Our Journey Living In Nature

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part 13

Our Journey Living In Nature – Part Thirteen

May 2, 2018 – Wednesday – Curlew Lake State Park, Washington

Photo by other

If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.

~Vincent Van Gogh

Evening Entry

It was a beautiful drive on Hwy 20 getting here. Mike told me I would like the small City of Republic because there are a lot of the guys that have long hair and beards like mine. “I would feel right at home,” he said.

The area we are in consists of low lying mountains that were blanketed by forests.

We arrived at Curlew Lake Campground at 3:00 pm. It took a little time figuring out the layout of the campsites and the parking. One campsite I liked didn’t have much shade, and it was right next to a camper/trailer. And it had very little views to speak of at the this site. It was quickly taken off my list. As I have mentioned before, it can take me two or three go a rounds to figure out what a good campsite would be for us. We have a lot of things to consider for our perfect site. Sometimes it may just have a good feel to it. Since it was getting late, I was in a bit of a hurry to find hopefully a nice campsite. The other site I seemed to like was a walk-in or walk-up to the campsite on the crest of a hillside overlooking the lake. It also overlooked a portion of the campground from the new site. I walked up to the site to get a better feel for it, and it had a good feel to it. Sold!! It was like being perched upon a birds nest with a birds eye view of our surroundings. On the crest, we have some nice trees for shading. There was a drop off to the lake on the backside. No one else was camping on the other campsites on either side of us, so for now, we have the hilltop to ourselves. It would be nice if it stayed that way. But the weekend is nearing, it is a nice campground with some nice lake side campsites and I figured it will be busy.

We are about a 100 yards from our truck to the campsite, so the first thing was to get the boys tied up at the new campsite, and for me to start hauling the gear up to camp. I think the boys will like this campsite. They will have a lot of things to observe here.

It wasn’t only our gear to haul up to camp, it was our firewood. I am not sure how many trips I took up and down, but I was tired after I was done.

So far, I really like this camping spot we chose. I saw the Ranger coming by our camp, and I stopped him to see if I can give him a payment for our campsite. He happily took it for us.

Once I got the tent set up, and we just relaxed to enjoy the view for a bit before, I fed the boys, and myself. I got a campfire going for an atmospheric feel to the evening. We had a nearby island across from us. With it being close to 9:00 pm we had a peaceful view of the lake. There was just enough light in the darkening sky that was reflecting just enough light on the surface of the water to silhouette the trees of the mountain tops. I was thinking, we are just a short distance from the Canadian border, maybe an hour away, and about two and a half hours from the Idaho border.

It is very peaceful here, we may stay for our allowed maximum stay here of 10 days. With us deciding to go into Idaho, this gives us more time.

We had no water close to our camp, due to the water spickets being turned off. The Park Ranger was nice enough to get the water turned on for us.

We have some pine trees to the west of us, and open sky to gaze at the night sky. We are suppose to have nice weather for our stay here.

Tomorrow we will go into the City of Republic to shop for food, and to pick up some firewood.

I am tired, yet very relaxed, it is time to turn in. The boys like their new home.

May 3, 2018 – Thursday

I slept just okay. It was probably the beers I had to help me wind down a bit for the night, and to relax. I wasn’t getting drunk, it just means I had alcohol that effects my system, and that disturbs my sleeping rhythms. But it really tastes good.

Last night the stars were bright and covering the sky with their infinite glow. We were at a surface elevation of 2,333 feet with a blacken night. The highest elevation we have camped for a while, with no city lights to block our view. It was a very quiet and peaceful evening. This morning it is sunny and will warm up during the day. There were many boats out fishing this morning. Many are small rafts type flotation devices for one or two people, or the pontoon type with small electric motors, and some just had paddles. I saw a man and his wife in a small raft fishing. And then there were the little boats, the row boat size that were used. Then people started coming in with their expensive and fancy fishing boats.

