around camp. I spread some bird seed around, but we had no takers yet. From my little experience, once a bird knows there is feed, they share it with the whole bird community.

Today I will pile the new firewood up and keep it covered for when the rains comes on Wednesday. Take a needed shower, do some shopping, and dry off some moisture from under the bed air mattress.

It is a pretty quiet morning at the campground.

Last night I was thinking about the process of making change in my life. It is simply by making a choice in do so. But many times we will experience resistance by the ego mind, stopping us in our steps. I remember doing this during the mid-90s, and every choice I made, it seemed to appear very easily, just by making that choice of the person I wanted to be. I knew I had guidance from within. It was like I had a down load which created the shift in my consciousness, in my awareness. I was experiencing these shifts. My deep awareness was shifting slowly though in my relationship with nature on this journey.

Evening Entry

I didn’t get all that I wanted to get done today because I was talking to Kellie to long. Kellie and her husband just arrived as new Camp Hosts for this campground. There is also another Camp Host here as well.

I did get the firewood stacked and covered for the rain coming. I got the underside of my air mattress dried. My previous air mattress was getting mold from the moisture I was unaware of, and got it replaced. Black mold can be very dangerous if breathe in. I then went to the store. I didn’t take a shower, so I will do it before the rain starts in the afternoon.

Our new neighbor, Mike dropped by camp again tonight, and our chat lasted longer than I had hoped, so I gave up on cooking dinner. I fed the boys, and fixed me a salad for dinner. I had a good conversation with Mike, and he gave me some good input on where to go up into Oregon, and Washington to camp. I would like to get into Alaska in early June if possible. He also reminded me of the exchange rate, and gas could be much more expensive in Canada. Mike also gave me an idea of the weather I will be dealing with up north.

The unusual bird call I have been hearing a lot is not a raven that I was thinking it might be, but found out it was a heron. It is hard for my brain to keep track of all the bird calls we encounter.

January 24, 2018 – Wednesday

I slept pretty good through the night, but had disturbing dreams in the early morning.

While scratching Nanook I found two ticks embedded in him. I got up to pull them out, then went back to bed. We got up shortly after 8:00 am. We went to the front gate to pay for another two days.

It looked like rain as soon as we got up, and soon, a light rain began falling. Occasional drops of rain would fall while writing in the journal and preparing breakfast. After breakfast, and before the rain began falling harder, I thought I should take a shower before it really started to come down. After the shower I felt clean and refreshed once again, like a spring flower.

Afternoon Entry

It is 3:45 pm, and it has been raining all day, but it was mostly very light continuous showers. It can be nice being out in the wet weather as long as one has protection from getting wet. This type of weather is when a canopy is very nice to have. I was spending some time under the canopy enjoying the day, and the boys under their lean-to tarp. I was beginning to get wet, and the boys were getting wet. So we got into the truck, took a short drive to the gate entrance, and I kept the truck running to warm up. While there, I called a friend and chatted a bit with her.

When people live in RV’s they usually stay in their home away from home much of the time, especially in bad weather. They want all the comforts of a real home. To me this is not camping. The reason I chose to do this journey in a tent is to truly experience nature in all her seasons, and not hide from them.

Evening Entry

It is 6:05 pm, we took a nap in the tent from the rain. I heard some talking outside, so I went outside to see what it was. The campers across from us were packing it up. Since I was already up I got the boys dinner ready and brought their water and food in the tent. I then got everything closed up for the night. I went without dinner.

The people across from us told me they were packing up to move to another campsite because a branch fell on their trailer roof and broke a skylight on their new trailer. The guy was also telling me, him and his wife while walking back to their camp from the restrooms were charged twice by a deer buck. I thought that was unusual. Maybe it was the cause of mercury exposure that can effect the brain. I will have to keep a close eye out on the deer here. I reported the incident to the park rangers. Whether the guy did report it, I am not sure. I hope he did. I have not seen any deer in the area since we have been here. This should be considered a big issue. I was wondering, would the buck charge a guy with two big dogs?

Most of the trees in the campground are Sycamore, and are prone to branches breaking off. I need to assess my campsite for any possible widow makers. I am sure, as I was, people think the campgrounds are safe from unsafe trees falling or branches falling, but they are not. This concerns me. I remember when I was camping in the Sierra Nevada mountains, a campsite across me had a huge pine branch that snapped and was laying across the picnic table. With California dealing with a drought, the trees will be much weaker. Widow makers can cause a lot of damage, and can kill people. There is no way to know if and when a tree may fall that seems to look healthy. It should be common practice to inspect all tree in a campsite for any damage to trees, as with dead branches.

I should know better then to set up a tent under certain trees, or dead branches, but sometimes I will miss them. Since I arrived at this campsite, it was getting late and I was in a hurry to set up camp. I missed some dead branches, and limbs over my tent, and some large branches and limbs over my trailer. I had oak trees in my campsite.

January 25, 2018 – Thursday

Rain, rain, rain.

We woke up to 38 deg. at 8:00 am. It looked like blue skies were heading our way. The thunder showers during the night were off and on, and mostly on. Overall it was light showers.

I was cold much of the night. My feet were cold, and I had a slight chill that lasted the night. I checked the temperature and it was 40 deg. I was thinking I shouldn’t be cold. Then it dropped down to 30 deg. and I felt warm. This happened to me at Del Valle also. This may have to do with how I sleep. If I sleep on my sides I have less surface area of the sleeping bag against me. When on my back or stomach I have more sleeping bag surface against me. I believe I was using my 20 deg rated bag. It was also an extra large bag that would not be as efficient for my body size.

Another reason I could have been colder was because I was wearing wet cotton Levis all day drawing heat from my body until I went to bed. The common rule for camping, and going in the backcountry, is to leave the cotton clothing behind, because cotton kills. I had many solutions to stay warmer, and if I felt I needed them I would have used them. I am seeing these things as observations, and adjusting to the situation if need be. I am wearing my rain proof pants today.

Right now at 11:15 am, the Sun is trying to peek through the clouds, and a bit of blue sky showing itself. On days, and nights like this, I would think, how nice it would be having a camping trailer right now. But then I would miss the beauty and experience being outside in nature.

The birds are out feeding on whatever they can find. The quail are also out feeding. For me, I am drinking my coffee, writing in my journal, next to a warming campfire. How good can it get? At the higher elevations in the mountains, there was snow. At this point I was getting a bit tired of the rain. I was thinking, will a tree or branch, fall on us, or on the trailer or truck?

Sometime during the night, I heard crashing and thought, raccoons? I didn’t see anything in camp. It may have been those critters getting into the trash cans which they tend to do.

I was talking to one of the rangers, Heidi, about cutting down some branches around my camp. She just laughed. While talking with her I saw a bald eagle flying along the shoreline of the lake.

After a rain shower I looked toward an oak tree with the back drop of the Sun shining through, and illuminating droplets of water falling to the ground, like diamonds falling from the sky and upon the earth – beautiful.

Evening Entry

I checked out some other campsites and decided on Site #40, only two sites away from us. Depending on the weather we will move camp on Friday or Saturday. The forecast is for nice weather for the next five days or more, which means no rain. We need rain. Rain is the life force of for all life. And I do appreciate all that rain gives to us. It provides so much beauty in it’s many forms, in rain itself, in snow, and ice. But it also has to be respected, as with all life forms. I knew I would have to deal with rain, snow, and ice on our journey. I wanted to experience it, embrace it for all it is. For it’s beauty, and for it’s challenges. In our modern world we have lost our very understanding of the natural world and the role she plays which is the very thing that gives life to all life. The many problems the human species face is due to the lack of respect, and the separateness from nature. This is why I chose to live this lifestyle – to gain a deeper appreciation, respect, and connection to her, and for her.

I have to start figuring out where we are going for our next camp.

Overall it was beautiful today with it’s on and off thunder showers. But too much rain can get to ones sanity, especially camping in a tent, and being cold and wet. It can be very trying, and yet so beautiful at the same time. We still have a few more months dealing with wet, and windy weather heading north.

I lost it with the boys tonight. Whatever it was, they were just being dogs. Usually when I react to them, it is out of my own frustration about something, and not them. They have been great on our journey. I couldn’t ask for more. Well maybe, them not liking other dogs is, or can be a big problem.

We will see if we move to the other site tomorrow, weather permitting.

January 26, 2018 – Friday

We got some showers last night. It got cold in the middle of the night, so I put a blanket over my sleeping bag and that did the trick. We woke up to 34 deg. with a possible low of 29 deg. For my weather data, I am using an “Oregon Scientific Wireless Weather Station,” product that is suppose to give me all the weather data that I need. I am not sure how reliable it is though. I just use it for the temperature overall, and not sure how accurate that is.

It is chilly out, but with welcoming blue skies. A good day to move. It will be a safer site as far as trees go.

I slept pretty well, but I have been having these re-occurring dreams of me fighting with my brother. It would be a lot of yelling, and mostly from me. I am not sure where these dreams and anger comes from. But they would pop-up on occasion. They are terrible dreams. I would have these types of dreams with me yelling at my mom all the time. And in reality, I did this out of frustration. But with my brother, overall we had a great relationship. He was a good brother that on occasion loved to pick on me when I was younger.

I will have a cup or two, or three, of coffee, feed the boys, then begin to packing up and start moving camp.

One piece of gear I am glad I purchased was a Cabela’s 60 Qt. Polar Cap Equalizer Cooler. It is similar the Yeti. It wasn’t cheap. The holding space is minimal due to the insulation added, but it is an essential gear for camping. It is also bear proof. I can usually get five days worth of food in it using a 10 lb. block of ice. The typical ice chest may last two and a half days maybe. The hard part is finding block ice. It is not always available. Crushed ice melts to quickly. I will use my regular ice chest for backup or storing food that is non-perishable. I also have two ice chests that fit in my bear proof panniers, but only use them in bear country, and just used for non-perishable foods.

Afternoon Entry

The move to our new camp went smoothly with a little help from a neighbor, but I did 98% of it. We even had time left to do some shopping. I like the new site with no concern of widow makers striking our camp. We also have a nicer view of the lake as long as a camper does not block our view with a large RV in which one just did. I hope he is there just for the weekend. I also have a nice view of the lake from my large end window in the tent that is facing east. I get to wake up to the morning Sun. We have a lot of leaf litter around camp that the boys like to lie down in, especially Nanook.

I finished setting up camp before 4:30 pm. No cooking tonight. I bought a whole roasted chicken for dinner, and a beer or two. The boys had kibble, ham, and cheese. It was a good day, but I am tired. I will finish the last touches on the camp tomorrow. I have a little more peace in knowing I won’t have to worry about widow makers. I think the boys will like this camp better as well.

The lake is as smooth as glass, the setting Sun is shining on the other side of the lake. Each moment I feel much better about my choice to move here. I also have the whole section to myself. Supposedly we are getting 10 days of nice weather. If the weather is good, we may leave in 10 day, and I decided our new camp will be Richardson Grove State Park.

Evening Entry

Mike dropped by for a chat. We were talking about how cold it was getting. I checked the temperature at 6:15 pm, and it was 39 deg. The coldest it has been during the evening so far. The boys don’t mind the cold. They actually like it. For them, the colder the better.

Although we have had rain, wind, and cold, there is nothing like being this close to nature. We are living and experiencing nature. My goal is to go deeper into the experience with nature – to be fully one with nature in each moment.

January 27, 2018 – Saturday

I had a little upset stomach during the night, but slept pretty well for the most part. Maybe it was from the beer I drank.

I had all the window flaps open, enjoying the beginnings of the dim morning light coming through the tent, although subdued by the overcast skies. I do see some clear patches of blue sky peeking through, as well as above the silhouettes of the sycamore trees, and one medium size oak tree that surrounds our camp. This is one reason I like this tent with it’s large window openings letting nature flow in. All the trees were without leaves, but the oak. The branches and limbs spreading out like cobwebs against the gray background of the cloudy sky. Some areas looked like scattered clouds, but realizing it was the silhouette of the trees. An amazing sight to behold.

It wasn’t to cold during the night, maybe 40 deg. and rose to 43 deg. in the morning. The coldest part of the early morning is usually around 4:00 am when there is a drop in temperature.

We finally got up around 8:30 am. The sky was clear one minute, and cloudy the next. At 9:50 am it was completely overcast, but still pleasant to be outside. We did get a very light sprinkle for a short period in the wee hours before Sun rise this morning.

I was having a problem getting the fire going this morning. It just didn’t want to cooperate. Finally it is burning well now. The stove was working well. My coffee was brewing.

Being outdoors in nature gives one a greater sense of freedom, and also an appreciation and responsibility for what was given to us on this beautiful home we call Earth.

A lot of bird chatter going on this morning that began around 7:30 am. Mostly by the crows. While laying in bed I was watching a tiny bird hopping and flying to the limbs, and twigs effortlessly. Birds are amazing creatures to observe in awe and wonder. They have an amazing sense of depth perception and balance. Birds essentially make one eye do the work to allow it to have depth perception. Birds have the best eyes of any animal. Birds can see objects in fine detail two-and-a-half to three times farther away than people can.

I just had a thought of Shiloh and I being in our wilderness experiences together. I sure do miss him. You are always with me, my good friend. (You can read about our adventures in my blog, “Our Journey Into The Wilderness”).

At times it is hard being out here in nature, being consumed with my thoughts of doubt, and uncertainty. Asking the question, “Was this really the smart thing to do?” My answer, is always, “An emphatic Yes!” Most of the time it is the only place I would want to be, especially being with Takota and Nanook (referred to as the boys).

Evening Entry

Eventually the cloudy skies turned to blue sunny skies with 60 deg. temperatures, extending for 5 days or so. Looking forward to that, with the exception of possibly bringing more people out camping.

I got the firewood stacked in a pile, then did some ready. I had a late breakfast that turned into my lunch. I still need to organize camp a little more.

Many times I will spend most of my mornings writing in my journal that may take up the whole morning. Sometimes the entries are short, most of the time I am not sure what I will write, I just write what comes to me. Sometimes, I have nothing to write, my mind is blank, and that may turn into a very short entry or turns into a couple of hours of writing. Usually my afternoon and evening entries are short, but sometimes not. Or I will sit in reflection or observe things around me, the beauty in all things that is nature, being in silence. For most people, this will seem very boring, but for me, it is a time just to enjoy inner peace within. Being in a magical place of gratitude.

I was not always this way. I always had to stay busy doing stuff like so many of us seem the need to do. But then I eventually found that silent place where I stopped needing, and began just being.

January 28, 2018 – Sunday

We went to bed on a clear night. I woke in the middle of the night with sounds of a pitter patter on the roof of the tent. I knew it wasn’t rain, so I looked outside from my large picture window, and the whole area was covered in a blanket of fog. I was way to comfortable and warm in bed, and decided it would be okay keeping all the window covers open. I felt tiny splashes of moisture hitting me on my face, but nothing to be concerned about. If it got any worse, I would get up and close the window covers.

When we got up it was still foggy. We went to the kiosk to pay for another two days, then returned to camp.

I thought I would use some bushcraft skills to start the morning fire. With all my kindling wet, I tried the feathering stick method to get to the dry wood. It would light and then go out. It just wouldn’t take. So I grabbed a fat wood stick, I scraped some shavings onto the feathered sticks that wouldn’t light, then feathered the fat wood, and lit the fat wood stick that I placed under the kindling. And we have fire.

I roughly figured the cost of camping at campgrounds, and it is expensive. The benefits camping at campgrounds are the restrooms showers, or pit toilets, potable water, trash disposal, picnic tables, fire rings, the convenience to towns, and the safety of life and property. The other options would be BLM lands, forest service campgrounds, or boon docking, and dispersed camping which are free, or much cheaper, but with less accessibility in the winter. And may not have the simple necessities like water, trash, toilets, and the safety of my stuff. There were other reasons, but for simplicity, I chose the State Parks to stay in, in the beginning of our journey. I also like spending more time in each place, usually the maximum two weeks, so I can learn more about the area.

Mike and his faithful companion, Mr. Dundee dropped by twice to chat. Mike gave me the weather forecast and the weather outlook is good for the next 10 days.

Evening Entry

After a very late breakfast, it was getting into early afternoon. I took the boys for a walk, then to the store for food.

Most of the weekend campers have left.

After putting everything away as far as the food goes, we went to visit Mike and Dundee at their place. The boys liked Dundee, and Dundee liked the boys, but he seemed to like me better.

We didn’t get much done today in camp.

January 29, 2018 – Monday

I slept well with nothing too exciting happening last night during the wee hours of twilight. It was all quiet, and peaceful. It is 10:00 am and still cloudy. Looking out towards the lake I noticed a flash of an image in flight, flying low along the shoreline. It was a bald eagle.

Evening Entry

I got a few things done in camp, but not everything I was hoping. I usually never do. Things move slowing living in nature, and taking more time then expected to get things done. I just need to learn to slow down to the rhythms of nature. Taking one thing at a time, one step at a time.

We went over to talk with Mike, and saw four bald eagles flying by. That made my day.

Mike picked up some Mexican dinner in town for us, and we ate it at our camp. It was pretty good. I haven’t has Mexican food for a while. It was a nice treat.

It is easy talking with Mike because we have a lot in common, at least as camping, and being in nature goes. He is not into the spiritual part, our deep relationship, and connection with nature, but most people aren’t. I stay away from that conversation. I am very selective on who I talk with on that subject. Being spiritual is an individual journal one takes., It is not about following a religion and it’s dogma. One does not have to follow rules, but one does realize a Truth that guides each one of us. It is always a choice that we make that will guide us on the path of right or wrong. We gain most of our important lessons from our mistakes.

It was overcast much of the day. There were parts of the day where blue sky appeared, then vanished as quickly as it came with clouds covering up what blue sky appeared above. The beauty of nature in her endless changes and forms.

It is 7:15 pm, overcast and there is the movement of a small breeze coming through. It is not too cold out this evening. The only expected Sunny day is on Friday, but no rain for the week.

Today I was checking out what campgrounds are on our way north. I was looking at a magazine Mike gave me to look at for possibilities for camping. I was looking forward to experiencing the beautiful Pacific Northwest and the magnificent Redwoods.

It would seem that one would have plenty of time to get thing done living this lifestyle, but surprisingly it is not. It seems there is never enough time. Maybe it shouldn’t matter, and just go with the natural flow. Nature seems to pull us away from the non-important to the simplicity of experiencing the beauty in nature. Allowing us to deeply connect to all things in the natural world.

We are near having a full Moon. It lights up the whole area with it’s amazing moon light glow, 238,900 miles away. The Moon has an important relationship with the Earth, making Earth a more livable planet by moderating our home planet’s wobble on its axis, leading to a relatively stable climate. It also causes the tides, creating a rhythm that has guided humans for thousands of years. It has helped the animal kingdom to maneuver the world. And it is simply a beautiful thing to see in our night sky. I am sure we would feel lost without its presence. Our planet, our solar system, and our galaxy, has a special relationship with each other, as does our galaxy have with the whole Universe. Its natural wonders, beauty, and awe that always delights and expands our imagination. And how it created this beautiful planet of ours.

Mike and Dundee came by this evening and asked if we wanted to check out some animal tracks in the reeds along the shoreline of the lake. I said, “Sure.” So I got the boys leashed up, and we enjoyed a walk in nature under the moon lit sky.

We made this walk short due to me and the boys getting tangled up in roots and brush.

January 30, 2018 – Tuesday

It was a cold night sleeping. It was in the low 30s. I had to go outside to pee twice on this chilly night.

This morning I got to watch the sunrise come up from the comfort of my bed.

Today we will be running around doing some shopping for food, and picking up some firewood.

Evening Entry

I got some reading done, we picked up more firewood, and got a good deal on it, dropped by the Museum and it was closed. Then food shopping.

Had dinner then met Mike and Dundee on the beach for a moon rise. I got some good shots of the moon rise. We then went to our separate camp sites. It is another beautiful moon lit night. Today turned out to be a beautiful warm day with a temperature of 65 deg. The good weather is suppose to continue for a couple of weeks. Yahoo!

January 31, 2018 – Wednesday

We awoke to blue skies, a cold 32 deg. and another beautiful day in nature.

Looking out the large tent window while still laying in bed, I was admiring a young tree next to my tent. At first thinking it was an oak, although I thought it did not grow like an oak would. I realized looking at it closer that it was a sycamore. It grows straight and tall, a beautiful tree.

As soon as we got up, we went for a walk and checked out the lake, and what I saw of the lake, it looked very unclean on the surface – it looked unhealthy. It was a lake that was polluted by man, as with so many other lakes, rivers, streams, and oceans on our planet. We have used these valuable natural resources as places to pollute, dump our waste, and garbage. There is now a large plastic island floating in the oceans, known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch that consists of huge amounts of plastics that has been dumped in the Pacific, and washing up on beaches. In Hawaii and else where. We never thought about the devastating impact man has had on the natural environment, on human life, and on all wildlife. And we still don’t for the most part. When we did begin to better understand what we had done, and continued to do to the air, the water, to the land, and to the natural ecosystems as a whole through science, our actions to remedy the problems have moved very slowly to fix them. America’s solutions have always been to bandage the problems, to find the easy fix. The main reason for this is we did not want to look at the real problem, we did not want to change our ingrained behaviors. We did not want to stop progress. We did not want to truly see what our relationship, our interconnectedness was with nature, and with all life forms. We believed man was the ruling species, with it’s supreme intelligence, and arrogance, and greed. We believed that our planet is here for the taking, and to do with it as we please.

We could have learned a better way if we were only open to the knowledge, and wisdom of the indigenous peoples, instead we tried to destroy them, and erase them from existence. Although this attempt of extermination did not work, it created much suffering and hardship to the native people for many decades, and continues on today. But these native peoples were able to survive these horrific atrocities, and cultural genocides against them, by the aggressors. Because they were suppose to be here.

If we did listen, observe, and learn from the indigenous peoples, maybe that would mean moving away from our destructive behavior, halting the greed, and the destruction that drove modern societies. In our very short time we have been in North America, we have done so much damage to this land, to the water, and to the air. The very things that give life.

If we could only see deeply, what our relationship is to all life, can we truly stop the destruction we are doing to our planet. We are slowly moving in that direction, but we are also now facing a dramatic change on our planet due to climate change, which is upon us now, as with many other distractions, and social madness we face in the world today.

We are moving slowly to more of a sustainable planet. We are slowly becoming greener, we are becoming more aware. But until we change our paradigm in the way we see nature, in gaining a deeper relationship with nature, and seeing the Oneness in all things. Little will truly change in dealing with the bigger problems, the deeper problems we face, until we begin to wake up to this illusion we have been living.

Last night it didn’t begin to get cold for me until after 1:00 am. I slept pretty well, with weird dreams keeping me company.

Before deciding to get out of bed, a crow flew on a branch next to the tent. I watched him, and when he flew off, we got up.