We were not far from the boat ramp with a single wooden dock below. The wooden dock was to tie off the bigger boats temporarily, or for some to fish off of when the boat traffic had quieted down. Some fished early morning for some peaceful and quiet fishing off the pier. Or at night to finish off a nice day with a fishing line floating on the water.

We had a lot of bird activity during the night. It seem this was a big bird habitat for many birds and for breeding and raising their young. Most of the birds making a racket were the Canadian geese at the island across from us. I also heard some interesting calls from other birds.

The boys and I took a quick walk around the camping area, then back to camp to have breakfast.

I did put up the canopy this morning, mostly for sun protection. But if the rains came, we would be prepared. And If we had winds, we could be in trouble.

The boys seemed to enjoy our new camp, with all the sights, and sounds all around them. They had a large grassy area to lie down on, to dig in, and to play. They also bravely explored the steep slope down to the lake. At least as far as the lead line would take them. Our new site thus far seems perfect as long as we have nice weather and the lack of loud people.

I was able to find a place with cheap fire wood, and the guy will sell me a quarter cord for $38.00. The wood was fir.

Our plan today was to pick up firewood, go shopping for food and to finish up organizing camp.

My sitting chair is ripping more and more I sit in it. It is time to put it to rest. I have a replacement in the trailer.

There are a good number of houses at this end of the lake, that are on the southwest side. There is one on the Island. The family on the island uses it for family, and entertainment with friends. They originally owned the land where the campground sits, but donated it to the State Park Service, and they only kept the house on the island, and the island itself. The house from my view point can barely be seen, hidden by the trees on the island.

I heard some strange sounds of birds on the lake. I glassed them, and I am pretty sure they are loons. What beauties they are in sight and sounds. I also saw some osprey nearby. This is a birder’s paradise.

Evening Entry

I couldn’t get a hold of the firewood guy in town for our load of firewood, so that has to be done on another day. We did go shopping in the town of Republic for some food at the Anderson’s Grocery. It looked like our best bet for a variety of foods. We then headed back to camp.

It was breezy today and looked like maybe some rain could come our way. But it never did. Good thing because I left the tent window flaps open.

I saw some interesting things earlier. A cloud formation that looked like a serpent. And while looking down towards the lake I heard a loud splash in the water near the shoreline, and I thought maybe it was an otter. I also saw two submerged turtles on a submerged log next to shore.

Later in the day I was watching two ospreys flying together, one of them was being chased by a crow. Then a much larger raptor came into view flying in our direction in a graceful motion of flight, and over the island. It was a magnificent bald eagle. It had a little scuffle with one of the osprey, then disappeared into the trees. The majestic eagle looked twice the size of the osprey. I heard the eagle screeching, but could not see it among the thick foliage of the trees. A bit later I could see the eagle on a pine tree branch on the island. I then saw a nest only a few feet from the perched eagle, with another eagle lying in the nest. Were there eggs, or hatchlings were in the nest? The eagle, assuming it may be the mother, was lying on the nest all day.

A bit later I was watching two osprey, one catching a fish from the lake, and another osprey trying to grab the catch from the osprey with the fish, while in flight. This little chase of who would get the catch soon ended when the osprey with the fish, flying to it’s nest on the island. It’s nest was only a short distance from the eagles nest. All long these pine trees, I notice many unused nests up and down the tree trunks that I found out they were Herons nests that they reuse each breeding season.

A misty morning with the view of the nesting trees. The bald eagles nest on the right, the herons in the middle and the ospreys on the left.

The osprey nests are usually at the very tip of the trees, and the eagle’s nests are hidden among the thick branches of the trees.

It was an exciting day to see nature in action. I wish I had my video cameras out and ready.

At 7:30 pm it was a beautiful night out in nature. Being fully immersed in nature, it is hard ever being bored. Nature brings many wonders to our senses, and if we can just allow ourselves to go into theses wonders of life deeply, we will experience things very few people experience.

May 4, 2018 – Friday

I slept well last night. We woke to another beautiful day. First light begins around 5:40 am or so. I have been waking up around 6:30 am, and we don’t get up until about 7:30 or 8:00 am. Usually my bed feels to comfortable to get up, and the boys come next to me for loving and scratches. I would love to get up first thing to enjoy the day, but for now it is not meant to be.

A Park worker was the one who told me about the many nests on the island where the Grey heron’s nest. The herons have not begun their nesting yet. I wonder if it is because of the osprey and eagles are nesting now? Those line of trees are a busy neighborhood for nesting. And I have a clear view of many on this side of the island facing our camp.

Because the nests protective areas overlaps each other, there is a lot of quarreling among the species nesting in that group of trees. They definitely don’t make good neighbors that is for sure. I saw the eagle flying right over the osprey nests, and the ospreys didn’t like that at all. They chased the eagle further from their nests, and the eagles nest.

I have noticed the Canadian geese are very territorial among each other in their nesting areas. I hear all their bickering among each other all day and night. They have to be the noisiest creatures here.

Evening Entry

I saw a grey heron checking out the existing nesting sites on the island. I did not see it choosing one yet.

It is an incredible evening with the scattered clouds against the blue sky. It is a calm night after times of gusting breezes in the afternoon. Nothing serious that would have impact the canopy or tent.

I noticed all the geese are in pairs now, and in the beginnings of starting a family.

May 5, 2018 – Saturday

Another beautiful day in nature. It never seems to end. Each day feels closer to spring time, and further away from the long winter we have had. We have some overcast skies in the south, and the rest are clear skies.

The Canadian geese were going all night and into the morning, then through the day and back into the night. Never ending with their constant honking. There was a crow up at day break in our camp trying to get something of interest. Not sure what he was looking for.

A few boats were leaving to fish. The eagles and ospreys were doing their parenting responsibilities and getting breakfast for the soon to become parents.

Yesterday I noticed a nest in a pine tree in our camp that was not taken. Not sure what species of bird built it.

The loons were making their beautiful calls this morning. It is much nicer listening to the loons then the honking geese. But I guess this is common for many bird and waterfowl nesting in large groups. They can be a noisy bunch.

Some campers left yesterday, and some arrived. I am surprised the campground is not that busy.

The heron that was checking out the trees yesterday just came back this morning. The tree it was checking out yesterday, I had realized it had three nests, one is occupied, maybe two are?

The herons look large, but nothing in comparison to the eagles. Once they are in their nests they are hidden from sight. Their neighbors on their left are the ospreys, and on their right are the eagles. I could tell that one heron was in the nest when their head popped up when an osprey flew over it. Probably waiting for food.

Today we will try to get some firewood, and get my other chair out from storage in the trailer.

Afternoon Entry

A view from camp

We picked up the firewood, but it was not fir, but pine. Seth, the firewood guy did not show again, but I did talk with the mother. She told me I could pick up the firewood three at there place, three miles up the road. I was not happy with that, but I agreed. It was a debacle with the firewood, but finally got it. I felt very uncomfortable with this situations as with being out in the middle of nowhere. We did make it out safely with some wood.

We headed for the store for a few things, and stopped at one place for some kindling. I was talking to one lady while I was getting the kindling, about the hassle we were having getting the firewood from this other guy. And she told me she knew a guy just down the road selling fir firewood for a good price. Oh well!

It was 3:45 pm and the afternoon winds were blowin, the skies overcast. But in this chaos of weather, there is always a beauty nature brings. And just as long as our tent and canopy stays upright, all is good. Weather can always change at the most unlikely times. And especially when we are away from camp when we can’t do anything about it, and just hope the camp stays safe.

I was watching a bald eagle flying against the gray background of the clouds, standing out like a beacon in all it’s grace. The osprey was also out chasing, and diving at the eagle, and before it could dig it’s talons into the eagle’s back, the eagle would flip over on it’s back to counter the ospreys threat, with the talons stretched out toward the osprey. It was an amazing sight to watch.

The male eagle came back to it’s nest bringing it’s mate some dinner. I wish I knew if the eggs were hatched?