The simplest things in camping brings back how things may have been done in the old days, like doing dishes. The only thing I really need to wash are my frying pan, rinse out my coffee pot, and my coffee cup. I use paper plates to eat from. I do have plates, but rarely use them, It just means more dishes to wash. The water sources here are water faucets next to the roadside and campsites, that I have to kneel down to do the dishes, and usually getting all wet in the process. Many campgrounds don’t want people to do dishes at the water source. But many do anyway that tent camp.

This morning I was washing the frying pan at the water faucet for cooking breakfast, and an older gentleman who walks his toy puddle everyday along this road, stopped, and his poodle came to me to give me a good sniff. Maybe thinking I have food for him.

We met up with Dundee and his dad. Mike is taking Dundee to the Vets. The poor guy is not doing well with all his tick bites.

The Sun was warming the air on this beautiful morning, and I felt a sense of peace at the watering hole while washing my frying pan. Who would think one could experience such a feeling in cleaning a frying pan? For some odd reason, I am finding a little enjoyment in the process of doing the dishes once in a rare while. Go figure?

Bass fishing is a big sport at Clear Lake with the annual Bass Fishing Tournament they have. Once the Bass are weighed in they are released back into the lake. As far as injury to the fish, studies have been done on the mortality rate of fish in catch and release due to injury or the stress of the fish they endure. Something to think about? Do we think about the stress, and harm we perpetuate on these creatures? The fishermen are out for the enjoyment of fishing, the competition, and possibly winning a big pay check. They really don’t think about the harm they may have on the fish. And those who go out just for the enjoyment of fishing and catch and release, which are probably most that fish in this lake, creates a possibility of injuring the fish. Something to think about? Do they think about the stress, and harm they perpetuate on these creatures? Unlikely. We tend to see them as objects, and not living beings.

Some catch the fish for a food source. But don’t they know the fish are very unhealthy to eat because of mercury contamination? And what about the wildlife that consume the aquatic species? They don’t know that the very food they eat can kill them, as with effecting their young. Don’t we care what impacts man has on the environment that impacts all life? Maybe we should think about that? It is unfortunate that most people have not grasped the idea in our modern world, that we are all connected to all life.

Afternoon Entry

I was talking with a birder who has walked through the campground before, and he told me the black masked birds were the dark-eyed junco. I also asked about the elusive bird I saw back home, but with my poor description of it, he had no idea. He also told me that the young sycamore trees don’t develop their branches that are characteristic of the adult trees until much later. I hope I can meet more knowledgeable people on our journey like this gentleman. He loved to share his knowledge.

Evening Entry

I got some reading, and writing done. And dried the boy’s beds in the warmth of the Sun.

February 1, 2018 – Thursday

The first of February, we made it this far. We haven’t done a lot of miles, due to weather, but getting close to two and a half months camping. I feel I could do this indefinitely. I love camping, sleeping in a tent, living in nature, and being with the boys. The boys are truly a gift. Although I don’t care for the restrictions in the campgrounds as far as how long we can stay, and reservations required at some campgrounds, it is something we will just have to deal with I guess. And dealing with loud and disrespectful people. Other than that, I am loving this journey I have chosen for us.

I had a good night sleep followed by some weird dreams. I did my meditation, and felt great.

Unless we have rain, or wind, we usually have morning and evening campfires for warmth, the calming effect, and the nice fragrance of the wood burning.

It can be hard at times observing nature or photographing nature unless we stay in camp. I always have to worry about dogs off leash, and trying to hold on to these two big dogs, making it difficult in focusing on photography on our walks. But for now that is not a priority for me at this time. But then again, this can change any time. I haven’t had any luck sitting down with the two elders for a chat, so I am giving up on trying to get a hold of them. They won’t return my calls, so whatever reason, I am not going to give any more time trying to contact them. Native Americans have their own time that is different then most of us who are always running after time.

In camp I was watching black birds looking for food by lifting leaves on the ground with their beaks. It was also nice observing the sycamore trees as well.

We went to the Museum, and I did a quick walk through. I picked up two books. One was on the history of Clear Lake, and the other on the Pomo Indians. The cost of both books, $51.00. I really shouldn’t of bought them, but I did.

February 2, 2018 – Friday

I slept well this morning, and waking up to a blue sky.

A lone fisherman paddling near by our camp on the calm lake, paddling here and there waiting for that tug on the line, hoping for that strike at any moment. Is he fishing for sport, or for a meal? My thoughts are on how toxic the lake is that is invisible to some. Unless they know the history of the lake, or have been warned not to eat the fish. Or they catch and release, putting stress on that fish for the pleasure of the sport for ones own selfish gratifications the fisherman gets. Maybe in hopes of landing a big one. Or it could be the act of fishing that provides the calmness, and peace one experiences while fishing on a calm lake or stream, and the sensations and feelings one experiences being in nature. Maybe for some, it is just being on the water. It can be a form of meditation for some, or simply experiencing the excitement of the catch, and landing the fish, to pose for a photo to show friends. For the native people who have been here for thousands of years, it was for sustainability, to feed their family or in sharing with their group. They did not know the concept of fishing or hunting for sport. They had a higher respect for all life they took, and thanked the animal for providing for them. Unfortunate we in the modern world had forgotten this – in giving thanks for what our planet provides to us.

In my younger days I probably would have fished here, and would have even eaten my catch, not knowing, or ignoring any warnings of the mercury content in the fish, and within the lake. But I am now experiencing a greater respect for nature, and the impact I have on her in the things I do.

I watched the fisherman in his kayak, gracefully moving upon the surface of the water, and observed the seagulls floating peacefully on the lake. There was a quiet calmness in this idyllic scene I was experiencing. I imagined I was in Europe. I don’t know why? It just felt that way. Then I spotted two Canadian geese flying over the lake heading in a southerly direction that added to this wondrous experience I was having. And then came the vibrational humming sounds of the motor boats, breaking that magical spell I found myself in.

Being next to the fire, writing in the journal, I experience the wonderful scent of the wood burning. It is about 55 deg. this morning.

We were visited by the black birds and juncos this morning, as we are most mornings.

It will be laundry day today.

Saturday, and Sunday I will start getting the camp broken down and preparing for our departure on Tuesday.

The nice thing about living in nature are experiencing, and observing the simple things that captivate us, inspire us, and allowing us to be in the beauty of the moment in nature.

I am sure it would be nice having the modern conveniences in a RV, but that isn’t really camping. Being in a tent one feels the pureness in nature. It awakens us to a deeper connection to nature. Nature provides us with many small gifts. Two of my favorite gifts are being with the boys on this journey of ours.

Evening Entry

We spent most of the afternoon at the laundromat.

Being used to having the Moon coming out early in the evening, it was nice having the Moon light lightening up our surroundings. Because the Moon rises later each night, the stars once again begin to fill the night sky.

We had six new campers that arrived.

February 3, 2018 – Saturday

The six campers that came in yesterday were all quiet, but one. The one that was not quiet were basically teenager. They went on until 3:00 am. I mentioned it to them that quiet time was 10:00 pm. They said they were sorry, but a sorry that meant with no sincerity. Of course I reported them to Trevor, the law enforcement officer, and he talked with them as well. Will it do any good? One never knows.

I reflected on when I was young, and I did the same thing with friends. It is part of being young, and having a sense of freedom. They really don’t know better, they just want to have fun. But in our society kids are not respectful to others unless they are taught by their parents, and society, especially the respect for nature. It is just a part of growing up. Kids want to be wild and crazy at times especially during adolescence. I thought I was a good, and responsible kid overall, but things change when the teens hit. Most lose all sense of being responsible. Sometimes it is more fun being a rebel. I dealt with this a lot during at my camping at Del Valle. My purpose while in nature was to experience silence, and a deep connection to the natural world, and the last thing I wanted was to be dealing with loud and obnoxious people being disrespectful to all things around them. But that is asking for a lot in our society that were never taught that nature is a place where we show respect and reverence to.

In campgrounds, sound travels good distances from the source. Being in a tent I have no insulation from any sounds. It seems sounds are amplified, making it difficult to sleep when there are loud campers. Could I have dealt with this disturbing noise by just letting it go, instead of holding onto it through anger? Possibly. We can’t change peoples behavior through our judgments, but we can change how we see things as being good or bad, or simply as is. Because I had the opportunity to talk with the young campers, and reporting them to the Park Ranger, they may have thought about being quieter. But there is no guarantee that they would, especially if they are drinking alcohol.

Dr. Wayne Dyer had a great quote: “If you think you need to be right, replace it with being kind.” Another words, choose being at peace over being right. I spent a little time reflecting on this.

There is an occasional light breeze that comes and goes through camp. We are getting a lot of birds coming to visit our camp this morning.

Afternoon Entry

To show a kind gesture to the young fellow campers, I offered to pick up some firewood for them if they wanted some. In a polite gesture, they responded with a no thank you.

I picked up an enough firewood to last us on our remaining time here. Anything left over I can bring to our next camp. I also picked up a few things at Safeway, then we headed back to camp.

Before heading back to camp I decided to check out the Big Valley Rancheria. From what I saw the Rancheria consisted of the Konocti Vista Casino Resort, and Marina (I read some of the reviews and they were from very good to very bad). There was a smoke shop across the street from the casino, an area of fairly new housing, and an area of run down housing. It also had an EPA office. I am sure there was more that I did not see.

I continued on the road past the casino, toward the lake, and found myself in the poor housing section. The road turned into more pot holes then a level surface, where I was facing a game of dodging each pot hole.

Children were playing just of the pot holed roadway, paying little attention to me. Two Native American men were standing on the front porch of a rundown house, holding rifles. I was thinking maybe I shouldn’t be here? So I went a little further where the road ended and where the lake began. A sign was posted that read, “No Trespassing, For Tribal Members Only.” So I turned around. On the dirt road heading back from where I came, one of the men from the house I just passed was walking towards me with a rifle. Again, I thought, maybe this was not such a good idea? I stopped to talk with him. His name was Chris, a Pomo Indian. I asked if it was okay to talk with him, and he said, “sure.” The first question that came out of my mouth was, “Is this all that is left of your land (referring to this location, this Rancheria)?” He responded, “That is it!” That question began an informative conversation with Chris. Chris was very open in answering the questions I was asking, which I was very grateful. We talked about the lake being so polluted, talked about the Pomo language still being intact (at least one dialect), that some families still speak in their family unit. I asked about the casino, whether it was a smart thing to do? Chris told me, mostly the traditional portion of the tribe thought it was a bad idea. The non-traditional thought it was a good idea (the non-traditional refers to the Native Americans who have been heavily influenced by the white man’s ways through lies, and deceptions). There is a lot of political differences and fighting between the traditional and non-traditional members of the tribe. This is common throughout the country. Chris said, “there is a lot of corruption that further sets the tribe’s people apart. We then are all losers.” I thanked Chris for sharing with me. There are two Rancheria’s in the Clear Lake area. The Big Valley Band at the southwest part of the lake, and the Robinson Rancheria at the north shore of Clear Lake. Only two small patches of land left to the original people of the area, that they once occupied.

Talking with Chris created more questions in my mind. It also made me want to spend more time here to learn more about the Pomo people. One of the reasons to go on this journey was to connect with different tribes. It was unfortunate I could not meet up with the two elders I was trying to connect with. It was frustrated for me because I wanted to connect more to the Native Americans on our journey, to seek to understand.

I really appreciated Chris’s time, but one thing I forgot to do, and that is very important in the Native American traditions, was to give a gift. I could have given him tobacco, but I did not think about it at the time, and I feel bad about that.

Evening Entry

It was a beautiful and warm February day at Clear Lake.

After writing in the journal I saw Mike coming toward our camp and I waved him over to thank him for leaving more information for our travels. Doing this full time it is very helpful in getting potentially valuable input from other people on good places to camp. Although I have different perimeters than many people, it can at least give me an idea of where to go. I have very specific needs for a campsite to work for us. It is not like just finding a patch of dirt to throw a small tent on. It feels like I am basically moving blindly through unknown lands, and hoping each place I select to camp works out for us. I don’t want to be stuck somewhere trying to find a place to camp.

As always Mike and Dundee stayed longer than expected. It was nice talking with Mike, but I like making conversations short as possible because it eats up valuable time in trying to get things done. Mike needed to go, and I needed to get dinner going. Mike took some photos of me and the boys before he left.

Mike was thinking about possibly leaving on Monday heading towards the Napa area to the south. There were wild fires in that area he had to be aware of.

Although I enjoy being alone with the boys, it was nice having Mike and Dundee around for our brief chats.

I may rethink my departure date, and leave earlier on Tuesday. I want to get moving to explore new areas. We have been here long enough. I do wish we had better luck talking with some Pomo elders.

The mosquitoes are starting to come out. It has been getting lighter early in the morning, and getting darker later in the evening. The days are getting longer which is a nice welcome. We had another beautiful night to experience in nature.

More campers came into the campground today. The temperature was in the 70’s today. Today was a great day to be in nature.

February 4, 2018 – Sunday

I slept well last night. It was a quiet and peaceful night.

This morning is cool and partly cloudy, with blue sky showing in areas.

Not much to write about this morning. Most of the campers are leaving today.

I will begin preparing camp to leave today. I am still not sure if I will leave on Tuesday or Wednesday. Either day, we should be assured in getting a campsite at Richardson Grove State Park campground. I hope!

I haven’t seen much of the bald eagles the past few days. But I haven’t really been looking for them. They may have been flying by our camp without me even noticing them. I am sure I will see them up north. I am looking forward to seeing and camping in the Redwoods.

I am surprised in seeing so many campers camping on the weekends during this time of year. And I am surprised it has also been so quiet overall.

Evening Entry

I got the canopy taken down and put in it’s bag. I put some things away in the trailer and got the trailer a bit better organized, if that is even possible. We will go shopping tomorrow. The weather is suppose to be very good for a Tuesday departure.

Relaxing in camp with the rest of the campground very quiet.

February 5, 2018 – Monday

Today it is 46 deg. at 8:30 am, with light overcast. Pretty comfortable this morning. I am only wearing two layers of top clothing, and no jacket.

I slept pretty well last night. The campground was quiet, and even the raccoons were quiet, and staying out of trouble for the most part.

I feel good today, ready to start a new day. I am excited and ready to move to our new camp.

When I was staying with my sister, she asked me if I was going to stay at Richardson Grove State Park? I told her I would try. For my family, and before I was born, Richardson Grove was a yearly destination for the Family camping trip. My dad loved this place, so I wanted to visit it, and maybe dad’s spirit will be there with us.

Overall the experience here was a good experience, and the people are nice. The biggest disappointment was not being able to connect with the Pomo people, with the exception of being able to talk with Chris.

While I was cleaning the dishes at the water spicket, a lady walks by me and stops, asking if we were leaving? I told her we will be leaving soon. She said, she will miss us. We talked for a bit, and I told her I was hoping to talk more with the Pomo people, and she told me she wrote a book on the Pomo Indians. It was one of the books, I had picked up at the Library, and was reading. We had a nice conversation, and she was very knowledgeable, and a very nice woman to talk with. Her name was K C Patrick, her book is, The Pomo of Lake County (Images of American: California).

Evening Entry

There are times out in nature I can feel stress coming on, but it doesn’t usually have anything to do with nature, but the thoughts I have in my head. There are also times where it can be totally black outside, complete silence, alone, and I can feel completely at peace in the moment. Seeing nature as a companion, a good friend, and teacher. I have not felt any fear so far on our journey. Some doubt, and uncertainty, but no fear. I feel at home in nature. The boys help with their company. The other night my mind was thinking scary things that might happen at night, and I could see how if I allowed it to happen, I would be scared to the bone.

I got all my shopping done. I will pack up the rest of the gear, and I will fill up the gas tank tomorrow. And we will head north into the magical Redwoods. The drive time will take about 2 hours 45 minutes.

Journey Into The Emigrant Wilderness

Our Journey Into The Wilderness – Part 7

Our Journey Into The Wilderness – Part 7

At Kennedy Meadows


Nature has a way of bringing us back home to who we truly are.

August 24, 2009 – Monday

The planning of the dates were important because I wanted to miss the main hunting season that would begin in the middle of September. This beautiful and pristine place would become filled up with hunters. So our 24 days would finish about a week prior to the start of hunting season for rifles.

Shiloh and I picked up Marilyn from her class that she was teaching at in Berkeley around 12:30 pm, where I was suppose to meet her in the parking lot. She was running a little bit late. Like my usual self, I was getting a bit antsy and wanting to get on the road. Once she arrived we began stuffing her gear into my truck bed.

Once again, we were again off for a wilderness adventure, me, Shiloh, and our new camping companion, Marilyn. I was hoping to get an earlier start, but lost about an hour picking up Marilyn. I did not want to get up there too late. We had about a 31/2 hour drive.

On the way up, we took care of our wilderness permit at the Miwok Ranger Station. The gal that helped us recognized me and Shiloh from our June trip. All the women there enjoyed seeing Shiloh. He was a favorite at the Ranger Station, he was like a celebrity. I told the gal how long we were going to stay – three weeks. She told me that there was a rule of how long one can stay in one place in the wilderness area. She told me she thought it was twenty-one days, and she went to double check, and she couldn’t find any restrictions for Kennedy Meadows. One gal said, no one will know anyway. It is nice having friends at the Ranger Station. I thanked them, and we then headed to Kennedy Meadows Resort to rest, and organize our departure for tomorrow.

Once we arrived at Kennedy Meadows Resort, we got settled into our one room cabin, and Shiloh and I took care of arranging our departure with Matt, the owner of Kennedy Meadows Resort and the Horse Packing Station for tomorrow. It was cooler up here than the weather forecast, which was fine with me and Shiloh.

I was looking at using the same campsite I had in June and Matt mentioned the lack of firewood around that campsite and it brought back memories of the little wood that was there before. It would have also been too small for two tents. He suggested a campsite he liked and uses, and there is an abundance of firewood. I told him we would think about it.

It was nice being back up in the mountains again and looking forward to spending three weeks, hopefully in the wilderness. Marilyn and I had dinner at the restaurant while Shiloh was lying outside on the veranda. As usual the dinner was not that exciting. It seemed Marilyn felt comfortable about this whole trip and seemed relaxed. After the meal we headed back to the cabin to get a little organized then went to bed for an early start. Marilyn had one bunk, I had the other and Shiloh had to sleep on the floor this time with all our gear. I did bring his bed, so at least he got to lay on that.

Running through my head all night was the question, which campsite should we use? I decided hesitantly on Matt’s suggestion because of the firewood issue and it was highly recommended. There should not have been any question on the recommended campsite. Always listen to the outfitter, my stubborn mind was telling me. I finally fell asleep at 3:00 am.

Once again I planned on an early start for the next day. I wanted to get up at 5:00 am the next day which turned out to be 5:30 am and rushing around like a chicken with it’s head cut off to make up for the half hour lost.

My experiences of frustration on simple survival tasks such as starting a fire, I think has been ingrained in our way of thinking by our society. The concept of the quick fix, getting thing done quickly or expecting things to happen quickly. Learning a new skill always takes a certain amount of time to perfect or master that skill, even if it seems simple. Nature teaches us to slow down, and be present, to be aware. But most of us want it to happen right now, and having the expectations that we can do it quickly especially when we think it should not take us that long to do.

A good example of this is, starting a fire with a bow drill. The process is not a quick process. You first must look for and find the right materials for the fire bow, then putting everything together for it to work. You must get the right materials for a tinder bundle, collect the wood required, starting with kindling, and progressing to larger pieces, to keep the fire going once you have flame. And the process of getting the beginnings of a fire going requires making sure the fire has enough fuel, oxygen, and heat. I find it a very meditative process as long as it is not important to get a fire going quickly. One also may learn to respect fire. Because it was summer, we had more than enough dry wood. I always had the needed firewood next to the fire pit, making it easily accessible for feeding the fire once it is going.

Les Stroud in one of his shows actually took him eight hours to get an ember from the heated wood dust into a flame by using the fire bow. Something he had already mastered and still he was having problems. As with many bushcraft skills, it takes time and one needs not only the knowledge of how to do the skill, and also have the patience to learn and master the skill. And know it still won’t always be perfect at times. There are usually no quick fixes in the wilderness. I learned this with using a metal match, or ferro rod. I thought it would be easy, and it can be if one has the right flammable materials, and the experience using the ferro rod. And if you know the right techniques for different materials, and the right techniques for the density of the ferro rods.

Our Camp at Kenndy Meadows

August 25, 2009 – Tuesday

I had set my alarm on my new watch not knowing if I set it correctly and hoping it would go off. If it went off I did not hear it, but heard Marilyn get up and the time was 5:30 am. I jumped out of bed, took a shower, took Shiloh for a walk and packed everything into the truck to take to the loading dock at the pack station. It was a beautiful morning, cool with the scent of being in the mountains permeated throughout the canyon. I was running a half hour late from the planned schedule I had made for myself and tried to make up for lost time. I ended up at the loading dock at 7:00 am and a half hour late. Rushing around trying to get everything done I felt I was running in high gear and my heart pump’in. I figure it would take three pack animals to haul our stuff to our camp and was surprised when they told me it would take four pack animals. Miscalculated again! It really was not a big deal except for the fact it would cost another $130.00 round trip for the extra animal. I actually did figure it might take another animal, but hoping otherwise.

I did not want to go through all my stuff to figure out what to leave and what to bring. From my planning the trip for a month I knew I wanted to bring those things, so another pack mule it was.

Once I thought of the idea of packing in my gear by a pack station while planning my June trip, I have become convinced this is the way to go – the only way to camp. You can choose to ride on horseback to the campsite or hike in. I chose to hike in because of the exercise and because it would not have worked very well with Shiloh nipping at the heels of the horses and mules. The horses are not crazy about Shiloh, but the mules freak out, and will kill him if they have the chance. They don’t know what to think about him, but it is certain, they do not like him. Another advantage to packing in is that you only carry a day pack and you can bring as much stuff and stay as long as you want, that is if there are not any restrictions to the time you stay in one place.

After Shiloh and I got everything taken care of at the loading dock, We met Marilyn at the restaurant for a little breakfast before we started on our hike out. Shiloh waited patiently outside and would soon enjoy a serving of bacon. I was finally able to sit down, take a deep breath and relax some from my frantic rush to get everything done, and the packers on their way.

Shortly after I was done with my half eaten pancakes I was ready to get on the trail. It was a perfect day for a hike as for the nice weather. There was a little nervousness, and excitement in me about getting started, about these 24 days. About being alone for 18 days, about how it will go with our new camping companion, about the new campsite, and the adventure, and beauty in discovering being in the wilderness again. There is also a comfort of knowing the trail getting up there, and having a bit of a familiar knowledge of Kennedy Meadows. Marilyn was going to stay for six days and Shiloh and I for twenty-four days – at least this was the plan. It would be me and Shiloh alone for 18 days.

It took us about four and half hours to get to Kennedy Meadows. We took our time to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mountain landscape. I was doing pretty well with no issues with the elevation change, and felt energized. My lungs were still adjusted to the thinner air from our trip here in June, and probably from our two camping trips in the mountains after that. It felt I was gliding along the trail with little effort. It felt good. With that, I didn’t want to push Marilyn too much. I did not want it be a grudgingly, brutal hike for her. She was probably in better shape than I was, but I was acclimated to the higher elevation change.

For me the hike was much easier than my June trek and Shiloh didn’t seem to have much of a problem either. Shiloh remembered the trail as if it was yesterday. Marilyn seemed to be doing fine as well. She told me she was a little sore from a previous injury to one of her knees, but she did not slow us down a bit. We weren’t in any rush so we took our time on the eight mile hike. Shiloh knew where we were and took the lead on our trek to Kennedy Meadows. It was an enjoyable hike. This time, I packed all his food on a pack mule, so I would not have to deal with adjusting his pack constantly. He was free to roam.

Everything looked familiar on this trip to me and Shiloh, and Shiloh found his pond for a soak and drink. I could tell he was excited and happy to be back in the wilderness. Just past the pond we crossed a little trickle of a stream running across the trail, and on the right side where it was coming down from the mountains, was a small waterfall that created a small pool at the bottom. Both Marilyn and I had a little drink from the fresh cool water, with Shiloh sharing in it as well. I thought the water would be okay to drink. It was coming from a natural spring or from runoff high in the mountains above us.

Along the trail we found currant berries and gave them a try. They weren’t as tasty as the current berries I had in the eastern Sierras – probably a different variety. It seems from what I gather, I found more berry bushes with berries on them in September in the eastern Sierra Nevada mountain range then on the western side.

On the trail we saw a lot of manzanita with it’s white berries. The berries, and the flowers are edible, and if the flowers are put in water and let sit over night, it makes a nice refreshing drink. The manzanita also has medicinal properties. The flowers were gone, and I wasn’t sure about the berries being edible at that time. We also spotted a plant with white berries and the leaves that looked very similar to the blue berry leaves. I thought it might be edible, but since I was not absolutely sure, I refrained from taking a nibble. As with many plants we saw on our hike. We also saw some sequoia along the way, in one small section of the trail.

When I was on my second horse packing course on a month of September a few years back, it was the first time I got to experience the wild blueberry, currents, and wild strawberries in or right next to our camp. I picked a bowl full of the currants and strawberries and someone else picked some blueberries, and for breakfast for the group of us we had fresh picked fruit from Mother Nature. It was an added treat to the whole experience being out in the wilds, at least for me. Not sure if everyone else was as excited about this find as I was.

I felt good on the hike up and was excited to be going back to Kennedy Meadow with Shiloh, and sharing it with Marilyn. I was glad she came along.

When we finally arrived at the cattle gate entrance to Kennedy Meadows I told Marilyn we were almost there. We headed towards Kennedy Creek to our right, thinking the camp was in that direction. Although I was here back in June, I did not really do that much exploring of the area that still seemed unfamiliar to me. Once we got to the creek there was no sign of our camp, so we sat for a bit to rest our tired feet and soak up our surroundings. It also gave Shiloh a chance to cool down in the creek while having a drink, and Marilyn taking her shoes off to soak her feet in the cool water. I was a bit anxious to get going to find camp, but I knew Marilyn wasn’t, so it got me to slow down some and just relax and enjoy where we were at. From hiking in the woods for most of the last part of the trail, then seeing the area open up to a beautiful open alpine meadow surrounded by mountains, was amazing to say the least.

I knew our stuff had to be close by.

The creek still had a good amount of water in it and I saw a lot of small trout swimming about. That meant good fishing, I hope. I was going to try and do a lot of fishing this trip. We weren’t sure exactly where the campsite was so after our nice rest, we hiked along Kennedy Creek until we found the two log bridge spanning the creek to our camp and spotted our camping gear there. After crossing the creek it was just a short hop to the camp on a little rise from the creek. It was a welcome sight to see. From what I saw, it seemed we were the only ones there.

We arrived at our campsite at 1:00 pm.

We had good weather all day and did not have to worry about any chance of rain, so we took our time getting camp set-up and ready for our long stay.

Throughout our camp and in the surrounding forest there were currant berries and a lot of gooseberry bushes. The actual gooseberries were not overly abundant, but I enjoyed their tartness as a tasty snack. There were a lot of strawberry bushes, but no strawberries. I was surprised I found no strawberries during this time of year and was a little disappointing, because wild strawberries though small, are very, very tasty. Looking around, there were no blueberry bushes around either.

Once we were in camp, I checked to make sure none of our supplies was damaged and everything checked out to be okay, and as usual the wranglers covered everything with tarps that I brought just in case it did rain. The wrangler did a great job in getting our supplies here safely and in good shape. The camp is huge. Kennedy Meadows Pack Station used it for their group camping trips to Kennedy Meadows. The campsite was right along the creek on a slight rise and lots of trees surrounding the site. It backed into a wooded area. I checked the camp out carefully and was somewhat disappointed, not what I expected in my mind’s eye. I wished we chose the campsite I used on my June trip. I loved that campsite, but it would have been too small, and again, the issue getting firewood.

A little better view of camp with me getting smoked out

I soon realized it was a pretty nice site. We also had more privacy, a nice view of the creek, and meadow. What was I complaining about? This site had lots of firewood close by as well. I can’t say this for others, but I guess I have a particular vision and expectations of what a good campsite should be, especially if I am going to be staying here for a long period of time, and calling it home. It has to have a good feeling to it. I want it to feel like home. This camp did not, at first glance. The site felt too large for just the two of us and I was thinking if I will feel comfortable here during our stay alone. I think I was feeling an unwarranted uncertainty about being comfortable with the site when Shiloh and I were alone here. It only had a few small opening into the meadows and views of the mountain peaks. One opening to the main meadow and a small opening to a smaller meadow to the southwest of us. Though the camp was large, it felt too closed-in for my liking. For most of the day the camp remained shaded with streams of sunlight beaming into camp that followed the path of the Sun. But, we were here, and it would have been a lot of work to move camp, so I tried to look at the positives side about the camp. I also thought, if I were in a survival situation, you don’t always have a choice of a perfect camp, nor would you find one unless you were very lucky, or even a comfortable camp. Survival campsite also have a different criteria than a regular campsite.

A big plus in the camp was the firewood – lots of it. We even had firewood stacked at our camp from previous campers. I soon got over my obsession of the perfect camp. This practice of leaving firewood in camp for other campers is frowned upon by the forest service and will be discussed on our next trip to Kennedy Lake that Shiloh and I took in June of 2010 with an old friend. Another good thing about this camp is that it is on the west side of the creek, and that will provide us with more of a tendency for hiking and exploring on this side. It must be a mental thing, because for most of our stay here, we did explore more of this side of the creek.

Just a side note: I write a lot about the wild edibles that can be available in nature during different seasons, but in a survival situation, one can not survival on wild edibles alone. One needs good sources of fats, and proteins as well that comes from animals, and fish.

After my inspection of our gear, we got our tents set-up and the camp organized. Shiloh and I had our own tent and Marilyn hers. Once I got my tent set up, I helped Marilyn with hers. I then got a fire going. We had enough firewood that had been left by previous campers to carry us through for a couple of days, so I didn’t have to do any gathering or chopping of firewood. We had a huge fire pit as well and allowed us to modify it if desired.

Tonight after getting oriented to my surroundings, I realized we were very close to the log cabin and that gave me a sense of where I was in the valley and seemed to ease my mind about our campsite some. It quickly became a place that was familiar to me. I knew we were close to the natural spring that I found last June where we could get our drinking water and it was still flowing strong. It was only a short walk from our camp and being a small relief from having to use the water filter for our water for three weeks.

There were about 150 head of cattle scattered throughout the valley and I am sure the water was possible full of Giardia. And there is more to worry about with grazing cattle around. The Outfitter told me cattle does not have Giardia, but indeed it can. Even with the water filter I didn’t like the idea of getting water from the creek. Going to the spring made for a nice walk and to enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery. And I suppose even the spring can be problematic in catching something that will make one sick. I also knew we were close to the stand of aspen with all the vegetation I had seen in June. I was beginning to feel at home once again.

The main meadow was still surprisingly boggy for late summer and there were even small patches of snow still remaining on some of the north facing mountain slopes. I was a little concerned about the make-shift cattle fences preventing us from getting into the aspen grove and noticed the fencing was set further back into the grove allowing us access into the area of aspen. The fencing for the cattle was a barrier I thought should not be in a true wilderness area which Kennedy Meadows is designated as. Many others complain about grazing cattle, and sheep being in designated wilderness areas. Marilyn showed signs of not being too crazy about the cows, so she stayed close to Shiloh and I for protection when the cattle were around. The fencing really didn’t help keep the cows in. They would just jump the fence or walk through it. The cows would tend to move from place to place, meadow to meadow, mountain to mountain. There would be times we would only see a few and others times a great number of them. They really did not pay much mind to us, but always gave Shiloh the watchful eye. He always enjoyed chasing them around. He just wanted to play, but the cows were really not that interested.

Besides all the damage cattle can do to an area, there is a plus to their presence in a survival situation and that is the cow pies, or for that matter, any situation. Dried cow pies put into a fire helps keep the bugs away with the smoke it creates, and they can keep a fire smoldering for a couple of hours where the fire can be easily restarted. To me, burning cow pies smells like a sweet smelling cigar. Not bad at all. I didn’t even hear Marilyn complaining about the smell. She even helped in gathering a bunch of them and got pictures to prove it.

I did bring my camera this time.

On this trip I brought more things to help better organize the camp and brought Shiloh’s bed so he would be comfortable. We brought the big tent for all our stuff, and for comfort including an air mattress for me. As backup, I also brought the small self-inflating air mattress if needed just in case the other air mattress failed.

The gear I usually bring up on this type of trip are, a tent for me and Shiloh, sleeping bag and air mattresses, Shiloh’s bed, enough clothing for our stay, food for our stay and about four or five days extra food for emergencies in case we get stuck up here (I also made some bannock for the trip) an ice chest, panniers to keep the food in, and protected from critters such as the mice, a propane stove, and fuel, propane lantern, water filter, flashlights, chair, a bag full of my books on survival and wild edible plants, topo map of the area, I had a small day pack with extra batteries, a good first aid kit and other necessities, another day pack with all my fire starting gear, a number of knives to test, a multi-tool, butane lighters to test while up here, and some extra needed gear such as miscellaneous survival gear. In my day pack I carried with me, I had a smaller first aid kit, some fire starting material, a poncho, camera, an emergency locator beacon and some water bottles. I also had cookware that I thought I would need, my tin can I use for varies things, tarps, saw, axe, hatchet, fishing gear and firearms. The firearms are for possible hunting of small game, and for protection. Most people think they don’t need a firearm or think they are not necessary, and most backpackers don’t carry them because of the weight, and also feel they are not necessary to have, but because I am here for a long period of time I choose to bring at least a pistol and rifle, if for anything else, for emergencies – being prepared for the worst. Three shots in succession, can signal someone needing HELP! I actually bring the pistol for protection of Shiloh that you will soon read about further in the story.

This might seem like a lot of stuff and it is, but I will be up here for three weeks and I want to be comfortable, and I will be testing gear and equipment to see how well it performs. I brought gear I would need in a survival situation and gear for just everyday living in the wilderness. And I do bring a lot of books that I may need for animal, plant identification as with survival books, and as always my journal. I also bring backup supplies and equipment if something breaks.

The subject of crapping or shitting in the woods came up by Marilyn, and I shared a technique I found that works quite well and is very comfortable for me. I had the same question on my June trip and thinking of the best approach to this required need, besides just squatting, that I have used in the past, but don’t much care for. In the past, I would squat, which is uncomfortable, and potentially undesirable, and messy in missing the prescribed target and getting caught possibly where you prefer it not to be. There is sitting on a small downed tree and extending beyond for the intended target which is anywhere past where you are sitting and hopefully landing on the ground, then there is what I consider the best position thus far that I have found. And I did not hear any complaints from Marilyn. I find a place that is somewhat flat and next to a good size downed tree, or large enough to support ones back. Find a relatively smooth surface on the side of the downed tree with no knots or branches that could poke you, then in a sitting position, lean back on the side of the log. The log supports your weight and while you are doing your business you can enjoy the sights, or read a book if you so feel inclined. I have never enjoyed this process more then when using this technique. You can choose to dig a hole prior too or after finishing. If you want to learn more about the etiquette of shitting in the woods, I would recommend the book, “How To Shit In The Woods” by Kathleen Meyer. It really is an enjoyable read and will keep you laughing even into the woods. I might add, my technique is not in the book.

August 26, 2009 – Wednesday

For our first night back to Kennedy Lake, I slept well last night with the exception of my air mattress going flat in the middle of the night. It did seem to keep enough air that it did not go totally flat. I don’t think I had the valve tight enough, because the rest of my stay I only had to add air every few nights. I was also curious about how long the pump would last, but it did its duty faithfully the whole three week stay which actually surprised me. Shiloh was comfortable the whole night on his bed. All is good. After the first night deflation of the mattress I kept my reserve mattress underneath my main mattress. The double mattress worked well.

Last night Marilyn was obsessed with bears coming into camp. I tried to convince her not to worry, but she did not buy into it. She wanted to have Shiloh sleep with her, but I knew Shiloh wouldn’t go for it. He loves people, but he is a one man dog and always sticks next to me whether at night or during the day, and I feel the same about him. Although we had no encounters with bears nor did we even see a bear, or signs of bear, Marilyn was convinced a bear was going to come visit her in the dark hours of the night. To be honest, at first I was having those thoughts as well. With black bears, I tend to be more concerned with them destroying gear.

The howls of the coyotes were ever present throughout the night. It was a wonderful sound to hear – they give a definite presents up here. Shiloh did not seem too bothered by them.

Early in the morning I was being summoned to get up and make a fire. I think Marilyn figured it was my job, which I happily took on graciously. It was 7:00 am and checking the temperature it was 30 degrees. On this trip I picked up a small thermometer to keep track of the temperature. For me, the feel of the slight alpine chill in the air was refreshing. I was happy to be back in the mountains. The Sun begins to warm things up quickly as soon as it rises above the high mountain ridge. It should be in the high 70’s today.

I am beginning to get used to our new camp and our new home.

Today Shiloh and I will spend the day becoming familiar with our surroundings, getting the camp organized and gathering firewood. Though we have enough firewood for a couple of days, I want to keep a good supply in camp, that becomes almost a daily chore in camp. Because pine is a fast burning wood, I am usually always looking for firewood while doing other things, and always bringing some back with me when returning to camp. It becomes what I just do and can’t pass up picking up good pieces of wood, or making a mental note where to go back for it. A good exercise to practice is, always get firewood that is away from camp and leave the firewood that is closest to camp only if you need it during the night or for an emergency. If you are in a survival situation, and when your energy levels are low, you will have firewood close at hand. Conserving energy is a key component in survival. Having a fire is part of camping when one does it respectfully. It is a gift from nature that has been with human kind for tens of thousands of years.

As always, my morning routine first thing is getting the fire going, getting the coffee on, maybe taking care of small things until the coffee is done, and then finding a spot to sit where I will get warmed by the Sun, enjoying the view, sipping my fresh perked coffee, and write in my journal. Marilyn’s morning beverage is tea. I have to admit, it is nice having another person with us. I am finding Marilyn easily finds her place in nature. And she feels comfortable experiencing her (Mother Nature) in silence. I didn’t bring another person here for the need of companionship so much, I get that from Shiloh, but giving that person a chance to explore their relationship with nature in anyway they choose. I did not want feel I had to fulfill that persons needs by constantly having to give them attention. I did not have to do that with Marilyn, she was her own spirit, finding her own place here. I had enough things I wanted to accomplish during this little time we have up here. For the most part for me is to experience nature in silence – in a state of Being within. But in this short time together, unknowingly, she was teaching me things I was not expecting.

Shiloh’s usual routine was to take care of personal business, and then get a drink from the creek, and sniff around for any interesting smells and making sure our camp was safe. Once Shiloh is in a new camp, he automatically takes on the role of becoming the protector of the camp instinctively. Usually when I didn’t see him in camp I would call to him to make sure he wasn’t getting into trouble. He would slowly meander back into camp at his slow pace, finding a comfortable place to plop down in of his liking. Once he found that spot, he would lay down with a groan, then scratch the top soil to make an impression down to the wet and cooler earth while he waits for me to cook breakfast.

Marilyn’s usual morning routine would be to do her Tai Chi around 6:00 am in the morning and wake me up at 7:00 am to get the fire going. She would then change to her day clothes and sit next to a large downed tree to write and read in the warmth of the morning Sun. She too would wait for breakfast with Shiloh. When I would write in my journal, my favorite place to write is at the end of that same downed tree, in my chair, overlooking the grassy meadow, and eastern slopes of the mountains. At the crest of these mountains was the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT).

The three of us were all independent souls finding our place in nature.

Actually Marilyn helped with the breakfast cooking, as with our dinner cooking. I would usually make the basic bacon and eggs and Marilyn whipped up an occasional delicious omelet.

Though Marilyn and I did not know each other much at all, it seemed our personalities jelled into a cohesive camping relationship.

I spent the early part of the day organizing the camp, then mid-day Marilyn, Shiloh and I walked to the aspen grove looking for edible plants. To my surprise and disappointment, the whole area of the potential wild edible plant garden was only nubs, or completely gone – eaten by the cattle. The whole area looked like a war zone trampled by the cattle. The cattle devastated pretty much the whole area. I was able to find some new growth stinging nettle I brought back for tea. There was also some yarrow in the area that I still have not tried for a tea.

It is interesting where plants grow in different habitats. It seems a lot of plants like being around aspen, where in the forested area the plants are limited to just a very few, with the exception of wild mushrooms. And then you have the meadows, sage brush areas, along the streams and in the rocky areas that provide other species of plants. Nature gives us a road map of where to find certain plants in different habitats. It takes a lot of observation to learn where to find what, but in the end it is well worth it. There is a lot of time saved searching for plants if you know where to search. It is a great survival skill and makes it fun and interesting knowing where certain plants might be, and what habitats they like.

Later in the afternoon Shiloh and I went to gather firewood while Marilyn began obsessing again, not about bears this time, but about wild edible mushrooms. I brought a book on mushrooms and she was glued to the book. While I was getting firewood, she was on the search for wild mushrooms. There were quite a few different types of mushrooms in the forested areas this time of year.

Before dinner we walked to the spring to get some fresh water and on the way back I picked a leaf from a plant in one of the many small streams that ran through the meadow, from the mountains and ate it thinking it was water cress. It grows abundant in these streams and in the small pools of water in the meadow. It did not have the strong peppery taste. It actually had a very pleasant sweet and very tender taste to it. It was very good and would have made a good salad green, that is if it was not poisonous. I didn’t die or get sick, but I shouldn’t have done it. The number one rule is not to do is, in what I just did – eat any plant that is not properly identified. I believe I was being careless, because Marilyn was there and I was being a guy. Simply, plain stupid on my part.

Having Marilyn along makes a big difference in how I think about things and handle things. The level of comfort and confidence is high, and that is when we tend to do stupid things. When one is sharing an outdoor experience with another person it seems all the scary thoughts don’t enter the consciousness, unless one finds oneself in a survival situation that can stretch ones limits even with another person sharing in that experience. It can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on if the two people (or group of people) are able to work together or pull away from each other through the potentially stressful conditions of survival. Because I was sharing survival skills with Marilyn and at the same time being aware of different situations, it did help me stay somewhat focused on being in a survival mindset. But again, I was much more relaxed with another body there with us.

Can another person make it a positive situation or a negative situation in a survival situation? It can work both ways. With another person, if one is too confident, too comfortable, or too cocky, one can make mistakes or take foolish risks. People will have a tendency of pushing themselves with other people potentially causing a dangerous situation. A good example is eating that plant I did not identify properly. It could have made me very sick or even could have killed me. I would not have taken that risk if I was alone. Jumping ahead a little, I continued eating small amounts of that plant two other days. Because I did not having any negative reaction to the plant I felt it safe, but it still could have been risky. The benefits of course with having another person in a survival situation is having that companionship, support of each other and sharing in the responsibilities in survival. Being alone in a survival situation, one does not obviously have the support and has to rely on solely oneself. It would take more discipline having to do all the work required to survival and in a survival situation, one cannot just sit on their morals and hope to get rescued or survive the situation. And possibly having to deal with the loneliness factor.

I decided not to focus on actually doing survival skills with Marilyn there. I was mentally going through different scenarios in my mind, but there were too many distractions with Marilyn around. I did focus on the art of observation and awareness skills while she was there. But I also wanted her to enjoy herself in her experiences in nature, and for her to not feel alienated from us.

In the early evening we met up with two bow hunters just outside our camp. They used the same log bridge we used to get across the creek. We chatted for awhile and they had mentioned running into a sow and two cubs in the area, and that really got Marilyn going with the bear thing again. She wanted a gun that I wouldn’t give her. Instead I gave her two rocks, nice rocks with a nice sound, and sent her to bed. She tapped on the rocks for awhile in her tent just for practice. I guess to make sure they worked. I had all the guns in my tent as with Shiloh that she felt was unfair. I really did not think to much of the bears as being a problem, I had my own tapping rocks as well. It is very rare for black bears to attack humans, but they can do a lot of damage to camping gear, as with getting into food. But there is always a slight risk of a black bear attacking. Years ago I let a friend use some of my camping gear for a backpacking trip he was taking with friends. Their trip was short lived after a bear destroyed their camp. Me and my friend, Greg had two close bear encounters, and while camping in an area where there was a warning to campers of a mama bear, and two cubs prowling around in campsites in the backcountry. We got sightings from other backpackers that they saw the bears, but fortunately they did not bother us. We did find a few ripped up backpacks along the trail.

The reason I suggested to Marilyn that tapping on two rocks will scare bears away, is that originally I heard it on a TV series years ago called the “Waltons”, where one character named John Boy was out in the woods alone and came upon a black bear. He was told to strike two stones together to scare the bear and on the TV show it worked, of course. On my first very close bear encounter coming back from four days in the backcountry with my friend Greg, I was resting on the trail, exhausted from a very long hike and used my backpack as a pillow. I heard something behind me next to my head and I got up to look, and I saw a black bear take off down a steep embankment towards the lake. I actually scared him and thought I won’t be seeing him anytime soon. I yelled to Greg a short distance down the trail, sunny on a rock, and he ran over looking for the bear. Well, the bear did come back, because he knew there was something good in the pack. I think the only thing I had in my pack was a candy bar wrapper. Both of us at the time knew nothing about how to deal with a bear, so we started yelling and chasing after him and he took off for a very short distance, then the bear turned and began chasing us. And we turned and ran for a very short distance and this went on going back and forth a few times. It was a young bear. We were thinking how are we going to get rid of this bear? I guess I could have just given him my backpack, but then again, I did not want him ripping it apart. Unknowingly to Greg why he did it, he picked up two rocks and began striking them together and in a second the bear took off running, never to be seen again. I asked Greg how did he know to do that? He responded, “I don’t know, I just did it.” I told him about the Waltons’ story I watched with John Boy doing the same thing. It may be something you might want to try and see if it works for you if you encounter a pesky bear. If the bear is actually stalking you or you know the bear shows signs of being sick, you want to consider having bear spray or a gun handy and leave the area immediately when you can by walking slowly away from the bear. Never run! If a bear is stalking or potentially sick, he or she could be very dangerous and is more likely to attack seeing you as a potential easy meal. Never assume it will be a nice cuddly bear, and of course, never, ever feed a bear. Studies have shown that bear spray is 50% more effective then using a gun for a bear deterrent. If you have to spray the bear in this situation due to a bear attack, leave the area immediately and report it to a ranger. Also keep in mind that usually black bears will stay away from humans unless they are habituated to humans and relate humans to food. Never leave food around in camp and never, ever feed a bear. For that matter any animal. Bears can smell food many miles away with their incredible sense of smell. The average dog’s sense of smell is 100 times that of a human. A blood hound’s is 300 times better. A bear’s sense of smell is 7 times better than a blood hound’s or 2,100 times better than a human.