A woman that fishes the shoreline everyday, walked pass our camp. I asked if she was having any luck? She said, “No.” She said, “The family of otters were scaring the fish away.” The family of otters consisted of two adults, and three pups. So it was otters I heard the other day along the shore. I went for a short walk to see if I could see the otters, and I was only able to see one pup. But that was better than nothing.

On our walk exploring the area we also saw a Red squirrel coming down a tree within a few feet of me. A beautiful little guy. We then saw six deer walking on the same trail we were on.

On the way back from our short walk, I got a good look at a turtle on a log on the shoreline. I also saw that black and white duck I saw at Clear Lake. It was with three smaller brown ducks, maybe her ducklings?

I finally got my new chair out from the trailer to replace my tattered chair. I see rain in some areas towards the west, and the wind feels like it is coming from the east. The wind seems to come and go. Nothing to be concerned about on how it may effect my tent or canopy. We did get some rain in the late afternoon, so we just hung out under the canopy. The canopy can be a life saver when the wind or rain is not that bad. We eventually went to bed, and about an hour in, I heard some people yelling outside. Some folks must have been having a good time. I figured the weather was getting better so we went outside to a beautiful cloudy evening. I was thinking about cooking the steak I had for dinner, but did not want to clean my frying pan, so I fed the boys their kibble with some ham and cheese topping, I had that broiled chicken I bought yesterday and added it in a salad.

The boys and I took an evening walk after dinner, then enjoyed the nice evening for a bit outside. I read a little, then we went to bed.

A paragraph in the book I was reading, I found myself reflecting on tonight and last night. It basically said, “We need to become balanced once again, and it can only happen on an individual basis. And the energy created by those, can do great things, individually, and as a community. And this balance comes from love – Aloha. Give love to oneself, and love and kindness to all.” The Kahuna continued, “This is the only way one can created miracles in ones life and support from the universe and from their ancestors.”

We who have lost this interconnectedness with nature in our modern day struggles in life, and this idea of going within to find the answers we search for, seems obscured for most. We only see life on the surface of our perceptions of the things we see, and should be. I think of the wisdom of the indigenous peoples of the world who have not lost this wisdom, but has been forced out of them through forced assimilation and genocide through colonialism. Stripping them of their ways of life, their cultures, and traditions, In their lands, and even their languages removed. The indigenous peoples of the world saw all life as being sacred, as being One with all life, being interconnected to all things, as they still do. There was no separation with all life forms. If only the modern day man realized this? And what the ancient cultures could teach us, to help us return to a rebalancing with nature, through a spiritual relationship with all life.

May 6, 2018 – Sunday

This morning I woke up at 5:45 am, and the light of the morning sun seeped through the fog. There was a sweet smell of freshness in the air. We didn’t rise from out sleeping slumber until 7:45 am. The sun was shining giving the lake a shimmering light. And soon the clouds began to roll in once again, like waves in the ocean.

More people are leaving today with the weekend over.

Last night the power went off in the area. Even the rotating beacon from the airport.

With all the nice and expensive fishing boat out here, I thought it would be nice to have one of these fancy boats to fish in, but mostly for observing nature. I was hoping to do this with the canoe we have, but it would be difficult getting the boys into it. And could Takota stay in one place in the canoe with his need to be constantly moving around, and not tipping us all in the drink? Maybe they would know this instinctually to be still? I wish I spent the time working with them when they were pups. They are not really water dogs, or canoe dogs unfortunately.

We stayed in camp all day, just watching nature, and the people. But mostly nature.

Afternoon Entry

It is 3:50 pm and it is raining. It is actually coming down pretty good.

When the rain first started it felt refreshing to me. The outdoors had a smell of freshness to it. There was a lot of thunder going on all around us. I am hoping we don’t get hit by the lightning. Being outside watching the clouds and the rain coming down on the lake, is an amazing scene to see. If the rain comes down any harder and the winds kicking up any stronger, we may have to retreat into the tent.