Tonight we had marinated chicken breasts and salad for dinner. Marilyn tried the stinging nettle tea and liked it. Marilyn ate much of what I brought even if it was not the healthiest, she is overall a healthy person, eating healthy foods. She brought along bean sprouts that we were able to actually grow up here, and enjoyed eating. I also consider myself a pretty healthy eater, but camping seems to always go with bacon and eggs for breakfast. A breakfast I am sure a bear would like to share in.

August 27, 2009 – Thursday

I woke up this morning to the call of Marilyn once again, but this time she wanted a fire for a different reason. She had fallen into the creek from our two logged bridge. She decided to walk across the narrowest log and the wobbliest of the two logs of our log bridge crossing. She didn’t make it across – at least not on the logs. She was soaked from the waist down. I had to give her some of my clothing and a pair of dry shoes. I told her to take all the wet clothes off and crawl into the sleeping bag to warm up, while I got the fire going. I didn’t want to take a chance of her getting hypothermia.

The number one rule in survival is never get wet. The saying goes, “Get wet and you die.” In Marilyn’s case, it may not have been that serious, but some people are more likely to experience hypothermia than others. Marilyn was in incredible shape and she had very little body fat which could have put her into greater risk of hypothermia with the little dip she took in the creek especially if she did nothing to prevent the onset of hypothermia. Water conducts heat twenty-seven times faster from the body if you get wet, sweat, or have wet clothing on than by air. Being in the wilderness whether you are backpacking or in a survival situation, you should always keep yourself dry especially in spring, fall and in winter conditions that can always be unpredictable in the mountains. The mantra when going out into the wilderness is always be prepared for any conditions that may occur and never get wet when there is a high risk of hypothermia. We did have chilly mornings.

The coyotes were howling again in the early morning and not during the night like they had the previous night.

Another beautiful day greets us today with an abundance of sunshine and warmth. A great time to be in the wilderness.

This morning was a no hurry morning. I relaxed and had my coffee, writing in my journal and enjoying the morning Sun’s warmth. Shiloh was relaxing at his spot next to a large pine tree. We had a nice fire going and once Marilyn got warmed up, we started preparing breakfast around 10:00 am. We cooked up some bacon and eggs for breakfast.

We decided we would go to the lake today and we walked by the small stream where I nibbled on that plant I thought was water cress. Marilyn assured me there was water cress growing right next to it. Marilyn was sure it was water cress, so I took a nibble and it definitely had a peppery, bitter taste to it.

It was a beautiful sunny day and the walk to the lake takes only about 15 minutes to get there from our camp. We got to the lake around 12:00 pm. Marilyn got settled in on a little grassy area by the water to begin her painting of the majestic mountains, and me and Shiloh headed off to try our luck at fishing. We found a spot that looked pretty good were the meadow and Kennedy Creek met, just below the lake outlet. Shiloh lied down on the wet grass and watched what was going on in the surrounding area, and keeping an eye on the cows. After a few casts using a lure I had a fish on the line. It took about another half hour to catch my second fish. They were both brown trout. We were going to have fish dinner tonight. I fished a little bit longer then returned to where Marilyn was sitting. I was pleased with the two fish. That is all we needed. Marilyn was gone from her spot, slipping away where she had taken a little dip in the lake further along the east side of the lake by some large rocks. When she returned, I was cleaning the fish. I brought a crayfish trap with me and wanted to try it out, so I put the fish guts in the trap and set it at the beach we were at. We then got everything packed up and left for our return walk back to camp. Although much of the meadow is a bog, it makes for a nice, beautiful and relaxing walk with a great view of the mountains on both sides and beyond. On the way back we picked some sage brush and some water cress to stuff in the trout. I also showed Marilyn the campsite we stayed at in June. We cooked up the trout for dinner and it was delicious. Nothing like fresh trout.

We talked to the hunters again for a bit when they were coming back from their hunt. They were empty handed – no deer.

That night we chatted next to the campfire. It was the warmest night we have had so far.

August 28, 2009 – Friday

I slept pretty good last night, but had a tad too much whisky and Baileys Irish Cream last night. But it sure did taste good. I was having a difficult time talking with Marilyn. I don’t mind feeling a little buzz once in a while when having a drink, but it was starting to go beyond that. For some reason I did not offer her any. I guess I just assumed she didn’t drink. Very rude on my part.

This morning it was 40 degrees at 7:00 am. It is starting to warm up with the Sun above the mountain ridge top. The clouds and wind are coming in – maybe some rain. It is incredibly beautiful up here, beyond description.

The two bow hunters turned into three hunters now and their camp was not to far from ours. They go through our camp whether they are coming or going to get to the log bridge. Marilyn spotted a plastic bag hanging from a tree next to the creek this morning. She opened it up and it was venison. The hunters left it for us, so we had it for breakfast. What a nice treat. We thought that was a very kind gesture and was hoping we would see them again to thank them.

Today Marilyn, Shiloh and I did a little exploring in the woods. We found a nice campsite not to far from us and in the northerly direction. Shiloh and I were looking around for anything that was of interest, and Marilyn was searching for, guess what? Mushrooms. The area of woods we were in got pretty thick with downed trees and underbrush. Marilyn went her way, Shiloh his way, and I went my way. But we were always near to each other, but not necessarily visible to each other. Marilyn was yelling at me to come over to where she was so she could show me a mushroom. I responded back to her with a shush. I was practicing being silent and just listening, and I could hear both Marilyn, and Shiloh making a lot of noise going through the brush. I told her she does not have to yell, but just listen and she will know I am close. But she was excited about the find she made.

Marilyn and I thought we saw bear scat in the woods we were going through not far from camp. A good indication, we have to be careful not to leave any food scraps laying around, or any smells, that will attract bears.

After an hour or so, we found ourselves back at camp. Marilyn grabbed the mushroom book and began searching through the pages to discover what she had found. She was determined to find wild edible mushrooms. I should be calling her, the Mushroom Lady. I think she read the whole book in a couple of days. We did determine one mushroom that we believed as being edible, and both I and Marilyn were trying to be very thorough in identifying it, but we did not do a spore check, I don’t think.

We decided to have it for lunch in an omelet. Marilyn did the cooking, and it was a very good omelets. We didn’t get sick, nor die, so that was a keeper. I made extra sure it was an edible mushroom, at least in my mind, and really did not want to push our luck with misidentifying mushrooms.

I gathered firewood after lunch and then I took a nap. Marilyn was in her tent reading a book (probably the mushroom book) and of course Shiloh was napping too.

It was a good life in the wilderness. Marilyn, was a great camping companion for us.

Smoke began coming into the valley and the smell of fire was in the air. A forest fire was burning not far from us and the smoke was coming in from the north. Most of the day was overcast and hazy. I would keep aware of the fire.

In the early evening we all took a walk to the lake to check on the crayfish trap that I set the day before. It was empty with no crayfish. I was hoping we would have crayfish for dinner. On our walk back from the lake, we met some people on the trail, one young girl was all decked out for bow hunting. Marilyn actually knew her and they were chatting for a while. A small world even in the wilderness. We then headed back to camp to get dinner ready. We had the tri-tip steak I brought up and a salad for dinner. Another nice and pleasant evening.

August 29, 2009 – Saturday

This morning we woke up to a comfortable 37 degrees, and clear skies. I slept pretty well last night. My first duties this morning were to get the fire going and the coffee perking.

Sitting at my spot I sit at every morning to write in my journal, I was looking around and I spotted a grove of willow close to camp. It has new and old growth and thought it might be a good place to get the wood for my various survival tools. When I walked over to that area, I found a good source of firewood as well. It was a good find.

Marilyn was going to be leaving in a couple of days and I began having these haunting thoughts of being alone for two more weeks. But at the same time I felt very comfortable up here. I am sure it was due to having the company of Marilyn keeping me at ease. Being alone is really not the issue, but being isolated and alone is. Shiloh and I camped for a full month in April and never felt alone. Even if the campgrounds were slow there were still people around.

Today, Marilyn, Shiloh and I went on a mushroom expedition once again not far from our camp and I found myself becoming more in tune with nature and my surroundings. I was also becoming more interested in mushrooms after having that tasty omelet the other day.

At this point of my learning curve in the wilderness, mushrooms were really not on my agenda for things to learn about until Marilyn came along and changed that. I also discovered, I wanted to learn everything about nature. It was a consuming force in my life as with learning bushcraft skills. I believe for some, it brings us closer to nature, feeling more connected.

We found a clump of mushrooms we thought might be Honey Mushrooms. Marilyn was convinced they were edible and wanted to use them in another omelet. I did not want to push our luck with the mushrooms so I said, “No.” She respected my answer, although I am sure she thought I was over reacting.

The feelings of a subtle fear and uncertainty I am experiencing I am trying to understand why I have them, and then just experience those sensations, just allowing them to be there. It also has to do with the fear of failing, the idea of not being able to live in nature, and not feeling one with that relationship, in the grasses, the plants, in the trees, in the animals, and to all life, whether I am alone or with someone. It is a challenge to overcome these demons that haunt my consciousness and at the same time I feel at peace in this beauty and the grandeur of the wilderness. Another thought that came to mind was, will I become bored?

I noticed today the gooseberries are beginning to come out in abundance on certain plants. I love those gooseberries and the tartness they have.

Back on the camping trip Shiloh and I took in the eastern part of the Sierra Nevada mountains in July, I found a nice straight branch of Alder that someone had cut and left. It looked like it would make a good walking stick, so I brought it home with us. I stripped the bark, did a little scraping and wah-lah, I had myself a nice walking stick. This trip was the first time I got to try it and it worked well. It is the first time I had ever used a walking stick and it has many uses other than an additional support in walking. Crossing streams a walking stick can be very helpful in getting across safely by giving you needed support, and balance. It can also be used in getting through brush; protecting your eyes from tree branches; determining water depth; or the depth of mud or snow; the use as a digging stick or moving a rattlesnake away from ones path of travel.

Marilyn wanted a walking stick for her hike back to Kennedy Meadows, so today I made her one out of willow while Shiloh was lying down next to me watching my handy craftsmanship work in action. Marilyn told me later, she had lost it on the trail. All that work for nothing. Oh well.

In the afternoon I met Marilyn at the spring filling the water containers. Shiloh and I walked over to help her carry the water containers back, I sat by the little stream the spring was creating, and picked what I thought was water cress and had a nibble. It had a sweet taste versus the bitter flavor of water cress. It was the same plant I had a few days earlier. I thought maybe it might be water lettuce, but once I looked it up when I got back home from the trip, it was not water lettuce. It is still a mystery plant to be identified. I sent pictures to a botanist at the ranger station to see if she could identify them and never got a response back from her.

August 30, 2009 – Sunday

Today is the last day for Marilyn’s stay. She will be heading out this morning. Last night was a restless night for me thinking about bears and weird dreams. I did not think about bears until I thought about Marilyn leaving. The being alone phenomenon of all the spooky things awaiting Shiloh and I when Marilyn is gone.

This morning was a cool 45 degrees and a sunny sky.

I will be walking Marilyn part way down the trail back to Kennedy Meadows. She still isn’t crazy about those cows. I was willing to walk here further, but she said she was fine. There are usually some people on the trail if she needs help.

I would learn later on my return to civilization, that she returned home with no problem.

Sitting, drinking my coffee and writing in my journal, I was observing Kennedy Creek, the meadow and a sliver of the mountains that surrounds this valley. A small 3 foot pine tree next to where I sit and the branch from a larger pine extends out directly in front of me blocking part of my view. But when the morning sun hits the pine needles from the branch, the reflection it gives off provides a glistening sheen to it. It brings me closer to this tiny shimmering light that pulls me into it. It brings another dimension of beauty to my writing spot, and into nature. A feeling of both Being, and Oneness with the natural world.

I helped Marilyn get organized for her hike back to Kennedy Meadows. We took down her tent and put all her gear she was not taking with her in a pile protected with a tarp, top and bottom. I would take it back with me when Shiloh and I leave in 18 days.

Marilyn got a late start for her hike back, and Shiloh and I walk just a little ways with her getting past where the cattle were, then we headed back to camp. I had offered to walk with her for a couple of miles, but she said she was fine and just wanted protection from the cows that never bothered us.

Marilyn was a good camping companion and Shiloh and I enjoyed her company. I think she also helped me in my preparation for being alone in the wilderness. I am excited about starting this adventure once again, being alone in the wilderness with Shiloh.

I am gaining a general knowledge of what plants I can eat, knowing what animal life is present for food and knowing the fishing is usually good up here. I went through in my mind things I would like to get done today and for the remainder of time we will be up here, and getting back into the survival mind-set. And into the silence of nature.

Marilyn is now gone and it is me and my trusting friend and companion, Shiloh. I am excited to feel that sense of being alone again in nature. It is hard to describe.

I didn’t mention all the wildlife we saw during these 6 days, because we didn’t see any. It was like the whole area was empty of wildlife. There was one exception, the fish I caught, and if you count the domestic animals, the 150 cows, and the llamas. We saw the Llamas on one of the days, when a woman brought them up for exercise. She uses them for pack animals which has less impact on the environment compared to horses and mules. We also had no problem with bugs. Oh, we heard coyote also, but didn’t see them.


Our Journey Living In Nature - Part 1

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part 4

Our Journey Living In Nature – continues

Part Four

The Journey Begins at Del Valle Campground

December 1, 2017 – Friday

The first day in December. Stepping out of the tent to 48 deg., a chilly, and breezy morning. The breeze quickly stopped while writing in the journal. Once the sun rose above the foothills it began to warm up my chilled bones. It is a clear sunny day, 55 deg. at 9:30 am. It was hard getting up for some reason this morning.

The boys, and the magpies are waiting for breakfast. I am waiting for coffee to be ready.

After breakfast, I took a nice warm shower then began doing some organizing in camp.

Two campers came in yesterday, and headed for the lower campground, none so far at our campground yet. And everyone was out today, the magpies, crows, doves, and ground squirrels.

Evening Entry

I did a little cleaning up camp, and did some organizing. Simple things to get done, always seems to take longer than expected while camping.

Two campers came in today in our campground area. One renting a cabin, a woman, and two small children. By the time the mother was getting everything unpacked, one of the girls fell off her scooter and chipped a tooth. They weren’t here longer than a half hour before the accident happened. She had to pack the kids up, and headed for the dentist. They were gone for most of the day.

The moon is getting near to becoming a full moon, maybe tomorrow. The boys were both crying in the darkness, and looking across the lawn area towards a new camper. The camper has a dog. The boys have never done this with a new dog they don’t know. We may have to check them out later.

The contractor that is working on the bathrooms came by our camp, and dropped of a bunch of wood trimmings for fire that makes great firewood, and kindling. He said he would bring more later.

We did walk by the trailer with the dog, but they were inside already.

It is a nice night, but once the wind blows, it can be chilly.

We plan to have breakfast at the Cafe in the morning.

December 2, 2017 – Saturday

We left from camp at around 7:30 am to have breakfast at the Cafe in Danville. We returned to camp around 12:00 pm. It is pretty quiet here for a Saturday, and very pleasant.

I also get great pleasure coming back to camp, driving through the countryside, and through the foothills. It is a very peaceful place when few people come to visit. There is endless beauty in the landscape, and wildlife here at the park, even with the lake being so low. I feel this beauty deep within.

December 3, 2017 – Sunday

Everyday waking up with the boys to the country side, and the sounds of Nature never gets old, and is always magical. This new day was clear skies, and 41 deg. when we got up at 7:45 am.

Most of the campers are packing up to leave, or getting ready to pack up.

It is 55 deg. at 9:15 am, and is very warm next to our campfire. We have enjoyed campfires both in the morning, and during the evening, as long as the weather was suitable for a fire. It is nice having a good source for good burning firewood.

We got a surprise rain that came in early morning, and I had to get up to close all the openings in the tent, with the exception of my large window opening next to my bed. Little rain was coming in on my end of the tent, so I got to enjoying my view to the outside. We experienced a very light rain shower with some wind gusts. It can be a pleasant surprise at times with what mother nature brings to us as far a weather goes. Overall the weather hasn’t been bad.

It has been a pure joy having this experience with the boys camping, with many more weeks, months, and years to come. Each morning I am greeted by the boys with their loving attention. Usually Takota is sleeping next to me, and he wakes me first. I then tell him to wake up his brother, and he is always obliging in doing so. Nanook doesn’t always appreciate being bothered by his brother, and I will hear a growl coming from Nanook to Takota of his disapproval. Then they both come to visit me for some loving attention before we get up. Before leaving the tent, I will say to the boys, “Good morning kids,” while I am giving them a good rubbing. At night I always give them a nightly rub, with kisses. Takota always gives me a growl, or a cry. Nanook usually just quietly enjoys it. But one night, Nanook began growling at me when I was giving him his nightly attention of loving. I thought he was just copying Takota, which he tends to do. And from that point on, he would growl at me each night. I then realized, I was doing a growling sound every time I gave them loving. And with Takota, it would be a growl or a cry depending on the sounds I would make. What they were doing was imitating me, growling at me, when I growled at them. My other dog, Shiloh use to do this as well, and I thought he was telling me, “stop bugging me.” But he was probably just imitating my growl. With Nanook, if I increase my volume in growling, he will try and match my intensity in his growl. It sounds like he is going to bite my noise off, but he is just talking to me.

Last night I used the wood scraps the contractor gave me for a fire base to protect the logs from touching the wet ground, then placed the oak logs on top of the wood base. It worked well getting the fire going, and it seemed I was using less wood. I will be doing the same for this mornings fire.

The boys were acting up, with the little terrier across the way from us.

Four quail have come into our camp just now, and Takota chased them up a tree. It is the first time quail have visited us in camp. And Takota left them with a bad first impression.

Back to the boys, and their little terrier friend. The boys were crying, and howling for their little friend. Surprisingly they have never done this with a dog they have never met. When the dog’s owners took him for a walk, and walked the by our camp, I stopped them and asked if the boys could come visit their camp tomorrow, and they said yes.

This morning the owner of the terrier was walking his dog, and dropped by our camp. The boys were so excited to see their new friend. At first the little guy was not sure about these two big dogs, but he soon realized they were harmless, and quickly ran around in playful gestures. When the terrier finally stopped, and the boys both gave him a sniff, they sealed their friendship with an approved sniff.

I was really surprised how my dogs, and that little terrier connected so easily. Maybe they did know each other, maybe at the kennel I would take the boys to. Who knows?

I got my solar panels working, charging my iPad, and my Yeti 150 battery. They worked well. It is nice using the Sun’s free energy for one’s electrical, and charging power.

It seems strange that my dreams, and thoughts at night still disturb me, but not as bad as when I was not camping. I will try to just let it go. I am fine once I get up and out into the wilds of Nature.

At 11:00 am, all campers but one are gone in our area, but the one, is loading up and leaving soon.

December 4, 2017 – Monday

Thirty-two degrees, it feels like winter is here, but technically, not until December 21, the winter Solstice.

I am living in a three seasons tent. I wonder how long it will last? I hope for a while, because I really like it, except for trying to get it back in it’s bag. They always make the carrying bags to damn small.

There is cold in the air, frost on the ground, a chill in my bones, and cold feet. And I am always excited to be out in Nature, being part of her.

Every source of warmth is welcome, the warmth of the campfire, the warmth of my clothing I wear, the warmth from the stove, the warmth of a hot cup of coffee, and the warmth of the morning Sun as it rises above the tops of the foothill ridge.

Since I had no paper or coals from last nights fire, to get a flame going, I had to start a small fire by using thin pine sticks, and building the fire up slowly, with gentle care. I get impatient sometimes in starting a fire, especially when it is cold, and I do start larger fires as quickly as I can, but I have found for me, starting a fire slowly, thoughtfully, and respectfully, gives me greater awareness and appreciation for the gift of fire. In today’s world, we have lost that respect for fire, and light it carelessly, and thoughtlessly. We have that need to always have big fires, unnecessarily big fires. I see people pile large logs onto a very small fire, and wonder why they are having trouble getting a fire started, or they commonly use gasoline, or lighter fluid to get the fire started, or simply give up. I have spent a lot of time learning the proper ways, and techniques in starting fires in all conditions. But for most, the want the quickest way.

I think it is time to get the winter clothing out. Now where did I put them?

I stayed warm all night at temperatures ranging in the low 30’s and maybe lower. I had my 20 deg. rated sleeping bag (Cabelas), and a fleece blanket over the that. And the blanket rarely stayed on the bag.

Last night I was watching a movie outside next to the fire and didn’t notice the drop in temperature. It was a bad movie and decided I had, had enough of it, so I turned it off. Once I moved away from the fire, I realized it was getting a bit nippy. It was 34 deg. reading in the tent, which means it is about the same outside. We get no insulation from the tent, that is for sure. When we step out in the morning from a cold interior tent, the outside always feels warmer as long as no wind is blowing. And the outside, and inside air temperatures are usually very close to being the same. It feels colder inside due to moisture in the tent. The sleeping bag had a chill inside, but quickly warmed up once I was zipped up. I was sleeping on an air mattress as well.

I enjoy the cold weather. It reminds me of Colorado, but obviously Colorado gets much colder. I stayed at Winter Park, Colorado for a year, and the winter’s coldest was -30 deg. that year. I thought I would have issues with the cold there, but because it had much dryer winters, I loved the cold.

I have been wearing cotton socks all of the time, but I will be switching to wool socks to see how they perform vs. cotton. They should keep me warmer and dryer.

The nice thing about camping, you are always outside in the elements, and among the critters. I have a sense of freedom being out in the natural environment. It is rejuvenating, it awakens the spirit inside of us. It brings us back to the natural, and away from the synthetic world. I find it truly magical.

A breeze is coming through camp. Feeling it and listening to it has a calming effect on me, reminding me of the sounds of the ocean’s waves in the distance softly crashing against the shoreline. Magical!

We really have not experience any real extreme weather so far which makes this experience much more pleasant, and relaxing.

It is 9:30 am and the temperature is up to 53 deg. with occasional wind gusts.

I think it is time for breakfast.

My usual schedule for the mornings once we get up is to take the boys for a walk, then get the coffee perking, and writing in the journal. After my journal entry, I cook breakfast for me and the boys.

In my journal writing, I never know what I will be writing, Sometimes I write continuously, other times there seems to be nothing worthy of writing, but I still write. Then beginning with just a few lines, and ready to close the journal, I end up writing for an hour or more. I just let things happen while journaling. I have no expectations.

The campground is empty. Just me, and the boys, and the magpies squawking, waiting for some dog kibble. The magpies here are the California Yellow-billed magpie. They are beautiful birds. We always enjoy them when they come visit.

Last night I heard Canadian geese all night. They may have stopped for a layover.

With the exception of getting a few things done outside of camp, the plan is to stay in this area for the rest of our stay here.

I have noticed the ants have gone underground with the cold temps.

Evening Post

Most of the day it has been cold and windy. I did a little work on the internet, a short writing on Facebook, and took the boys for a walk.

The wind starts, and then stops, and then starts again. I was thinking of spending the evening in the tent after dinner, and then the wind just stopped. We spend the evening outside, enjoying the pleasant night.

We hear a drunk at the lower campground. I believe I know who it is.

Tonight I will be using my sleeping bag liner to give it another try. I haven’t used it for sometime. I really didn’t like it. If you don’t know what it is, it is a light weight liner that you sleep in. It can be a silk or other material that provides warmth, and provides protection to the sleeping bag by keeping it clean. Some of the reasons I didn’t care for it was because it felt a bit confining, and difficult getting in and out of. A nice benefit for the liner is, if it gets to warm in the sleeping bag, you can use the liner for some warmth while sleeping above the sleeping bag.

We decided to turn in early, and I watched a movie. It is a clear night, but the forecast predicts rain. Last night I heard some rustling outside at my picnic table. It was the masked robbers. I knew I had nothing they could get, and they soon left empty handed.

December 5, 2017 – Tuesday

This morning I had found out from the gal at the main gate, that we could not stay a full month in December, so I have to rethink the things in my head on what I needed to get done before we have to leave mid-month.

I wanted to schedule my truck and trailer for my mechanic to look at the braking system, between the truck and trailer, get shots for the boys, get organized for our departure for our new camp, and make sure everything is secure in the trailer.

I was told about a nice campground in Ripon, only about an hour and a half away. So this is where we are heading, and then to my sisters place up north near Paradise. Depending on how the campground is in Ripon, we may stay a week or two.

Evening Entry

This evening is cold out, but not bad when the wind is not blowing. The wind has been blowing off and on today.

Many people have different reasons to camp, and some could be potentially dangerous to the public. The one drunk I had mentioned who was singing yesterday, I had noticed him driving into the campground and he would pass by our camp. I would observe him going by, and he would be looking back at me. He looked like a loner to me with my first impressions. He was camping alone. He has been around for two, or three days if I recall right.

While walking the dogs last night at around 7:30 pm We stopped to talk with the contractor. I thought I heard what sounded like yelling down at the lower campground. After my conversation with the contractor, we walked closer to where I thought the yelling was coming from. Earlier, I noticed a woman that came into the campground alone, and I wasn’t sure who she was visiting, or if she was looking for a campsite, or maybe she already had a campsite. When I was getting closer to the lower campground, getting my hearing focused on the yelling, and of what might be going on, I once again heard a woman crying out of control, and in hysterics. I also heard a lot of yelling from the guy, and the woman, and things being thrown around, creating a big disturbance. This sounded like it could be potentially serious, so I called the park police to report it.

I have wanted to call the police many times on people at this campground, but it would mean getting up, and getting dressed, then determining what campsite it was, then walking to the phone to make the call. Or going to the campsite and talking to the people. This ladder option usually doesn’t have a good response, especially if people are intoxicated. I was told, the park police do not like responding at this park, because they have to drive so far to get her.

After calling the police dispatch, We walked down to the lower campground to determine what campsite it might be. On the way there the woman drove past us leaving the campground. Once we got down to the campground, there was only the drunk guy, and a motor home. I determined it must have been the drunk guy.

I gave the dispatch another call to give them more information, and they relaid it to a police unit. The dispatcher told me the officer was almost there and for me to stay at the campground entrance to wait for him. It took a while for a unit to come. After meeting the officer and telling him the situation, he then drove down to the campsite, passing a car leaving the park. I realized it was the woman leaving the site. Now the officer could not question her. I followed the officer on foot to make sure he had the right campsite. About an hour and a half later, after the first police officer arrived, another police unit arrived. Another unit came in soon after that second one.

The boys, and I went back to bed, and at around 12:30 am we saw two of the police units leave. Then we saw a tow truck come in that towed the guys truck away. I knew then, the guy was arrested and taken to Santa Rita Jail. One officer remained at the campsite for some time.

I felt sorry for the guy, and the woman, that they had to experience this due to their behaviors from their past experiences growing up. Many of our struggles in life always stems from, and are the root causes of the beginnings of our childhood. Most people never learn how to deal with these issues, many have buried them deep in their subconscious, and we continue to relive these false beliefs we have been telling ourselves over, and over again. We live our lives unconsciously in these lies, not even realizing they control our lives in a very profound way, thus preventing us from fully living in joy, love, and in the freedom of who we truly are.

December 6, 2017 – Wednesday

37 deg. at 7:30 am.

We only have enough time to fix breakfast, then off to the Vets at 11:00 am for shots. Before we got to the Vets, the boys started crying. They really like the Vet, and they feel very calm around him. Then after the Vets, we stopped at the store for a few thing, then back to camp, arriving back at 1:30 pm. Back in camp, I checked emails, and did a little reading. The weather for the rest of the week, and weekend is suppose to be pretty good. No rain insight, and warming on Friday.

Evening Entry

Tonight, a cold one. Turned in early.

December 7, 2017 – Thursday

The skies are clear this morning, and 33 deg. in the tent at 7:45 am.

I have been very comfortable and warm in my sleeping bag, and with the liner, which is adding at least 5 deg. to the warmth, if not more.

Today we will organize camp. Excuse me, I will organize, the boys will supervise.

Evening Entry

We got back to camp from shopping at 3:45 pm. It was a beautiful late afternoon at Del Valle. Soon the temperature dropped, turning COLD!

I bought some bird seed for our bird friends. We will see if the magpies like it. I am sure the other birds will appreciate it.

Kevin, and Joy from the campground store dropped by camp to say, Hi to the boys. The boys really like them, especially Joy. Joy would always howl to them, even howling from the truck going down the road, and would get the boys howling back to her. Anyone giving the boys a little attention, the boys would become instant friends with them. Although they weren’t great with new dogs on the block, until they got to know them, they loved people.

I also communicated with my sister that we will be coming up to her place soon.

The boys and I are really enjoying this life in Nature. Being with, and experiencing the plants, the trees, the wildlife, and the magnificent beauty Nature provides to us in every moment. It is a dream come true. I wish I could have done it much sooner, but things just got in the way. I guess it was meant to be this way. And if it was much sooner, it wouldn’t have been Nanook, and Takota by my side. This journey would not have been without them.

December 8, 2017 – Friday

It was windy all night, and it is windy this morning. Cold and windy.

My stove is acting up this morning. I am not getting much pressure. The valve might be clogged up. Might be time for a new stove.

Took a shower today, and feel clean and refreshed once again.

I saw a lot of acorn woodpeckers this morning, the most I have seen. Then at a distance, I heard some crows making a lot of racket at a dead pine tree. I soon found out why when a big hawk flew out from the branches of the tree. The crows may have been protecting their nests near by, or their young.

I put some bird seed in one of the dogs bowls, and the magpies choice the boys kibble instead. But soon the bird seed was tasting pretty good to them. The dark-eye Juncos were enjoying it as well.

Once the wind had calmed down, it warmed up quickly.

Evening Entry

Takota, Nanook, and I took a long walk among the woodlands of this magical place. Returning to camp, we had about a half hour before we had to leave for a short visit to see our friend Tammy. So I sat in my chair, and quietly observed the beauty in Nature. I feel fortunate in learning to be still in Nature. It is a peaceful place one can experience fully the beauty, and wonders in Nature. To become the story that Nature can only provide, and the watcher to observe in total silence that brings us deeper into the amazing magic, and beautiful relationship we have with all life – in the grasses, in the trees, and among the wild creatures we meet – to embrace all life Nature provides to us. It is a place that is hard to describe, that really does not need any explanation, just being in a place of Being within to all that is.

After dropping by to see Tammy at her house, we stopped by the grocery store to pick up some things for dinner, then Dom’s, the outfitter store for some tent stakes, then back to camp.

Once in camp, I noticed a guy, and girl, setting up a camp in an undesignated area, not for camping. I walked over to them to let them know they couldn’t camp there, and before I could say anything the girl said they were doing a photo shoot for a new canned wine produced by Wente Vinyards. They were setting up for a camping scene. I suggested to them that Takota, and Nanook would be great in the ads, they would really give it a wild look in Nature to the ads. I asked if they would like to borrow the boys for a few shots? I pointed to the boys at our camp while they were looking at us intently. They like the idea, so I brought the boys over to their make believe camp for a photo shoot. Of course the boys, did great posing for the camera, but Takota quickly got bored with this whole thing, and walked off the set and wanted to return to our camp. He was done with this foolishness. Nanook on the other hand was just happy to hang out. I was thinking the boys may become famous as models for other products. They would be known worldwide. My mind was going wild with all the possibilities. They said, they would let me know if any of the photos were used. I never heard anything back from them. I was so sure the boys would make the Big Times in dog modeling.

Once Shiloh, my other dog, was in a photo shoot contest for a dog food, and I surely knew he would win, but it wasn’t to be.

I did not get any organizing done for the day.

Kevin, our camping friend said he was coming up to camp on the same day we were suppose to be leaving. I told him I will try to extend our stay till Monday. Me and the boys would like to see him before we are off, heading north for unknown lands.

December 9, 2017 – Saturday

We went to the Cafe for breakfast and to hang out with our friends. We received a nice Journal from a couple we know from the cafe. We then went to Concord to pick up mail. We then headed back to camp. At the front gate of the park entrance at Del Valle, we talked to the gal at the gate about staying a few more days. She talked with the supervisor, and she will give us a few more days.

Kevin will be here on Thursday, then leave on Sunday, so the timing is perfect to spend a little time with him.

Before reaching the main gate. I saw a young boy around 4 years old, and his grandfather sitting together on the top of the hillside just off the road, enjoying the view of the rolling hills of the valley that led down to the lake. I stopped to talk with them. The granddad was teaching his grandson about Nature. That gave me hope, but unfortunately, I don’t think this is happening enough.

Joy from the store dropped by to howl with the boys for a bit.

December 10, 2017 – Sunday

7:30 am, it was a bit nippy at 34 deg. with sunny skies. It will be a nice day today.

The magpies, doves, juncos and the scrub jays are having breakfast at our camp with the feed I left them. And of course, the magpies are waiting for the boys kibble. Usually the magpies are waiting for us to get up in the morning.

It was cold this morning, but the cold doesn’t seem to bother me much as long as the wind isn’t blowing. I enjoy the crispness of the cold air filling my lungs, and against my skin.

I am enjoying my coffee next to a warming fire while writing in my journal, and listening to the sounds of Nature talking to me. The boys relaxing on the grass. There is nothing like the peacefulness Nature brings to us.

I am seeing many more of the acorn woodpeckers around our camp, working hard building up their supply of acorns for the winter cache.

Tomorrow, I will take the truck and trailer in for minor repairs.

With all the work camping takes, and with my age of 65 y.o., I am not yet feeling the aches and pains, and the stiffness of the body too much. I am also sleeping better, and feeling better. The tent camping suits us, and suits Nature. We don’t use noisy, and toxic generators that pollutes the environment as does the RV’s, and motor homes, and tents are not an eye sore like the RV’s and motor homes are that are getting bigger and bigger – becoming more insulated, and closed off from Nature. I don’t call that camping. It is anything but camping.

Each time I drive up the road taking us to our campsite, I feel drawn to the complete beauty, and wonder of the landscape of the rolling hillsides, and the scattered oaks. I experience a deep connection in all that Nature provides to us.

Back at camp, I took the boys for a walk, while writing in my head.

I got the truck aligned with the trailer hitch for a quick connection in the morning. I am writing in my journal, enjoying a pleasant fire, and enjoying John Denver on my cd player. Tomorrow we will be gone all day while the truck and trailer are in the shop.

While feeling the present moment with life itself, thoughts of Shiloh came to me, and our times we had spent together in Nature. I doubt I would be doing this without those special times spent with Shiloh. Shiloh would have loved being out here, and he will always be with me.

December 12, 2017 – Tuesday

Woke up to another beautiful day in Nature. Clear skies, 45 deg., windy. The morning Sun cresting over the top of the foothills, telling me it is 8:00 am, and time to get up. There is something special when one can watch the rising Sun awakening a new day. To experience this gift of life gives with full awareness to the surroundings of the natural world in the sights, sounds, and smells, In feeling the chill of cold on the skin, and the warmth the Sun brings to comfort us, or of the warming fire with the scent of wood unfolding into the air. And then, there are the boys, giving their endless presence, and companionship, their unconditional love lying beside me.

It was windy all night, and continues to give a brisk chill in the air, this morning, although the temperature reads 45 deg.

As always the magpies are squawking for breakfast with the boys.

The wind suddenly stopped at 9:00 am, with only an occasional breeze showing it’s presence.

While I do my morning routines, the boys do theirs by laying on the soft grasses, waiting for breakfast with the magpies, who perch on the branches of trees near by for any signs that breakfast is ready.

A lone turkey with a broken foot cross near our camp.

It is quiet and peaceful this morning. A nice way to start a new day. There are only two other campers here today.

My main focus when camping is to stay in one place as long as we can, and the reasons are to get to know the area we are in. To learn about the flora and fauna, and just Be in the awareness of the area, to truly and deeply experience the area. Other reasons, are to minimize constantly moving, the work it takes taking down a camp, and setting up camp, the availability of campgrounds. And if we are constantly jumping around from campground to campground, how can we ever relax? To truly enjoy the beauty Nature offers? I use to be the type of person who wanted to try to get as much stuff done in a day, or on a vacation. I am now completely opposite, I have learned to take my time to smell the roses.

It has been a busy time here in getting things done, in closing a long story in my life, and being able to settle down to a new story. Especially one that is completely different from my old story in so many ways. In a new direction I could not have even conceived me doing twenty years ago.

Evening Entry

I was thinking we would turn in early because it was getting cold. A half hour after we had our dinner, we went for a walk. When we were getting close to camp from our walk, both the boys and I discovered a pair of glowing eyes at our camp. I was wondering if it was the critter that was keeping the boys on alert all night, and the same critter that allowed me to get fairly close to it one night? Was it a feral cat? A raccoon or skunk?

This creature of the night was getting a drink from the boys water bowl. The closer we got, the critter would slowly move away. It was hard seeing it in the dark, and I wanted to know who this critter was. So I tied the boys up, grabbed a powerful flashlight. The boys were pointing me in the direction of where it was going. I got a glimpse of the glowing eyes, and proceeded to follow this elusive creature of the night. I finally caught up to it and allowed me to get close to it. At first I thought, it looked like a cat with a thick tail, then thinking, maybe a raccoon? What little I could see of the body, it didn’t fit a raccoon’s body profile, nor did it walk like a raccoon. I kept slowly creeping towards it until I was about 15 feet from it, and discovered it was a gray fox. I also saw a fox the day before. It showed little fear of me., and went on nibbling on tidbits it would find. I probably could have gotten closer to it, but I wanted to give it space, as well as showing it respect. It may have also had it’s den close by. I then spotted another pair of eyes a short distance ways, another fox. They could have been it’s mates. It is always exciting seeing new critters in the area.

Another discovery that I really did not think much about was to use binoculars to view stars. I would glass a single visible star that seemed alone in the vast darkness of the night sky, and thousands of stars would appear around that single star viewed through the binoculars. It would have been nice having a telescope, but it wasn’t in our budget.

Kevin, and Joy dropped by camp in the afternoon to say Hi to the boys.

I did get some short writings done that I posted on Facebook, and received some nice comments, and a lot of likes.

It is 7:30 pm, and time for bed.

Just a note: I could stay a bit warmer in the tent if I closed the window flaps, but I stay warm enough, and the boys like the cold, so I partly do it for them. I also like waking up with a view of Nature just outside our tent, and seeing the light of the rising Sun coming through the tent.

December 13, 2017 – Wednesday

38 deg., blue skies, and windy.

It was blowing pretty good all night, and this morning.

I find it hardto get up when it is cold, and windy. It feels much better being nice, and comfortable in a warm sleeping bag. It is much nicer in the tent watching the cold, and wind. But once outside, I feel the cold chill in the air, and it reminds me of the high country of the Colorado Rockies, or the Sierra Nevada Mountains that gives me a feeling of being rejuvenated, and refreshed.

We got up around 7:45 am, and the wind stopped blowing at around 8:15 am. The sunrise was at 8:00 am. I begin shedding layers of upper clothing, with a slight breeze coming, and going.

I relax, and enjoy Nature next to a nice fire, and a hot cup of coffee. And breathing in the cool fresh air. Being with the boys, and experiencing the animals, trees, and plants, there is nothing like it. Our little piece of paradise.

I saw our first shooting star the night before. There are always magical moments in Nature, if we pay attention.

I see one king size motor home, and two RV’s here, and no one is outside to experience the beauty, and wonders in Nature. Except for one guy walking, and puffing on a cancer stick.

A bird I spotted maybe a finch of some kind.

December 14, 2017 – Thursday.

It was a windless night. I tried to stay up for the meteor showers event, but had a hard time staying awake. I was viewing the night sky through my large picture window, From what I could remember I saw about five shooting stars.

Our camping friend Kevin will be coming in today. He usually stays for four days. It is always nice seeing him, and the boys always enjoys his company. This will be the last time we see him.

I have been watching the finches, and they are funny little guys. There are usually a bunch of them feeding from the ground, but then with no apparent reason they all at once fly off, and then they are back again. Similar to sparrows. It is amazing that they know to do this exactly at the same time.

It is a quiet morning spending time with our bird friends.

I was thinking about spending time in the wilderness, and how it is so different then a campground. The boys have never been in the wilderness. I wonder how they will do? I miss practicing bushcraft skills that one should not be doing in a campground, and may be illegal. My focus going up north for now is getting through to Canada, then to Alaska. And focus on observing Nature, and working on going deep in that experience within, through being silent. Also getting writing done in the journal, and doing short writings through reflections.

Last night the fox were staring at the boys from a distance. I tried to get closer to them, but with no luck.

At night during sleep, I question if I am doing the right thing going on this journey. But once I wake up, and step out in Nature, I know this is where we should be.

Evening Entry

We got some laundry done in town, then returned to camp around 2:30 pm. Kevin arrived around 3:00 pm. He was camping at the lower campground. We gave Kevin a few to get his camp set up, then the boys and I went down to his camp for a visit. I chatted with Kevin for a bit, while the boys relaxed, then headed back to camp to fix dinner.

We have a lot to do for our departure on Monday.

December 15, 2017 – Friday

The weather is overcast, cold, and 38 deg.

In this special, and magical place, this landscape of wildness, and beauty, I feel I am part of this Oneness of this masterful painting of Nature. Nature becomes a true gift to all of one’s senses, to feel and experience within the silence, and pure awareness within and without of the true essence of all life.

Evening Entry

We only got a few errands done to day. I hope to get most of them finished on Saturday. I noticed a headlight out in my truck, so I will get that fixed tomorrow as well. I got my bookcase in the trailer more secure so my books won’t end up being all over the floor of the trailer. I used bungee cords, and adjustable tension bars to hopefully secure the books. Saturday, and Sunday are unreserved for my campsite, so I will pay for those days to secure my site. I am lucky my site has not been reserved.

I was planning on leaving on Sunday, but I need one additional day to get the trailer organized.

A family of campers came in today with two dogs that were off leash. A little girl from that camp was riding her bicycle with the two dogs following her on the road, and I was yelling at the little girl to get her dogs on leash. She was not listening, and did not know better. One of the dogs went into our camp, got too close to the boys, and both boys went after him. Nanook bit him in the neck. I was yelling at the owner’s of the dogs to get them restrained.

The guy, with the dogs came over a little bit later to apologize, and he said his dog was okay. This would be an ongoing problem for us. There are those who feel they do not have to follow the leash laws in campgrounds making it more difficult for those who do comply with the lease laws. When people bring their pets camping, they have to be aware of the impact they will have on other campers, as well as their own behavior in the campground. Having a thoughtful consideration for all campers, and to the wildlife should be a given, but for many, it is not. It will be an added responsibility for me as well to keep a close eye on my dogs, as with other dogs that we may encounter in the campground or anywhere else for that matter. It is a learning lesson for me having very protective dogs. Luckily they love people. They do bond quickly with other dogs, but there has to be that period of accepting them in their pack first. As you follow our story, you will discover our friendships along the way.

I have been getting a nice following, and support from my Facebook friends both in my writing, and in general. I feels they are following us along our journey into Nature that in someway gives me comfort.

It has been overcast most of the day with a pleasant evening.

In our time in Nature, I am finding that the simplest things are giving me the greatest pleasure, appreciation, understanding for life.

Although I have not been documenting it in the journal, or in this writing, the boys and I have been spending some nice talks with our friend Kevin. Kevin first met me, and Shiloh back in 2009 here in Del Valle, while camping when we began our camping experiences (In the blog, Our Journey Into the Wilderness). Then when I lost Shiloh, in his passing, in 2011, Tokota, and Nanook, took Shiloh’s place, quickly bonding with Kevin in their first introduction to Kevin. We have become close in a very indirect way through our camping experiences, and occasional chats on the phone. The boys and I will miss those times with our friend.

December 16, 2017 – Saturday

I checked in for two more days, and not one. We were planning on leaving on Sunday, but I needed one more day to get everything ready for departure. At the front gate where we check-in, the park employee, hesitantly gave me one additional day.

It was 32 deg. this morning with no wind, and clear skies.

I will go to my mechanic today, to replace a headlight. Do some shopping, and maybe meet our friend Tammy.

The camper family that are across from us with the two dogs were playing a game that was loud, and they were loud. I was thinking they were being disrespectful to other campers who enjoy the silence in Nature, and disrespectful to Nature. It is how most people behave in Nature unfortunately. This will always be the situation, unless we learn how to respect others, and to the natural world. These games can be played in City Parks, backyards, not in places within wild places. I am probably only about 2% who feels this way about Nature. The 98% go into Nature to use Nature, to take from Nature. Nature is here for recreation, to play in, and nothing about learning from her, respecting her, and in giving reverence to her.

I am here in Nature to think, to reflect, to be silent, to observe, to listen, to write, and to read – and to experience Being in Nature. Most have lost this ability to just Be in Nature. A big part of this is our culture, and how we have been taught.

I have to admit, I get this for most of the week, peace, and quiet, with the exceptions of the weekends. It is when the Zombies come to play.