We are now in the tent, and the rain has stopped. Must have been just a little down pour.

The rain clouds are moving away from us quickly, and then reforming. The thunder is back, and right on top of us with the rain pouring down.

I have been watching these people with their high powered fishing boats going out on the lake during a lighting storm. Maybe they think their fancy boats will protect them? Don’t they know that is really not a good idea being on or near water during a lightning storm, with a higher percentage of getting struck by lightning? And yet, they still go out? If I see lightning strikes, we will be heading for the truck for protection.

Evening Entry

At one point the lightning and thunder were right over us. And quickly passed through. Pretty scary it was. It rained for about an hour and a half then stopped. And of course our tent began leaking.

It turned to clear skies at 7:06 pm for the most part. A few clouds where lingering. It was a beautiful night out.

May, 7, 2018 – Monday

I woke up again at 5:45 am. We got a very small amount of rain in the middle of the night. Before rising, I said, “Good Morning” to the boys. They then came to greet me with their wagging tails, and their loving gestures. Nanook would give me kisses on my face, and Takota with his loving cries and nudges against my body. What a wonderful way to start each and every morning that always sets the mornings for me. I couldn’t ask for anything more. And I give thanks for these wonderful moments experiencing being in nature with the boys.

We got up at 7:00 am, went for our walk so we could stretch, and enjoy the freshness of nature that never seems to get old. And if we are lucky, we might see something interesting while strolling on our walk.

Before our walk, the boys and I were being taunted by a red squirrel in a fir tree in camp with it’s chirping, and flicking of it’s long fluffy tail. What a magnificent way to start the day always being greeted by the sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world. And our only job is to enjoy, and be aware of the beauty and wonders in nature. Something that I give many thanks to each and every day. And in that appreciation is having the boys always with me. They are part of this whole experience.

Back at camp from our walk, I got a campfire going, and the coffee brewing. The skies were filled with the warmth of the sun to the east. High overcast clouds to the west. Then the skies change to mostly cloudy throughout. The boys are relaxing until breakfast is ready. I sit in my chair writing in my journal on whatever comes to mind.

My eye caught a gray heron flying across the lake to the island and landed on a willow. I glassed him or her, then over to the eagle’s nest, then back to the heron’s nests.

This area seems to have the most bird activity so far since our journey had began, and most likely due to it being the mating season. And most of it is playing out on the island that is right in front of us from our camp. We have a front row seat to much of the action with what we get to see before our eyes. I am seeing many birds, raptures, and ducks, and an over abundant population of the very noisy Canadian geese.

Afternoon Entry

We were getting increased cloudiness with rain close at hand. As soon as we got back from the store, it began to lightly shower, and the winds began to pick up. Before it started to rain too much and the possibility of thunder and lightning arriving, I thought it was a good time to take a short afternoon siesta, so the boys and I headed for the dry comforts of the tent. This is one reason I prefer having large tents for our journey. It gives us a little more room for comfort vs. being cramped into a smaller tent. Even the 8 person tent seems too small compared to our 10 person tent.

We may have been in the tent for maybe an hour or so, and felt the warmth of the sun coming through. So we got up to this beautiful day of clear skies and the warmth of the sun. We even saw the turtles doing some afternoon sun bathing on the log.

Evening Entry

I had just noticed it was quiet throughout the area, with only faints sounds of birds calling. Even the geese on the island were quiet.

May 8, 2018 – Tuesday

When we awoke to yet another beautiful morning with only a partly cloudy sky, we decided to sleep in a bit more. We got up at 8:40 pm, took the boys for a walk, then got the fire going, got the coffee going, and soon start cooking a breakfast of beacon, sausage, and eggs,

Afternoon Entry

It was shower time, so I went over to the showers to clean up.

We just hung out at camp. Again, it looked like the afternoon thunder storms were coming in. These storms against the mountains provided a beautiful landscape scene, and then they would pass, creating a sky full of billowing white clouds, creating a continuous master piece against the mountains, and in the reflections against the lake, and against the blue sky.