The calm winds ended shortly after we got up, to become stronger winds. Making breakfast, and brewing my coffee took two to three times longer to cook than usual.

Evening Entry

The winds blew all day, and suddenly ended at 4:30 pm.

I did not cook dinner due to the winds. I just had a salad. After dinner we went over to Kevin’s camp to disrupt his dinner.

It seemed weird for some reason coming back to camp in the dark, with the camp in total darkness. Not even the glow from a small fire. The whole area seemed different, even the night sky. The night was pleasant, even with an occasional breeze coming through camp.

I will focus on packing up as much as possible tomorrow, so we can get an early start on Monday to our new campground.

December 17, 2017 – Sunday

A beautiful Sunday Morning. Slept pretty well.

Kevin left early this morning, so we didn’t get to say good bye.

The small masked birds we have been seeing in camp, I was told were Rocky mountain chickadees.

Afternoon Entry

The day is closing as with our stay at beautiful Del Valle. We met some friends to say our good byes, picked up a good supply of dog food, trailer pretty much loaded up. Tomorrow the tent comes down and loaded as with the rest of our gear. And then we are off. It will be a short drive to our next campground.

Everyone in the campground is gone but me and the boys, and the contractors working on the restrooms.

December 18, 2017 – Monday

We got to our possible new campground, and doing a drive through, I was not impressed. The campground was not kept up, and was overgrown with vegetation. I found a possible campsite next to the river. So I got out to walk around for a look see, and I saw a lot of big yellow jackets flying around the site, and all around the campground. I quickly made a decision this was not a good campground to be in. I had no other options for camping. So I called my sister, and her husband answered. I ask if it was okay to come up today, and they said come on up. It was about a three hour drive up north to their place. It felt like much further a drive. When we got into the town of Magalia, it was dark and hard to see the street names, hard to see in the dark with dealing with a cataract in one eye, and just hard to figure out where we were. We finally found their house.

I was pretty tired from the drive, and just wanted to get settled in, talk a little, then go to bed. I really did not know how long we would stay, because I wanted to get on the road as soon as we could. But my sister had other plans. She wanted me to stay at least for my birthday on January 9th. I told her I would, but planned to leave on the 10th. Of course she wanted me and the boys to stay longer.

I hadn’t seen my sister for over 20 years, and spent time catching up, and she would tell me about our family history. I really enjoyed our short stay with my dear oldest sister. On my birthday, I talked with my other sister in Michigan who came with my friend Tammy to pick up the new puppies, Takota, and Nanook from the Breeder. This was a time I was thinking a lot about my family, and how grateful I was to have my brothers, and sister growing up.

My sister loved the boys and was so excited in having the boys staying with them. She treated them as part of the family. Each morning before my sister was up, the boys would be in the kitchen waiting for her, and greeted her with loving howls.

While at my sister’s I had my trailer checked out. I had to figure out where we were going for our next camp. My niece was giving me some ideas, but finally decided to back-tract a bit heading south, then west, then back north to Clear Lake. I wanted to head to Mount Shasta, but I thought I would hit bad winter conditions for driving and camping, so that was off the list. We did a little exploring of the areas of Paradise, and Magalia, during our stay. It was a nice area, and had a lot of Native American history, but you couldn’t tell if you didn’t read the plaques along the roadside. This is what is left of the indigenous peoples of California – plaques, markers, and casinos. And small Rancherias, what basically the rest of the Federal Government or the BIA (bureau of Indian affairs) calls Indian Reservations but much smaller. I personally don’t care for either the federal government or the BIA for what they had done to the Indian people, the land they stole, and the genocide committed against these first peoples of this land, we call America.

Miscellaneous Writings, and Thoughts of The Day

Last Evening Walk

Takota and Nanook in camp at South Beach State Park Campground, Oregon

Last Evenings Walk

March 28, 2018

My two canine companions, Takota, and Nanook and I were camping at South Beach State Park, Oregon, where we would take our morning and evening walks everyday. Last evening we were taking our nightly walk along the road that weaves through the campground. A guy stopped in his pickup truck next to us, rolled down his window, and asked, “What kind of dogs are they?” “Are they Malamute?” I responded to him, that they were Native American Indians Dogs. He said, “beautiful dogs,” and I replied, “thanks,” and we continued on our walk.

For some reason that I was not expecting, I heard a silent voice in my head telling me to turn around to see if I could determine what campsite he was staying at. Only a few campsites away from where we were, I noticed this guy was setting up camp and decided to see if he wanted to meet the dogs (I refer to them as the kids, or boys). This is something I rarely do, but felt different about this guy for some reason. So we turned around, and headed back towards his camp, and our camp. Stopping at his camp I asked if he would like to meet the dogs? The guy was overjoyed with the offer and I brought the dogs over to greet this stranger. The guy slowly, and calmly walked over to them, greeting them, then sat down on the ground next to them in respect, as a friend. Nanook felt comfortable with him immediately, and went right up to him, and began licking his face. Takota was being a bit shy, and unsure. Takota took the energy from Nanook that is guy is okay, and Takota began to relax around their new friend.

We talked for a little bit while he was enjoying the dogs company, and he told me he had lost his dog (a Malamute), and I could tell there was still a lot of hurt and pain in his voice of his loss of this very close friend. During this time Nanook was still licking his face. I asked him when his dog died assuming it was not too long ago. He told me 8 years ago. At this point his emotions he was experiencing began to surface, and he broke down in an uncontrollable flow of tears. Again, Nanook continued to give him loving kisses. Nanook stayed by him, comforting him. It was hard for me to hold back my emotions, thinking about the loss of my dog, Shiloh back in 2011.

He tried to tell me his story, but it was difficult for him in getting the words out. He was in the hospital for shoulder surgery and when he returned home, his dog was on the porch as he always was, waiting for his owner to return. But on this day, his best friend, and companion had died on the porch waiting for him. There was no happy greeting between these two best friends. He was totally consumed in tears. I could totally feel, and understand what he was going through, because I had been there when I lost Shiloh, and I began to feel tears coming down my cheeks uncontrollably.

After we finished talking, he shook my hand tightly, and seemingly not wanting to let go, thanked me for being graced with some time with Takota and Nanook. He told me his tears were happy tears being able to spend a little time with my boys. And Nanook continued his kisses on the man’s face. We never saw the boys new friend again.

My dogs get a lot of attention on our journey that we are on from other people, but this time they were able to help someone who still felt the painful loss of their best friend and companion. Especially with Nanook who smothered him with kisses. I think Nanook knew this man’s heart was still in deep sadness. Maybe his dog was with us, and maybe even Shiloh.

Just a few days earlier I was messaging a friend, and she had mentioned how many interesting people we must have been meeting in our travels. I told her, I was not interested in meeting people. I was only focused on being in Nature, being with the boys, and writing. Maybe my friend was right about people having many interesting stories I should open up to. This experience did open my mind, and to include people in the narrative of my story telling. Maybe the guiding spirits brought this person to us.

Although I still focus on Nature, the boys, and writing, I make a point in talking with many more people.

Our campsite at South Beach State Park Campground, Oregon
Miscellaneous Writings, and Thoughts of The Day



When I have a thought or feeling that is awakened in my consciousness before my mind is fully awake, I seem to be embraced by it at times, thinking I would like to write about this or that. More thoughts, and feelings arise, flowing freely in my conscious universe. They then leave my mind as quickly as they come, with more thoughts, replacing the last thought space. Like they are being dictated to me, and then quickly disappears for more thoughts to come. And then they are gone. If only I had a net to capture them, and hold onto them in my memory.

I then may decide to write about it on my smart phone, a pad of paper, or my laptop. But first I have to take care of the morning rituals, like giving Takota, and Nanook some morning loving. relieving myself of unwanted fluids, and getting the coffee brewing. And hoping I can remember those thoughts that came earlier, on what I wanted to write about. Then I begin to write for a bit before I have to stop and take the boys for a walk. On our walk my mind begins working again on thoughts I may want to put into the writing. But these too will be forgotten if I don’t write them down (which I usually don’t do). Then after the walk, I meditate, fix breakfast, give medicine to Takota, and then finally get back to writing. And I hope these thoughts are still fresh in my mind with the deepest of feelings they deserve.

Once I start writing, I am not sure what is going to come out in my journal or on the pad of paper, Sometimes I have a starting point, and sometimes I must start from scratch, searching for a starting point. I search for those perfect words that strikes a chord with my inner feeling of what I want to write. Unfortunately many times I don’t seem to find them. And at times, it becomes more mechanical, rather than free flowing as it was when it first came to me.

If I write from my smart phone in bed immediately after receiving these thoughts, it tends to be more of a free flowing process most of the time. But trying to capture those original thoughts becomes very fleeting, like a flock of birds suddenly exploding into flight, and suddenly gone from sight.

You may be asking, what the heck does this have to do with beauty? It is just one of the processes I go through in writing.

The words beauty, or beautiful came to me this morning. I find these words to be the perfect description in the form of a single word, in describing the amazing, the awe inspiring – it is like the word love that can be expressed, and experienced in this single word. I use these words often in my writings. It looks good in the spelling, it sounds good, we feels good when we use them, and in it’s interpretations in how we see things. Although we all have different interpretations of what beauty is, yet we all understand it in our own ways.

God or the Creator must have come up with these words, love, and beauty. They seem to be fused with each other, with similar feelings, and sensations, and experiences. A joining together as One.

I use beauty, or beautiful in many descriptions, as in music, in paintings, photographs, and in real life experiences. And since I have spent a lot of time living in Nature – to me, everything in Nature, that I experience and feel, is beautiful, as with the feeling of deep love that arises to join the word beautiful. It can be as simple as observing a flower, a drop of dew on a leaf, or flower petal, a plant, a tree, or a sapling, a leaf, or a butterfly. In all the animals that inhabit our planet, or as grand as the mountains, the forests, the deserts, the plains, the grasslands, or the oceans, the rivers and streams, or the waterfalls, and rainbows. Or observing the miraculous beginnings of a new life, whether it be a plant, tree, or animal. Beauty is all around us in the natural world, if we are willing to go deep within, in quiet awareness. And then, Nature will open up to us to the beauty, and Truth few will ever experience.

We can feel this beauty, through our senses, in seeing, listening, touching, smelling, and tasting. Beauty is all around us. It is everywhere, and we can tap into this rich experience in every moment, by being present with our hearts, and minds.

We have been given this beautiful gift of the magnificent, and endless beauty on this tiny blue, green, brown, and white colored sphere we call our home, hurling alone in the darkness of space. Within this vast universe with the trillions of planets, and stars filling the blackness of the night sky, going deep into the ever expansive universe.

As far as we know, there is no other place like planet Earth.

What will happen when it disappears due to our lack of caring? Lack of appreciating, loving, and respecting? Of forgetting the beauty?

When I use the words, beautiful, or beauty, I see, and feel the sacredness in all of life, and how much our planet gives to us.

Our Journey Living In Nature - Part 1

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part 3

Our Journey Living In Nature – continues

Part Three

The Journey Begins at Del Valle Campground

November 8, 2017 – Wednesday

We woke to another beautiful morning in Nature – Awe, what a grand, and magnificent place to wake up to each and every morning.

It is warmer than usual this morning, and got me motivated to get up and take a shower. It is well needed.

This morning the turkeys came out sounding like a bunch of drunken sailors, making a racket, and commotion, that woke up the whole campground. These sounds of Nature awakens us to a different world, that most of us have forgotten, and have turn off from our consciousness. They want peace and quiet, dang it! Not a bunch of turkeys gobbling away. Those people may have forgotten that is part of being in Nature. It is what makes Nature what it is. Yet when we are in Nature, do we care of the noise we bring to her.

During this time, a woman was walking her dog across the grassy field in the middle of the campground, and the boys focus was on the dog, while the flock of turkeys walked right by the boys. It was interesting they seemed not to care much about the turkeys. It was about 6:15 am and they came into the campground from all directions. They could be heard throughout the valley, gobbling away. Some of the group of gobblers perches in some trees close to camp.

While I was still in bed, looking up to the roof of the tent, I noticed these little specks moving about. My first thought was an ant invasion. We had these tiny invaders (actually large size ants) back when we were here for our three month stay during the same time of year. We had no problem with them staying out of the tent. I hope these critters this time are respectful to us by staying out of our tent.

When I set up my tent, I look for any scorpion, or spider burrows, or under ground ant colonies, or yellow jacket ground nests. I never place the tent over these holes in the ground, unless I want to take a chance of having uninvited visitors in the tent. This is a very important consideration while setting up a tent, as with not setting up under a tree that has dead branches, known as widow makers.

The reason I have chosen living in a tent vs. an aluminum box, referring to RV’s, motorhomes, campers, and recreational trailers, where this essential equipment is now becoming very popular for many campers wanting a camping experience these days. They are bringing a home like environment, a home away from home, for ease, convenience, and comfort into the natural environment. I have notice many prefer these comforts over being outside in the outdoors, reducing their exposure to the outside world. These two completely opposite environments pulls us even further away from the very reason, I would think, we go to experience Nature. And that is being fully immersed in the natural world, vs. being in a synthetic environment. But this is not so. Most do not know what truly experiencing Nature is, because of our disconnect with the natural world. I should clarify, Campers, and small trailers have a minimal impact in Nature then do the motorhomes, and large trailers, and are far less obtrusive in a natural environment.

As for using a tent, we are outside in Nature most of the time. It is the only place to be, to truly experience and hear all the sounds of Nature. To learn from Nature. I knew when I preferred a tent to live in for our journey we would experience the pureness of the natural world, like in a flower in bloom, like the birds singing their morning, and evening songs, or the turkeys gobbling, the calls of the hawks, the sounds of the wind blowing through the trees, or the cracking of a twig, the hooting of the owl, or the blood curdling cries of death, that suddenly wake you in the middle of the night, from a quiet sleep. Or the smells, and scents that permeates through the tent, and throughout the outside air. Or one is awakened to these many wondrous sounds, sights, and smells of this amazing natural world we live in, and one feels a part of this living organism, called planet Earth. Those who choose the So-called method of camping in a RV, or motorhome, or recreational trailer, becomes insulated from Nature, and is disconnected to Nature even more. It doesn’t allow one to go into Nature on a deeper level of beauty, and magic, and wonder. I have seen campers that never take a foot out of the synthetic world they call camping.

The five senses of the human species, sight, hearing, touch, smell, and tasting, only one, sight, is used mostly, but even sight, we see, but not see, as with the other senses, we hear, but not hear, touch, but not touch, smell, but not smell, and taste, but not taste. For most of us, our senses have become numb in our synthetic world, and have become numb to the natural world. We only see things on the surface, through judging, and labeling, it prevents us from going deep into what we are perceiving only on the surface. There is a deeper reality, and beauty, that goes beyond the surface. It is experiencing a pure awareness so few experience.

I try to heighten my awareness in the natural world, to take in as much as I can, through silence, and living in the present moment, and having the knowing that all living things are connected. That we are all One with all life.

A friend dropped by while I was writing, and I was distracted talking with him, and lost track of my line of thought, and of what I wanted to write. This is one reason why I like to be alone, especially while I am writing, and observing Nature.

It is almost noon time, and just felt a drop from the heavens. Rain could be near.

For someone to do a journey such as we have taken on, weather can be your friend, or your worst enemy. Being prepared for weather is a big factor, such as having the right clothing, the right equipment, and the right skills. One’s safety is always an important factor as well. Living in Nature full time is quite different then, a weekend camping trip. Especially when one has a responsibility for others. For me, it is my two canine companions. One has to have a different mind set. Although I am still learning through experiencing, I did have experience in the back country, and experience camping in general which does help. But for the most part, I too, was only meeting Nature on the surface, and missing out on the magic we can achieve, and in the knowledge we can gain by going deeper into the very soul of Nature. You can read my experiences in the wilderness alone, with my best friend Shiloh, in my Blog, “Our Journey Into The Wilderness.” It may help you understand why we chose to do this journey, and in doing it alone.

I gave up my business in Architecture, gave up a modern lifestyle, to live in a tent, and wander around the country to seek a better, and deeper understanding – my understanding of our relationship with the planet, Earth (Gaia). A relationship I feel most of civilization has sadly forgotten. But a relationship we all have deep within us all. And of course, experiencing this with Takota, and Nanook, which without them. I would not have taken such an endeavor.

Evening Entry

The thoughts that I had forgotten this morning, came back to me this evening. I was thinking while laying in bed this morning, looking out onto the green grassy meadow, and just experiencing the Beingness, the simplicity of being aware of ones surroundings, and being fulfilled just by the sheer beauty Nature provides to us. We don’t have to do stuff, always staying busy in Nature. Being in silent awareness is enough. More than enough.

We have been taught to always be productive, to always be busy, even in watching television, or on the computer, or being in the mind with many thoughts filling your head, and world. If we don’t do anything, we become bored very easily. We have been taught to always be thinking, always be doing, never simply beings still in silence, in pure awareness.

I am not saying, doing things one enjoys is wrong, just try to experience it in pure consciousness, and in stillness when you can. Be the experience, be the watcher. Also minimize thoughts, and shift those thoughts into just feeling the energy within, or through the cleansing breath of life. This helps silence the mind, and brings you into the Beingness of who you truly are.

Tom Brown Jr., a long time survival instructor, talks about improving one’s observation skill in Nature or anywhere for that matter, by focusing on one spot, and just noticing the subtle changes that are occurring. Do it in silence, avoiding any thoughts, judgments or labeling – beginning in short time spurts, because it can be difficult at first. and slowly increasing that time. It is like a meditation. While silently focusing on something, thoughts will arise, and when they do, just allow them to be, and return to what you were focusing on. At first, thoughts will want to control you, which is the ego. But once you begin finding that pure awareness, your experiences will shift to the miraculous in Nature. Feel the aliveness in what you are focusing on. I spend a lot of my time just sitting in my chair, watching, listening, smelling, and feeling Nature, and never experienced boredom.

I did not get much done today due to having a nice conversation with Joy.

But did get a load of trash dumped, and got a bit more emptied in the storage unit. It has been a long process. Much longer than I had hoped.

When we got back to camp, the wind was blowing, with the sky mixed with blue skies, and clouds. It was hard to tell if we would get any rain. The breezes were warm, changing directions from an easterly direction to a westerly direction. It reminded me of the warm Hawaiian tropical breezes.

I prepared the camp for the wind, and hope things will stay in place.

Yesterday I heard gun shots, and may have been focused on the coyotes. Nanook, and Takota did not like the gun shots. And with more gun shots today. They were from a further distance away, but still freaked the dogs out. Takota headed for the tent to hide. I opened up the tent and both Takota, and Nanook took refuge there. I joined them in the tent, and we took a little siesta. The boys felt much safer in the tent.

We had experienced a short 10 minute break in the wind that was a nice calming, and peaceful break. When winds are continuous, they can be wearing on one’s soul.

November 9, 2017 – Thursday

We spent most of the day away from camp. Met my friend Tammy, first thing in the morning, so she could help me set up my Ipad. We then went to Concord one last time to do a few things.

Got back to camp at 2:30 pm, took a bit of a rest, then the boys, and I had dinner.

It did rain off and on at camp. When we got back to camp, it was hard telling which way the weather would go. The weather turned out to be very nice, and no wind.

November 10, 2017 – Friday

Last night the winds picked up around 11:30 pm, and finally pulled myself out of bed to lower the canopy. Then about an hour later I heard some clanking. The clanking got louder, and could only mean the masked bandits had returned to the neighborhood. We have not seen them since we have been here. Yesterday evening while I was doing some reading, I had a sense that they were scoping things out for a planned night heist. I did not want to get up again, but remembered I had some protein bars outside, and I did not want those robbers to get them. When I unzipped the tent door, I heard the scampering of tiny feet making a run for it up the nearest trees.

Outside, I saw three glowing pairs of eyes up a near by tree, and staring down at me. The forth culprit was on the ground next to the tree. I am always amused seeing the raccoon’s looking down at us with their glowing eyes in the trees at night.

This morning it was overcast at 8:00 am, and 10:00 am, it was sunny, and warm.

Evening Entry

During our time away from camp, it rained a little bit at the park. And when we got back to camp, we got just a few drops of rain. Overall the afternoon was very pleasant. This evening I feel a little dampness in the air, but it is nice out.

The campground is full tonight. Lots of people here, but overall pretty quiet with the exception of some loud guys camping across from me in a cabin. They were going at it until about 12:00 am.

The raccoons should be pretty busy tonight with all the campers. It must be like a smorgasbord of goodies all weekend for them to look forward to. Even for the crows, magpies, jays, and squirrels. Some campers know, and are aware of these camp robbers, some are forgetful in leaving any temptations out, and there are those that don’t know.

When the boys and I were camping for our three month stay here during the fall, and part of the winter back in 2014/2015, I noticed all these cavities in the trunk, and branches of a pine tree that stood tall in our camp. These cavities were on the whole circumference of the trunk. All the times I have been in the woods I have not noticed these cavities, or never had seen them before. I was one of many who did not pay much attention to details in Nature. I did not ask questions about things I had seen, or heard on a deeper level. As I got older, the interest I did have became very blurred and non-existent. I had brushed the wonders of Nature to the side over for more important things, though I thought. But little did I know, Nature would always be there, behind the curtains, waiting for me to open them up to be reawaken back to Nature.

I did not know who made those many holes in the bark, or why, until I began observing. I would hear this tapping of a woodpecker throughout the woodland areas of my surroundings, and against the bark exterior of the pine tree next to us. I saw glimpses of the woodpecker, but did not know of the species. So I pulled my bird book out, and determined it was an acorn woodpecker. And with my continued observations, I had noticed the acorn woodpecker would fly to an oak tree to gather acorns one at a time, then bringing them back to the pine tree, and place the acorns in the cavities it had made. It was it’s winter cache in a pine tree in our camp. The pine tree would be dotted with these cavities, with more cavities always needed.

The acorn woodpecker would be busily filling these empty cavities with one acorn per cavities. But then, a squirrel who was watching, being aware of this abundant cache of acorns, would sneak the acorns out of the holes, dropping them to the ground, and placing them in their own hiding places while the woodpecker was gone. Sometimes the squirrel would get caught, and a scuffle between the two would ensue. The woodpecker making the most noise of it’s displeasure with the theft of his acorns. The squirrel really didn’t care much, and would be back taking more of the cache the woodpecker work so hard to get.

Acorn Woodpecker

November 11, 2017 – Saturday

Another awakening to a beautiful day. Sunshine, and a cool breeze kick starts the morning. I love camping in the Fall season of the year. Everyday stepping outside into the world of Nature, entering a different reality. What I had become in my past, and, I am no longer. I am part of Nature now.

With the guys camping across the way from us, thinking about nothing but themselves, it is hard to let go of them being loud, and disrespectful of other campers until 12:00 am, and since the quiet time is at 10:00 pm. This is an on going thing with this campground, as with most other camprounds. And alcohol is a big factor of being loud, and stupid. I could have yelled at them, I could have gotten up, gotten dressed, and walked over to talk with them, but I never want to get out of bed for that. Why should I have to? And always hoping, soon they will be quiet. Sometimes that soon, turns into 3:00 am. Unfortunately, there is no sound proofing in tents

After things quieted down last night, I was finally able to fall asleep. I was able to sleep through the night.