While I was writing on my laptop, this time, and not on my smart phone, and sitting at my office desk, the picnic table, looking out in nature all around me. I was thinking, what a great office to work at. I had the constant changing weather, the beauty of the lake, the mountains, all the wildlife, and breathing in the fresh air.

May 9, 2018 – Wednesday

We were getting rain on and off during the night, so I had to get up to close the window flaps.

I slept pretty well. We got up at 8:00 am. When we were ready to step outside of the tent, it began raining again, but still a light rain. We went for our morning walk in the pleasant light rain. The cloud cover was low, almost touching the tips of the trees. It was beautiful, breathtaking, with a mystical feel to the surroundings. Everything had a scent of freshness in the air. For a brief moment the sun popped out through the clouds, then disappeared again. Few people get to experience this, even when they are in nature. They have forgotten to truly experience nature in it’s purist forms, because they don’t pay attention to nature with all the chatter they allow to come through in their minds. The habitual thinking becomes more important than the splendor nature provides to us. So many have forgotten to be in the present moment.

This morning doesn’t feel cold, it has a peacefulness to her and allows it to permeate through us, allowing it to be experienced within our being.

Today we will head into town, after breakfast, to do some shopping, contact some Outfitters,

and do some laundry.

When I walked the boys this morning we passed the wooden pier and saw two women fishing at the end of the pier in the morning mist. It looked so peaceful. It would have made a great image. Too bad I didn’t have my camera.

Evening Entry

It can be hard in describing what we feel in nature, we can only describe it through feelings, and not in thoughts. And that can be difficult to do, because we have allowed ourselves to live our lives mostly in thoughts. We see our reality of the world only in thoughts, and not in a truer sense in feelings.

Coming back into camp in the late afternoon from our errands in town, the weather seemed to stable out. So I began getting everything ready for a cooked meal for me and the boys, and to relax a bit. The boys enjoyed lying on the comfortable grass.

All of a sudden I heard a loud bang from thunder above me. So I grabbed the boys and ran to the truck. We hung out in the truck for about a half hour after the rains had subsided. We then went back to camp. I began preparing for dinner, and the rains once again returned. We just sat under the canopy and waited for the rains to stop. It is just part of the joys of living in nature. It is much more enjoyable to go with the flow of nature than try to fight it. Nature will always win. Number on rule in nature, alway respect nature, and what it throws out at us, while simply enjoying it. And though it continued to rain, the evening continued to provide endless beauty.

May 10, 2018 – Thursday

We got up at around 8:00 am, but woke up at around 6:20 am, still feeling the effects of the wine I had drank last night. I was feeling a bit more human by 8:00 am.

I heard a few drops falling on the tent skin, but it stopped once we stepped out of the tent to the outside world. As with every morning, our day would begin with our short morning nature walk. The skies were blue only for a moment, then with a strong force of rain clouds moving towards us. The winds began blowing, pushing the rain our way, and soon will be upon us any moment. The wind had a cold chill to her.

The bad and potentially dangerous weather, with chances of lightning, did not stop people from going out on the lake on their boats. Insane! And if not for the lightening, just being out in the cold wind and rain. In rain, wind, or lightning, they had to be out on their fancy sport fishing boats.

I am not sure if the wine had anything to do with it, but I was having a series of flashbacks of my past. Good memories of family and friends. I thanked them silently in my mind for many special moments growing up. Especially for my family. I really don’t know what my life would have been like with my Dad being alive. I know it would have taken a different turn. But I had a lot of needed support from my siblings during those times, and not having the support of a complete intact family unit without a father. I wanted to write about my family, and how it survived not having a father being part of it, but it would have been a big under taking to write, and all my focus and energy would have gone into writing it.

A bald eagle flew by our camp to go hunting, and was harassed endlessly by the crows and osprey.

The rain finally came, the wind stopped, and the worst seemed to blow around us. Yet the forecast is for more rain all day.