When the mind is silent and at peace, it is a good state to be in, in these situations. You can deal with these situations, with finding solutions for the problem, but being detached from the outcome, or just letting go, the best you can, or just being pissed off. I unfortunately tend to do the latter.

A good question is, is it better to be right, or be at peace? It is as simple as how we look at those things. It all depends on the story you tell yourself.

The boys got to meet the kids camping next to us, but were a bit hesitant by the kids high energy.

I was listening to the conversation of the campers next to us, talking about their everyday lives, about eating bagels, getting caught up in their stories, when instead, they can experience the present moment being in Nature. Unfortunately, this is what most people do, they tell their stories, instead of allowing Nature to heal them. Having this experience being with Nature, does not mean you need to have a vast knowledge of Nature, or knowing very little. It is about just being aware of Nature in silence. Being aware of the sights, sounds, smells, touches, and tastes (if appropriate), in Nature. By doing this, you will probably know more than most who think they know Nature in their minds.

Evening Entry

Today was somewhat productive. I got most of my books back on the book shelves I have in the trailer. Cleaned my truck of the bit of clutter, found some things in the trailer I was looking for, and found some adjustable bars at Home Depot to prevent my books from falling of the book selves.

The guys across from us are actually quiet this evening.

Tonight is pleasant with the wind coming up on occasion. It is not that cold, except when the wind picks up.

Two of the campers to the right of us left, packed up camp, and we have two campers to our left that are still here.

Last night I felt really drained of energy for some reason, tonight I feel much better.

Yesterday I bought a couple of strands of Christmas lights to be a bit festive during this holiday season, but also for practicality reasons. One strand will go on my canopy so I won’t walk into the support polls at night. And one strand on the tent.

November 12, 2017 – Sunday

Today, Sunday, is always a good day, because most campers leave the campground. This afternoon it will be once again, peaceful, and quiet, and we will be able to hear only the sounds of Nature.

Last night the clowns across the way continued their partying, though a bit quieter, they partied all night. I mean, all night!

There was an Eastern Indian family in a cabin, two cabins way from the clowns. I heard a beautiful voice coming from there, a voice of an Angle, singing, “Hallelujah,” Her singing was being masked by the surrounding noise from other campers. I had to listen intently to hear her singing over the noise. No others seem to care about this lovely voice, but Nature, and me. After the young teenage girl finished singing, her younger brother, was whistling the song, “Amazing Grace,” to perfection. I think he was about 10 years old.

I slept pretty well during the night. Those beautiful songs must have put me in a restful state of mind. In the early morning I had a collage of dreams, none I could remember.

The Arts, music, paintings, drawings, sculptures, and other art forms can connect us to the sacred, as does Nature. When they connect with each other it can be magical. I felt I was connected to both last evening. One good example of this is when I saw a video of a man who was playing classical music on the piano for an elder elephant, and one could tell the elephant thoroughly was enjoying it with the flapping of his large ears. And even extended his or her long trunk to tap the keys of the piano in joy with the man. Another video, a man was playing the drums for an elephant, and the elephant began tapping the drums with his, or her trunk. It is something that is much more than just something cute. It goes much deeper. These two examples were in the future span of time, and did not take place during our journey at this time.

I believe there is a parallel dimension to ours, where some, are able to connect into, and communicate with the spirit world of that dimension, and for the spirits to communicate with us.

I am experiencing some tendinitis in my right, and left elbows, and it could be from pounding stakes, chopping wood, lifting heavy things, or from the boys on our walks with them stretching me in every direction. Hopefully this is not an on going problem.

Today I will continue in my quest to organize the trailer, and camp. I want to spend my time in writing, reading, observing Nature, and in reflection. Not organizing, although that is important as well.

I think from my observations, most people want to spend time in Nature, are being drawn to Nature, but do not know how to truly experience Nature on a much deeper level, because they do not know how to. We were never taught this in my generation, nor the many generations past. To do this, it is up to each individual to learn from within. It is in all of us, we just have to be able to bring it out. And to be able to do it in silence, in alone time. Going into Nature with friends, or family, this alone time can be difficult, as with experiencing silence, but it can be done.

For most, we bring the city ‘us’ into the Nature ‘us,’ and the city ‘us’ consumes most, or all of our time. We can’t break lose from the familiar, and awaken to Nature’s wonders. There needs to be times where we can experience Nature in silence – to truly be aware of the here and now – and in all of creation.

Evening Entry

Didn’t get much done today, and not much needed to get done, really. So I guess I got everything done.

I did drop by the Eastern Indian’s cabin this morning. I noticed they were leaving today, and wanted to tell the young girl, and boy, that I enjoyed their singing, and whistling. The girl was still in bed, so I talked to the mother, and told her if she would, how much I enjoyed her daughters singing. The boy was up, so I mentioned to him how much I liked his whistling. They were truly gifts to Nature, and to me and the boys.

We should be able to stay in camp most of the week. Chance of rain / showers in the afternoon on Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday, so the weather forecast says. On Sunday, we move camp back to Site #60.

Our evening was pleasant, and quiet, with a near empty campground. Peace at last.

November 13, 2017 – Monday – Takotas, and Nanook’s Birthday

We tried to get up early this morning, but did not quite make it. The boys wanted to sleep in a bit more, from an exhausted weekend. And it was their birthday today. They are 4 years old. I gave them both birthday hugs, and kisses. We finally got up around 7:30 am to a beautiful sunny day.

First thing on the list of things to do today was to go the entrance kiosk to pay for two nights of camping. The gal that was working at the kiosk, our friend Kevin did not care much for. He said she was a mean one. So when I got there, I greeted her nicely, and she did the same. I asked her if she liked Jane Goodall, and she did, then I asked if she was interested in reading her current book? She was delighted to say, “Yes.” So I gave her the book, “Seeds Of Hope,” by Jane Goodall. And told her to feel free to give the book to anyone who wants to read it. From that time on, she was always nice to me.

We have had campfires in the morning, and evening, to keep the chill off, and the simple enjoyment of having a fire. I always keep my fires small, and manageable. Fires can be irritable though with the smoke always following you.

The turkeys have returned after all the campers had left. We only had a small flock of turkeys in the campground this morning. More bird activity come around with less campers, and less noise by the campers. It is such a great, and peaceful place when the people are gone. If people only knew the impact we have on Nature, with our noise, and presence.

I have not been writing about taking the boys for walks, but we do take morning walks, and evening walks everyday around the campground. No lake walks for the boys, because they can get aggressive with any dogs approaching them that are off leash, and I don’t want to take any chances. It was a great loss we couldn’t take walks along the lake. It is a beautiful Nature walk.

I went to get my work gloves for when I pick up my firewood. It is always exciting picking up a new supply. Our wood supplier is requiring a minimum purchase of a quarter cord now. I was usually only getting an eighth of a cord before. His wood is not cheap, but we get good burning firewood. An eighth of a cord usually lasts a week with small morning, and evening fires. The wood we usually get is oak, or almond. Burning these woods gives off a wonderful smell which adds to the pleasures of having campfires.

Nothing like a good supply of firewood

Well, I couldn’t find my gloves anywhere. I seem to be misplacing everything. I do have extra pairs of gloves hidden somewhere in my trailer, but where? And can I even find them? Unlikely! I tried to organize the trailer to have easy access to my stuff, and unfortunately that idea didn’t work out too well. I have too much stuff. But stuff I anticipated I might need or would need for this journey. I wanted to be prepared since we will be living outside in Nature.

When we go camping at campgrounds, I tend to use the typical things for each campground, and it makes it easy for the most part to keep track of things, and in planning what I need. Very seldom does that change much if at all. While going into the backcountry I have to readjust in what I will bring, and for the length we stay, requiring much more planning, and much more stuff needed. This also has a lot to do with what I want to try and accomplish in the backcountry.

I have been having a hard time staying up until 7:30 or 8:00 pm, unless I have a good book to read. Takota usually likes going to bed when it gets dark, or when I am ready for bed. Nanook prefers staying up later to watch for the critters that come out during the darkness of night. But Nanook has to come in with us when it is time for bed, although unwillingly.

Last night I saw a creature scurrying along the road, and I believe it may have been a bobcat. When darkness falls upon daylight, it is always fun trying to figure out what creatures that might be prowling, and the sounds they made. Darkness brings out many of the creatures.

November 14, 2017 – Tuesday

We woke to mostly clear skies this morning, with the freshness in the air that the rained left behind.

I talked with Dan, the park maintenance boss this morning, and it seemed, me and the boys were getting talked about at the park office. Probably for our three month stay at the park, about three years prior. I don’t remember seeing Dan back then, maybe because we left early in the morning, and got back after dark at night. It seemed everyone at the park knew about us. And of course they would. Who wouldn’t notice a guy, with two beautiful dogs staying two months longer than we should have. Maybe they had bets on how long we would try to stay this time. Dan also told me the park staff were talking about us in an afternoon meeting. Supposedly me, and the boys were well praised. They also knew I was related to my second cousin who works for the Park Service. It may have been a good thing, because it may have allowed us to stay longer than we should have. Dan was a really nice guy, and everyone else who we met at the Park was very nice to us. Unfortunately, I never got to see my second cousin at the park. I did find out that my favorite camp site at the park was hers too. And now there is a cabin there.

It is a beautiful day in Nature. Today we will be picking up my cooking grill, solar panels, dropping off stuff at our storage unit, and picking up more firewood.

We are suppose to be getting a good rain on Wednesday. Today in the afternoon, it looked like we may get some rain.

Evening Entry

We got everything done that I wanted to get done. It was a good day, including a good load of firewood (a ¼ cord of almond). We got back to camp at 2:00 pm.

There were a lot of small flies buzzing around after getting back to camp. I was carrying some firewood to stack, and felt and heard the buzzing of a fly go right into my right ear, and I thought it would just buzz right back out. It didn’t! It kept crawling deeper into my ear canal with a creepy, and weird sensation. This never has happened to me before. I couldn’t get the sucker out, and I could tell it was back in there just buzzing around, causing me a great degree of annoyance. I thought the only way to get the bugger out was to flush him out with peroxide. Putting the solution in my ear I immediately heard the peroxide fizzing, and crackling in my ear. I thought that would do the trick with a few flushes of water. But no sign of the fly coming out. I had thoughts of a rotting fly stuck in my ear. It completely threw my balance off, and it caused me to lean, and walk towards the right. I was getting disturbed with the idea of how I was going to sleep at night, knowing this dead, and decaying corpse was in my ear. I would flush it out again with water tomorrow.

It was a nice cool evening, with a small chance of rain tonight. Rain on Wednesday evening through Thursday.

November 15, 2017 – Wednesday

I slept okay last night.

It began raining lightly in the early morning.This morning the skies seems like a big storm is about to hit us. Yet the beauty of this creation is mysterious, and beautiful.

The turkeys came to our meadow at 6:30 am, with a mighty force from all directions, and when landing, setting off a torrent of gobbles filling the air. They can be a loud bunch.

It is suppose to be windy, and wet tonight. I need to get our camp ready for what comes in.

It is nice to have a warming fire on morning like this. I usually don’t try to have any campfires when it rains. I don’t want to waste good firewood.

While cooking breakfast, I saw six acorn woodpeckers fly to a nearby oak tree, while squawking away. I miss them being around, and observing their behavior.

Last week a lone turkey was pecking at a bumper of an RV, and I was wondering what got him so interesting in that bumper? There is a camping trailer across from us, and again I heard pecking against the metal of the bumper. I got a closer look to observe what this turkey found so interesting. It could have been the sound of the pecking, or the reflection of the turkey on the bumper. If I had a mirror handy, I could have hung it on a tree to see what a turkey would do.

I am currently reading Eckhart Tolle’s book, “The Power Of Now.” It is a good book on the teaching of spiritual awakening. In most modern day cultures we have been brainwashed into thinking, the mind shows us truth, yet it only shows us an illusion of what we perceive as being the truth, or a false reality of the truth. Real Truth can only be tapped into through silent awakening, and discovering this within each one of us. We can discover this anywhere, but the best place is in Nature.

For most, they would become easily bored, or frustrated or having a misunderstanding of this power we all have, but few use, or by this idea because they don’t understand the concept of silence, and how important it is. Silence is an experience, a Beingness, or pure consciousness of the present, of what is here, and now. Once one experiences this awakened Truth, it is hard to go back to the untruth of the reality we have been living through the ego self (the false self).

Evening Entry

The evening was a beautiful time to be. To be in Nature.

To ‘be’ is simply to experience an experience deeply within.

November 16, 2017 – Thursday

In the middle of the night a light wet mist was coming inside the large screened opening in the tent, next to where I have my bed. But nothing was getting wet inside that I could tell. This fine mist felt refreshing on my face. Looking out into the night sky, it was as clear as can be. The winds that were kicking up during the night must have been blowing moisture our way, and with more wind, more rain came, transforming from a mist to a light rain. And then, I felt the wetness on me and my sleeping bag, and I knew it was time to button up the tent.

The rain became progressively louder on the tent fabric, and the wind more intense. I would listen to the wind going through the valley, and through the trees, telling me if it will be coming our way. I enjoyed the roar of the wind, moving through the trees, that is just another being of Nature we should respect with it’s many personalities. As for the sounds of the rain falling on the tent, it can sound like it is pouring, but is only a light rain falling, or the more power of the rain falling, telling of a heaviness in the rain. And if one is set up under a tree, it could still sound like rain, but is only the drops falling from the tree’s branches. It is the simple things that can tell us so much about our surroundings.

With the rain falling hard, and the winds blowing through our camp, the tent performed well both with the rain, and wind. I also lowered the canopy to it’s lowest profile, and it stayed in place without any damage.

There is a mist of clouds laying over the foothills this morning. A beautiful wet experience Nature provides. Weather can be a very unpleasant, and uncomfortable experience while camping, but it is also a beautiful time to be out in Nature, as long as one can stay warm, and dry.

Our camping friend gave us a canopy a few years ago. I had it in storage all this time. I was not a canopy kind of guy. But I soon learned, it can be a nice addition to ones camp with good benefits. It provides shade from the hot sunlight, cooking can be done while it is raining, or sitting under the canopy, enjoying being outside when it is raining, as long as there is no wind. Screens, and side walls can be added as well for bug protection. The bad thing about canopies, is the wind. It is wise to always stake the poles, and the guy lines from the canopy to the ground. One never knows when a good wind will come through camp. I do dislike using guy lines on the tent, and canopy, because I always run into them, or get tripped up. And for that reason I don’t always have them staked. When the weather is nice, I like the openness of not having a canopy blocking my view of my surroundings. Another thing with canopies, don’t place them to close to fire rings, unless you want burned holes in the canopy from embers.

I don’t know how long the rain will last. Hopefully I can start packing up for our move to another campsite tomorrow. We will be staying at our new campsite for two days, then back to this one.

Nanook was scratching his muzzle with a muddy paw, and covered the muzzle with mud. Now he looks like a wolf.

It began pouring down rain, and Nanook finally got under the canopy next to me, a muddy mess. Takota decided he still wanted to play in the rain, and was soaking wet.

Afternoon Entry

It is 2:30 pm and the rain is finally lifting. We spent a little time in the tent to stay dry. When the rain did stop, I opened the large window rain flap and enjoyed the beautiful view of the low lying clouds beginning to lift. The turkeys came out from their cover, and on to the grassy area to feed.

Evening Entry

We got a small break in the rain, and then light rain showers began falling. It has become a very pleasant for the rest of the day. We may get more rain showers tomorrow on our moving day. I am hoping there will be a cancellation, so we won’t have to move.

November 17, 2017 – Friday

Today is moving day. We are only moving two sites over, then returning to the site we are just leaving from, on Sunday. It is a pain having to move camp in the same campground, especially having to do it alone. The site isn’t the best campsite, but it is close to this one when we have to move again. Our new site is a pretty good size to fit our large tent, The site does have a nice oak tree on it. There is no place to tie the dogs up to, and it is a corner site with a lot of traffic, both foot, and automobile that can be a problem for me and the boys. Good thing it is only for two nights.

We have nice sunny weather for our move. The tent is still wet from the rain on Thursday. The sunshine will help dry it out.

I prefer campsites with trees, for some protection from the sun, and rain, as with a place to tie the boys. It also provides a little more privacy. But one has to be aware of possible widow makers being under, or around trees. Trees, and vegetation also provides good wind blocks. It can be also be hard to find the perfect campsite, as with level campsites for the tents. In the fall, winter, and spring months, it is also good to have good access to sunlight for drying, and warmth.

After getting most of my gear moved to the new campsite, We went to the main gate to get checked in. They told me the site we just moved to was only available for one night, so we had to take the less desirable campsite, which meant moving all your gear across the street to the site I originally reserved.

This is one reason I dislike having to make reservations, especially when one is doing this full time, and even in the winter months for some campgrounds that have reservations for the full year. Most campgrounds have peak season reservations, then switch to first come first serve (no reservations) in the off season. Constantly having to jump around from campsite to campsite is a big pain in the rear. I will go into others reasons later on why reservations are a bad idea for the part time traveler, and the full timer.

The nice thing about camping in less desirable weather, in the late fall, winter, and early spring are far less people, typically no reservations required, and more campsite selections. And the campgrounds are usually quiet, and peaceful. But for some campgrounds, the popular ones, the weekends can be busy. We learned this lesson in Oregon.

Now, even though I am in the worst campsite in the campground, in my opinion, I get a whole different perspective of the whole campground which makes it interesting. I am seeing the good, even being in a not so great campsite.

Evening Entry

The move to our new campsite took twice as long since we had to move twice. But it could have been worse, it could have been raining, and/or windy.

It is 6:00 pm, and the campground is filling up quickly for the weekend campers. My site overlooks the lower campground, which tends to be pretty noisy. Hopefully it is not bad.

Our camp for two nights

While I was moving our stuff to Site 11, from Site 57, I left the boys alone at Site 57, and they did not have any problem of being alone. They could always see me, so that probably gave them some comfort. The boys are such great camping companions. If I had my choice between people or dogs, to go camping with, it would be the dogs.

I always seem to think a bigger camps are better, but this one is very small, but works well. Everything is close and easily accessible to get things. It will be much easier packing up for our next move in two days.

This site feels very remote, and very dark, though it isn’t get cars drive by. It has a feeling of being totally different from the other camps I have been in here.

While I was moving camp, and the boys supervising, I talked with a park employee, and he was telling me they were trying to keep us at Site 60, so we would not have to move. We have been treated incredibly well here, and watched over. That is a good feeling.

While I was loading up, I had problems with the canopy while taking it down, and bent one of the leg support poles. It was a cheap canopy. and now it is time for the garbage.

Because our tent is a large tent (ten person tent), and being high, it can be a challenge putting the rain fly on. And if there is wind, forget it. With any size tent, a four person or more, the rain fly can be a challenge putting on, especially doing it alone, and on a windy day. With my ten person tent, it has two settings on the support poles while setting it up. The first setting is clicked into place at mid point once the tent is balanced. Then it secures the tent pretty well. Then this is when the rain fly is draped over the tent, with the tent height low enough making it fairly easy to put on. That is as long as there is no wind, or if one has help. Once the rain fly is in place, the support poles are extended to full height, and everything else is clipped into place. That tent is definitely a balancing act putting it up with only one person doing it. On this particular day, we were getting wind gusts making it difficult putting up the tent. Once I got things in place and balanced, here comes the wind, and the tent would collapse. Then it would calm, and hope the tent goes up before the next gust of wind. Could you imagine doing this on a windy, and rainy day, and much worse, doing it alone?

At our new camp it gets very dark once the sun sets, and a great place to look into the night sky for stars.

Evening view

Tomorrow we are going to go to a Cafe we had spent every morning for breakfast, and became part of the regulars there, to visit with our human friends, and dog friends. The boys take their friendships very seriously, whether human or canine, and it gives me great joy when they see their friends, and how excited they get.

November 18, 2017 – Saturday.

Last night it has been the coldest it has been at 40 degrees F. It was 43 deg. at 6:45 am when we got up. I didn’t sleep well last night, but at least the campground was pretty quiet.

I was a bit chilled last night, my 20 deg. rated sleeping bag wasn’t making the grade.

We went to the Cafe for breakfast, and most of our friends were there. It was just like the olden days. Afterwards we stopped to do some shopping for food, then returned to camp at 12:30 pm.

We have no shade in camp, and the boys found shade under the picnic table or next to the tent. I also got my battery charging with the solar panels with the good solar access we have in camp.

I did find a tick embedded in Takota today.

I haven’t heard from a friend who was going make reservations for me for another two weeks here at Del Valle. Hope she makes them soon for the campsite we like.

Evening Entry

The campers at Site 60 left a day early, so that will make our moving back much easier by not having to wait for them to pack up camp. So the plan is for Sunday, is having my coffee, ponder, feed the boys, and ponder some more.

The firewood I have in the bed of my truck will limit how much I can load in the back, I will first unload the wood at Site 60, then start packing up my truck at Site 11. I will have about two trips packing and unpacking to and from the two sites. I will leave the trailer until the last which would be my third trip, with a total of 4 trips. Sounds like a good plan.

It is down to 49 deg. at 5:30 pm. It will be a cold night.

One of the biggest hurdles I am dealing with is anger – anger with people who are disrespectful towards other campers, and disrespectful towards Nature. I find letting go of this anger is difficult. But the reality is, the only one that it is hurting is me.

November 19, 1017 – Sunday

It is a tad cold this morning, but warming up.

Moving day today, once again.

We had more bird activity here at this camp than the camp we will be moving to. Maybe because there are more pine trees here, the birds have more of a preference for them. Just a guess.

Nanook is taking a snooze after a good breakfast, Takota is keeping guard at the camp, and I am doing the rest of the work. It would be nice if they could help out once in a while, but that isn’t a dogs role. This is what dogs do best, just being a dog.

I stayed pretty warm last night with a few modifications, by keeping the window coverings mostly closed, and wearing a hoodie to cover my head. We also did not have as much wind.

It is a beautiful moving day, and back to our favorite campsite.

On this particular campsite, I wake up to the sight of this elder oak tree standing alone. This 100 plus year old oak tree, with almost a skeletal look to it’s frame, frail like in comparison to the other oaks around. But I am sure can share stories, and much wisdom for those willing to listen. It is a tree I have become close to, and respect, as with the magpies, dark – eyed juncos, the acorn woodpeckers, the gobbling turkeys, and the other creatures of Nature who have enlightened our experiences here. We consider them friends, and teachers.

100 year old Oak Tree

Evening Entry

The move went well, and much faster than our last move on Friday. I think the boys and I are much happier at this site. It has a better feel to it. We have the campsite for eleven days, then hopefully, another thirty days in December. The crowds should lessen with winter coming.