And my tent is still leaking at the same spots along the seams as the other tents. And now along the seam at the floor creating small puddles on the floor. I will try to hold out as long as I can before I have to replace another tent once again.

May 11, 2018 – Friday

This morning when we got up at 7:00 am, we had a little fog hanging over the lake, but dissipated quickly. Nature was providing us with different scenes of her beauty.

Right now it is mostly cloudy, cool, but nice, and no wind.

It had rained on and off all say yesterday and into the evening as predicted. But it was mostly light showers when it did rain.

A couple of loons returned to our part of the lake yesterday, and it was nice seeing them, and hearing their calls. I was told the loons were nesting in a different area and that is why we haven’t seen them much.

I am amazed how these large birds, the gray herons blend in so well into the landscape of the trees.

A turkey vulture flew on to a branch of a dead pine tree next to the eagles nest. The vulture stayed there for about fifteen minutes then flew off. There was no reaction from the eagle nest, or the osprey nest, or the heron nests by the presence of the vulture.

We met a single lady, while she was washing herself at a water faucet. Don’t know why she didn’t use the showers here at the campground? Maybe she didn’t know about them? And for some odd reason, I did not tell her about them. When she saw the boys, she commented on them and wanted to meet them. She was in her late 20s to early 30s. She was very pretty and spoke with a Scottish accent. We talked a bit and I told her what me and the boys were doing. She told me she was looking around Washington for a possible place to live. She was sleeping in her truck, and seemed very comfortable living in this environment. She was carrying a nice bush knife on her belt. A bit later, she was walking by our camp and I asked her if she was interested in seeing the eagle’s nest, and she said, yes, and I showed her the nests of the eagle, osprey, and heron nests. We talked a little more than she left.

May 12, 2018 – Saturday

Another beautiful day in nature. The weather is suppose to be nice all weekend and into next week.

This morning I awoke at 4:45 am this morning. It was beginning to get light already, and the birds are beginning to sing their morning songs. Included were the loons. There is such beauty when the loons give their calls on the lake.

While in camp I saw a woman walk to the pier and then to a campsite across from me. I noticed she was a painter, and I thought I would go over to talk with her. I said “Hello, you must be an artist?” Her response back to me was with a beautiful, warm, and cheerful smile. She asked, if I was a ranger? And I said, “No, just a camper.” We talked a bit about art, and I shared some of my work that I had brought with me. Her name was Stacey. It was a joy talking with her, she was a lovely soul, as well as a good artist.

Last night the boys and I had trout for dinner. The trout was given to us by a couple camping here. The woman loved the boys. They loved when they howled. We enjoyed the trout.

Today we will begin getting most of everything packed up for our departure tomorrow. Obviously the tent is the last thing to get packed up. We will have an approximate 4 hour drive to Idaho. I am looking forward to seeing the beautiful state of Idaho. I will get the gas tank filled up today.

Evening Entry

It is 6:55 pm. It is a beautiful evening and warm out. The campground is quiet and peaceful. I was looking forward to getting into Idaho.

May 13, 2018 – Sunday – Leaving for Idaho

We got up at 7:00 am, it was a beautiful sunny morning for traveling. I got everything packed up taking just shy of three hours. We were on the road by 10:15 am. It took a while going up and down that hillside we were camped on. I will miss this campground, with all the wildlife we got to experience and the beauty of this mountain lake, and her surroundings. The weather could have been better, but it was also perfect.

We also met some nice people on our journey, maybe more, if I made the effort, but this was not the goal. I wanted to spend the time with the boys, and making friends with the natural world. A world, many of us have chosen to ignore, and abuse for our own pleasures, self gratifications, and greed – and gives nothing back for all that she provides to us. How many of us give thanks to Mother Earth, to the Moon, and Sun, and to the Universe?

The boys seem to always brings people to us because of their interesting breed. People always comment how well behaved they are, how well trained they are. I just tell them, “They came that way.” And it is the truth. I did very little training, we were just a perfect match for each other for this journey.