I asked Joy from the store if she would help me with the set up of the tent, and she obliged, saving me about 15 minutes in possible frustration trying to do it by myself. She was much more thorough in the minor details than I was, in setting up the tent. I thanked her for the help. I did not mention, the tent is an Easy pop-up tent. It makes it easier, and faster to set up, and take down. Once the tent was set up, and organized with bedding and such, we headed into town to get a new canopy.

Our favorite campsite

Around 4:00 pm, I saw Joy walking to a dead fallen oak tree a short distance from our camp, and to the rear of the camp store. While watching her standing next to that dead oak, I had a sense, a feeling, I was looking at a human spirit having a spiritual connection with this once living oak tree, now dead. And yet still feeling the life force that once existed in this mighty oak. I had never experienced this type of observation before in a person’s connection to a dead fall tree, and showing this tree a deep respect for all that it had done in it’s life, and all that it still gives.

I felt a this connection between this person and the tree, this energy, that came through me, that welcomed me over to these to beings, to learn a deeper connection to all life forms.

While walking over towards her, thinking, “should I disturb her?” My curiosity continued pulling me in that direction. Once I reach her, I ask, “Joy, what are you looking at?” And before she could answer, I told her what I had observed, and sensed when I saw her walking slowly towards the tree with upmost respect. We then talked about the life the tree once had, and it’s story. And the spirit world that is all around us, that is in Nature, and that we human’s can experience when we listen, and see with an open heart in silence, and respect to the seen, and unseen.

Returning to camp I was thinking, if I didn’t talk with Joy by the oak tree, I never would have had that experience, and feeling a deeper sense of connection with Nature. That observation of Joy, and the tree, and our conversation, brought me into that experience with a greater appreciation for all life, and how sacred all life is.

In camp I checked emails, and read some comments on Facebook. One email I received was from my oldest Sister. She said, how what I was doing reminded her of Dad, who I had little memory of, since he died when I was only 4 years old. She also mentioned how much she is looking forward to seeing us when we come visit. I hadn’t seen her for over 20 years.

I had been thinking about my family a lot lately, and how grateful I was to have my two sisters, and two brothers with the many good memories I had growing up. I wanted to talk more about our family, and our Mom, and Dad with my Sis. She was a very big part of our family. As mentioned, I knew very little of our Dad. At this point in time I was not sure when I would get up to Magalia, next to Paradise.

November 20, 2017 – Monday

I had a restless first part of the night, but eventually fell sound to sleep.

We got up at 8:00 am, 55 deg. out, but feels warmer. It is cloudy out with a forecast of rain.

The turkeys didn’t fly in this morning.

There are five campers here, not counting me. One has a pumpkin out. Surprisingly the campground gets pretty full during Thanksgiving. I could see this place being great for the holiday as long as the weather is good, and not too cold. We are suppose to have nice weather for Thanksgiving. I stopped celebrating this holiday because of the lies it represents in our history books, and what we have done to the Native Americans.

The magpies are back, looking for breakfast, and visiting the boys food bowls for any leftovers.

Afternoon Entry

We were heading for the store, in Livermore, and checking on my friend Tammy’s progress on making us a reservation to extend our stay here. Before we headed down the hill, we dropped by to talk with Kevin, and Joy’s. They told me the park won’t allow people to make reservations for those who want to extend their stay longer then allowed, meaning, what I was having my friend do was not allowed. We will have to see what happens. Considering we stayed here for 3 months, surprisingly back in 2014 without an issue, we may have a chance. I hope!

So, I thought I should talk to our friend at the main gate on our way back to camp to get a feel of if we are going to run into any problems extending our stay. I did not want to push it so I told her we wanted to stay another two weeks vs. a month. She told me she will let me in, and not report it to reservations. It seems most of the park employees have our back. I had my friend make reservations for only 15 days. The gal at the front gate checked with her boss who is strictly by the book with rules, who would say, no to this scheme, and she said, she really didn’t care. So we have 15 days more in December. It is nice being liked.

It has been cloudy all day, and no rain.

I did one more ear flush, and I think I got that rotting fly carcass out of my ear canal finally.

Today, I was experiencing being in the present, in pure awareness. This was a big step from where I was yesterday, not being in the Now.

In the familiar, and unfamiliar in the dark blackened night sky, there is silence, not a sound to be heard. It can be eerie for some, peaceful for others.

Then a cry sounds out through the crisp chill of the darkness of the night air. This gives me pause, thinking about the life forms that are hunting, and being hunted. These different sounds this creature makes is unfamiliar to me. It begins with one sounding cry, then repeating it over, and over again, then changes to a different sound, and then a third that differs from the second. Could it be a bird, or raptor, or a mammal? I do not know, but my curiosity is heightened for the need to know more about these sounds in the night. Then there is silence once again in the darkness of night. It begins once again when a hawk cries out, then the faint sound of the hoot, of a Great horned owl in the distance. Then, the quiet silence again falls upon us.

The night life few ever see, but is still quite awake, and active in this blackness. Many times I wish I had sound equipment to record these sounds. There would be times I would be awakened from a deep sound sleep to a blood curdling scream. I never knew what it was from until I was told that it could have been a rabbit’s death cry.

Many of the stars are washed out, hidden, by the city lights, but the main constellations shines bright like beacons in the night sky.

November 21, 2017 – Tuesday

Slept pretty well during the night. It is 54 deg. when we got up at 8:30 am. Foggy out this morning.

I got a fire going, and the smells of the fragrant aromas of pine, and oak burning enhances the experience of camping, and being part of the woodlands. The coffee is almost ready. It will be a nice day.

This morning at around 6:30 am, I was looking out my large window at ground level, out to the meadow, with a back drop of pine, and oak trees. It was a beautiful setting in Nature to wake up too. Then a diesel truck drove by our camp filling the air with noxious exhaust fumes, ruining that pristine moment.

I have my solar panels, and battery pack out, and charging my laptop, and iPad. We have scattered clouds for charging. The battery and solar panels are working well. I use the next door campsite picnic table when the site isn’t being used for charging when it has good solar access.

I met a nice lady from Alaska, and will be talking with her tomorrow some time about good places to go.

A beautiful night at 57 deg. at 5:45 pm.

November 22, 2017 – Wednesday

We got up at 7:00 am, for a shower. Clear skies. A beautiful starry night last night. Didn’t sleep well with too many thoughts on if we can make it to Alaska.

We meet our friend Tammy this morning.

We haven’t seen the turkeys in the mornings lately.

Evening Entry

We went to bed early around 7:00 pm. It was one of those low energy days.

The campground we are in is pretty much full.

November 23, 2017 – Thursday – Thanksgiving day

I woke up at 5:30 am, then fell back to sleep. We woke again to a beautiful sunrise, and got up at 8:00 am. The morning sky was partly cloudy. The moist morning air, and the smell, reminded me of the Hawaiian Islands.

The group of campers that came in last night, across from us were a bit obnoxiously loud, but did eventually quiet down.

The birds were active this morning in song, and feeding. They are always welcome in, and around our camp.

I am still experiencing the pain of tendinitis in my right arm, but slowly it is hopefully getting better. With our new life style living in Nature, I hope this is not an on going problem. I will be constantly using my arms in the daily rituals required in camping, as with setting up, and taking down camps, and not giving the arms much time to heal. But for the past two months I have been doing a lot of lifting, and this will lessen a bit. And of course, age comes into play on how quickly the healing process occurs. At times, taking the boys for walks, can irritate the tendons, in the shoulders, and elbows, with their pulling me back and forth, and stretching me like a rubber band with them going in the opposite directions. They are very strong boys. They are getting better walking, but they have their moments. I am no longer a spring chicken, and at 65, soon to be 66 years old in January. In my past I have dealt with sciatica that could be a problem if it decides to flare up.

The weather began clouding up, and looked like a chance of rain.

Evening Entry

Not much to say. I got my laptop charged at the store, I set up the canopy, fixed breakfast for me and the boys, and I got a little reading done.

The rain never came today. The clouds remained this evening, but is very pleasant out.

November 24, 2017 – Friday

The leaves are beginning to fall off the oak trees for the winter.

It is a nice sunny morning with a temperature of 58 deg.

at 8:15 am. T-shirt weather. A very thin layer of clouds are above us.

I got the fire lit, and going, and the coffee perking.

I slept well last night, and felt very relaxed in bed in the morning, not wanting to disturb this peaceful state of Being. But Nanook seemed very restless, and I knew he was telling me he had to go out. So I rushed to get out of bed and dressed to take them out. He quickly took care of business relieving himself once we were out of the tent. For both Takota, and Nanook, they are really good at not having accidents in the tent, and doing their best in letting me know that they need to go out, though it can be a subtle gesture that I don’t always pick up on. Sometimes, I don’t get it as quickly as they want it to with me. And they will wait for me to get with it and let it sink in. I think it is a good idea if we go for a walk before bedtime.

Before we got up, at around 6:00 am, I heard some unfamiliar bird sounds, then the clanking of pots on the picnic table. I knew what was making the clanking noise. I shined my flashlight at the table, hoping they would scoot away, but it didn’t work. So I opened up the tent screen, and made some noise, and shined the light at them on the table and that got them to run off. I had to laugh when I saw their little glowing eyes bobbing up and down, and looking at me. The little critter’s were raccoons. I wasn’t too concerned since I had nothing on the table in the form of food that they could get at. So I went back to sleep, and the clanking had ended.

The group of campers across from us I was hoping they were going to leave today, but no such luck, and why would they, the weekend is coming up. Wishful thinking on my part.

The campers at our campground is pretty quiet with the exception of the group across from us. We are going to just hang out in camp. The rest of the park I am sure will be busy with lots of people.

I was observing a teenager, maybe 13 or 14 years of age, across the way, lighting a fire in the fire pit. He grabbed a plastic container from the bed of their truck, then filled a cup full of gasoline into a plastic cup to use to ignite the fire in the fire ring. He began pouring the gasoline into the fire, and began ignited the fluid he was pouring out of the cup. The boy flung the cup away from him, with no regard for the two younger children on each side of him. He is lucking none of the gasoline came near the other children, but easily could have. Or if it happened during a dryer season, could have started a grass fire. This is why one should never, ever use gasoline to start a fire. It is extremely dangerous. I did not see any adult supervision when the boy was doing that. A bit later, I heard his dad yelling at him for being so stupid. I wonder where the boy had learned this trick of using gasoline to start a fire? As well as teaching the other younger children in using gasoline to start a fire as well. The Dad rips into his son for being stupid when he learned it from his Dad. Who is the stupid, and irresponsible one here? Many people use lighter fluid for lighting campfires, and though it is less flammable than gasoline, it is still dangerous, and toxic. There are many safe, and sure fire ways to light a campfire, but they do not want to take the time to learn or properly prepare for a good light. Using gasoline, or lighter fluid is a lazy man’s way of doing it, as well as not being responsible in fire starting skills, and management of the fire. When one learns to start a fire safely, and responsibly, it becomes more enjoyable. And one shows respect to fire. This can be taught to children, and teaching them fire skills, and the responsibility of fire makes it more enjoy for the child as well.

The raccoons hit the group across the way. Thumbs up for the raccoons.

November 26, 2017 – Saturday

We left early to have breakfast at the Cafe, get gas, and clean the storage unit I was renting. Once we got back to camp, the campground we were in was pretty much empty of campers, and quiet. The lower campground was still pretty busy.

November 27, 2017 – Sunday

This morning I was expecting a wet morning, instead, the sun rise was spectacular. It had began with clouds hugging the tops of the foothills, becoming a bright red, turning to yellow, then beige. We are getting occasional showers, with mostly gusty winds.

I didn’t really want to go to storage today, and leave this beautiful experience in Nature on this stormy looking day. A perfect time to be outside in Nature, and to experience this peacefulness a stormy day can bring.

I remember enjoying listening to Beethoven’s 6th, and 7th symphonies where he was able to paint the perfect motions, and emotions of weather in his music.

The sounds in Nature can be magical, and mysteries, if we take the time to listen, like the sounds of the wind blowing through the valley, and trees. While I am listening to these sounds, the boys are napping after a good breakfast.

Afternoon Entry

I decided we would stay in camp today. We did leave for some quick shopping in town, and when returning to camp, it was raining, but of a light refreshing rain. I thought about going in the tent, but it was just to nice to be inside on a day like this.

Nanook is laying in his hole that he dug for himself, becoming mud that is sticking all over his coat. Both Takota and Nanook dig holes for a nice comfortable bed to lay. Sometimes at the base of a tree, next to, or under brush, or under the picnic table.

The turkeys too are enjoying this day, not being bothered by the little rain we are getting.

Driving to the store I had a sudden urge that we should move on up north. We will stay for two more weeks, then begin our travels north. I am starting to feel a bit stagnate here, when we have so much traveling we need to do. This is only the very beginning of our travel.

The nice people camping across from us are staying one more night, and had extra food, so they dropped off some steaks for us for dinner tonight.

Shortly after I started writing my afternoon entry, it began raining enough, we all headed for the tent for shelter. Once we got into the tent, the two, cooped up boys, started rough housing inside the tent. I thought their playfulness could do some damage to the tent, so our short stay in the tent quickly ended.

I always think about better tent designs, or improvements on tents, but they wouldbe based on my preferences in tents, and maybe not for others. One big gripe I have, even with supposedly good quality tents are the poor quality stakes they have for most tents.

Although I dislike Coleman tents, they did come up with a great idea of having a swing door for the entry. I wasn’t sure how I would like it, but I got to try it in one of my tents, and it was much better than the typical designed used in tents.

I was thinking the 10 person tent we were using, I would have enough room to put my chair in the front portion of the tent where the entry is, and where I slept. But is was just to tight in space. So I would have to put the chair in the back room where the boys sleep, which would be fine I guess.

Being outside again, after the boys playful outbursts in the tent, it stopped raining, and I fed the boys their dinner. I then decided it would be a good idea to stake the guy lines to secure the tent better with the winds we were getting. So far the tent is doing well, with the exceptions of better awnings for the large size windows they use.

I took the boys out for a walk, the rain was falling ever so lightly. It was very pleasant out. The light rain had a pleasant warmth to it.

Back at camp, it was 59 deg. The rain continues to come down, but still lightly, though with a breeze kicking up, the temperature instantly dropped.

With the exception of dealing with wet dogs, camping can be very pleasurable with a good tent, and canopy, in a fairly light rain. Anything more, with hard or steady rains, and even worse with winds, it can be unpleasant, and even just plain miserable. Once everything is wet, it doesn’t dry out. The benefit with where we are at, is that if it got bad with wet clothing. If a laundromat is available near to camp, that would be a good option for getting clothing dry, but one would still have a wet tent, specially with two big fury dogs.

I thought we were going to spend the evening in the tent with the weather being so uncertain, but it turned out to be very nice, and hated to waste such a fine night in the tent. This is one thing about living in Nature, one gets to experience everything it gives, and many of these times can be so amazing. It is the simple things that can make us so grateful for this experience.

At 6:30 pm, it was nice enough to spend an evening outside for the boys to look for the critters roaming at night, and for me, some reading.

We are getting a little dripping through the canopy, otherwise it is working pretty well. The flies are finding protection under the canopy to their liking, and luckily not in the tent.

November 27, 2017 – Monday

The rain seemed like it poured hard most of the night, pounding on the surface of the tent, like rocks pounding on a metal surface. It was hard to sleep with the continuous noise of the rain. I must have dosed off between the breaks in the rain, then to be awakened when the rain started up again. The boys did not seem to be bothered by this.

I would have to get use to the sounds of the rain to determine the intensity of the rain. A light rain can be deceiving for a heavier rain. There would be times I delayed getting up because of the rain, hoping it would stop, so we would avoid getting soaked on our morning walk. Rain or shine, we would take our walks. There would be times I thought the rain was pouring down, and once stepping out from the tent, it was just a nice drizzle falling, which I found to be pleasant to walk in – seeing Nature in her different moods.

But on this day, we awoke to a chilly, and sunny morning, with not a cloud in sight. Another beautiful day in Nature, and so peaceful.

The tent held up well with no leaks. That is always good to know.

At 7:00 am the chorus of birds began filling the air. The hawks, turkeys, magpies, crows, jays, woodpeckers, and the many other songs birds that find this place home. There was one bird that was a new voice in the area. It would continue it’s call about four or five times, but I could not place it to the species of bird. It would be nice to record them, and with the technologies now for App’s for Smartphone on plant, tree, and bird identifications it would make it much easier. But I don’t have a Smartphone.

I heard we are not suppose to get any rain until maybe Sunday.

Evening Entry

There are only two campers left in our campground. It should be a quiet week. Although I am happy when most or everyone leaves, I have an eerie feeling at times when the campground empties of campers. A feeling that I have when left here alone. An unsettling feeling. But it doesn’t last long when the campground is suddenly empty.

It is 46 deg. but with all the moisture in the air it feels much cooler.

The deer are starting to come back into the meadow. Like me, most animals don’t like human noise, and crowds of people in their area. If we only showed more respect for the natural world, and our impact we have on it. The only critters that don’t mind humans, are the ones who benefit by food left behind, or left out in campsites.

We got a late start in the morning, because our friends across from us wanted to say goodbye to the boys. After that we went directly to storage to clean up, and to the store for a few things, then back to camp. We arrived back to camp at 2:30 pm. I started a fire, and made a salad. I was pretty hungry due to not having dinner last night, or breakfast this morning.

Before our friends left, that were across from us, the husband gave me a tour of their travel trailer, and it was nice, although I don’t see this as camping. And I wanted to experience Nature in a tent, so I can be closer to Nature, and not be insulated from Nature. But for many, they like being comfortable with all the amenities trailers can offer, and the protection from bad weather.

Last night, I heard two owls hooting away. They were hooting to one another. One was close to us, and the other was a further distance away. The one close to us was in a tree near our camp.

November 28, 2017 – Tuesday

It is a chilly 42 deg. this morning when we got up. I decided to make a small fire to take some of the chill off the old bones. The warmth of the fire is greatly appreciated, and feels very comforting.

It is a nice sunny day.

I talked with one of the construction guys at the campground who are building the new bathrooms here, about the weather in Oregon, and he told me it gets pretty wet during February, March, and April. We just have to hope for the best. We will try to hit the drier parts of eastern Oregon. This was one of my concerns heading north through northern California, Oregon, and Washington – chances of a lot of rain.

We have been here a full month. How the time flies by. I have been spending a lot of time moving, and clearing out my storage unit. In a couple of days, I will be free from my old life, and stepping completely into my new life, with the boys, and Nature. I have no clue what the future will bring or where we will end up. This is just the beginning for us, and looking forward to our adventures heading north.

Who could not love this place (minus the people) with the magpies all around us, keeping us amused, a couple of ring-necked doves near by feeding. And the many birds, and critters that occasionally come to visit. I am writing, enjoying Nature, and having special times with the boys. A long time dream coming true. Although I never could have conceived in developing such a deep connection, and relationship with Nature. Nature comes alive in very unexpected ways when we allow ourselves to go deep within Nature’s beauty, and wonder.

We can find simple, and yet amazing beauty in Nature. I found a dead fallen oak leaf on the ground in camp, that was next to a dead leaf of a

Sycamore. Beauty in Nature can be found anywhere if we look close enough, and deep enough.

Oak, and Sycamore Leaves

Things are becoming greener here after the rains. I am even beginning to see the changing colors, patches of green on the otherwise brown hillsides.

I saw a small old oak scared by the cutting, and chopping of it’s branches. At the lowest part of the trunk, a branch snapped off creating a divot from scaring where water can collect. I had noticed it when I saw a scrub jay drinking from it last week. A fresh water reservoir created by this tiny notch in the tree for animals to drink when the rain fills it’s empty space. I had just seen a magpie take advantage of this water source, as I am sure many birds do. There are so many stories Nature can tell.

Evening Entry

We got on the road at 10:00 am, called my firewood supplier, and he said coming by Wednesday morning would be better.

So I spent the day at the storage unit getting a lot done, and getting a big load to the dumps. I will get my storage cleaned out by Thursday, and that will be it, no more cleaning, and dumping stuff I have been collecting for years, and most of it will be dumped, or given away. I will only keep the things I really need, while living in Nature.

I grabbed an extra blanket because it is suppose to be cold tonight, and I we will see how the fleece blanket works putting over my sleeping bag.

I was thinking about staying a full month in December, but we should really start heading up north. I don’t want Del Valle to be a safe place for us. It is time to move on after our two week more at Del Valle.

November 29, 2017 – Wednesday

Evening Entry

We left camp around 6:40 am, and made it to the Cafe at 7:30 am. On our way to the Cafe, I saw two crows side by side on a power line, looking down at the traffic going by. It looked like they were amused at watching these crazy people trapped in their automobiles, in traffic, on a two lane road in their meaningless modern lifestyle. I was very amused in seeing this.

We had breakfast, then headed to pick up a load of firewood. Once we got the firewood, we headed back to camp to check-in for another 15 days camping, and to unload the wood at camp. Once the firewood was unloaded, we headed for the storage unit. I didn’t get much done, I was running on low energy.

November 30, 2017 – Thursday

This morning was cold, with clear skies, and a breeze. The temperature was 43 deg.

Today is to complete the cleaning at the storage unit.

Afternoon Entry

I got the storage unit finished up. Finally!

I have a pickup bed full of stuff I have to organize, and find a place for. We arrived back at camp at 1:45 pm, and we are the only ones in the campground with the exception of the contractors working on the new bathrooms. Since it is Thursday, we may start getting campers slowly coming in for the weekend. But for now, it is very quiet, and peaceful. Just the way we like it.

The woodpecker I saw a day, or two ago, I believe was the ladder-backed woodpecker. The first of this kind I have seen here. It is always exciting to see new species of birds, and animals in nature.

The other day I was thinking about how early we go to bed now, at 7:30 pm. It now seems normal. It is definitely a different lifestyle adjustment. I suppose if I had another person with me I would stay up a bit more, but the weather plays a fact in when it is time to head inside the tent. We have to abide by Nature’s rules now.


As I was driving back to our camping site through the golden brown rolling hills of the Livermore countryside, I was being drawn to the presence of Nature.

Becoming lost in the landscape I see before me,

All I can feel within my Being is the magical essence and grace you bring to me.

Your silence and stillness opens my heart to you, feeling a deep connection to the wonders in all life.

The gratitude never ends with your silent voice, songs, beauty and wisdom you share with all who can see, and simply listen to with a silent mind.

Never asking, never asking, but Nature always giving.

For many people, their eyes, and hearts are blind and empty to your love, to your beauty and to your magic – they have become disconnected from your presence.

As the birds soar in their ballet of flight beneath the blue sky, as the branches of the majestic Oak tree sways in the gentle fall breeze, as the brown grasses of summers end, weave back and forth creating patterns on the land.

As the changing colors of the leaves of the Sycamore tree turns from green to red, to orange, to yellow and finally to brown, rustling with their songs in the gentle breezes, indicating the near closing of another year.

While the animals quietly notice as she sings her gentle songs to our very soul.

And she only asks, be with me, and I will be with you now, and forever in time.

~ Rick Theile

The road to the campground and the inspiration for the writing above.